internal static void Load(MachineInfo machineInfo) { try { AxisManager.MachineAxes.Clear(); ControlManager.Blocks.Clear(); // read mod version if (!machineInfo.MachineData.HasKey("ac-version")) { return; } var version = new Version(machineInfo.MachineData.ReadString("ac-version").TrimStart('v')); // version alert if (version < Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version) { Debug.Log("[ACM]: " + machineInfo.Name + " was saved with mod version " + version + ".\n\tIt may not be compatible with some newer features."); } // return if no input axes are present if (!machineInfo.MachineData.HasKey("ac-axislist")) { return; } var axes = machineInfo.MachineData.ReadStringArray("ac-axislist"); // load all axes foreach (var name in axes) { InputAxis axis = null; if (!machineInfo.MachineData.HasKey("axis-" + name + "-type")) { continue; } var type = machineInfo.MachineData.ReadString("axis-" + name + "-type"); if (type == AxisType.Chain.ToString()) { axis = new ChainAxis(name); } if (type == AxisType.Controller.ToString()) { axis = new ControllerAxis(name); } if (type == AxisType.Custom.ToString()) { axis = new CustomAxis(name); } if (type == AxisType.Standard.ToString() || // backwards compatibility type == AxisType.Inertial.ToString() || // backwards compatibility type == AxisType.Key.ToString()) { axis = new KeyAxis(name); } if (type == AxisType.Mouse.ToString()) { axis = new MouseAxis(name); } if (axis != null) { axis?.Load(machineInfo); AxisManager.AddMachineAxis(axis); } } // refresh chain axis links foreach (var entry in AxisManager.MachineAxes) { if (entry.Value.Type == AxisType.Chain) { (entry.Value as ChainAxis).RefreshLinks(); } } // resolve from foreign controllers AxisManager.ResolveMachineAxes(); // load all controls foreach (BlockInfo blockInfo in machineInfo.Blocks) { if (!blockInfo.BlockData.HasKey("ac-controllist")) { continue; } var control_list = ControlManager.GetBlockControls(blockInfo.ID, blockInfo.Guid); var control_names = blockInfo.BlockData.ReadStringArray("ac-controllist"); foreach (string name in control_names) { foreach (Control c in control_list) { if (name == c.Name) { c.Load(blockInfo); } } } } ACM.Instance.LoadedMachine = true; } catch (Exception e) { Debug.Log("[ACM]: Error loading machine's controls:"); Debug.LogException(e); } }
internal static void Load() { try { // load mod configuration ACM.Instance.ModEnabled = spaar.ModLoader.Configuration.GetBool("acm-enabled", true); ACM.Instance.ModUpdaterEnabled = spaar.ModLoader.Configuration.GetBool("mod-updater-enabled", true); ACM.Instance.DBUpdaterEnabled = spaar.ModLoader.Configuration.GetBool("db-updater-enabled", true); // read input axes int count = spaar.ModLoader.Configuration.GetInt("number-of-axes", 0); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { string name = spaar.ModLoader.Configuration.GetString("axis-" + i + "-name", null); InputAxis axis = null; if (name != null) { var type = spaar.ModLoader.Configuration.GetString("axis-" + name + "-type", null); if (type == AxisType.Chain.ToString()) { axis = new ChainAxis(name); } if (type == AxisType.Controller.ToString()) { axis = new ControllerAxis(name); } if (type == AxisType.Custom.ToString()) { axis = new CustomAxis(name); } if (type == AxisType.Standard.ToString() || // backwards compatibility type == AxisType.Inertial.ToString() || // backwards compatibility type == AxisType.Key.ToString()) { axis = new KeyAxis(name); } if (type == AxisType.Mouse.ToString()) { axis = new MouseAxis(name); } } if (axis != null) { axis?.Load(); AxisManager.AddLocalAxis(axis); } } // refresh chain axis links foreach (var entry in AxisManager.LocalAxes) { if (entry.Value.Type == AxisType.Chain) { (entry.Value as ChainAxis).RefreshLinks(); } } } catch (Exception e) { Debug.Log("[ACM]: Error loading saved axes:"); Debug.LogException(e); } }