public override int Start()
            Certificate c = null;

            try {
                c = CertificateStore.CreateFromPfxFile(@"certs\server.pfx", "test").FindCertificateByUsage(new string[] { "" });
            } catch {
            int tests = 0;

            // test constructor
            try {
                CertificateChain cc = new CertificateChain(null);
            } catch (ArgumentNullException) {
            } catch {
            tests += 2;
            // do other tests
            tests  = TestBuildChain();
            tests += TestVerifyCert();
 private void verifyLevel1Authentication(SecureSocket socket,
                                         Certificate cert,
                                         CertificateChain chain,
                                         VerifyEventArgs e
     if (cert == null)
         if ((Adk.Debug & AdkDebugFlags.Messaging_Detailed) != 0)
             log.Warn("Client Certificate is missing and fails SIF Level 1 Authentication");
         e.Valid = false;
     else if (!cert.IsCurrent)
         if ((Adk.Debug & AdkDebugFlags.Messaging_Detailed) != 0)
             log.Warn("Client Certificate is invalid and fails SIF Level 1 Authentication");
         e.Valid = false;
         e.Valid = true;
        private void verifyLevel2Authentication(SecureSocket socket,
                                                Certificate cert,
                                                CertificateChain chain,
                                                VerifyEventArgs e
            // Verify level 1 first
            verifyLevel1Authentication(socket, cert, chain, e);
            if (!e.Valid)

            CertificateStatus certStatus =
                chain.VerifyChain(null, AuthType.Client, VerificationFlags.IgnoreInvalidName);

            if (certStatus != CertificateStatus.ValidCertificate)
                if ((Adk.Debug & AdkDebugFlags.Messaging_Detailed) != 0)
                        ("Client Certificate is not trusted and fails SIF Level 2 Authentication: " +
                e.Valid = false;
                e.Valid = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Encodes the full certificate chain in PEM.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="certificateChain">The certificate chain.</param>
        /// <param name="certKey">The certificate key.</param>
        /// <returns>The encoded certificate chain.</returns>
        public static string ToPem(this CertificateChain certificateChain, IKey certKey = null)
            var certStore = new CertificateStore();

            foreach (var issuer in certificateChain.Issuers)

            var issuers = certStore.GetIssuers(certificateChain.Certificate.ToDer());

            using (var writer = new StringWriter())
                if (certKey != null)


                var certParser = new X509CertificateParser();
                var pemWriter  = new PemWriter(writer);
                foreach (var issuer in issuers)
                    var cert = certParser.ReadCertificate(issuer);

        public async Task CanProcessCommand()
            var domain        = "";
            var orderLoc      = new Uri("");
            var resourceGroup = "resGroup";
            var appName       = "my-app";
            var appSlot       = "staging";
            var keyPath       = "./cert-key.pem";

            var certChainContent = string.Join(
            var certChain = new CertificateChain(certChainContent);

            var order = new Order
                Certificate = new Uri("")

            var settingsMock = new Mock <IUserSettings>(MockBehavior.Strict);

            settingsMock.Setup(m => m.GetDefaultServer()).ReturnsAsync(LetsEncryptV2);
            settingsMock.Setup(m => m.GetAccountKey(LetsEncryptV2)).ReturnsAsync(GetKeyV2());
            settingsMock.Setup(m => m.GetAzureSettings()).ReturnsAsync(new AzureSettings
                ClientId       = "clientId",
                ClientSecret   = "secret",
                SubscriptionId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"),
                TenantId       = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"),

            var orderMock = new Mock <IOrderContext>(MockBehavior.Strict);

            orderMock.Setup(m => m.Location).Returns(orderLoc);
            orderMock.Setup(m => m.Resource()).ReturnsAsync(order);
            orderMock.Setup(m => m.Download()).ReturnsAsync(certChain);

            var ctxMock = new Mock <IAcmeContext>(MockBehavior.Strict);

