Beispiel #1
        public void CharacteristicSetCtor_WithDoubleCharacteristics_CreatesValidCharacteristicSet()
            // Arrange
            uint expectedAutoValue = 1;
            uint expectedBrawn     = 2;

            // Act
            CharacteristicSet testSet = new CharacteristicSet(new List <Characteristic>()
                new Characteristic(CharacteristicEnum.BRAWN, 2, null),
                new Characteristic(CharacteristicEnum.BRAWN, 3, null)

            // Assert
            foreach (Characteristic chara in testSet._characteristicList)
                if (chara._associatedEnum != CharacteristicEnum.BRAWN)
                    Assert.AreEqual(expectedAutoValue, chara._value,
                                    chara._associatedEnum.ToString() + " haven't got the correct value (expected: " + expectedAutoValue + ", assigned: " + chara._value + ")");
                    Assert.AreEqual(expectedBrawn, chara._value,
                                    chara._associatedEnum.ToString() + " haven't got the correct value (expected: " + expectedBrawn + ", assigned: " + chara._value + ")");
Beispiel #2
        public static void Test03IdDoesNotFlow()
            var j = new Job(EnvironmentMode.LegacyJitX64, RunMode.Long); // id will not flow, new Job


            Job.EnvironmentCharacteristic[j] = EnvironmentMode.LegacyJitX86.UnfreezeCopy(); // id will not flow

            var c = new CharacteristicSet(EnvironmentMode.LegacyJitX64, RunMode.Long); // id will not flow, new CharacteristicSet


            Job.EnvironmentCharacteristic[c] = EnvironmentMode.LegacyJitX86.UnfreezeCopy(); // id will not flow

            CharacteristicObject.IdCharacteristic[c] = "MyId"; // id set explicitly
            Assert.Equal("MyId", c.Id);

            j = new Job("MyId", EnvironmentMode.LegacyJitX64, RunMode.Long); // id set explicitly
            Assert.Equal("MyId", j.Id);
            Assert.Equal("MyId", j.Environment.Id);

            Job.EnvironmentCharacteristic[j] = EnvironmentMode.LegacyJitX86.UnfreezeCopy(); // id will not flow
            Assert.Equal("MyId", j.Id);
            Assert.Equal("MyId", j.Environment.Id);

            j = j.With(Jit.RyuJit);  // custom id will flow
            Assert.Equal("MyId", j.Id);
Beispiel #3
        public void TrainCharacteristic_WithValidCharacteristic_IncreasesTheCharacteristicValueBy1()
            // Arrange
            CharacteristicSet testSet = new CharacteristicSet(new List <Characteristic>()
                new Characteristic(CharacteristicEnum.BRAWN, 2, null),
                new Characteristic(CharacteristicEnum.AGILITY, 2, null),
                new Characteristic(CharacteristicEnum.CUNNING, 2, null),
                new Characteristic(CharacteristicEnum.PRESENCE, 2, null),
                new Characteristic(CharacteristicEnum.WILLPOWER, 2, null),
                new Characteristic(CharacteristicEnum.INTELLECT, 2, null)

            uint expectedValue1 = 3;
            uint expectedValue2 = expectedValue1 + 1;

            // Act

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedValue2, testSet.Get(CharacteristicEnum.BRAWN)._value, "BRAWN is not the expected Value after training");
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedValue2, testSet.Get(CharacteristicEnum.AGILITY)._value, "AGILITY is not the expected Value after training");
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedValue1, testSet.Get(CharacteristicEnum.INTELLECT)._value, "INTELLECT is not the expected Value after training");
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedValue1, testSet.Get(CharacteristicEnum.CUNNING)._value, "CUNNING is not the expected Value after training");
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedValue1, testSet.Get(CharacteristicEnum.WILLPOWER)._value, "WILLPOWER is not the expected Value after training");
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedValue1, testSet.Get(CharacteristicEnum.PRESENCE)._value, "PRESENCE is not the expected Value after training");
Beispiel #4
        public void GetCharacteristic_WithEnum_GetsCharacteristic()
            // Arrange
            uint expectedBrawn     = 2;
            uint expectedAgility   = 2;
            uint expectedIntellect = 2;
            uint expectedCunning   = 2;
            uint expectedWillpower = 2;
            uint expectedPresence  = 2;

