private bool FindPath(Board board, CellPath path, Cell origin)
            var availableCells = board.GetAvailableCells(origin);

            foreach (var cell in availableCells)

                //Console.WriteLine(_printingService.ToString(board, path));

                if (board.IsSolved())

                if (!BoardHasStillSolution(board, cell))
                    //Console.WriteLine("Impossible solution, rolling back.");
                    if (FindPath(board, path, cell))


Beispiel #2
 void OnDestroy()
     if (instance == this)
         instance = null;
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Rate paths based on their length and deviation from the goal bearing.
        /// Better paths have higher value.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cellPath"></param>
        /// <param name="goalBearingRelative"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private double pathRatingFunction(CellPath cellPath, double goalBearingRelative, double sweepAngleHalf)
            double overObstacleLength = cellPath.lengthMeters - ObstacleDistanceMeters;

            if (overObstacleLength < 0.0d)

            double distanceFactor = Math.Min((pathDistanceMax - ObstacleDistanceMeters) * 0.9d, overObstacleLength);

            double bearing = cellPath.firstHeadingRelative - goalBearingRelative;

            bearing = Direction.to180(bearing);
            // at this point bearing is between -180...180

            if (bearing > sweepAngleHalf)

            double deflection = Math.Abs(bearing) / sweepAngleHalf;     // 0 pointing to goal, 1 pointing to the side ray.

            double directionFactor = 1.0d - 0.9d * deflection;          // 1.0 when pointing to goal, 0.1 when pointing to the side ray

            double rating = distanceFactor * directionFactor;

            //double rating = directionFactor;

Beispiel #4
        private void addCandidate(CellPathData c, int w, int di, int dj, List <CellPath> candidates, CellPath path)
            var i = c.i;
            var j = c.j;

            // The total weight of the candidate is the weight of previous path
            // plus its weight (calculated based on occupancy and speed factor)
            var distanceToDestination = Math.Sqrt((di - i) * (di - i) + (dj - j) * (dj - j));

            w = w / c.speed + c.weight;

            if (c.candidateRef == null)
                var candidateRef = new CellPath(i, j, path.w + w, (int)distanceToDestination, path);
                c.candidateRef = candidateRef;
                var currentWeight = c.candidateRef.w;
                var newWeight     = path.w + w;
                if (newWeight < currentWeight)
                    c.candidateRef.w    = newWeight;
                    c.candidateRef.path = path;
Beispiel #5
	void Awake()
		if ( instance )
			Destroy( this );
			instance = this;
Beispiel #6
 // Constructor
 internal CellPath(int i, int j, double w, double d, CellPath path)
     I    = i;
     J    = j;
     W    = w;
     D    = d;
     Path = path;
Beispiel #7
		public CellPath(int i, int j, int w, int d, CellPath path)
			this.i = i; // position i in the grid
			this.j = j; // position j in the grid
			this.w = w; // weight of the path
			this.d = d; // remaining distance to destination

			// positions previously taken in the path
			this.path = path;
Beispiel #8
 void Awake()
     if (instance)
         instance = this;
Beispiel #9
        public CellPathData(int i, int j)
            this.i = i;
            this.j = j;

            this.floor = -1;
    = -1;
            this.speed = 1;

            this.weight       = 0;
            this.candidateRef = null;
        internal CellPath Solve(Board board)
            var path = new CellPath();


            FindPath(board, path, board.Start);

            if (board.IsSolved())

            throw new Exception("Impossible problem");
Beispiel #11
        private string PrintPathWay(Board board, CellPath path, int index)
            if (IsSolutionLastStep(board, path, index))
            else if (path.Count - 1 == index)

            var orientation = _orientationService.GetOrientation(path[index], path[index + 1]);

