private void SetChartTitle(Chart chart)
     chart.Titles.Add(ChartTitleFactory.GetSignalLocationAndDateRange(this.SignalID, this.StartDate, this.EndDate));
     chart.Titles.Add(ChartTitleFactory.GetTitle("Currently showing Force-Offs, Max-Outs and Gap-Outs with a consecutive occurrence of " +
                                                 this.SelectedConsecutiveCount.ToString() + " or more. \n  Pedestrian events are never filtered"));
Beispiel #2
 private void SetChartTitles(Chart chart, MOE.Common.Models.Detector detector)
                          this.SignalID, this.StartDate, this.EndDate));
     chart.Titles.Add(ChartTitleFactory.GetPhaseAndPhaseDescriptions(detector.Approach.ProtectedPhaseNumber, detector.Approach.DirectionType.Description));
     chart.Titles.Add(ChartTitleFactory.GetTitle("Detection Type: " + detector.DetectionHardware.Name + "; Speed Accuracy +/- 2 mph" + "\n" + "Detector Distance from Stop Bar: " + detector.DistanceFromStopBar.ToString() + " feet; "
                                                 + "\n" + "Includes records over 5mph that occur between 15s after start of green to start of yellow."));
Beispiel #3
 private void SetChartTitles(Chart chart, Models.Detector detector)
                          SignalID, StartDate, EndDate));
     chart.Titles.Add(ChartTitleFactory.GetPhaseAndPhaseDescriptions(detector.Approach, false));
     chart.Titles.Add(ChartTitleFactory.GetTitle("Detection Type: " + detector.DetectionHardware.Name +
                                                 "; Speed Accuracy +/- 2 mph" + "\n" +
                                                 "Detector Distance from Stop Bar: " +
                                                 detector.DistanceFromStopBar + " feet; "
                                                 + "\n" +
                                                 "Includes records over 5mph that occur between 15s after start of green to start of yellow."));
Beispiel #4
 private void AddDetectionTypeTitle(ApproachVolume approachVolume)
     if (approachVolume.Detectors.Count > 0)
         Models.Detector d = approachVolume.Detectors.FirstOrDefault();
         if (d.DistanceFromStopBar != null && d.DistanceFromStopBar > 0)
             Chart.Titles.Add(ChartTitleFactory.GetTitle(d.DetectionHardware.Name + " located " + d.DistanceFromStopBar +
                                                         "ft. upstream of the stop bar"));
             Chart.Titles.Add(ChartTitleFactory.GetTitle(d.DetectionHardware.Name + " at stop bar"));
Beispiel #5
        protected void AddDataToChart(Chart chart, List <MOE.Common.Business.ApproachVolume.Approach> approachDirectionCollection, DateTime startDate,
                                      DateTime endDate, string signalId, string direction1, string direction2, ApproachVolumeOptions options, bool useAdvance)
            int      D1vol  = 0;
            int      D2vol  = 0;
            DateTime D1time = new DateTime();
            DateTime D2time = new DateTime();
            SortedDictionary <DateTime, int> D1volumes = new SortedDictionary <DateTime, int>();
            SortedDictionary <DateTime, int> D2volumes = new SortedDictionary <DateTime, int>();

            List <MOE.Common.Business.ApproachVolume.Approach> FilteredApproaches = (from r in approachDirectionCollection
                                                                                     r.Direction == direction1 || r.Direction == direction2
                                                                                     select r).ToList();

            foreach (MOE.Common.Business.ApproachVolume.Approach approachDirection in FilteredApproaches)
                if (useAdvance)
                    approachDirection.SetDetectorEvents(approachDirection.ApproachModel, startDate, endDate, true, false);
                    approachDirection.SetDetectorEvents(approachDirection.ApproachModel, startDate, endDate, false, true);

                approachDirection.SetVolume(startDate, endDate, options.SelectedBinSize);

            if (FilteredApproaches.Count > 0)
                MOE.Common.Models.Detector d = FilteredApproaches[0].Detectors.ApproachCountDetectors[0];