            // Act
            CharacteristicSet testSet = new CharacteristicSet(new List <Characteristic>()
                new Characteristic(CharacteristicEnum.BRAWN, expectedBrawn, null),
                new Characteristic(CharacteristicEnum.AGILITY, expectedAgility, null),
                new Characteristic(CharacteristicEnum.CUNNING, expectedCunning, null),
                new Characteristic(CharacteristicEnum.PRESENCE, expectedPresence, null),
                new Characteristic(CharacteristicEnum.WILLPOWER, expectedWillpower, null),
                new Characteristic(CharacteristicEnum.INTELLECT, expectedIntellect, null)

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedBrawn, testSet.Get(CharacteristicEnum.BRAWN)._value,
                            "BRAWN is not the expected Value (Expected: " + expectedBrawn + ", is: " + testSet.Get(CharacteristicEnum.BRAWN)._value);
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedAgility, testSet.Get(CharacteristicEnum.AGILITY)._value,
                            "AGILITY is not the expected Value (Expected: " + expectedAgility + ", is: " + testSet.Get(CharacteristicEnum.AGILITY)._value);
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedIntellect, testSet.Get(CharacteristicEnum.INTELLECT)._value,
                            "INTELLECT is not the expected Value (Expected: " + expectedIntellect + ", is: " + testSet.Get(CharacteristicEnum.INTELLECT)._value);
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedCunning, testSet.Get(CharacteristicEnum.CUNNING)._value,
                            "CUNNING is not the expected Value (Expected: " + expectedCunning + ", is: " + testSet.Get(CharacteristicEnum.CUNNING)._value);
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedWillpower, testSet.Get(CharacteristicEnum.WILLPOWER)._value,
                            "WILLPOWER is not the expected Value (Expected: " + expectedWillpower + ", is: " + testSet.Get(CharacteristicEnum.WILLPOWER)._value);
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedPresence, testSet.Get(CharacteristicEnum.PRESENCE)._value,
                            "PRESENCE is not the expected Value (Expected: " + expectedPresence + ", is: " + testSet.Get(CharacteristicEnum.PRESENCE)._value);
        public static void Test03IdDoesNotFlow()
            var j = new Job(EnvMode.LegacyJitX64, RunMode.Long); // id will not flow, new Job


            Job.EnvCharacteristic[j] = EnvMode.LegacyJitX86.UnfreezeCopy(); // id will not flow

            var c = new CharacteristicSet(EnvMode.LegacyJitX64, RunMode.Long); // id will not flow, new CharacteristicSet


            Job.EnvCharacteristic[c] = EnvMode.LegacyJitX86.UnfreezeCopy(); // id will not flow

            CharacteristicObject.IdCharacteristic[c] = "MyId"; // id set explicitly
            Equal(c.Id, "MyId");

            j = new Job("MyId", EnvMode.LegacyJitX64, RunMode.Long); // id set explicitly
            Equal(j.Id, "MyId");
            Equal(j.Env.Id, "MyId");

            Job.EnvCharacteristic[j] = EnvMode.LegacyJitX86.UnfreezeCopy(); // id will not flow
            Equal(j.Id, "MyId");
            Equal(j.Env.Id, "MyId");

            j = j.With(Jit.RyuJit);  // id will not flow
Beispiel #6
        public void CharacteristicSetCtor_WithAllValidCharacteristics_CreatesValidCharacteristicSet()
            // Arrange
            uint expectedValue = 2;

            // Act
            CharacteristicSet testSet = new CharacteristicSet(new List <Characteristic>()
                new Characteristic(CharacteristicEnum.BRAWN, 2, null),
                new Characteristic(CharacteristicEnum.AGILITY, 2, null),
                new Characteristic(CharacteristicEnum.CUNNING, 2, null),
                new Characteristic(CharacteristicEnum.PRESENCE, 2, null),
                new Characteristic(CharacteristicEnum.WILLPOWER, 2, null),
                new Characteristic(CharacteristicEnum.INTELLECT, 2, null)