            ctxMock.Setup(m => m.GetDirectory()).ReturnsAsync(MockDirectoryV2);
            ctxMock.Setup(m => m.Order(orderLoc)).Returns(orderMock.Object);
            ctxMock.SetupGet(m => m.AccountKey).Returns(GetKeyV2());

            var fileMock = new Mock <IFileUtil>(MockBehavior.Strict);

            fileMock.Setup(m => m.ReadAllText(keyPath))

            var appSvcMock   = new Mock <IWebSiteManagementClient>(MockBehavior.Strict);
            var certOpMock   = new Mock <ICertificatesOperations>(MockBehavior.Strict);
            var webAppOpMock = new Mock <IWebAppsOperations>(MockBehavior.Strict);

            appSvcMock.SetupSet(m => m.SubscriptionId);
            appSvcMock.SetupGet(m => m.WebApps).Returns(webAppOpMock.Object);
            appSvcMock.SetupGet(m => m.Certificates).Returns(certOpMock.Object);
            appSvcMock.Setup(m => m.Dispose());

            certOpMock.Setup(m => m.ListByResourceGroupWithHttpMessagesAsync(resourceGroup, default, default))
Beispiel #6
        public async Task <ICertificate> CreateCertificate()
            try {
                _logger.Write("Generating certificate for {0}", domain.ZoneName);
                IKey privateKey = KeyFactory.NewKey(KeyAlgorithm.ES256);
                domain.Csr.CommonName = domain.DomainName;
                CertificateChain cert = await _orderContext.Generate(domain.Csr, privateKey);

                PfxBuilder pfxBuilder = cert.ToPfx(privateKey);
                byte[]     pfx        = pfxBuilder.Build(domain.ZoneName, "cert_password");

                FileWorker.WriteFile(pfx, string.Format(@"{0}{1}.pfx", _certDir, domain.ZoneName));
                FileWorker.WriteFile(cert.ToPem(certKey: privateKey), string.Format(@"{0}{1}.pem", _certDir, domain.ZoneName));
                FileWorker.WriteFile(cert.Certificate.ToDer( ), string.Format(@"{0}{1}.der", _certDir, domain.ZoneName));
                return(new Certificate {
                    status = true,
                    Cert = this.GetX509Certificate2(pfx),
                    isExpired = false
            } catch (Exception e) {
                _logger.Write("Error occured while generating certificate for {0} :: error==>{1}", domain.ZoneName, e.Message);
                return(new Certificate {
                    status = false,
                    errorDescription = e.Message
        private string ExportFullCertPEM(IKey csrKey, CertificateChain certificateChain, string certId, string primaryDomainPath)
            var storePath = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(new string[] { _settingsFolder, "..\\assets", primaryDomainPath }));

            if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(storePath))

            if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(storePath))

            var pemPath = Path.Combine(storePath, certId + ".pem");

            // write pem in order of Private .key, primary server .crt, intermediate .crt, issuer.crt
            // note:
            // nginx needs combined primary + intermediate.crt as pem (ssl_certificate), plus .key (ssl_certificate_key)
            // apache needs combined primary.crt (SSLCertificateFile), intermediate.crt (SSLCertificateChainFile), plus private .key (SSLCertificateKeyFile)
            var pem = certificateChain.ToPem(csrKey);

            System.IO.File.WriteAllText(pemPath, pem);

        private int TestBuildChain()
            Certificate      c  = null;
            CertificateChain cc = null;

