// Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
         * Enemy in combat mode will move to the target and attack auto
        float distance = Vector3.Distance(target.position, transform.position);

        if (distance <= lookRadius)
            // Enemy move to target direction

            // if enemy is at shorter distance than stoppingDistance of the target of at least 0.2f
            if (distance <= agent.stoppingDistance + margin)
                // Attack the target
                CharacterStatsBin targetStats = target.GetComponent <CharacterStatsBin>();
                if (targetStats != null)

                // Face the target
 void PerformAttack()
     Debug.Log("Call Player PerformAttack");
     if (focus != null)
         CharacterStatsBin targetStats = focus.GetComponent <CharacterStatsBin>();
    // Coroutine to delay the damage for the animation
    IEnumerator DoDamage(CharacterStatsBin stats, float delay)
        // wait animation delay
        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(delay));

        // apply damage

        // if target is dead
        if (stats.CurrentHealth <= 0)
            // then you are no more in combat after 2 secondes
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(2));

            InCombat = true;
    public void Attack(CharacterStatsBin targetStats)
        // if it's time to attack then attack
        if (attackCooldown <= 0f)
            // delaying the animation
            StartCoroutine(DoDamage(targetStats, attackDelay));

            // start the attack animation

            // bigger is the attackspeed, smaller the cooldown is
            attackCooldown = 1f / attackSpeed;

            // still in combat
            InCombat       = true;
            lastAttackTime = Time.time;
    // move to combat !!!
    void AutoAttack()
        float distance = Vector3.Distance(focus.transform.position, transform.position);

        if (distance <= radius)
            // Attack the target
            CharacterStatsBin targetStats = focus.GetComponent <CharacterStatsBin>();
            if (targetStats != null)
                //InvokeRepeating("PerformAttack", 1, PlayerManager.instance.PlayerStats.AttackSpeed.GetValue());

             * {
             *  CancelInvoke();
             * }*/
 private void Start()
     myStats = GetComponent <CharacterStatsBin>();