            // Assert
            foreach (Characteristic chara in testSet._characteristicList)
                if (chara._associatedEnum != CharacteristicEnum.BRAWN)
                    Assert.AreEqual(expectedValue, chara._value,
                                    chara._associatedEnum.ToString() + " haven't got the correct value (expected: " + expectedValue + ", assigned: " + chara._value + ")");
                Assert.IsTrue(testSet._characteristicList.Count == 6,
                              "The testSet has the wrong number of elements (Expected: 6, Added: " + testSet._characteristicList.Count + ")");
        public static void Test05ApplyCharacteristicSet()
            var set1 = new CharacteristicSet();
            var set2 = new CharacteristicSet();

                new EnvMode
                Platform = Platform.X64
                new Job
                Run =
                    LaunchCount = 2
                Env =
                    Platform = Platform.X86
            AssertProperties(set1, "LaunchCount=2, Platform=X86");
            Equal(Job.EnvCharacteristic[set1].Platform, Platform.X86);
            Equal(set1.HasValue(Job.EnvCharacteristic), true);
            Equal(EnvMode.PlatformCharacteristic[set1], Platform.X86);

            set2.Apply(EnvMode.RyuJitX64).Apply(new GcMode {
                Concurrent = true
            Equal(Job.RunCharacteristic[set2], null);
            Equal(set2.HasValue(Job.RunCharacteristic), false);
            AssertProperties(set2, "Concurrent=True, Jit=RyuJit, Platform=X64");

            var temp = set1.UnfreezeCopy();

            AssertProperties(set1, "Concurrent=True, Jit=RyuJit, LaunchCount=2, Platform=X64");
            AssertProperties(set2, "Concurrent=True, Jit=RyuJit, LaunchCount=2, Platform=X86");

            var j = new Job();

            AssertProperties(j, "Default");

            AssertProperties(j, "Concurrent=True");

            AssertProperties(j, "Concurrent=True, LaunchCount=2");

            AssertProperties(j, "Jit=RyuJit, Platform=X64, Concurrent=True, LaunchCount=2");

            AssertProperties(j, "Jit=RyuJit, Platform=X64, Concurrent=True, LaunchCount=2");
Beispiel #8
        public static InfrastructureMode Parse(CharacteristicSet set)
            var mode = new InfrastructureMode();

            mode.Toolchain = mode.Toolchain.Mutate(set);
            mode.Clock     = mode.Clock.Mutate(set);
            mode.Engine    = mode.Engine.Mutate(set);
Beispiel #9
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Helper Methods
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        private int SumValues(CharacteristicSet testSet)
            int sumValues = 0;

            foreach (Characteristic chara in testSet._characteristicList)
                sumValues += (int)chara._value;
Beispiel #10
        public static GcMode Parse(CharacteristicSet set)
            var mode = new GcMode();

            mode.Server                = mode.Server.Mutate(set);
            mode.Concurrent            = mode.Concurrent.Mutate(set);
            mode.CpuGroups             = mode.CpuGroups.Mutate(set);
            mode.Force                 = mode.Force.Mutate(set);
            mode.AllowVeryLargeObjects = mode.AllowVeryLargeObjects.Mutate(set);
Beispiel #11
        public static EnvMode Parse(CharacteristicSet set)
            var mode = new EnvMode();

            mode.Platform = mode.Platform.Mutate(set);
            mode.Jit      = mode.Jit.Mutate(set);
            mode.Runtime  = mode.Runtime.Mutate(set);
            mode.Affinity = mode.Affinity.Mutate(set);
            mode.Gc       = GcMode.Parse(set);
        public static RunMode Parse(CharacteristicSet set)
            var mode = new RunMode();