Beispiel #12
 public string ToString(Board board, CellPath path)
     return(DrawBoard(board, (b, x, y) =>
         var pathCell = path.FirstIndexOf(c => c.Equals(x, y));
         if (pathCell.Index != -1)
             return PrintPathWay(board, path, pathCell.Index);
             return ToString(board.GetCell(x, y));
Beispiel #13
        /// <summary>
        /// registers a geo cell at (x,y) with the cell path, storing current pathDistance.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cellPath"></param>
        /// <param name="x"></param>
        /// <param name="y"></param>
        /// <param name="pathDistance"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected bool registerCell(CellPath cellPath, int x, int y, double pathDistance, out MapCell mc)
            mc = _mapper.geoCellAt(x, y);

            if (mc == null || mc.val > 0)
                return(true);  // ray hit an obstacle or the wall

            //if (!cellPath.ContainsCell(mc))
                cellPath.Add(new CellPathElement()
                    mapCell = mc, distanceMeters = pathDistance, cellPath = cellPath

            return(false);   // not hit any obstacle or wall
Beispiel #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Rate paths based on their length and deviation from the goal bearing.
        /// Better paths have higher value.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cellPath"></param>
        /// <param name="goalBearingRelative"></param>
        /// <param name="distanceToGoalMeters"></param>
        /// <param name="sweepAngleHalf"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private double pathRatingFunction(CellPath cellPath, double goalBearingRelative, double?distanceToGoalMeters, double sweepAngleHalf)
            double overObstacleLength = cellPath.lengthMeters - ObstacleDistanceMeters;

            if (overObstacleLength < 0.0d)
                return(0.0d);    // if an obstacle comes within ObstacleDistanceMeters the robot stops moving. Rate shorter paths poorly.

            double distanceFactor = Math.Min((pathDistanceMax - ObstacleDistanceMeters) * 0.9d, overObstacleLength);

            double bearing = cellPath.firstHeadingRelative - goalBearingRelative;

            bearing = Direction.to180(bearing);
            // at this point bearing is between -180...180

            if (bearing > sweepAngleHalf)
                return(0.0d);    // rate poorly all paths outside the sweep sector

            double deflection = Math.Abs(bearing) / sweepAngleHalf;     // 0 pointing to goal, 1 pointing to the side ray.

            double directionFactor = 1.0d - 0.9d * deflection;          // 1.0 when pointing to goal, 0.1 when pointing to the side ray

            double rating = distanceFactor * directionFactor;

            //double rating = directionFactor;

            if (distanceToGoalMeters.HasValue && deflection < 0.1 && cellPath.lengthMeters > distanceToGoalMeters.Value)
                rating *= 1000000.0d;   // highly rate paths directly hitting the goal.

Beispiel #15
        ///// <summary>
        ///// </summary>
        //public void readMission()
        //    if (File.Exists(missionFilename))
        //    {
        //        using (TextReader reader = new StreamReader(missionFilename))
        //        {
        //            string line;
        //            while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
        //            {
        //                Tracer.Trace(line);
        //            }
        //        }
        //    }

        /// <summary>
        /// creates a RoutePlan, based on mapper's robotDirection and cells on the geo plane (using _mapper.geoCellAt()); analyses obstacles (busy cells)
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public RoutePlan planRoute()
            DateTime started = DateTime.Now;

            RoutePlan plan = new RoutePlan();

            // note: _mapper.robotDirection.distanceToGoalMeters may contain distance to goal, in which case a shorter leg going straight to and ending at goal wins

            if (_mapper.robotDirection.heading.HasValue)
                double?distanceToGoalMeters = _mapper.robotDirection.distanceToGoalMeters;

                lock (this)

                        double sweepAngleHalf = sweepAngleNormal / 2.0d;

                        double goalBearingRelative = 0.0d;  // straight in front is default

                        if (_mapper.robotDirection.bearing.HasValue)
                            goalBearingRelative = (double)_mapper.robotDirection.turnRelative;

                        if (Math.Abs(goalBearingRelative) > sweepAngleHalf)
                            // robot is pointing away from the goal, make him turn towards the goal first:

                            plan.bestHeading = Direction.to360(_mapper.robotDirection.course + goalBearingRelative);
                            plan.legMeters   = null;
                            plan.closestObstacleAlongBestPathMeters = _mapper.robotState.robotLengthMeters / 2.0d;
                            int nsteps = (int)Math.Round(sweepAngleHalf / raySweepDegrees);

                            for (int i = -nsteps; i < nsteps; i++)
                                double pathHeadingRelative = raySweepDegrees * i;

