Beispiel #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Opens the lobby's chat dialog.
 /// </summary>
 private void OpenChatDialog()
     WindowManager.Instance.OpenWindow("GameClient_ChatDialog", () =>
         chatDialog    = GameObject.Find("ChatDialog").GetComponent <ChatDialog>();
         var chatAddon = ClientAPI.GetMasterServerClientAddon <ChatClientAddon>();
         chatDialog.onSendButtonPressed = text =>
             if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text))
                 chatAddon.SendPublicChatMessage("Lobby", text);
         chatAddon.onReceivedPublicChatText = (channel, sender, text) =>
             if (channel == "Lobby")
                 if (chatDialog != null)
                     chatDialog.WriteText(sender + ": " + text);
        private void OpenChatDialog(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
            ContactListItem item = (sender as ListBox).SelectedItem as ContactListItem;

            var user = item.User;

            if (CurrentUser.DialogTable.ContainsKey(user.UserName))
                var dailog = CurrentUser.DialogTable[user.UserName];
                ChatDialog dialog = null;
                if (user.UserName.StartsWith("@@") == true)
                    dialog = new GroupChatDialog(user);
                    dialog = new UserChatDialog(user);
                CurrentUser.DialogTable.Add(user.UserName, dialog);
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Attempts to start a chat dialog with the given <paramref name="npc"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="npc">NPC to start the chat dialog with.</param>
        /// <returns>True if the dialog was started with the <paramref name="npc"/>; otherwise false.</returns>
        public bool StartChat(NPC npc)
            // Check if the chat can be started
            if (!CanStartChat(npc))

            _chattingWith = npc;

            // Tell the client to open the dialog
            using (var pw = ServerPacket.StartChatDialog(npc.MapEntityIndex, ChatDialog.ID))
                _user.Send(pw, ServerMessageType.GUI);

            // Get the first page to use
            var initialPage = ChatDialog.GetInitialDialogItem();

            Debug.Assert(initialPage != null);
            _dialogItem = GetNextDialogPage(initialPage);

            // Tell the user which page to use

Beispiel #4
        public async Task <ChatDialogDTO> CreateDialog(ChatDialogDTO dialog)
            var participant1 = await _unitOfWork.AccountRepository.GetByIdAsync(dialog.ParticipantOneId);

            var participant2 = await _unitOfWork.AccountRepository.GetByIdAsync(dialog.ParticipantTwoId);

            var dl = new ChatDialog
                Participant1 = participant1,
                Participant2 = participant2,
                Messages     = new List <ChatMessage>()

            var createdDialog = _unitOfWork.ChatDialogRepository.Create(dl);
            await _unitOfWork.SaveAsync();

            return(new ChatDialogDTO
                Id = createdDialog.Id,
                ParticipantOneId = createdDialog.Participant1.Id,
                ParticipantTwoId = createdDialog.Participant2.Id,
                Participant1_Hided = dialog.Participant1_Hided,
                Participant2_Hided = dialog.Participant2_Hided,
                ParticipantAvatar = createdDialog.Participant2.CroppedAvatar ?? createdDialog.Participant2.Avatar,
                LastMessageTime = DateTimeOffset.Now
Beispiel #5
        private void ChangeAMode(S.ChangeAMode p)
            AMode = p.Mode;

            switch (p.Mode)
            case AttackMode.Peace:
                ChatDialog.ReceiveChat("[Attack Mode: Peaceful]", ChatType.Hint);

            case AttackMode.Group:
                ChatDialog.ReceiveChat("[Attack Mode: Group]", ChatType.Hint);

            case AttackMode.Guild:
                ChatDialog.ReceiveChat("[Attack Mode: Guild]", ChatType.Hint);

            case AttackMode.EnemyGuild:
                ChatDialog.ReceiveChat("[Attack Mode: Enemy Guild]", ChatType.Hint);

            case AttackMode.RedBrown:
                ChatDialog.ReceiveChat("[Attack Mode: Red+Brown]", ChatType.Hint);

            case AttackMode.All:
                ChatDialog.ReceiveChat("[Attack Mode: All]", ChatType.Hint);
Beispiel #6
    private void PlayRandomDialog(ChatDialog[] dialogs)
        lastDialogTime = Time.time;

        int        choice       = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, dialogs.Length);
        ChatDialog dialogToShow = dialogs[choice];