            mode.RunStrategy     = mode.RunStrategy.Mutate(set);
            mode.LaunchCount     = mode.LaunchCount.Mutate(set);
            mode.WarmupCount     = mode.WarmupCount.Mutate(set);
            mode.TargetCount     = mode.TargetCount.Mutate(set);
            mode.IterationTime   = mode.IterationTime.Mutate(set);
            mode.InvocationCount = mode.InvocationCount.Mutate(set);
Beispiel #13
        public static AccuracyMode Parse(CharacteristicSet set)
            var mode = new AccuracyMode();

            mode.MaxStdErrRelative      = mode.MaxStdErrRelative.Mutate(set);
            mode.MinIterationTime       = mode.MinIterationTime.Mutate(set);
            mode.MinInvokeCount         = mode.MinInvokeCount.Mutate(set);
            mode.EvaluateOverhead       = mode.EvaluateOverhead.Mutate(set);
            mode.RemoveOutliers         = mode.RemoveOutliers.Mutate(set);
            mode.AnaylyzeLaunchVariance = mode.AnaylyzeLaunchVariance.Mutate(set);
Beispiel #14
        public static Job Parse(CharacteristicSet set, bool clearId = true)
            var job = new Job();

            if (!clearId)
                job.Id = job.Id.Mutate(set);
            job.Env            = EnvMode.Parse(set);
            job.Run            = RunMode.Parse(set);
            job.Infrastructure = InfrastructureMode.Parse(set);
            job.Accuracy       = AccuracyMode.Parse(set);
Beispiel #15
        public void CharacteristicSetCtor_WithNull_CreatesCharacteristicSetWithAll1()
            // Arrange
            uint expectedValue = 1;

            // Act
            CharacteristicSet testSet = new CharacteristicSet();

            // Assert
            foreach (Characteristic chara in testSet._characteristicList)
                Assert.AreEqual(expectedValue, chara._value,
                                chara._associatedEnum.ToString() + " haven't got the correct value (expected: " + expectedValue + ", assigned: " + chara._value + ")");
Beispiel #16
        public void RandomCharacteristicSet_WithValue6_CreatesValidCharacteristicSet()
            // Arrange
            int testValue = 6;
            int minValue  = 6;
            int maxValue  = 6;

            for (int i = 0; i < TEST_COUNT; ++i)
                // Act
                CharacteristicSet testSet = CharacteristicFactory.RandomCharacteristicSet(testValue);

                // Assert
                Assert.IsTrue(SumValues(testSet) >= minValue && SumValues(testSet) <= maxValue, "An invalid sum of characteristics was created (" + SumValues(testSet) + ")");
Beispiel #17
        public void CharacteristicSetCtor_WithInvalidCharacteristics_CreatesValidCharacteristicSet()
            // Arrange
            uint expectedAutoValue = 1;

            // Act
            CharacteristicSet testSet = new CharacteristicSet(new List <Characteristic>()
                new Characteristic(CharacteristicEnum.BRAWN, 0, null),
                new Characteristic(CharacteristicEnum.CUNNING, 6, null)

            // Assert
            foreach (Characteristic chara in testSet._characteristicList)
                Assert.AreEqual(expectedAutoValue, chara._value,
                                chara._associatedEnum.ToString() + " haven't got the correct value (expected: " + expectedAutoValue + ", assigned: " + chara._value + ")");
Beispiel #18
        public void TrainCharacteristic_WithMaxedCharacteristic_DoesNotIncreasesTheCharacteristic()
            // Arrange
            CharacteristicSet testSet = new CharacteristicSet(new List <Characteristic>()
                new Characteristic(CharacteristicEnum.BRAWN, 5, null),
                new Characteristic(CharacteristicEnum.AGILITY, 2, null),
                new Characteristic(CharacteristicEnum.CUNNING, 2, null),
                new Characteristic(CharacteristicEnum.PRESENCE, 2, null),
                new Characteristic(CharacteristicEnum.WILLPOWER, 2, null),
                new Characteristic(CharacteristicEnum.INTELLECT, 2, null)

            uint expectedValue = 5;

            // Act

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedValue, testSet.Get(CharacteristicEnum.BRAWN)._value, "BRAWN is not the expected Value after training");
        public static void Test06CharacteristicHacks()
            var j = new Job();