            try {
                c = CertificateStore.CreateFromPfxFile(@"certs\server.pfx", "test").FindCertificateByUsage(new string[] { "" });
            } catch {
            try {
                cc = c.GetCertificateChain();
                Certificate[] cs = null;
                try {
                    cs = cc.GetCertificates();
                } catch {
                if (cs.Length != 2)
                if (!cs[0].Equals(c))
            } catch {
Beispiel #9
        public async Task NewCertificateShouldUpdateTargetResource()
            var             config             = TestHelper.LoadConfig("config");
            var             auth               = new Mock <IAuthenticationService>();
            var             certBuilder        = new Mock <ICertificateBuilder>();
            var             ctx                = new Mock <IAcmeContext>();
            var             orderContext       = new Mock <IOrderContext>();
            var             authContext        = new AuthenticationContext(ctx.Object, config.Acme);
            var             parser             = new Mock <IRenewalOptionParser>();
            var             log                = new Mock <ILogger <RenewalService> >();
            IRenewalService service            = new RenewalService(auth.Object, parser.Object, certBuilder.Object, log.Object);
            var             certStore          = new Mock <ICertificateStore>();
            var             challengeResponder = new Mock <IChallengeResponder>();
            var             challengeContext   = new Mock <IChallengeContext>();
            var             challenge          = new Challenge
                Status = ChallengeStatus.Valid
            var          fakeChain      = new CertificateChain("fakeChain");
            var          pfxBytes       = new byte[] { 0xD, 0xE, 0xA, 0xD, 0xB, 0xE, 0xE, 0xF };
            const string fakePassword   = "******";
            var          targetResource = new Mock <ITargetResource>();
            var          cert           = new Mock <ICertificate>();

            // check if outdated (yes, not found)
            parser.Setup(x => x.ParseCertificateStore(config.Certificates[0]))

            // let's encrypt challenge
            auth.Setup(x => x.AuthenticateAsync(config.Acme, CancellationToken.None))
            ctx.Setup(x => x.NewOrder(config.Certificates[0].HostNames, null, null))
            parser.Setup(x => x.ParseChallengeResponderAsync(config.Certificates[0], CancellationToken.None))
            challengeResponder.Setup(x => x.InitiateChallengesAsync(orderContext.Object, CancellationToken.None))
            .Returns(Task.FromResult(new[] { challengeContext.Object }));
            challengeContext.Setup(x => x.Resource())

            // save cert
            certBuilder.Setup(x => x.BuildCertificateAsync(orderContext.Object, config.Certificates[0], CancellationToken.None))
            .Returns(Task.FromResult((pfxBytes, fakePassword)));
            certStore.Setup(x => x.UploadAsync(pfxBytes, fakePassword, config.Certificates[0].HostNames, CancellationToken.None))

            // update azure resource
            parser.Setup(x => x.ParseTargetResource(config.Certificates[0]))

            // actual run - must run through all steps as no existing cert is found
            var r = await service.RenewCertificateAsync(config.Acme, config.Certificates[0], CancellationToken.None);


            certStore.Verify(x => x.UploadAsync(pfxBytes, fakePassword, config.Certificates[0].HostNames, CancellationToken.None));
            targetResource.Verify(x => x.UpdateAsync(cert.Object, CancellationToken.None), Times.Once);
Beispiel #10
    /// <summary>
    /// Verifies a certificate received from the remote host.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="socket">The SecureSocket that received the certificate.</param>
    /// <param name="remote">The received certificate.</param>
    /// <param name="e">The event parameters.</param>
    protected void OnVerify(SecureSocket socket, Certificate remote, CertificateChain chain, VerifyEventArgs e)
        CertificateChain cc = new CertificateChain(remote);

        Console.WriteLine("\r\nServer Certificate:\r\n-------------------");
        Console.Write("\r\nServer Certificate Verification:\r\n--------------------------------\r\n    -> ");
        Console.WriteLine(cc.VerifyChain(socket.CommonName, AuthType.Server).ToString() + "\r\n");
Beispiel #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves the certificate from the ACME service. This method also generates the key and the CSR.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="commonName">the CN of the certificate to be requested</param>
        /// <param name="pathForPfx">Path where the resulting PFX/PKCS#12 file will be generated</param>
        /// <param name="pfxFriendlyName">Friendly name for the resulting PFX/PKCS#12</param>
        /// <returns>The name of the generated PFX/PKCS#12 file, or null in case of error</returns>
        public async Task <AuthenticatedPFX> RetrieveCertificate(IList <string> domains, string pathForPfx, string pfxFriendlyName)
                if (_orderCtx == null)
                    throw new Exception("Do not call RetrieveCertificate before RegisterNewOrderAndVerify");
                if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(pathForPfx))
                    throw new Exception("Directory for PFX writing do not exists");