Beispiel #7
    public void SetNextDialog(ChatDialog dialog)
        nextDialog = dialog;

        if (waitForTrigger != null)
Beispiel #8
    private IEnumerator Show(ChatMission chatEvent)
        this.chatMission = chatEvent;
        chatHeader.text  = "Chat with " + chatEvent.PartnerName;

        currentDialog = chatEvent.startDialog;

        while (true)
            for (int i = 0; i < currentDialog.DialogLines.Length; i++)
                ChatEntry entry = currentDialog.DialogLines[i];

                yield return(waitForTrigger = new ChatWaitForTimeOrTrigger(entry.Delay));

                if (waitForTrigger.IsTriggered())

                ChatEntryObject chatEntryObject = Instantiate(chatEntryPrefab, chatFieldRoot);
                if (entry.SenderType == ChatEntry.Sender.other)
                    chatEntryObject.FadeIn(entry.Message, true, chatEvent.PartnerFace);
                    chatEntryObject.FadeIn(entry.Message, false, chatEvent.MyFace);

            if (currentDialog == chatEvent.endDialog)

            if (nextDialog == null)
                //Have to wait for next dialog
                currentDialog = null;
                yield return(waitForTrigger = new ChatWaitForTrigger());
            currentDialog = nextDialog;
            nextDialog    = null;

        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(chatEvent.TimeToShowUntilLastMessage));

        canvasGroup.DOFade(0, fadeDuration);

        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(fadeDuration));

    // Token: 0x06000A22 RID: 2594 RVA: 0x00040208 File Offset: 0x0003E408
    public void CreatePrivateChat(int cmid)
        ChatDialog chatDialog = null;
        ChatDialog chatDialog2;

        if (this._dialogsByCmid.TryGetValue(cmid, out chatDialog2) && chatDialog2 != null)
            chatDialog = chatDialog2;
            CommActorInfo commActorInfo = null;
            if (PlayerDataManager.IsFriend(cmid) || PlayerDataManager.IsFacebookFriend(cmid))
                CommUser commUser = this._friendUsers.Find((CommUser u) => u.Cmid == cmid);
                if (commUser != null)
                    chatDialog = new ChatDialog(commUser, UserGroups.Friend);
            else if (AutoMonoBehaviour <CommConnectionManager> .Instance.Client.Lobby.TryGetPlayer(cmid, out commActorInfo))
                CommUser       commUser;
                ClanMemberView member;
                if (PlayerDataManager.TryGetClanMember(cmid, out member))
                    commUser = new CommUser(member);
                    commUser = new CommUser(commActorInfo);
                chatDialog = new ChatDialog(commUser, UserGroups.Other);
            if (chatDialog != null)
                this._dialogsByCmid.Add(cmid, chatDialog);
        if (chatDialog != null)
            ChatPageGUI.SelectedTab = TabArea.Private;
            this.SelectedDialog     = chatDialog;
            this.SelectedCmid       = cmid;
            Debug.LogError(string.Format("Player with cmuneID {0} not found in communicator!", cmid));
Beispiel #10
        /// <summary>
        /// if the login packet was successfull, the server sends it back. so we need to open the chat ui.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="packet"></param>
        private void handleLogin(Packet packet)
            ChatDialog form = new ChatDialog(packet.SenderNickname);

            myDialog.Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate()

            //set login dialog to unvisible if successfully logged in
            myDialog.Visible = false;
            myDialog         = form;
Beispiel #11
    // Token: 0x06000AA3 RID: 2723 RVA: 0x0004429C File Offset: 0x0004249C
    private void DoDialogFooter(Rect rect, ChatGroupPanel pane, ChatDialog dialog)
        GUI.BeginGroup(rect, BlueStonez.window_standard_grey38);
        bool enabled = GUI.enabled;

