public static bool AwakePrefix(CharacterQuickSlotManager __instance, ref QuickSlot[] ___m_quickSlots, ref Character ___m_character, ref Transform ___m_quickslotTrans)
     ___m_character      = __instance.GetComponent <Character>();
     ___m_quickslotTrans = __instance.transform.Find("QuickSlots");
     // Add our 8 QuickSlots
     for (var x = 0; x < ExtendedQuickslots.numSlots; ++x)
         // Create a GameObject with a name that shouldn't overlap with anything else
         GameObject gameObject = new GameObject(string.Format("EXQS_{0}", x));
         // Add a QuickSlot object and set the name based on how the client will process it
         QuickSlot qs = gameObject.AddComponent <QuickSlot>(); = string.Format("{0}", x + 12);
         // Set the parent so the code below will find the new objects and treat them like the originals
     QuickSlot[] componentsInChildren = ___m_quickslotTrans.GetComponentsInChildren <QuickSlot>();
     ___m_quickSlots = new QuickSlot[componentsInChildren.Length];
     for (int i = 0; i < componentsInChildren.Length; i++)
         int num = int.Parse(componentsInChildren[i].name);
         ___m_quickSlots[num - 1]       = componentsInChildren[i];
         ___m_quickSlots[num - 1].Index = num - 1;
     for (int j = 0; j < ___m_quickSlots.Length; j++)
 private void ClearSkillBar(CharacterQuickSlotManager qsManager)
     for (int i = 0; i < numSlots; i++)
Beispiel #3
        static bool CharacterQuickSlotManager_Awake_Pre(CharacterQuickSlotManager __instance)
            #region quit
            if (!_extraGamepadQuickslots)

Beispiel #4
            public static void Prefix(CharacterQuickSlotManager __instance, ref Transform ___m_quickslotTrans)
                var self = __instance;

                var trans = self.transform.Find("QuickSlots");

                ___m_quickslotTrans = trans;
                for (int i = 0; i < SlotsToAdd; i++)
                    GameObject gameObject = new GameObject($"EQS_{i}");
                    QuickSlot  qs         = gameObject.AddComponent <QuickSlot>();
           = "" + (i + 12);
Beispiel #5
            public static void Prefix(CharacterQuickSlotManager __instance)
                var self = __instance;

                Transform m_quickslotTrans = self.transform.Find("QuickSlots");

                At.SetValue(m_quickslotTrans, typeof(CharacterQuickSlotManager), self, "m_quickslotTrans");
                for (int x = 0; x < settings.NumberOfQuickSlotsToAdd; x++)
                    GameObject gameObject = new GameObject(string.Format("EXQS_{0}", x));
                    QuickSlot  qs         = gameObject.AddComponent <QuickSlot>();
           = "" + (x + 12);
 public static void PostQuickSlotInput(CharacterQuickSlotManager __instance, int _index)
         Character   m_character  = (Character)AccessTools.Field(typeof(CharacterQuickSlotManager), "m_character").GetValue(__instance);
         QuickSlot[] m_quickSlots = (QuickSlot[])AccessTools.Field(typeof(CharacterQuickSlotManager), "m_quickSlots").GetValue(__instance);
         var         ext          = m_quickSlots[_index]?.RegisteredItem?.GetComponent <QuickSlotSetExt>();
         if (m_quickSlots[_index] != null && ext != null && ext.Slots.Count > 0)
             foreach (var qs in ext.Slots)
                 Item skill = m_character.Inventory.SkillKnowledge.GetItemFromItemID(qs.ItemID);
                 if (qs.ItemID == -1)
                 else if (skill != null)
                     __instance.SetQuickSlot(qs.Index, skill);
                     Item it = m_character.Inventory.GetOwnedItems(qs.ItemID).FirstOrDefault();
                     if (it == null) // Item is not in inventory, perhaps equipped?
                         if (m_character.LeftHandEquipment?.ItemID == qs.ItemID)
                             it = m_character.LeftHandEquipment;
                         else if (m_character.CurrentWeapon?.ItemID == qs.ItemID)
                             it = m_character.CurrentWeapon;
                         else // Item is nowhere to be found, create from prefab (downsides expected!)
                             it = ResourcesPrefabManager.Instance.GetItemPrefab(qs.ItemID);
                     __instance.SetQuickSlot(qs.Index, it);
     catch (Exception ex)
         DynamicQuickslots.Instance.MyLogger.LogError("QuickSlotInput: " + ex.Message);
        // PopulateSkillBar populates the default-behaviour Outward skill bar with enties from either
        // quickSlots1[] or quickSlots2[] based on the value of barMode
        private void PopulateSkillBar(Character character)
            CharacterQuickSlotManager qsManager = character.QuickSlotMngr;