                // Let's generate a new key (RSA is good enough IMHO)
                IKey certKey = KeyFactory.FromPem(Utils.GenerateRSAKeyAsPEM(_keySize));
                // Then let's generate the CSR
                var csr = await _orderCtx.CreateCsr(certKey);

                csr.AddName("CN", domains[0]);
                csr.SubjectAlternativeNames = domains;

                // and finalize the ACME order
                var finalOrder = await _orderCtx.Finalize(csr.Generate());

                // Now we can fetch the certificate
                CertificateChain cert = await _orderCtx.Download();

                // We build the PFX/PKCS#12 and the cert/key as PEM
                var pfx = cert.ToPfx(certKey);
                var cer = cert.ToPem();
                var key = certKey.ToPem();
                var pfxBytes = pfx.Build(pfxFriendlyName, PfxPassword);
                var fileName = pathForPfx + "\\" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                var pfxName  = fileName + ".pfx";
                var cerPath  = fileName + ".cer";
                var keyPath  = fileName + ".key";

                // We write the PFX/PKCS#12 to file
                System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(pfxName, pfxBytes);
                logger.Info($"Retrieved certificate from the CA. The certificate is in {pfxName}");

                // We write the PEMs to corresponding files
                System.IO.File.WriteAllText(cerPath, cer);
                System.IO.File.WriteAllText(keyPath, key);

                AuthenticatedPFX authPFX = new AuthenticatedPFX(pfxName, PfxPassword, cerPath, keyPath);

            catch (Exception exp)
                logger.Error($"Failed to retrieve certificate from CA: {ProcessCertesException(exp)}");
        public IActionResult Index(string name, string pfxPassword, bool staging = false,
                                   string format = "pem", bool chain = true)
            if (string.Equals(format, "pfx", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) &&
                return(BadRequest("pfxPassword must be specified"));

            var acmeCert = _dataContext.GetAcmeCertificate(name, staging);

            if (acmeCert == null)
                return(NotFound("Certificate with that name does not exist"));

            if (acmeCert.LatestValidAcmeOrder == null)
                return(NotFound("Certificate does not yet exist"));

            // Ensure cert matches the one used during authentication
            var id = User.FindFirst(x => x.Type == ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier)?.Value;

            if (!string.Equals(acmeCert.AcmeCertificateId.ToString(), id))
                return(StatusCode(403, "Status Code: 403; Forbidden"));

            switch (format?.ToLower() ?? "pem")
            case "pfx":
                var certChain  = new CertificateChain(acmeCert.LatestValidAcmeOrder.RawDataPem);
                var key        = KeyFactory.FromPem(acmeCert.Key.RawData);
                var pfxBuilder = certChain.ToPfx(key);
                var pfx        = pfxBuilder.Build(acmeCert.Subject, pfxPassword);

                return(new ContentResult
                    Content = Convert.ToBase64String(pfx),
                    ContentType = "text/plain",
                    StatusCode = 200

            case "pem":
                var content = chain ? acmeCert.LatestValidAcmeOrder.RawDataPem :
                              new CertificateChain(acmeCert.LatestValidAcmeOrder.RawDataPem).Certificate.ToPem();
                return(new ContentResult
                    Content = content,
                    ContentType = "text/plain",
                    StatusCode = 200
        private int TestVerifyCert()
            Certificate      c  = null;
            CertificateChain cc = null;