        GUI.enabled &= (!AutoMonoBehaviour <CommConnectionManager> .Instance.Client.Lobby.IsPlayerMuted && dialog != null);
        this._currentChatMessage = GUI.TextField(new Rect(6f, 6f, rect.width - 60f, rect.height - 12f), this._currentChatMessage, 140, BlueStonez.textField);
        this._currentChatMessage = this._currentChatMessage.Trim(new char[]
        if (this._spammingNotificationTime > Time.time)
            GUI.color =;
            GUI.Label(new Rect(15f, 6f, rect.width - 66f, rect.height - 12f), LocalizedStrings.DontSpamTheLobbyChat, BlueStonez.label_interparkmed_10pt_left);
            GUI.color = Color.white;
            string text = string.Empty;
            if (dialog != null && dialog.UserCmid > 0)
                if (dialog.CanChat)
                    text = LocalizedStrings.EnterAMessageHere;
                    text = dialog.UserName + LocalizedStrings.Offline;
                text = LocalizedStrings.EnterAMessageHere;
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this._currentChatMessage) && GUI.GetNameOfFocusedControl() != "@CurrentChatMessage")
                GUI.color = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 0.3f);
                GUI.Label(new Rect(10f, 6f, rect.width - 66f, rect.height - 12f), text, BlueStonez.label_interparkmed_10pt_left);
                GUI.color = Color.white;
        if ((GUITools.Button(new Rect(rect.width - 51f, 6f, 45f, rect.height - 12f), new GUIContent(LocalizedStrings.Send), BlueStonez.buttondark_small) || Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.Return) && !AutoMonoBehaviour <CommConnectionManager> .Instance.Client.Lobby.IsPlayerMuted && this._lastMessageSentTimer > 0.29f)
        GUI.enabled = enabled;
Beispiel #12
    // Token: 0x06000AA1 RID: 2721 RVA: 0x00043F50 File Offset: 0x00042150
    private void DoDialog(Rect rect, ChatGroupPanel pane, ChatDialog dialog)
        if (dialog == null)
        if (dialog.CheckSize(rect) && !Input.GetMouseButton(0))
            this._dialogScroll.y = float.MaxValue;
        GUI.BeginGroup(new Rect(rect.x, rect.y + Mathf.Clamp(rect.height - dialog._heightCache, 0f, rect.height), rect.width, rect.height));
        int   num  = 0;
        float num2 = 0f;

        this._dialogScroll = GUITools.BeginScrollView(new Rect(0f, 0f, dialog._frameSize.x, dialog._frameSize.y), this._dialogScroll, new Rect(0f, 0f, dialog._contentSize.x, dialog._contentSize.y), false, false, true);
        foreach (InstantMessage instantMessage in dialog._msgQueue)
            if (dialog.CanShow == null || dialog.CanShow(instantMessage.Context))
                if (num % 2 == 0)
                    GUI.Label(new Rect(0f, num2, dialog._contentSize.x - 1f, instantMessage.Height), GUIContent.none, BlueStonez.box_grey38);
                if (GUI.Button(new Rect(0f, num2, dialog._contentSize.x - 1f, instantMessage.Height), GUIContent.none, BlueStonez.dropdown_list))
                    this._selectedCmid = instantMessage.Cmid;
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(instantMessage.PlayerName))
                    GUI.color = new Color(0.6f, 0.6f, 0.6f);
                    GUI.Label(new Rect(4f, num2, dialog._contentSize.x - 8f, 20f), instantMessage.Text, BlueStonez.label_interparkbold_11pt_left);
                    GUI.color = this.GetNameColor(instantMessage);
                    GUI.Label(new Rect(4f, num2, dialog._contentSize.x - 8f, 20f), instantMessage.PlayerName + ":", BlueStonez.label_interparkbold_11pt_left);
                    GUI.color = new Color(0.9f, 0.9f, 0.9f);
                    GUI.Label(new Rect(4f, num2 + 20f, dialog._contentSize.x - 8f, instantMessage.Height - 20f), instantMessage.Text, BlueStonez.label_interparkmed_11pt_left);
                GUI.color = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 0.5f);
                GUI.Label(new Rect(4f, num2, dialog._contentSize.x - 8f, 20f), instantMessage.TimeString, BlueStonez.label_interparkmed_10pt_right);
                GUI.color = Color.white;
                num2     += instantMessage.Height;
        dialog._heightCache = num2;
    // Token: 0x06000A28 RID: 2600 RVA: 0x00040950 File Offset: 0x0003EB50
    public ChatDialog AddNewDialog(CommUser user)
        ChatDialog chatDialog = null;