                                Direction dir = new Direction()
                                    heading = _mapper.robotDirection.heading, bearingRelative = pathHeadingRelative
                                };                                                                                                                      // related to robot heading;

                                CellPath cellPath = shootRay(dir);

                                cellPath.firstHeadingRelative = pathHeadingRelative;


                            // order (low to high) paths based on their length and deviation from the goal bearing - using pathRatingFunction():
                            CellPath bestPath = cellPaths.OrderBy(c => pathRatingFunction(c, goalBearingRelative, distanceToGoalMeters, sweepAngleHalf)).Last();

                            bestPath.isBest = true;

                            plan.bestHeading = Direction.to360(_mapper.robotDirection.course + bestPath.firstHeadingRelative);
                            plan.legMeters   = bestPath.lengthMeters;
                            plan.closestObstacleAlongBestPathMeters = bestPath.lengthMeters - _mapper.robotState.robotLengthMeters / 2.0d;
                    catch (Exception exc)
                        Console.WriteLine("planRoute() - " + exc);

            plan.timeSpentPlanning = DateTime.Now - started;

Beispiel #16
        /// <summary>
        /// fills cells that are along the path from the center to border
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="angle">degrees, from vertical up, -180 to 180 or 0...360 (any angle will be brought to -180...180 range)</param>
        protected CellPath shootRay(Direction dir)
            CellPath cellPath    = new CellPath();
            bool     hitObstacle = false;

            double  pathDistance = _mapper.robotState.robotLengthMeters / 2.0d;
            MapCell mc           = null;

            double angle = (double)dir.bearing;

            int startX = nW / 2;
            int startY = nH / 2;

            int robotWidthCells = (int)Math.Floor(_mapper.robotState.robotWidthMeters / MapperSettings.elementSizeMeters) + 1;
            int halfWidth       = (int)Math.Ceiling((robotWidthCells - 1) / 2.0d);

            angle = Direction.to180(angle);

            bool verticalUp   = Math.Abs(angle) <= 1.0d;
            bool verticalDown = angle >= 179.0d || angle <= -179.0d;

            int y  = startY;
            int dy = angle > 90.0d || angle < -90.0d ? 1 : -1;

            if (verticalUp || verticalDown)
                int endY = verticalUp ? 0 : nH - 1;

                while (!hitObstacle && y >= 0 && y < nH)
                    pathDistance = Math.Abs(y - startY) * MapperSettings.elementSizeMeters;

                    for (int xx = startX - halfWidth; !hitObstacle && xx <= startX + halfWidth; xx++)
                        hitObstacle = registerCell(cellPath, xx, y, pathDistance, out mc);
                    y += dy;
                double angleR  = (90.0d - angle) * Math.PI / 180.0d;
                double factor  = verticalUp ? 100000.0d : (verticalDown ? -100000.0d : Math.Tan(angleR));
                int    dx      = angle > 0.0d ? 1 : -1;
                bool   spreadV = angle >= 45.0d && angle <= 135.0d || angle <-45.0d && angle> -135.0d;

                for (int x = startX; !hitObstacle && x >= 0 && x < nW && y >= 0 && y < nH; x += dx)
                    double pathDistanceX = Math.Abs(x - startX) * MapperSettings.elementSizeMeters;
                    double pathDistanceY = Math.Abs(y - startY) * MapperSettings.elementSizeMeters;

                    pathDistance = Math.Sqrt(pathDistanceX * pathDistanceX + pathDistanceY * pathDistanceY);

                    if (pathDistance >= pathDistanceMax)

                    int endY = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(startY - ((int)Math.Round((x - startX) * factor)), nH - 1));

                    while (!hitObstacle && y >= 0 && y < nH && (dy > 0 && y <= endY || dy < 0 && y >= endY))
                        if (spreadV)
                            hitObstacle = registerCell(cellPath, x, y, pathDistance, out mc);
                            for (int xx = Math.Max(0, x - halfWidth); !hitObstacle && xx <= Math.Min(x + halfWidth, nW - 1); xx++)
                                hitObstacle = registerCell(cellPath, xx, y, pathDistance, out mc);

