public override IEnumerable <string> Process(string filename)
            CensusResultFormat crFormat = new CensusResultFormat(false);

            CensusResult cr = crFormat.ReadFromFile(filename);


            CensusResult result = new CensusResult();


            foreach (CensusProteinItem cpi in cr.Proteins)
                if (cpi.PeptideNumber >= uniqueCount)

            string resultFilename = FileUtils.ChangeExtension(filename, "." + uniqueCount + new FileInfo(filename).Extension);

            crFormat.WriteToFile(resultFilename, result);

            return(new[] { resultFilename });
        public void Test()
            CensusResult cr;

            cr = new CensusResultFormat(true).ReadFromFile(TestContext.CurrentContext.TestDirectory + "/../../../data/census-g1-out.txt");
            Assert.AreEqual(3, cr.Proteins.Count);

            Assert.AreEqual(271, cr.Proteins[0].Peptides.Count);

            cr = new CensusResultFormat(false).ReadFromFile(TestContext.CurrentContext.TestDirectory + "/../../../data/census-g1-out.txt");
            Assert.AreEqual(2, cr.Proteins.Count);
    public void Test()
      CensusResult cr;

      cr = new CensusResultFormat(true).ReadFromFile(@"../../../data/census-g1-out.txt");
      Assert.AreEqual(3, cr.Proteins.Count);

      Assert.AreEqual(271, cr.Proteins[0].Peptides.Count);

      cr = new CensusResultFormat(false).ReadFromFile(@"../../../data/census-g1-out.txt");
      Assert.AreEqual(2, cr.Proteins.Count);
Beispiel #4
        public override IEnumerable <string> Process(string targetFilename)
            Dictionary <string, List <CensusPeptideItem> > peptideMap = new Dictionary <string, List <CensusPeptideItem> >();

            CensusResultFormat crf = new CensusResultFormat(true, isLabelFree);

            Progress.SetRange(1, sourceFilenames.Length + 1);
            for (int i = 0; i < sourceFilenames.Length; i++)
                string f = sourceFilenames[i];

                Progress.SetMessage("Reading from " + f + "...");
                Progress.SetPosition(i + 1);

                List <CensusPeptideItem> peptides = crf.ReadPeptides(f);
                foreach (CensusPeptideItem cpi in peptides)
                    if (!peptideMap.ContainsKey(cpi.Sequence))
                        peptideMap[cpi.Sequence] = new List <CensusPeptideItem>();


            List <string> sequences = new List <string>(peptideMap.Keys);

            sequences.Sort(delegate(string seq1, string seq2)
                int result = peptideMap[seq2].Count - peptideMap[seq1].Count;
                if (0 == result)
                    result = seq1.CompareTo(seq2);

            Progress.SetMessage("Writing to " + targetFilename + "...");
            using (var sw = new StreamWriter(targetFilename))
                foreach (string seq in sequences)
                    List <CensusPeptideItem> items = peptideMap[seq];
                    double sInt = 0.0;
                    double rInt = 0.0;
                    foreach (CensusPeptideItem item in items)
                        sInt += item.SampleIntensity;
                        rInt += item.ReferenceIntensity;

                    double ratio;
                    if (rInt != 0.0)
                        ratio = sInt / rInt;
                        ratio = 0.0;
                    sw.WriteLine(MyConvert.Format("P\t{0}\t{1:0.00}\t{2:0.0}\t{3:0.0}", seq, ratio, sInt, rInt));

                    foreach (CensusPeptideItem item in items)
            Progress.SetMessage("Write to " + targetFilename + " finished.");
            Progress.SetPosition(sourceFilenames.Length + 1);

            return(new[] { targetFilename });
        public override IEnumerable <string> Process(string targetFilename)
            Dictionary <string, CensusProteinItem> proteinMap = new Dictionary <string, CensusProteinItem>();

            CensusResultFormat crf = new CensusResultFormat(true, isLabelFree);

            Progress.SetRange(1, sourceFilenames.Length + 1);
            for (int i = 0; i < sourceFilenames.Length; i++)
                string f = sourceFilenames[i];

                Progress.SetMessage("Reading from " + f + "...");
                Progress.SetPosition(i + 1);

                CensusResult cr = crf.ReadFromFile(f);
                foreach (CensusProteinItem cpi in cr.Proteins)
                    if (!proteinMap.ContainsKey(cpi.Locus))
                        proteinMap[cpi.Locus] = cpi;

            List <CensusProteinItem> proteins = new List <CensusProteinItem>(proteinMap.Values);

            foreach (CensusProteinItem cpi in proteins)
                cpi.Peptides.Sort(delegate(CensusPeptideItem a, CensusPeptideItem b)
                    int result = a.Sequence.CompareTo(b.Sequence);

                    if (0 == result)
                        result = a.Filename.Charge.CompareTo(b.Filename.Charge);

                    if (0 == result)
                        result = a.Filename.LongFileName.CompareTo(b.Filename.LongFileName);


            proteins.Sort(delegate(CensusProteinItem a, CensusProteinItem b)
                int result = b.PeptideNumber - a.PeptideNumber;

                if (0 == result)
                    result = b.SpectraCount - a.SpectraCount;

                if (0 == result)
                    result = a.Locus.CompareTo(b.Locus);


            CensusResult target = new CensusResult();

            target.Headers  = CensusUtils.ReadHeaders(sourceFilenames[0]);
            target.Proteins = proteins;

            Progress.SetMessage("Writing to " + targetFilename + "...");
            crf.WriteToFile(targetFilename, target);
            Progress.SetMessage("Write to " + targetFilename + " finished.");
            Progress.SetPosition(sourceFilenames.Length + 1);

            return(new[] { targetFilename });