public static void EndOfRollOptions() { Tile tile = CurrentPlayer.Position; Property property = tile.GetComponent <Property>(); ChanceTile chance = tile.GetComponent <ChanceTile>(); //FreeParking parking = tile.GetComponent<FreeParking>(); SandLTile sAndL = tile.GetComponent <SandLTile>(); PaymentTile paymentTile = tile.GetComponent <PaymentTile>(); GoToJailTile goToJail = tile.GetComponent <GoToJailTile>(); if (property != null) { //check if the player stepped on an unowned/mortgaged/their own property if (property.Owner == null || property.Owner == CurrentPlayer || (property.Mortgaged && property.Owner != CurrentPlayer)) { MenuManager.SwitchToMenuWithInventory(MenuManager.EndOfTurnOptions); } else { PlayerMustPay(property.PaymentPrice()); } //display current property MenuManager.UpdateCardInfo(CurrentPlayer.Position.GetComponent <Property>()); } else if (chance != null || sAndL != null) { if (chance != null) { _activeCard = ChanceDeck.DrawCard(); } else if (sAndL != null) { if (UnityEngine.Random.Range(0f, 1f) < 0.5f) { _activeCard = new Snake(); } else { _activeCard = new Ladder(); } } //adds card to player's inventory CurrentPlayer.AddCard(ActiveCard); MenuManager.SwitchToMenuWithInventory(MenuManager.CardOptions); //pop up to show which card is drawn MenuManager.UpdateCardInfo(ActiveCard); } else if (paymentTile != null) { MenuManager.SwitchToMenuWithInventory(MenuManager.PaymentTileOptions); } else if (goToJail != null) // if on go to jail tile { //create new card, uses it, deletes it _activeCard = new CardMove("Go to Jail - Go directly to Jail - Do not pass Go, do not collect $200", EnumsForCards.cardMove.goToJail); CurrentPlayer.AddCard(ActiveCard); MenuManager.SwitchToMenuWithInventory(MenuManager.CardOptions); MenuManager.UpdateCardInfo(ActiveCard); ChanceDeck.DeleteLastCard(); } else { MenuManager.SwitchToMenuWithInventory(MenuManager.EndOfTurnOptions); } }
//Funcitionality of all buttons relevant to an ongoing game. Their listeners are all placed //in this method as they can be called without pressing a button from the AI script. public static void CallIngameButtonListener(Button button) { Player player = GameManager.CurrentPlayer; if (player == null) { return; } bool ai = player.GetComponent <AI>(); //Checks if ai called the listener or if the current player called it. This is needed //as if the player presses a button during the ai's turn, it needs to not do anything. if (button.interactable && ((!ai && ButtonClicked) || (ai && !ButtonClicked) || /*only these buttons can be pressed by human when AI is active*/ button == Pay || button == TradingSystem.Offer || button == TradingSystem.Accept)) { if (button == Roll) { Die.Roll(); } else if (button == Buy) { GameManager.CurrentPlayer.Purchase(); GameManager.UpdateBuyButtonInteractibility(); GameManager.UpdateAuctionButtonInteractibility(); GameManager.UpdateNextPlayerButtonInteractibility(); UpdateInventoryData(); } else if (button == PayFixed) { GameManager.PlayerMustPay(200); } else if (button == PayPercentage) { GameManager.PlayerMustPay((ushort)(0.1 * GameManager.CurrentPlayer.GetTotalPotentialBalance())); } else if (button == Pay) { Property property = GameManager.CurrentPlayer.Position.GetComponent <Property>(); ChanceTile chance = GameManager.CurrentPlayer.Position.GetComponent <ChanceTile>(); PaymentTile paymentTile = GameManager.CurrentPlayer.Position.GetComponent <PaymentTile>(); if (property != null) { ushort payment = property.PaymentPrice(); GameManager.CurrentPlayer.RemoveFunds(payment); property.Owner.AddFunds(payment); SwitchToMenuWithInventory(EndOfTurnOptions); } else if (chance != null) { if (GameManager.ActiveCard is CardCollect) { ushort payment = 50; CardCollect.currentPayee.RemoveFunds(payment); GameManager.CurrentPlayer.AddFunds(payment); CardCollect.currentPayee = GameManager.Players[(Array.IndexOf(GameManager.Players, CardCollect.currentPayee) + 1) % GameManager.Players.Length]; //switches payment to next player if (CardCollect.currentPayee != GameManager.CurrentPlayer) { GameManager.PlayerMustPay(payment, CardCollect.currentPayee); } //if looped back around to current player, stop payment loop else { SwitchToMenuWithInventory(EndOfTurnOptions); } //moves camera to whomever needs to pay = CardCollect.currentPayee.transform; } else if (GameManager.ActiveCard is CardPay) { CardPay activeCard = (CardPay)GameManager.ActiveCard; ushort payment = GameManager.PaymentNeeded; GameManager.CurrentPlayer.RemoveFunds(payment); CardPay cardPay = (CardPay)GameManager.ActiveCard; //if statement to check player still exists if (cardPay.Type == EnumsForCards.cardPay.payEachPlayer) { //Pays amount to each player foreach (Player p in GameManager.Players) { if (p != GameManager.CurrentPlayer) { p.AddFunds(activeCard.Amount); } } } SwitchToMenuWithInventory(EndOfTurnOptions); } } else if (paymentTile != null) { ushort payment = GameManager.PaymentNeeded; GameManager.CurrentPlayer.RemoveFunds(payment); SwitchToMenuWithInventory(EndOfTurnOptions); } } else if (button == AcknowledgeCard) { SwitchToMenuWithInventory(EndOfTurnOptions); if (!(GameManager.ActiveCard is CardGetOutOfJail || GameManager.ActiveCard is TileLink)) { GameManager.ActiveCard.Use(); } UpdateInventoryData(); } else if (button == Auction) { Auction.interactable = false; GameManager.UpdateBuyButtonInteractibility(); GameManager.UpdateNextPlayerButtonInteractibility(); //update this when Trading System is implemented AuctionSystem.StartAuction(); } else if (button == NextTurn) { GameManager.NextPlayer(); } else if (button == Bankrupt) { //remove all properties and cards from player Player lostPlayer = GameManager.CurrentPlayer; lostPlayer.Reset(); GameManager.NextPlayer(); GameManager.RemoveActivePlayer(lostPlayer); } else if (button == BuildHouse) { _houseMode = !_houseMode; if (_houseMode) { Roll.interactable = false; Trade.interactable = false; BuildHouse.GetComponentInChildren <Text>().text = "Back"; } else { Roll.interactable = true; Trade.interactable = true; BuildHouse.GetComponentInChildren <Text>().text = "Build House"; } UpdateInventoryData(); } else if (button == BackToNormalCamera) { SwitchToMenuWithInventory(TurnOptions); SwitchToCamera(!GameManager.OnlyAIsInGame ? MainCamera : AmbientCamera); } else if (button == Trade) { TradingSystem.ShowTradingOptions(); } //go to TradingSystem class if button is part of the trading system else if (Array.IndexOf(TradingSystem.Buttons, button) != -1) { TradingSystem.CallTradingButtonListener(button); } else if (button == PayToLeaveJail) { GameManager.PlayerMustPay(50); Jail.LeaveJail(); SwitchToMenuWithInventory(EndOfTurnOptions); } } _buttonClicked = false; }