            Equal(j.Run.TargetCount, 0);

            RunMode.TargetCountCharacteristic[j] = 123;
            Equal(j.Run.TargetCount, 123);

            var old = j.Run;

            Job.RunCharacteristic[j] = new RunMode();
            Equal(j.Run.TargetCount, 0);

            Job.RunCharacteristic[j] = old;
            old.TargetCount          = 234;
            Equal(j.Run.TargetCount, 234);
            Equal(RunMode.TargetCountCharacteristic[j], 234);

            Characteristic a = Job.RunCharacteristic;

            // will not throw:
            a[j] = new RunMode();
            Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() => a[j] = null);                    // nulls for job nodes are not allowed;
            Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() => a[j] = Characteristic.EmptyValue);
            Throws <ArgumentException>(() => a[j]     = new EnvMode());           // not assignable;
            Throws <ArgumentException>(() => a[j]     = new CharacteristicSet()); // not assignable;
            Throws <ArgumentException>(() => a[j]     = 123);                     // not assignable;

            a = InfrastructureMode.ToolchainCharacteristic;
            // will not throw:
            a[j] = CsProjClassicNetToolchain.Net46;
            a[j] = null;
            a[j] = Characteristic.EmptyValue;
            Throws <ArgumentException>(() => a[j] = new EnvMode());           // not assignable;
            Throws <ArgumentException>(() => a[j] = new CharacteristicSet()); // not assignable;
            Throws <ArgumentException>(() => a[j] = 123);                     // not assignable;
Beispiel #20
        public static void Test06CharacteristicHacks()
            var j = new Job();

            Assert.Equal(0, j.Run.IterationCount);

            RunMode.IterationCountCharacteristic[j] = 123;
            Assert.Equal(123, j.Run.IterationCount);

            var old = j.Run;

            Job.RunCharacteristic[j] = new RunMode();
            Assert.Equal(0, j.Run.IterationCount);

            Job.RunCharacteristic[j] = old;
            old.IterationCount       = 234;
            Assert.Equal(234, j.Run.IterationCount);
            Assert.Equal(234, RunMode.IterationCountCharacteristic[j]);

            Characteristic a = Job.RunCharacteristic;

            // will not throw:
            a[j] = new RunMode();
            Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() => a[j] = null);                    // nulls for job nodes are not allowed;
            Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() => a[j] = Characteristic.EmptyValue);
            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => a[j]     = new EnvironmentMode());   // not assignable;
            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => a[j]     = new CharacteristicSet()); // not assignable;
            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => a[j]     = 123);                     // not assignable;

            a = InfrastructureMode.ToolchainCharacteristic;
            // will not throw:
            a[j] = CsProjClassicNetToolchain.Net46;
            a[j] = null;
            a[j] = Characteristic.EmptyValue;
            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => a[j] = new EnvironmentMode());   // not assignable;
            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => a[j] = new CharacteristicSet()); // not assignable;
            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => a[j] = 123);                     // not assignable;
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a copy of the given character
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="other">if null, a default character is created</param>
        public PAPICharacter(PAPICharacter other) : this()
            if (other == null)

            _archetype         = other._archetype;
            _species           = new Species(other._species);
            _soak              = new Value(other._soak);
            _health            = new ThresholdValue(other._health);
            _defense           = new Defense(other._defense);
            _characteristics   = new CharacteristicSet(other._characteristics);
            _equipment         = new Equipment(other._equipment);
            _inventory         = new Inventory(other._inventory);
            _skillSet          = new List <PAPISkill>(other._skillSet);
            _abilities         = new List <Ability>(other._abilities);
            _career            = new Career(other._career);
            _appearance        = new CharacterAppearance(other._appearance);
            _gender            = other._gender;
            _genderPreferences = new List <GenderEnum>(other._genderPreferences);