                        y += dy;
                    if (spreadV)
                        for (int yy = Math.Max(0, endY - halfWidth); !hitObstacle && yy <= Math.Min(endY + halfWidth, nH - 1); yy++)
                            hitObstacle = registerCell(cellPath, x, yy, pathDistance, out mc);
                    else if (!hitObstacle)
                        hitObstacle = registerCell(cellPath, x, endY, pathDistance, out mc);
            cellPath.lengthMeters = pathDistance;
            cellPath.hitObstacle  = hitObstacle;

Beispiel #17
        private void addCandidates(CellPath path, int di, int dj, List <CellPath> candidates,
                                   bool allowDiagonals = false)
            var i = path.i;
            var j = path.j;
            var c = Grid[i][j];

            // Searching whether adjacent cells can be candidates to lengthen the path

            // Adjacent cells
            var c01 = Grid[i - 1][j];
            var c10 = Grid[i][j - 1];
            var c12 = Grid[i][j + 1];
            var c21 = Grid[i + 1][j];

            // weight of path in straight line = 1
            var weightStraight = 1;

            if (areCommunicating(c, c01))
                addCandidate(c01, weightStraight, di, dj, candidates, path);

            if (areCommunicating(c, c21))
                addCandidate(c21, weightStraight, di, dj, candidates, path);

            if (areCommunicating(c, c10))
                addCandidate(c10, weightStraight, di, dj, candidates, path);

            if (areCommunicating(c, c12))
                addCandidate(c12, weightStraight, di, dj, candidates, path);

            // Searching whether diagonally adjacent cells can be candidates to lengthen the path

            // Diagonally adjacent cells
            var c00 = Grid[i - 1][j - 1];
            var c02 = Grid[i - 1][j + 1];
            var c20 = Grid[i + 1][j - 1];
            var c22 = Grid[i + 1][j + 1];

            // weight of path in diagonal = Math.sqrt(2)
            var weightDiagonal = Math.Sqrt(2);

            if (allowDiagonals)
                if (canMoveDiagonallyTo(c, c00, c01, c10))
                    addCandidate(c00, (int)weightDiagonal, di, dj, candidates, path);

                if (canMoveDiagonallyTo(c, c20, c21, c10))
                    addCandidate(c20, (int)weightDiagonal, di, dj, candidates, path);

                if (canMoveDiagonallyTo(c, c02, c01, c12))
                    addCandidate(c02, (int)weightDiagonal, di, dj, candidates, path);

                if (canMoveDiagonallyTo(c, c22, c21, c12))
                    addCandidate(c22, (int)weightDiagonal, di, dj, candidates, path);
Beispiel #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Rate paths based on their length and deviation from the goal bearing.
        /// Better paths have higher value.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cellPath"></param>
        /// <param name="goalBearingRelative"></param>
        /// <param name="distanceToGoalMeters"></param>
        /// <param name="sweepAngleHalf"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private double pathRatingFunction(CellPath cellPath, double goalBearingRelative, double? distanceToGoalMeters, double sweepAngleHalf)
            double overObstacleLength = cellPath.lengthMeters - ObstacleDistanceMeters;

            if (overObstacleLength < 0.0d)
                return 0.0d;    // if an obstacle comes within ObstacleDistanceMeters the robot stops moving. Rate shorter paths poorly.

            double distanceFactor = Math.Min((pathDistanceMax - ObstacleDistanceMeters) * 0.9d, overObstacleLength);

            double bearing = cellPath.firstHeadingRelative - goalBearingRelative;

            bearing = Direction.to180(bearing);
            // at this point bearing is between -180...180

            if (bearing > sweepAngleHalf)
                return 0.0d;    // rate poorly all paths outside the sweep sector

            double deflection = Math.Abs(bearing) / sweepAngleHalf;     // 0 pointing to goal, 1 pointing to the side ray.

            double directionFactor = 1.0d - 0.9d * deflection;          // 1.0 when pointing to goal, 0.1 when pointing to the side ray

            double rating = distanceFactor * directionFactor;
            //double rating = directionFactor;

            if (distanceToGoalMeters.HasValue && deflection < 0.1 && cellPath.lengthMeters > distanceToGoalMeters.Value)
                rating *= 1000000.0d;   // highly rate paths directly hitting the goal.