        if (user != null && !this._dialogsByCmid.TryGetValue(user.Cmid, out chatDialog))
            if (PlayerDataManager.IsFriend(user.Cmid) || PlayerDataManager.IsFacebookFriend(user.Cmid))
                chatDialog = new ChatDialog(user, UserGroups.Friend);
                chatDialog = new ChatDialog(user, UserGroups.Other);
            this._dialogsByCmid.Add(user.Cmid, chatDialog);
Beispiel #14
        /// <summary>
        /// If the given <paramref name="page"/> is a dialog-less page, this will skip to the next page
        /// that contains dialog. If the <paramref name="page"/> has dialog, this will just return
        /// that same <paramref name="page"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="page">The page to attempt to skip through.</param>
        /// <returns>The page to use, or null if the dialog has ended.</returns>
        NPCChatDialogItemBase GetNextDialogPage(NPCChatDialogItemBase page)
            // Skip until we find a null page, or we are no longer at a branch
            while (page != null && page.IsBranch)
                // Evaluate the branch to get the response
                var branchResponse = page.EvaluateBranch(_user, _chattingWith);

                // Make sure we execute any actions on the response
                if (branchResponse.Actions != null)
                    foreach (var action in branchResponse.Actions)
                        action.Execute(_user, _chattingWith);

                // Get the next dialog item page from the response
                page = ChatDialog.GetDialogItem(branchResponse.Page);

Beispiel #15
        public GameScene()
            MapControl.AutoRun = false;
            MapControl.AutoHit = false;
            Slaying = false;
            Thrusting = false;
            HalfMoon = false;
            CrossHalfMoon = false;
            DoubleSlash = false;
            TwinDrakeBlade = false;
            FlamingSword = false;


            Scene = this;
            BackColour = Color.Transparent;
            MoveTime = CMain.Time;

            KeyDown += GameScene_KeyDown;

            MainDialog = new MainDialog { Parent = this };
            ChatDialog = new ChatDialog { Parent = this };
            ChatControl = new ChatControlBar { Parent = this };
            InventoryDialog = new InventoryDialog { Parent = this };
            CharacterDialog = new CharacterDialog { Parent = this, Visible = false };
            BeltDialog = new BeltDialog { Parent = this };
            StorageDialog = new StorageDialog { Parent = this, Visible = false };
            MiniMapDialog = new MiniMapDialog { Parent = this };
            InspectDialog = new InspectDialog { Parent = this, Visible = false };
            OptionDialog = new OptionDialog { Parent = this, Visible = false };
            MenuDialog = new MenuDialog { Parent = this, Visible = false };
            NPCDialog = new NPCDialog { Parent = this, Visible = false };
            NPCGoodsDialog = new NPCGoodsDialog { Parent = this, Visible = false };
            NPCDropDialog = new NPCDropDialog { Parent = this, Visible = false };
            NPCAwakeDialog = new NPCAwakeDialog { Parent = this, Visible = false };

            HelpDialog = new HelpDialog { Parent = this, Visible = false };
            MountDialog = new MountDialog { Parent = this, Visible = false };
            FishingDialog = new FishingDialog { Parent = this, Visible = false };
            FishingStatusDialog = new FishingStatusDialog { Parent = this, Visible = false };
            GroupDialog = new GroupDialog { Parent = this, Visible = false };
            GuildDialog = new GuildDialog { Parent = this, Visible = false };
            GuildBuffDialog = new GuildBuffDialog { Parent = this, Visible = false };
            BigMapDialog = new BigMapDialog { Parent = this, Visible = false };
            TrustMerchantDialog = new TrustMerchantDialog { Parent = this, Visible = false };
            CharacterDuraPanel = new CharacterDuraPanel { Parent = this, Visible = false };
            DuraStatusPanel = new DuraStatusDialog { Parent = this, Visible = true };
            TradeDialog = new TradeDialog { Parent = this, Visible = false };
            GuestTradeDialog = new GuestTradeDialog { Parent = this, Visible = false };

            SkillBarDialog = new SkillBarDialog { Parent = this, Visible = false };
            ChatOptionDialog = new ChatOptionDialog { Parent = this, Visible = false };
            ChatNoticeDialog = new ChatNoticeDialog { Parent = this, Visible = false };