                if (d.DistanceFromStopBar != null && d.DistanceFromStopBar > 0)
                    Chart.Titles.Add(ChartTitleFactory.GetTitle(d.DetectionHardware.Name + " located " + d.DistanceFromStopBar.ToString() + "ft. upstream of the stop bar"));
                    Chart.Titles.Add(ChartTitleFactory.GetTitle(d.DetectionHardware.Name + " at stop bar"));

            foreach (MOE.Common.Business.ApproachVolume.Approach approachDirection in FilteredApproaches)
                if (approachDirection.Volume.Items.Count > 0)
                    foreach (MOE.Common.Business.Volume v in approachDirection.Volume.Items)
                        //add Direction1 volumes
                        if (approachDirection.Direction == direction1)
                            //Add the volumes and times to a collection so we can use them later
                            if (!D1volumes.ContainsKey(v.XAxis))
                                D1volumes.Add(v.XAxis, v.YAxis);
                                D1TotalVolume = (D1TotalVolume + v.DetectorCount);

                        //add Direction2 volumes
                        if (approachDirection.Direction == direction2)
                            //Add the volumes and times to a collection so we can use them later
                            if (!D2volumes.ContainsKey(v.XAxis))
                                D2volumes.Add(v.XAxis, v.YAxis);
                                D2TotalVolume = (D2TotalVolume + v.DetectorCount);

                if (options.ShowSBEBVolume)
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <DateTime, int> vol in D1volumes)
                        //This is the Thicker Solid Red line
                        chart.Series[0].Points.AddXY(vol.Key, vol.Value);

                if (options.ShowNBWBVolume)
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <DateTime, int> vol in D2volumes)
                        //This is the Thicker Solid Blue line
                        chart.Series[1].Points.AddXY(vol.Key, vol.Value);

                //add ratios

                //Match the times in the dir1 colleciton to the dir2 collection so we can get a ratio
                //of the values collected at the same point in time.
                foreach (KeyValuePair <DateTime, int> volRow in D1volumes)
                    D2vol = (from k in D2volumes
                             where DateTime.Compare(k.Key, volRow.Key) == 0
                             select k.Value).FirstOrDefault();

                    D1vol  = volRow.Value;
                    D1time = volRow.Key;

                    if (D1vol > 0 && D2vol > 0)
                        //ratio the values
                        double D1DFactor = Convert.ToDouble(D1vol) / ((Convert.ToDouble(D2vol) + Convert.ToDouble(D1vol)));

                        if (options.ShowDirectionalSplits)
                            //plot the ratio and time on the secondary Y axis
                            //This is the Thin Dashed Red line
                            chart.Series[2].Points.AddXY(D1time, D1DFactor);


                //Match the times in the dir2 colleciton to the dir1 collection so we can get a ratio
                //of the values collected at the same point in time.
                foreach (KeyValuePair <DateTime, int> volRow in D2volumes)
                    D1vol = (from k in D1volumes
                             where DateTime.Compare(k.Key, volRow.Key) == 0
                             select k.Value).FirstOrDefault();

                    D2vol  = volRow.Value;
                    D2time = volRow.Key;

                    if (D2vol > 0 && D1vol > 0)
                        //ratio the values
                        double D2DFactor = Convert.ToDouble(D2vol) / ((Convert.ToDouble(D2vol) + Convert.ToDouble(D1vol)));

                        //plot the ratio and time on the secondary Y axis
                        if (options.ShowDirectionalSplits)
                            //This is the Thin Dashed Blue line
                            chart.Series[3].Points.AddXY(D2time, D2DFactor);

            foreach (Series s in chart.Series)
                List <DataPoint> temppoints = CheckAndCorrectConsecutiveXValues(s.Points);


                foreach (DataPoint d in temppoints)

            if (D1volumes.Count > 0 && D2volumes.Count > 0)
                Table = CreateVolumeMetricsTable(direction1, direction2, D1TotalVolume, D2TotalVolume, D1volumes, D2volumes, options);