            return rating;
Beispiel #19
 private bool IsSolutionLastStep(Board board, CellPath path, int index)
     return(board.IsSolved() && path.Count - 1 == index);
Beispiel #20
    void GenWalls()
        if (useRandomSeed)

        foreach (Cell c in cells)

        Cell startRoom = null;
        int  curRoom   = 1;

        while (unassignedRooms.Count > 0)
            // add room of random size
            int nextRoomSize = (int)(SimpleRNG.GetUniform() * (maxRoomSize - minRoomSize)) + minRoomSize;

            Cell centreCell = unassignedRooms[(int)(SimpleRNG.GetUniform() * (unassignedRooms.Count - 1))];
            if (startRoom == null)
                startRoom = centreCell;

            // work out ideal bounds of new room
            int startX = centreCell.x - Mathf.CeilToInt(nextRoomSize / 2f) + 1;
            int endX   = Mathf.Min(startX + nextRoomSize, cellsPerSide);
            startX = Mathf.Max(0, startX);

            int startY = centreCell.y - Mathf.CeilToInt(nextRoomSize / 2f) + 1;
            int endY   = Mathf.Min(startY + nextRoomSize, cellsPerSide);
            startY = Mathf.Max(0, startY);

            var roomCells  = new List <Cell>();
            var lastInRoom = new List <int>();                  // which rows in the last column had a room on it? If no rows match, column won't be inited and room will stop. Avoids split rooms

            for (int x = startX; x < endX; x++)
                var cellsThisColumn = new List <int>();
                if (lastInRoom.Count == 0)
                    // no cells in room yet, add first block
                    bool started = false;
                    for (int y = startY; y < endY; y++)
                        if (cells[x, y].room == 0)
                            started = true;
                        else if (started)
                    // add last column's rooms to this column if valid, then spread up and down until hits another room
                    foreach (int roomRow in lastInRoom)
                        if (!cellsThisColumn.Contains(roomRow) && cells[x, roomRow].room == 0)
                            for (int south = roomRow - 1; south >= startY; south--)
                                if (cells[x, south].room == 0)
                            for (int north = roomRow + 1; north < endY; north++)
                                if (cells[x, north].room == 0)

                    // if no valid connection after room has started, stop making room
                    if (cellsThisColumn.Count == 0)

                // actually make rooms
                foreach (int row in cellsThisColumn)
                    // for each cell within room edges, add walls between neighbouring rooms (if not in another room already)
                    // add each valid room to list, and if can't path to first room after all rooms done, make holes
                    Cell roomCell = cells[x, row];
                    if (AddCellToRoom(roomCell, curRoom))
                lastInRoom = cellsThisColumn;

            Debug.Log("Room made");

            // try to path to start room
            if (roomCells.Count > 0 && CellPath.PathTo(startRoom.centrePosition, roomCells[0].centrePosition) == null)
                // no path, make corridor to first cell
                Cell pathEnd    = null;
                int  distToTarg = int.MaxValue;
                foreach (Cell edgeCell in roomCells)
                    int newDist = Mathf.Abs(edgeCell.x - startRoom.x) + Mathf.Abs(edgeCell.y - startRoom.y);
                    if (newDist < distToTarg)
                        distToTarg = newDist;
                        pathEnd    = edgeCell;

                while ( == curRoom)
                    Debug.Log("Opening path from " + pathEnd);
                    int xDist = startRoom.x - pathEnd.x;
                    int yDist = startRoom.y - pathEnd.y;
                    if (xDist >= Mathf.Abs(yDist))
                        pathEnd = OpenCellInDirection(pathEnd, Direction.East);
                    else if (xDist <= -Mathf.Abs(yDist))
                        pathEnd = OpenCellInDirection(pathEnd, Direction.West);
                    else if (yDist > Mathf.Abs(xDist))
                        pathEnd = OpenCellInDirection(pathEnd, Direction.North);
                    else if (yDist < -Mathf.Abs(xDist))
                        pathEnd = OpenCellInDirection(pathEnd, Direction.South);