            QuestListDialog = new QuestListDialog { Parent = this, Visible = false };
            QuestDetailDialog = new QuestDetailDialog {Parent = this, Visible = false};
            QuestTrackingDialog = new QuestTrackingDialog { Parent = this, Visible = false };
            QuestLogDialog = new QuestDiaryDialog {Parent = this, Visible = false};

            RankingDialog = new RankingDialog { Parent = this, Visible = false };

            MailListDialog = new MailListDialog { Parent = this, Visible = false };
            MailComposeLetterDialog = new MailComposeLetterDialog { Parent = this, Visible = false };
            MailComposeParcelDialog = new MailComposeParcelDialog { Parent = this, Visible = false };
            MailReadLetterDialog = new MailReadLetterDialog { Parent = this, Visible = false };
            MailReadParcelDialog = new MailReadParcelDialog { Parent = this, Visible = false };

            IntelligentCreatureDialog = new IntelligentCreatureDialog { Parent = this, Visible = false };//IntelligentCreature
            IntelligentCreatureOptionsDialog = new IntelligentCreatureOptionsDialog { Parent = this, Visible = false };//IntelligentCreature
            IntelligentCreatureOptionsGradeDialog = new IntelligentCreatureOptionsGradeDialog { Parent = this, Visible = false };//IntelligentCreature

            RefineDialog = new RefineDialog { Parent = this, Visible = false };
            RelationshipDialog = new RelationshipDialog { Parent = this, Visible = false };
            FriendDialog = new FriendDialog { Parent = this, Visible = false };
            MemoDialog = new MemoDialog { Parent = this, Visible = false };
            MentorDialog = new MentorDialog { Parent = this, Visible = false };
            GameShopDialog = new GameShopDialog { Parent = this, Visible = false };

            //not added yet
            KeyboardLayoutDialog = new KeyboardLayoutDialog { Parent = this, Visible = false };


            for (int i = 0; i < OutputLines.Length; i++)
                OutputLines[i] = new MirLabel
                    AutoSize = true,
                    BackColour = Color.Transparent,
                    Font = new Font(Settings.FontName, 10F),
                    ForeColour = Color.LimeGreen,
                    Location = new Point(20, 25 + i * 13),
                    OutLine = true,
Beispiel #16
        protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
            if (disposing)
                Scene = null;
                User = null;

                MoveTime = 0;
                AttackTime = 0;
                NextRunTime = 0;
                CanMove = false;
                CanRun = false;

                MapControl = null;
                MainDialog = null;
                ChatDialog = null;
                ChatControl = null;
                InventoryDialog = null;
                CharacterDialog = null;
                StorageDialog = null;
                BeltDialog = null;
                MiniMapDialog = null;
                InspectDialog = null;
                OptionDialog = null;
                MenuDialog = null;
                NPCDialog = null;
                QuestDetailDialog = null;
                QuestListDialog = null;
                QuestLogDialog = null;
                QuestTrackingDialog = null;
                GameShopDialog = null;
                MentorDialog = null;

                RelationshipDialog = null;
                CharacterDuraPanel = null;
                DuraStatusPanel = null;

                HoverItem = null;
                SelectedCell = null;
                PickedUpGold = false;

                UseItemTime = 0;
                PickUpTime = 0;
                InspectTime = 0;


                AMode = 0;
                PMode = 0;
                Lights = 0;

                NPCTime = 0;
                NPCID = 0;
                DefaultNPCID = 0;

                for (int i = 0; i < OutputLines.Length; i++)
                    if (OutputLines[i] != null && OutputLines[i].IsDisposed)

                OutputMessages = null;

 // Token: 0x06000A29 RID: 2601 RVA: 0x000409C8 File Offset: 0x0003EBC8
 internal void RemoveDialog(ChatDialog d)
     this._otherUsers.RemoveAll((CommUser u) => u.Cmid == d.UserCmid);
     this.SelectedDialog = null;
Beispiel #18
 // Token: 0x06000AA2 RID: 2722 RVA: 0x00008683 File Offset: 0x00006883
 private void DoDialogHeader(Rect rect, ChatDialog d)
     GUI.Label(rect, GUIContent.none, BlueStonez.window_standard_grey38);
     GUI.Label(rect, d.Title, BlueStonez.label_interparkbold_11pt);
Beispiel #19
        public async Task <TeamDTO> FormTeamAsync(ReceiveTeamDTO receivedTeam)
            var currentUser = await _currentUser.GetCurrentUserProfile();

            if (currentUser == null || currentUser.UserRole != Role.Manager)

            var userRepo = uow.GetRepository <UserProfile>();

