Beispiel #1
    IEnumerator Tutorial0()
        sequencePlaying = true;
        playerChatBubble.QueueText(new ChatMessage("Ahh, here I am at last."));
        playerChatBubble.QueueText(new ChatMessage("Ghost Island™!"));
        playerChatBubble.QueueText(new ChatMessage("I suppose I should start following my court order mandate..", 1));
        playerChatBubble.QueueText(new ChatMessage("The sooner I have built this shop, the sooner I can go home!"));
        playerChatBubble.QueueText(new ChatMessage("First thing's first, let's head directly north and go see the empty plot of land.", 1));
        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(22f));

        tutorialIndex   = 1;
        sequencePlaying = false;