                // check if can path. JUST IN CASE
                if (CellPath.PathTo(startRoom.centrePosition, roomCells[0].centrePosition) == null)
                    Debug.LogWarning("Still no path from room " + curRoom);


        Debug.Log("Layout complete...");

        // Instantiate walls?
        var verticalWalls = new Cell[cellsPerSide, cellsPerSide];

        for (int x = 0; x < cellsPerSide - 1; x++)
            int wallType = Random.Range(0, wallPrefabs.Length);
            for (int y = 0; y < cellsPerSide; y++)
                if (!cells[x, y].canGoEast)
                    CreateWall(cells[x, y], Direction.East, wallType);
                    verticalWalls[x, y] = cells[x, y];

                    if (y > 0 && verticalWalls[x, y - 1] == null)
                        CreateWallCap(cells[x, y], true);
                    wallType = Random.Range(0, wallPrefabs.Length);
                    if (y > 0 && verticalWalls[x, y - 1] != null)
                        CreateWallCap(cells[x, y], true);

        var horizontalWalls = new Cell[cellsPerSide, cellsPerSide];

        for (int y = 0; y < cellsPerSide - 1; y++)
            int wallType = Random.Range(0, wallPrefabs.Length);
            for (int x = 0; x < cellsPerSide; x++)
                if (!cells[x, y].canGoNorth)
                    CreateWall(cells[x, y], Direction.North, wallType);
                    horizontalWalls[x, y] = cells[x, y];

                    if (x > 0 && horizontalWalls[x - 1, y] == null)
                        CreateWallCap(cells[x, y], false);
                    wallType = Random.Range(0, wallPrefabs.Length);
                    if (x > 0 && horizontalWalls[x - 1, y] != null)
                        CreateWallCap(cells[x, y], false);
Beispiel #21
	void OnDestroy()
		if ( instance == this )
			instance = null;
Beispiel #22
        public Task <int[]> GetPath(Map map, int startCellId, int destCellId, List <int> occupiedCells,
                                    bool allowDiagonals   = false,
                                    bool stopNextToTarget = false)
            CellPath candidate = null;

            fillPathGrid(map, map.CellChangeMaps.Count == 0);

            var srcPos = getMapPoint(startCellId); // source index
            var dstPos = getMapPoint(destCellId);  // source index

            var si = srcPos.X + 1;
            var sj = srcPos.Y + 1;

            var srcCell = Grid[si][sj];

            if ( == -1)
                // Searching for accessible cell around source
                CellPathData bestFit       = null;
                var          bestDist      = Math.Pow(10, 1000);
                var          bestFloorDiff = Math.Pow(10, 1000);
                for (var i = -1; i <= 1; i += 1)
                    for (var j = -1; j <= 1; j += 1)
                        if (i == 0 && j == 0)

                        var cell = Grid[si + i][sj + j];
                        if ( == -1)

                        var floorDiff = Math.Abs(cell.floor - srcCell.floor);
                        var dist      = Math.Abs(i) + Math.Abs(j);
                        if (bestFit == null || floorDiff < bestFloorDiff ||
                            (floorDiff <= bestFloorDiff && dist < bestDist))
                            bestFit       = cell;
                            bestDist      = dist;
                            bestFloorDiff = floorDiff;

                if (bestFit != null)
                    return(Task.FromResult(new int[2] {
                        startCellId, getCellId(bestFit.i - 1, bestFit.j - 1)

                Console.WriteLine("[pathFinder.getPath] Player is stuck in {0}/{1}", si, sj);

                return(Task.FromResult(new int[1] {

            var di = dstPos.X + 1; // destination i
            var dj = dstPos.Y + 1; // destination j

            // marking cells as occupied
            Point cellPos;

            //var cellId = 0;

            foreach (var cellId in occupiedCells)
                cellPos = getMapPoint(cellId);
                Grid[cellPos.X + 1][cellPos.Y + 1].weight += OCCUPIED_CELL_WEIGHT;