            WfLogger.Log(this, LogLevel.DETAILED, "Created new Character from another");
        public UniqueRival(string _archetype, Species _species, Value _soak, ThresholdValue _health, Defense _defense, CharacteristicSet _characteristics,
                           Equipment _equipment, Inventory _inventory, List <PAPISkill> _skillSet, List <Ability> _abilities, Career _career, CharacterAppearance _appearance,
                           GenderEnum _gender, List <GenderEnum> _genderPreferences, int _relationshipToParty, List <CriticalInjury> _criticalInjuries, string _name,
                           MotivationSet _motivationSet) :
            base(_archetype, _species, _soak, _health, _defense, _characteristics, _equipment, _inventory, _skillSet, _abilities, _career, _appearance, _gender,
                 _genderPreferences, _relationshipToParty, _criticalInjuries)
            this._name          = (_name == null || _name == "") ? "NOT_VALID" : _name;
            this._motivationSet = (_motivationSet == null) ? new MotivationSet() : _motivationSet;

            WfLogger.Log(this, LogLevel.DETAILED, "Created new Unique Rival: " + this._name);
Beispiel #23
        public PlayerCharacter(string _archetype, Species _species, Value _soak, ThresholdValue _health, Defense _defense, CharacteristicSet _characteristics,
                               Equipment _equipment, Inventory _inventory, List <PAPISkill> _skillSet, List <Ability> _abilities, Career _career, CharacterAppearance _appearance,
                               GenderEnum _gender, List <GenderEnum> _genderPreferences, string _name, MotivationSet _motivationSet, List <CriticalInjury> _criticalInjuries,
                               ThresholdValue _strain, List <SkillEnum> _careerSkills) :
            base(_archetype, _species, _soak, _health, _defense, _characteristics, _equipment, _inventory, _skillSet, _abilities, _career, _appearance, _gender,
            this._name             = (_name == null || _name == "") ? "NOT_VALID" : _name;
            this._motivationSet    = (_motivationSet == null) ? new MotivationSet() : _motivationSet;
            this._criticalInjuries = (_criticalInjuries == null) ? new List <CriticalInjury>() : _criticalInjuries;
            this._strain           = (_strain == null) ? SpeciesHandler.GetInitialStrain(this._species._enum) : _strain;
            this._careerSkills     = (_careerSkills == null) ? new List <SkillEnum>() : _careerSkills;

            WfLogger.Log(this, LogLevel.DETAILED, "Created new PlayerCharacter " + this._name);
Beispiel #24
        public MinionGroup(string _archetype, Species _species, Value _soak, ThresholdValue _health, Defense _defense, CharacteristicSet _characteristics,
                           Equipment _equipment, Inventory _inventory, List <PAPISkill> _skillSet, List <Ability> _abilities, Career _career, CharacterAppearance _appearance,
                           GenderEnum _gender, List <GenderEnum> _genderPreferences, int _relationshipToParty, uint _groupSize) :
            base(_archetype, _species, _soak, _health, _defense, _characteristics, _equipment, _inventory, _skillSet, _abilities, _career, _appearance, _gender,
                 _genderPreferences, _relationshipToParty)
            this._groupSize = _groupSize;

            WfLogger.Log(this, LogLevel.DETAILED, "Created new Minion Group");
        public Nemesis(string _archetype, Species _species, Value _soak, ThresholdValue _health, Defense _defense, CharacteristicSet _characteristics,
                       Equipment _equipment, Inventory _inventory, List <PAPISkill> _skillSet, List <Ability> _abilities, Career _career, CharacterAppearance _appearance,
                       GenderEnum _gender, List <GenderEnum> _genderPreferences, int _relationshipToParty, List <CriticalInjury> _criticalInjuries, string _name,
                       MotivationSet _motivationSet, ThresholdValue _strain) :
            base(_archetype, _species, _soak, _health, _defense, _characteristics, _equipment, _inventory, _skillSet, _abilities, _career, _appearance, _gender,
                 _genderPreferences, _relationshipToParty, _criticalInjuries, _name, _motivationSet)
            this._strain = (_strain == null || _strain._threshold == 0) ? new ThresholdValue(SpeciesHandler.GetInitialStrain(this._species._enum)) : _strain;