            List <TeamTranslator>    translators = new List <TeamTranslator>();
            UserProfile              currentTranslator;
            List <DialogParticipant> teamChatDialogParticipants = new List <DialogParticipant>()
                new DialogParticipant()
                    Participant = currentUser

            foreach (var id in receivedTeam.TranslatorIds)
                currentTranslator = await userRepo.GetAsync(id);

                if (currentTranslator != null && currentTranslator.UserRole == Role.Translator)
                    translators.Add(new TeamTranslator
                        UserProfile = currentTranslator

                    if (currentTranslator.Id != currentUser.Id)
                        teamChatDialogParticipants.Add(new DialogParticipant()
                            Participant = currentTranslator

            if (translators.Count < 1)

            Team newTeam = await uow.GetRepository <Team>().CreateAsync(
                new Team()
                TeamTranslators = translators,
                CreatedBy       = currentUser,
                Name            = receivedTeam.Name

            await uow.SaveAsync();

            foreach (var translator in newTeam.TeamTranslators)
                await notificationService.SendNotification(new NotificationDTO
                    SenderId           = currentUser.Id,
                    Message            = $"You received an invitation in team {newTeam.Name}",
                    ReceiverId         = translator.TranslatorId,
                    NotificationAction = NotificationAction.JoinTeam,
                    Payload            = newTeam.Id,
                    Options            = new List <OptionDTO>()
                        new OptionDTO()
                            OptionDefinition = OptionDefinition.Accept
                        new OptionDTO()
                            OptionDefinition = OptionDefinition.Decline

            var teamChatDialog = new ChatDialog()
                DialogName         = newTeam.Name,
                DialogParticipants = teamChatDialogParticipants,
                DialogType         = ChatGroup.chatTeam,
                Identifier         = newTeam.Id
            await uow.GetRepository <ChatDialog>().CreateAsync(teamChatDialog);

            await uow.SaveAsync();

            return(newTeam != null?mapper.Map <TeamDTO>(newTeam) : null);
Beispiel #20
 void Start()
     Instance = this;
Beispiel #21
        /// <summary>
        /// Progresses the chat dialog by using the given <paramref name="responseIndex"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="responseIndex">The index of the response to use for the current dialog page.</param>
        /// <exception cref="Exception">The <see cref="_responseConditionalFailureType"/> is invalid.</exception>
        public void EnterResponse(byte responseIndex)
            // Ensure there is a chat session going on
            if (!IsChatting)
                const string errmsg = "Could not enter response of index `{0}` since there is no chat session active.";
                if (log.IsErrorEnabled)
                    log.ErrorFormat(errmsg, responseIndex);
                Debug.Fail(string.Format(errmsg, responseIndex));

            // Check for a valid range
            if (!_user.Intersects(_chattingWith))
                if (log.IsInfoEnabled)
                    log.Info("Dialog aborted since the User is no longer near the target.");

            // Get the response
            var response = _dialogItem.GetResponse(responseIndex);

            if (response == null)

            Debug.Assert(response.Value == responseIndex, "Something went wrong, and we got the wrong response. lolwtf?");

            // Ensure the selected response index is allowed (response conditionals check)
            if (!response.CheckConditionals(_user, _chattingWith))
#pragma warning disable 162
                switch (_responseConditionalFailureType)
                case ResponseConditionalFailureHandleType.EndDialog:

                case ResponseConditionalFailureHandleType.ResendDialogItem:

                    throw new Exception("Invalid _responseConditionalFailureType.");
#pragma warning restore 162

            // Execute the actions
            if (response.Actions != null)
                foreach (var action in response.Actions)
                    action.Execute(_user, _chattingWith);

            // Get the next page
            var nextPage = ChatDialog.GetDialogItem(response.Page);
            nextPage = GetNextDialogPage(nextPage);

            // Set the new page
            _dialogItem = nextPage;

            // Check if the dialog has ended, otherwise just notify the user of the new page
            if (_dialogItem == null)