            // First cell in the path
            var distSrcDst = Math.Sqrt((si - di) * (si - di) + (sj - dj) * (sj - dj));
            var selection  = new CellPath(si, sj, 0, (int)distSrcDst, null);

            List <CellPath> candidates = new List <CellPath>();
            List <CellPath> selections = new List <CellPath>();

            // Adding cells to path until destination has been reached
            CellPath reachingPath = null;
            var      closestPath  = selection;

            while (selection.i != di || selection.j != dj)
                addCandidates(selection, di, dj, candidates, allowDiagonals);

                // Looking for candidate with the smallest additional length to path
                // in O(number of candidates)
                var n = candidates.Count;
                if (n == 0)
                    // No possible path
                    // returning the closest path to destination
                    selection = closestPath;

                var minPotentialWeight = Math.Pow(10, 1000);
                var selectionIndex     = 0;
                for (int c = 0; c < n; c += 1)
                    candidate = candidates[c];
                    if (candidate.w + candidate.d < minPotentialWeight)
                        selection          = candidate;
                        minPotentialWeight = candidate.w + candidate.d;
                        selectionIndex     = c;


                // If stopNextToTarget
                // then when reaching a distance of less than Math.sqrt(2) the destination is considered as reached
                // (the threshold has to be bigger than sqrt(2) but smaller than 2, to be safe we use the value 1.5)
                if (selection.d == 0 || (stopNextToTarget && selection.d < 1.5))
                    // Selected path reached destination
                    if (reachingPath == null || selection.w < reachingPath.w)
                        reachingPath = selection;
                        closestPath  = selection;

                        // Clearing candidates dominated by current solution to speed up the algorithm
                        List <CellPath> trimmedCandidates = new List <CellPath>();
                        for (int c = 0; c < candidates.Count; c += 1)
                            candidate = candidates[c];
                            if (candidate.w + candidate.d < reachingPath.w)
                                Grid[candidate.i][candidate.j].candidateRef = null;

                        candidates = trimmedCandidates;
                    if (selection.d < closestPath.d)
                        // 'selection' is the new closest path to destination
                        closestPath = selection;

            // Removing candidate reference in each cell in selections and active candidates
            for (int c = 0; c < candidates.Count; c += 1)
                candidate = candidates[c];
                Grid[candidate.i][candidate.j].candidateRef = null;

            for (var s = 0; s < selections.Count; s += 1)
                selection = selections[s];
                Grid[selection.i][selection.j].candidateRef = null;

            // Marking cells as unoccupied
            foreach (var cell in occupiedCells)
                cellPos = getMapPoint(cell);
                Grid[cellPos.X + 1][cellPos.Y + 1].weight -= OCCUPIED_CELL_WEIGHT;

            List <int> shortestPath = new List <int>();

            while (closestPath != null)
                shortestPath.Add(getCellId(closestPath.i - 1, closestPath.j - 1));
                closestPath = closestPath.path;

Beispiel #23
        /// <summary>
        /// Rate paths based on their length and deviation from the goal bearing.
        /// Better paths have higher value.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cellPath"></param>
        /// <param name="goalBearingRelative"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private double pathRatingFunction(CellPath cellPath, double goalBearingRelative, double sweepAngleHalf)
            double overObstacleLength = cellPath.lengthMeters - ObstacleDistanceMeters;

            if (overObstacleLength < 0.0d)
                return 0.0d;

            double distanceFactor = Math.Min((pathDistanceMax - ObstacleDistanceMeters) * 0.9d, overObstacleLength);

            double bearing = cellPath.firstHeadingRelative - goalBearingRelative;

            bearing = Direction.to180(bearing);
            // at this point bearing is between -180...180

            if (bearing > sweepAngleHalf)
                return 0.0d;

            double deflection = Math.Abs(bearing) / sweepAngleHalf;     // 0 pointing to goal, 1 pointing to the side ray.