            WfLogger.Log(this, LogLevel.DETAILED, "Created new Nemesis " + this._name);
Beispiel #26
 public JobMutator Add(CharacteristicSet set)
Beispiel #27
        public NonPlayerCharacter(string _archetype, Species _species, Value _soak, ThresholdValue _health, Defense _defense, CharacteristicSet _characteristics,
                                  Equipment _equipment, Inventory _inventory, List <PAPISkill> _skillSet, List <Ability> _abilities, Career _career, CharacterAppearance _appearance,
                                  GenderEnum _gender, List <GenderEnum> _genderPreferences, int _relationshipToParty) :
            base(_archetype, _species, _soak, _health, _defense, _characteristics, _equipment, _inventory, _skillSet, _abilities, _career, _appearance, _gender,
            _relationshipToParty      = (_relationshipToParty < -100) ? -100 : _relationshipToParty;
            this._relationshipToParty = (_relationshipToParty > 100) ? 100 : _relationshipToParty;

            WfLogger.Log(this, LogLevel.DETAILED, "Created new NPC (Relationship to Party = " + this._relationshipToParty + ")");
Beispiel #28
        public Rival(string _archetype, Species _species, Value _soak, ThresholdValue _health, Defense _defense, CharacteristicSet _characteristics,
                     Equipment _equipment, Inventory _inventory, List <PAPISkill> _skillSet, List <Ability> _abilities, Career _career, CharacterAppearance _appearance,
                     GenderEnum _gender, List <GenderEnum> _genderPreferences, int _relationshipToParty, List <CriticalInjury> _criticalInjuries) :
            base(_archetype, _species, _soak, _health, _defense, _characteristics, _equipment, _inventory, _skillSet, _abilities, _career, _appearance, _gender,
                 _genderPreferences, _relationshipToParty)
            this._criticalInjuries = (_criticalInjuries == null) ? new List <CriticalInjury>() : _criticalInjuries;

            WfLogger.Log(this, LogLevel.DETAILED, "Created new Rival");
        public static void Test06CharacteristicHacks()
            var j = new Job();
            Equal(j.Run.TargetCount, 0);

            RunMode.TargetCountCharacteristic[j] = 123;
            Equal(j.Run.TargetCount, 123);

            var old = j.Run;
            Job.RunCharacteristic[j] = new RunMode();
            Equal(j.Run.TargetCount, 0);

            Job.RunCharacteristic[j] = old;
            old.TargetCount = 234;
            Equal(j.Run.TargetCount, 234);
            Equal(RunMode.TargetCountCharacteristic[j], 234);

            Characteristic a = Job.RunCharacteristic;
            // will not throw:
            a[j] = new RunMode();
            Throws<ArgumentNullException>(() => a[j] = null); // nulls for job nodes are not allowed;
            Throws<ArgumentNullException>(() => a[j] = Characteristic.EmptyValue);
            Throws<ArgumentException>(() => a[j] = new EnvMode()); // not assignable;
            Throws<ArgumentException>(() => a[j] = new CharacteristicSet()); // not assignable;
            Throws<ArgumentException>(() => a[j] = 123); // not assignable;

            a = InfrastructureMode.ToolchainCharacteristic;
            // will not throw:
            a[j] = ClassicToolchain.Instance;
            a[j] = null;
            a[j] = Characteristic.EmptyValue;
            Throws<ArgumentException>(() => a[j] = new EnvMode()); // not assignable;
            Throws<ArgumentException>(() => a[j] = new CharacteristicSet()); // not assignable;
            Throws<ArgumentException>(() => a[j] = 123); // not assignable;
        public static void Test05ApplyCharacteristicSet()
            var set1 = new CharacteristicSet();
            var set2 = new CharacteristicSet();

                    new EnvMode
                        Platform = Platform.X64
                    new Job
                        Run =
                            LaunchCount = 2
                        Env =
                            Platform = Platform.X86
            AssertProperties(set1, "LaunchCount=2, Platform=X86");
            Equal(Job.EnvCharacteristic[set1].Platform, Platform.X86);
            Equal(set1.HasValue(Job.EnvCharacteristic), true);
            Equal(EnvMode.PlatformCharacteristic[set1], Platform.X86);