            try {
                c  = CertificateStore.CreateFromPfxFile(@"certs\server.pfx", "test").FindCertificateByUsage(new string[] { "" });
                cc = c.GetCertificateChain();
            } catch {
            try {
                if (cc.VerifyChain(" Team", AuthType.Server, VerificationFlags.AllowUnknownCA) != CertificateStatus.ValidCertificate)
            } catch {
            try {
                if (cc.VerifyChain(" Team", AuthType.Server) != CertificateStatus.UntrustedRoot)
            } catch {
            try {
                if (cc.VerifyChain("Other Name", AuthType.Server, VerificationFlags.AllowUnknownCA) != CertificateStatus.NoCNMatch)
            } catch {
            try {
                c  = CertificateStore.CreateFromCerFile(@"certs\expired.cer").FindCertificateByUsage(new string[] { "" });
                cc = c.GetCertificateChain();
            } catch {
            try {
                IAsyncResult ret = cc.BeginVerifyChain(" Team", AuthType.Server, VerificationFlags.AllowUnknownCA, null, null);
                if (cc.EndVerifyChain(ret) != CertificateStatus.Expired)
            } catch {
 /// <summary>
 /// This method is called when the SecureSocket received the remote
 /// certificate and when the certificate validation type is set to Manual.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="socket">The <see cref="SecureSocket"/> that received the certificate to verify.</param>
 /// <param name="remote">The <see cref="Certificate"/> of the remote party to verify.</param>
 /// <param name="chain">The <see cref="CertificateChain"/> associated with the remote certificate.</param>
 /// <param name="e">A <see cref="VerifyEventArgs"/> instance used to (in)validate the certificate.</param>
 /// <remarks>If an error is thrown by the code in the delegate, the SecureSocket will close the connection.</remarks>
 protected void OnVerify(SecureSocket socket, Certificate remote, CertificateChain chain, VerifyEventArgs e)
     // get all the certificates from the certificate chain ..
     Certificate[] certs = chain.GetCertificates();
     // .. and print them out in the console
     for (int i = 0; i < certs.Length; i++)
     // print out the result of the chain verification
     Console.WriteLine(chain.VerifyChain(socket.CommonName, AuthType.Server));
        /// <summary>
        /// verifies the certificate chain against the certificate store
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="allCertsReceived">the chain to verify</param>
        /// <param name="expectedCNName">the expected CN; may be null</param>
        /// <param name="authType">the authtype: is the certificate to verify a client or server certificate;
        /// i.e when verifying a client cert, pass AuthType.Client; when verifying a server cert: pass AuthType.Server</param>ram>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected bool IsValidCertificate(CertificateChain allCertsReceived, string expectedCNName, AuthType authType)
            VerificationFlags verificationFlags = VerificationFlags.None;

            if (expectedCNName == null)
                verificationFlags = VerificationFlags.IgnoreInvalidName;
            CertificateStatus status = allCertsReceived.VerifyChain(expectedCNName, authType, verificationFlags);

            return(status == CertificateStatus.ValidCertificate);
Beispiel #16
        protected SslHandshakeStatus ProcessCertificate(HandshakeMessage message, bool client)
            if (client)
                if (m_State != HandshakeType.ServerHello)
                    throw new SslException(AlertDescription.UnexpectedMessage, "Certificate message must be preceded by a ServerHello message.");
            else                 // server
                if (m_State != HandshakeType.ClientHello)
                    throw new SslException(AlertDescription.UnexpectedMessage, "Certificate message must be preceded by a ClientHello message.");
            UpdateHashes(message, HashUpdate.All);             // input message
            Certificate[] certs = null;
            try {
                certs = ParseCertificateList(message.fragment);
                if (certs.Length == 0)
                    if (!m_MutualAuthentication)
                        return(new SslHandshakeStatus(SslStatus.MessageIncomplete, null));
            } catch (SslException t) {
                throw t;
            } catch (Exception f) {
                throw new SslException(f, AlertDescription.InternalError, "The Certificate message is invalid.");
            CertificateChain chain = null;