            if (qsManager.isActiveAndEnabled)
                CharacterInventory      inventory   = qsManager.gameObject.GetComponent <CharacterInventory>();
                CharacterSkillKnowledge knownSkills = inventory.SkillKnowledge;
                ItemManager             itemManager = ItemManager.Instance;

                if (dev)
                    Debug.Log("Populating Skill Bar");

                // The entries we are going to use to populate Outward's default-behaviour skill bar is dependent on
                // whether we want the first skill bar or the second skill bar
                switch (charCurrentBarMode[character.UID])
                // In the case where we want entries from the first skill bar...
                case BarMode.FIRST:

                    for (int i = 0; i < numSlots; i++)
                        if (charQuickSlotArrays[character.UID][0, i] != 0)
                            // This line loads a skill into the variable called "entry"...
                            var entry = knownSkills.GetItemFromItemID(charQuickSlotArrays[character.UID][0, i]);

                            // ...But if "entry" isn't a skill, load an item instead
                            if (entry == null)
                                if (inventory.GetOwnedItems(charQuickSlotArrays[character.UID][0, i]).Count() == 0)
                                    entry = ResourcesPrefabManager.Instance.GetItemPrefab(charQuickSlotArrays[character.UID][0, i]);
                                    entry = inventory.GetOwnedItems(charQuickSlotArrays[character.UID][0, i]).First();

                            qsManager.SetQuickSlot(i, entry, false);
                    // We are done doing stuff in the case of the first skill bar, so BREAK!

                // In the case where we want to add entries from the second skill bar...
                case BarMode.SECOND:

                    for (int i = 0; i < numSlots; i++)
                        if (charQuickSlotArrays[character.UID][1, i] != 0)
                            // This line loads a skill into the variable called "entry"...
                            var entry = knownSkills.GetItemFromItemID(charQuickSlotArrays[character.UID][1, i]);

                            // ...But if "entry" isn't a skill, load an item instead
                            if (entry == null)
                                if (inventory.GetOwnedItems(charQuickSlotArrays[character.UID][1, i]).Count() == 0)
                                    entry = ResourcesPrefabManager.Instance.GetItemPrefab(charQuickSlotArrays[character.UID][1, i]);
                                    entry = inventory.GetOwnedItems(charQuickSlotArrays[character.UID][1, i]).First();

                            qsManager.SetQuickSlot(i, entry, false);
                    // We are done doing stuff in the case of the second skill bar, so BREAK!
        private void CQSManager_OnAssigningQuickSlotHook(On.CharacterQuickSlotManager.orig_OnAssigningQuickSlot_1 orig, CharacterQuickSlotManager qsManager, Item _itemToQuickSlot)
            orig(qsManager, _itemToQuickSlot);

            if (dev)
                Debug.Log("ASSIGNING " + _itemToQuickSlot + " to slot index " + _itemToQuickSlot.QuickSlotIndex + " on " + barMode.ToString() + " skill bar");

            if (_itemToQuickSlot.QuickSlotIndex == -1)
                Debug.Log("Found the code where _itemToQuickSlot.QuickSlotIndex == -1");
                Character character = qsManager.GetComponent <Character>();
                SaveSkillSlotByIndex(character, _itemToQuickSlot.QuickSlotIndex, _itemToQuickSlot);
        private void characterQuickSlotCtor(On.CharacterQuickSlotManager.orig_ctor orig, CharacterQuickSlotManager self)

        private void SwitchQuickSlot(CharacterQuickSlotManager self)

            if (self.isActiveAndEnabled)
                if (dev)
                    Debug.Log("Switching Quick Slots");

                switch (barMode)
                //Tab has been pressed while in secondary mode
                //switch it to default mode
                case BarMode.DEFAULT:
                    if (dev)
                        Debug.Log("In Default Mode");
                    for (int i = 0; i < slotAmount; i++)
                        //get a reference to the items current in the bar in secondary mode
                        Item itemFromLastBar = self.GetQuickSlot(i).ActiveItem;