            set2.Apply(EnvMode.RyuJitX64).Apply(new GcMode { Concurrent = true });
            Equal(Job.RunCharacteristic[set2], null);
            Equal(set2.HasValue(Job.RunCharacteristic), false);
            AssertProperties(set2, "Concurrent=True, Jit=RyuJit, Platform=X64");

            var temp = set1.UnfreezeCopy();
            AssertProperties(set1, "Concurrent=True, Jit=RyuJit, LaunchCount=2, Platform=X64");
            AssertProperties(set2, "Concurrent=True, Jit=RyuJit, LaunchCount=2, Platform=X86");

            var j = new Job();
            AssertProperties(j, "Default");

            AssertProperties(j, "Concurrent=True");

            AssertProperties(j, "Concurrent=True, LaunchCount=2");

            AssertProperties(j, "Jit=RyuJit, Platform=X64, Concurrent=True, LaunchCount=2");

            AssertProperties(j, "Jit=RyuJit, Platform=X64, Concurrent=True, LaunchCount=2");
        public static void Test03IdDoesNotFlow()
            var j = new Job(EnvMode.LegacyJitX64, RunMode.Long); // id will not flow, new Job

            Job.EnvCharacteristic[j] = EnvMode.LegacyJitX86.UnfreezeCopy(); // id will not flow

            var c = new CharacteristicSet(EnvMode.LegacyJitX64, RunMode.Long); // id will not flow, new CharacteristicSet

            Job.EnvCharacteristic[c] = EnvMode.LegacyJitX86.UnfreezeCopy(); // id will not flow

            JobMode.IdCharacteristic[c] = "MyId"; // id set explicitly
            Equal(c.Id, "MyId");

            j = new Job("MyId", EnvMode.LegacyJitX64, RunMode.Long); // id set explicitly
            Equal(j.Id, "MyId");
            Equal(j.Env.Id, "MyId");

            Job.EnvCharacteristic[j] = EnvMode.LegacyJitX86.UnfreezeCopy(); // id will not flow
            Equal(j.Id, "MyId");
            Equal(j.Env.Id, "MyId");

            j = j.With(Jit.RyuJit);  // id will not flow
        public PAPICharacter(string _archetype, Species _species, Value _soak, ThresholdValue _health, Defense _defense, CharacteristicSet _characteristics,
                             Equipment _equipment, Inventory _inventory, List <PAPISkill> _skillSet, List <Ability> _abilities, Career _career, CharacterAppearance _appearance,
                             GenderEnum _gender, List <GenderEnum> _genderPreferences)
            this._archetype       = (_archetype == null || _archetype == "") ? "Townspeople" : _archetype;
            this._species         = (_species == null) ? SpeciesHandler.GetSpecies(SpeciesEnum.HUMAN) : _species;
            this._soak            = (_soak == null) ? new Value(0, null) : _soak;
            this._characteristics = (_characteristics == null) ? new CharacteristicSet() : _characteristics;
            this._health          = (_health == null) ?
                                    new ThresholdValue(SpeciesHandler.GetInitialHealth(this._species._enum)) : _health;
            this._defense           = (_defense == null) ? new Defense(0, null, 0, null) : _defense;
            this._equipment         = (_equipment == null) ? new Equipment(null, null, null, null) : _equipment;
            this._inventory         = (_inventory == null) ? new Inventory(null, null) : _inventory;
            this._skillSet          = (_skillSet == null) ? new List <PAPISkill>() : _skillSet;
            this._abilities         = (_abilities == null) ? new List <Ability>() : _abilities;
            this._career            = _career;
            this._appearance        = (_appearance == null) ? new CharacterAppearance(SpeciesHandler.GetAverageAppearance(this._species._enum)) : _appearance;
            this._gender            = _gender;
            this._genderPreferences = (_genderPreferences == null || _genderPreferences.Count == 0) ? new List <GenderEnum>()
            } : _genderPreferences;

            WfLogger.Log(this, LogLevel.DETAILED, "Created new Character (" + this._species._enum +
                         " " + this._archetype + ")");