            m_RemoteCertificate = null;
            if (certs.Length != 0)
                m_RemoteCertificate = certs[0];
                if (m_RemoteCertificate.GetPublicKeyLength() < 512)
                    throw new SslException(AlertDescription.HandshakeFailure, "The pulic key should be at least 512 bits.");
                CertificateStore cs = new CertificateStore(certs);
                for (int i = 0; i < certs.Length; i++)
                    certs[i].Store = cs;
                chain = new CertificateChain(m_RemoteCertificate, cs);
            VerifyChain(chain, client);
            return(new SslHandshakeStatus(SslStatus.MessageIncomplete, null));
        protected void LogNewCertificateInfo(CertificateChain certificateChain)
            var certParser = new X509CertificateParser();
            var x509Cert   = certParser.ReadCertificate(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(certificateChain.Certificate.ToPem()));

            logger.LogInformation("Received new certificate: {certData}", new
                Subject      = x509Cert.SubjectDN,
                Expires      = x509Cert.NotAfter,
                Issuer       = x509Cert.IssuerDN,
                SubjAltNames = string.Join(",", x509Cert.GetSubjectAlternativeNames().Cast <ArrayList>().Select(x => x[1]))
        public static byte[] Generate(RSA rsa, CertificateChain certificateChain, string password, X509ContentType certificateType)
            var certificate = new X509Certificate2(certificateChain.CertificateBytes);
            var issuer      = new X509Certificate2(certificateChain.IssuerBytes);

            certificate = certificate.CopyWithPrivateKey(rsa);

            var collection = new X509Certificate2Collection();


            return(collection.Export(certificateType, password));
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts the certificate to PFX with the key.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="certificateChain">The certificate chain.</param>
        /// <param name="certKey">The certificate private key.</param>
        /// <returns>The PFX.</returns>
        public static PfxBuilder ToPfx(this CertificateChain certificateChain, IKey certKey)
            var pfx = new PfxBuilder(certificateChain.Certificate.ToDer(), certKey);

            if (certificateChain.Issuers != null)
                foreach (var issuer in certificateChain.Issuers)

Beispiel #20
        private async Task <byte[]> CreateCertificate(IOrderContext order)
            IKey privateKey = KeyFactory.NewKey(KeyAlgorithm.RS256);

            CertificateChain certificateChain = await order.Generate(new CsrInfo
                CommonName = Hostname
            }, privateKey);

            PfxBuilder pfxBuilder = certificateChain.ToPfx(privateKey);

            byte[] pfx = pfxBuilder.Build(Hostname, string.Empty);

Beispiel #21
        /// <summary>
        /// 验证、生成证书
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task <(bool, string)> GenerateCert()
            if (GeneratedCert)
                return(true, string.Empty);

            var checkResult = await dnsHelper.CheckDns(this.ChallengeDomain, this.ChallengRecordValue);

            if (!checkResult.Result)
                string msg = "未找到 DNS TXT 解析信息";
                if (checkResult.RecordValues.Count > 0)
                    msg = "未找到正确的解析,当前的解析值有:<br/>";
                    foreach (var item in checkResult.RecordValues)
                        msg += item + "<br/>";

                return(false, msg);

                Challenge challenge = await this.dnsChallenge.Validate();

                this.privateKey = KeyFactory.NewKey(KeyAlgorithm.ES256);
                this.cert       = await this.order.Generate(new CsrInfo
                    CountryName = "CN",
                    //State = "beijing",
                    //Locality = "beijing",
                    //Organization = "ZTImage",
                    //OrganizationUnit = "Dev",
                    CommonName = this.Domain
                }, this.privateKey);

                this.GeneratedCert = true;
                return(true, "success");
                return(false, "生成证书时出现问题,请联系我们");
        public IActionResult Index(string name, string pfxPassword, bool staging = false,
                                   string format = "pem")
            if (string.Equals(format, "pfx", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) &&
                return(BadRequest("pfxPassword must be specified"));