                        //check the replacement item isnt null
                        if (defaultSlotItems[i] != null)
                            if (dev)
                                Debug.Log("Switching QuickSlot Index " + i + " from " + itemFromLastBar + " TO " + defaultSlotItems[i]);

                            //add these references to temp array
                            SetSecondarySlotArrayAtIndex(i, itemFromLastBar);
                            self.SetQuickSlot(i, defaultSlotItems[i], false);
                        //if it is null
                            //clear the slot
                            if (dev)
                                Debug.Log("There is no replacement skill for this quick slot, clearing ");


                case BarMode.SECONDARY:
                    if (dev)
                        Debug.Log("In Secondary Mode");

                    //Iterate current slots and add them to DefaultSlotArray
                    for (int i = 0; i < slotAmount; i++)
                        Item itemFromLastBar = self.GetQuickSlot(i).ActiveItem;
                        if (secondarySlotItems[i] != null)
                            if (dev)
                                Debug.Log("Switching QuickSlot Index " + i + " from " + itemFromLastBar + " TO " + secondarySlotItems[i]);

                            SetDefaultSlotArrayAtIndex(i, itemFromLastBar);
                            self.SetQuickSlot(i, secondarySlotItems[i], false);
                            if (dev)
                                Debug.Log("There is no replacement skill for this quick slot, clearing ");

        private void LoadQuickSlotsFromJSON(CharacterQuickSlotManager self)
            CharacterInventory      charInvent = self.gameObject.GetComponent <CharacterInventory>();
            CharacterSkillKnowledge charSkills = charInvent.SkillKnowledge;
            ItemManager             itemMan    = ItemManager.Instance;

            //Load Quickslots for Bar 1
            for (int i = 0; i < slotAmount; i++)
                if (dev)
                    Debug.Log("LOADING QUICK SLOT " + i + " FOR BAR 1");

                var itemID = qsm.currentCharacter["DefaultBarIDS"][i];
                if (itemID != 0)
                    if (dev)
                        Debug.Log("ID of slot " + i + " from JSON is : " + itemID);
                    var item = charSkills.GetItemFromItemID(itemID.AsInt);

                    //this isnt a skill
                    if (item == null)
                        item = charInvent.GetOwnedItems(itemID).First();

                    defaultSlotItems[i] = item;
                    if (dev)
                        Debug.Log("QUICK SLOT " + i + " Has No ID");

            for (int i = 0; i < slotAmount; i++)
                if (dev)
                    Debug.Log("LOADING QUICK SLOT " + i + " FOR BAR 2");
                var itemID = qsm.currentCharacter["SecondaryBarIDS"][i];
                if (itemID != 0)
                    if (dev)
                        Debug.Log("ID of slot " + i + " from JSON is : " + itemID);
                    var item = charSkills.GetItemFromItemID(itemID.AsInt);

                    //this isnt a skill
                    if (item == null)
                        item = charInvent.GetOwnedItems(itemID).First();

                    secondarySlotItems[i] = item;
                    if (dev)
                        Debug.Log("QUICK SLOT " + i + " Has No ID");
        private void onAsignSlotHook(On.CharacterQuickSlotManager.orig_OnAssigningQuickSlot_1 orig, CharacterQuickSlotManager self, Item _itemToQuickSlot)
            orig(self, _itemToQuickSlot);
            if (dev)
                Debug.Log("ASSIGNING Quickslot Index" + _itemToQuickSlot.QuickSlotIndex + " to " + _itemToQuickSlot + " on bar mode " + barMode.ToString());

            if (_itemToQuickSlot.QuickSlotIndex == -1)
                //Debug.Log("On Assign Quick slot index is -1");
                SaveQuickSlotByIndex(_itemToQuickSlot.QuickSlotIndex, _itemToQuickSlot);