            double directionFactor = 1.0d - 0.9d * deflection;          // 1.0 when pointing to goal, 0.1 when pointing to the side ray

            double rating = distanceFactor * directionFactor;
            //double rating = directionFactor;

            return rating;
Beispiel #24
        /// <summary>
        /// fills cells that are along the path from the center to border
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="angle">degrees, from vertical up, -180 to 180 or 0...360 (any angle will be brought to -180...180 range)</param>
        protected CellPath shootRay(Direction dir)
            CellPath cellPath = new CellPath();
            bool hitObstacle = false;

            double pathDistance = _mapper.robotState.robotLengthMeters / 2.0d;
            MapCell mc = null;

            double angle = (double)dir.bearing;

            int startX = nW / 2;
            int startY = nH / 2;

            int robotWidthCells = (int)Math.Floor(_mapper.robotState.robotWidthMeters / MapperSettings.elementSizeMeters) + 1;
            int halfWidth = (int)Math.Ceiling((robotWidthCells - 1) / 2.0d);

            angle = Direction.to180(angle);

            bool verticalUp = Math.Abs(angle) <= 1.0d;
            bool verticalDown = angle >= 179.0d || angle <= -179.0d;

            int y = startY;
            int dy = angle > 90.0d || angle < -90.0d ? 1 : -1;

            if (verticalUp || verticalDown)
                int endY = verticalUp ? 0 : nH - 1;

                while (!hitObstacle && y >= 0 && y < nH)
                    pathDistance = Math.Abs(y - startY) * MapperSettings.elementSizeMeters;

                    for (int xx = startX - halfWidth; !hitObstacle && xx <= startX + halfWidth; xx++)
                        hitObstacle = registerCell(cellPath, xx, y, pathDistance, out mc);
                    y += dy;
                double angleR = (90.0d - angle) * Math.PI / 180.0d;
                double factor = verticalUp ? 100000.0d : (verticalDown ? -100000.0d : Math.Tan(angleR));
                int dx = angle > 0.0d ? 1 : -1;
                bool spreadV = angle >= 45.0d && angle <= 135.0d || angle < -45.0d && angle > -135.0d;

                for (int x = startX; !hitObstacle && x >= 0 && x < nW && y >= 0 && y < nH; x += dx)
                    double pathDistanceX = Math.Abs(x - startX) * MapperSettings.elementSizeMeters;
                    double pathDistanceY = Math.Abs(y - startY) * MapperSettings.elementSizeMeters;

                    pathDistance = Math.Sqrt(pathDistanceX * pathDistanceX + pathDistanceY * pathDistanceY);

                    if (pathDistance >= pathDistanceMax)

                    int endY = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(startY - ((int)Math.Round((x - startX) * factor)), nH - 1));

                    while (!hitObstacle && y >= 0 && y < nH && (dy > 0 && y <= endY || dy < 0 && y >= endY))
                        if (spreadV)
                            hitObstacle = registerCell(cellPath, x, y, pathDistance, out mc);
                            for (int xx = Math.Max(0, x - halfWidth); !hitObstacle && xx <= Math.Min(x + halfWidth, nW - 1); xx++)
                                hitObstacle = registerCell(cellPath, xx, y, pathDistance, out mc);

                        y += dy;
                    if (spreadV)
                        for (int yy = Math.Max(0, endY - halfWidth); !hitObstacle && yy <= Math.Min(endY + halfWidth, nH - 1); yy++)
                            hitObstacle = registerCell(cellPath, x, yy, pathDistance, out mc);
                    else if(!hitObstacle)
                        hitObstacle = registerCell(cellPath, x, endY, pathDistance, out mc);
            cellPath.lengthMeters = pathDistance;
            cellPath.hitObstacle = hitObstacle;

            return cellPath;
Beispiel #25
        /// <summary>
        /// registers a geo cell at (x,y) with the cell path, storing current pathDistance.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cellPath"></param>
        /// <param name="x"></param>
        /// <param name="y"></param>
        /// <param name="pathDistance"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected bool registerCell(CellPath cellPath, int x, int y, double pathDistance, out MapCell mc)
            mc = _mapper.geoCellAt(x, y);

            if (mc == null || mc.val > 0)
                return true;  // ray hit an obstacle or the wall

            //if (!cellPath.ContainsCell(mc))
                cellPath.Add(new CellPathElement() { mapCell = mc, distanceMeters = pathDistance, cellPath = cellPath });

            return false;   // not hit any obstacle or wall