            var acmeCert = _dataContext.GetAcmeCertificate(name, staging);

            if (acmeCert == null)
                return(NotFound("Certificate with that name does not exist"));

            if (acmeCert.LatestValidAcmeOrder == null)
                return(NotFound("Certificate does not yet exist"));

            switch (format?.ToLower() ?? "pem")
            case "pfx":
                var certChain  = new CertificateChain(acmeCert.LatestValidAcmeOrder.RawDataPem);
                var key        = KeyFactory.FromPem(acmeCert.Key.RawData);
                var pfxBuilder = certChain.ToPfx(key);
                var pfx        = pfxBuilder.Build(acmeCert.Subject, pfxPassword);

                return(new ContentResult
                    Content = Convert.ToBase64String(pfx),
                    ContentType = "text/plain",
                    StatusCode = 200

            case "pem":
                return(new ContentResult
                    Content = acmeCert.LatestValidAcmeOrder.RawDataPem,
                    ContentType = "text/plain",
                    StatusCode = 200
Beispiel #23
        protected void VerifyChain(CertificateChain chain, bool client)
            VerifyEventArgs e = new VerifyEventArgs();

            switch (m_Options.VerificationType)
            case CredentialVerification.Manual:
                try {
                    m_Options.Verifier(Parent, m_RemoteCertificate, chain, e);
                } catch (Exception de) {
                    throw new SslException(de, AlertDescription.InternalError, "The code inside the CertVerifyEventHandler delegate threw an exception.");

            case CredentialVerification.Auto:
                if (chain != null)
                    e.Valid = (chain.VerifyChain(m_Options.CommonName, client ? AuthType.Client : AuthType.Server) == CertificateStatus.ValidCertificate);
                    e.Valid = false;

            case CredentialVerification.AutoWithoutCName:
                if (chain != null)
                    e.Valid = (chain.VerifyChain(m_Options.CommonName, client ? AuthType.Client : AuthType.Server, VerificationFlags.IgnoreInvalidName) == CertificateStatus.ValidCertificate);
                    e.Valid = false;

            case CredentialVerification.None:
                e.Valid = true;
            if (!e.Valid)
                throw new SslException(AlertDescription.CertificateUnknown, "The certificate could not be verified.");
Beispiel #24
            private static async Task SetupValidationResponder(Authorization authz, string alpnCert, IKey certKey)
                // setup validation certificate
                var certC = new CertificateChain(alpnCert);
                var json  = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new
                    Cert = certC.Certificate.ToDer(),
                    Key  = certKey.ToDer(),
                }, JsonUtil.CreateSettings());

                using (var resp = await http.Value.PostAsync(
                           new StringContent(json, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json")))
                    Assert.Equal(authz.Identifier.Value, await resp.Content.ReadAsStringAsync());
        private string ExportFullCertPFX(string certFriendlyName, IKey csrKey, CertificateChain certificateChain, string pfxFile)
            var pxfFolderPath = _settingsFolder + "\\assets\\pfx";

            if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(pxfFolderPath))

            var pfxPath = pxfFolderPath + "\\" + pfxFile;

            var pfx      = certificateChain.ToPfx(csrKey);
            var pfxBytes = pfx.Build(certFriendlyName, "");

            System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(pfxPath, pfxBytes);
        // ------------------------ OnVerify -------------------------------------
        protected void OnVerify(
            SecureSocket socket,
            Certificate remote,
            CertificateChain InChain,
            VerifyEventArgs e)
            Certificate[] certs = InChain.GetCertificates( );
            for (int Ix = 0; Ix < certs.Length; Ix++)
                AddMessage(NetworkRole.Client, certs[Ix].ToString(true));

