// this function will be called upon powerup use / collision after trown
    public override void OnActivate()
        //Make sure powerups can only be activated once!
        if (activated)
        activated = true;
        ChadControls otherChad = null;

        if (_LastCollider)
            otherChad = _LastCollider.gameObject.GetComponent <ChadControls>();

        if (otherChad)
            // rustle his jimmies
            Ragdoll.ImpactParams param = new Ragdoll.ImpactParams(gameObject.transform.position, Vector3.Zero, 0.0f);
            param.bodyPartFactor[(int)Ragdoll.BODYPART.SPINE]           = 0.88f;
            param.bodyPartFactor[(int)Ragdoll.BODYPART.RIGHT_LOWER_LEG] = 10.0f;
            param.bodyPartFactor[(int)Ragdoll.BODYPART.LEFT_LOWER_LEG]  = 5.0f;
            param.bodyPartFactor[(int)Ragdoll.BODYPART.HEAD]            = -2.0f;
            param.force = otherChad.transform.forward * otherChad.CurrentVelocity.y * 50.0f;
            otherChad.ActivateRagdoll(3.0f, param);

Beispiel #2
    //public override void OnCollisionEnter(Collider collider)
    //    //Check if colliding with a player
    //    ChadControls otherChad = collider.gameObject.GetComponent<ChadControls>();
    //    if (!otherChad)
    //    {
    //        base.OnCollisionEnter(collider);
    //    }
    //    else
    //    {
    //        ChadControls localChad = MatchSystem.instance.LocalChad;

    //        TEAM_TYPE playerTeam = MatchSystem.instance.GetPlayerTeam(ObjectOwner.gameObject);
    //        TEAM_TYPE otherPlayerTeam = MatchSystem.instance.GetPlayerTeam(collider.gameObject);

    //        if (localChad && (otherPlayerTeam != playerTeam))
    //            base.OnCollisionEnter(collider);
    //    }

    // this function will be called upon powerup use / collision after trown
    public override void OnActivate()
        //Make sure powerups can only be activated once!
        if (activated)
        activated = true;
        // boom particles, Gustav do your magic, sprinkla lite magic till boisen

        ChadControls localChad = MatchSystem.instance.LocalChad;

        TEAM_TYPE playerTeam      = MatchSystem.instance.GetPlayerTeam(ObjectOwner.gameObject);
        TEAM_TYPE otherPlayerTeam = MatchSystem.instance.GetPlayerTeam(localChad.gameObject);

        if (localChad && otherPlayerTeam != playerTeam)
            float distance = Vector3.Distance(localChad.transform.position, transform.position);
            if (distance < ExplosionRadius)
                Vector3 forceDir = localChad.transform.position - transform.position;
                forceDir.y += 3.0f;

                float   distForce          = ExplosionRadius - distance;
                Vector3 force              = forceDir * ExplosionForce * distForce;
                Ragdoll.ImpactParams param = new Ragdoll.ImpactParams(gameObject.transform.position, force, 0.0f);
                localChad.ActivateRagdoll(2.0f, param);
Beispiel #3
    public override void OnCollisionStay(Collider collider)
        if (MatchSystem.instance && isOwner && State != STATE.RAGDOLL && !Locked)
            ChadControls otherChad = collider.gameObject.GetComponent <ChadControls>();

            if (otherChad)
                float modifiedBaseSpeed = PickedUpObject ? PickedUpObject.MovementSpeedModifier * BaseSpeed : BaseSpeed;
                float TheirVelocity     = otherChad.CurrentVelocity.y;//Length();
                if (MatchSystem.instance.GetPlayerTeam(collider.gameObject) == MatchSystem.instance.GetPlayerTeam(this.gameObject))
                    //Debug.Log("Trying to tackle player on same team, you baka.");
                else if (otherChad.CanBeTackled && ((CurrentVelocity.y /*Length()*/ > TackleThreshold || (PickedUpObject && CurrentVelocity.y > BaseSpeed)) && CurrentVelocity.y /*Length()*/ >= TheirVelocity))
                    Debug.Log("They tackled with: " + TheirVelocity + "(Forward: " + otherChad.CurrentVelocity.y + ", Strafe: " + otherChad.CurrentVelocity.x + ")");
                    Debug.Log("You tackled with: " + CurrentVelocity.y /*Length()*/ + "(Forward: " + CurrentVelocity.y + ", Strafe: " + CurrentVelocity.x + ")");

                    // Activate ragdoll
                    Vector3 force = (transform.forward + Vector3.Up * 0.5f) * ImpactFactor * CurrentVelocity.Length();
                    Ragdoll.ImpactParams param = new Ragdoll.ImpactParams(otherChad.gameObject.transform.position, force, 0.5f);
                    param.bodyPartFactor[(int)Ragdoll.BODYPART.RIGHT_LOWER_LEG] = 1.3f;
                    param.bodyPartFactor[(int)Ragdoll.BODYPART.LEFT_LOWER_LEG]  = 1.3f;
                    otherChad.ActivateRagdoll(MinimumRagdollTimer, param);

                    NetPlayer.HasTackled += 1;
                    CurrentVelocity.y     = modifiedBaseSpeed;