            // print out the result of the chain verification
                "Verify certificate: " +
                InChain.VerifyChain(socket.CommonName, AuthType.Server).ToString( ));
        private string ExportFullCertPFX(string certFriendlyName, IKey csrKey, CertificateChain certificateChain, string certId, string primaryDomainPath)
            var storePath = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(new string[] { _settingsFolder, "..\\assets", primaryDomainPath }));

            if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(storePath))

            var pfxFile = certId + ".pfx";
            var pfxPath = Path.Combine(storePath, pfxFile);

            var pfx      = certificateChain.ToPfx(csrKey);
            var pfxBytes = pfx.Build(certFriendlyName, "");

            System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(pfxPath, pfxBytes);
Beispiel #28
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves the certificate from the ACME service. This method also generates the key and the CSR.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="commonName">the CN of the certificate to be requested</param>
        /// <param name="pathForPfx">Path where the resulting PFX/PKCS#12 file will be generated</param>
        /// <param name="pfxFriendlyName">Friendly name for the resulting PFX/PKCS#12</param>
        /// <returns>The name of the generated PFX/PKCS#12 file, or null in case of error</returns>
        public async Task <string> RetrieveCertificate(IList <string> domains, string pathForPfx, string pfxFriendlyName)
            try {
                if (_orderCtx == null)
                    throw new Exception("Do not call RetrieveCertificate before RegisterNewOrderAndVerify");
                if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(pathForPfx))
                    throw new Exception("Directory for PFX writing do not exists");

                // Let's generate a new key (RSA is good enough IMHO)
                IKey certKey = KeyFactory.NewKey(KeyAlgorithm.RS256);
                // Then let's generate the CSR
                var csr = await _orderCtx.CreateCsr(certKey);

                csr.AddName("CN", domains[0]);
                csr.SubjectAlternativeNames = domains;

                // and finalize the ACME order
                var finalOrder = await _orderCtx.Finalize(csr.Generate());

                // Now we can fetch the certificate
                CertificateChain cert = await _orderCtx.Download();

                // We build the PFX/PKCS#12
                var pfx = cert.ToPfx(certKey);
                var pfxBytes = pfx.Build(pfxFriendlyName, PfxPassword);
                var pfxName  = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + ".pfx";

                // We write the PFX/PKCS#12 to file
                System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(pathForPfx + "\\" + pfxName, pfxBytes);
                logger.Info($"Retrieved certificate from the CA. The certificate is in {pfxName}");

            } catch (Exception exp) {
                logger.Error($"Failed to retrieve certificate from CA: {ProcessCertesException(exp)}");
    static void Main(string[] args)
        Console.WriteLine("This example shows how you can validate a certificate.");
        // load the certificate from a file
        Certificate cert = Certificate.CreateFromCerFile(@"client.cer");
        // build a certificate chain
        CertificateChain cc = new CertificateChain(cert);
        // validate the chain
        CertificateStatus status = cc.VerifyChain(null, AuthType.Client);

        // interpret the result
        if (status == CertificateStatus.ValidCertificate)
            Console.WriteLine("The certificate is valid.");
            Console.WriteLine("The certificate is not valid [" + status.ToString() + "].");
        private string ExportFullCertPEM(IKey csrKey, CertificateChain certificateChain, string certId)
            var pemFolderPath = _settingsFolder + "\\assets\\pem";

            if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(pemFolderPath))

            var pemPath = pemFolderPath + "\\" + certId + ".pem";

            // write pem in order of Private .key, primary server .crt, intermediate .crt, issuer.crt
            // note:
            // nginx needs combined primary + intermediate.crt as pem (ssl_certificate), plus .key (ssl_certificate_key)
            // apache needs combined primary.crt (SSLCertificateFile), intermediate.crt (SSLCertificateChainFile), plus private .key (SSLCertificateKeyFile)
            var pem = certificateChain.ToPem(csrKey);

            System.IO.File.WriteAllText(pemPath, pem);
