Beispiel #1
        public IActionResult CatalogsList(CatalogSearchModel searchModel)
            Expression <Func <Catalog, bool> > catalogWhere = x => true;

            if (!searchModel.SearchPhrase.IsNullEmptyOrWhiteSpace())
                catalogWhere = store => store.Name.StartsWith(searchModel.SearchPhrase);

            var catalogs = _catalogService.Get(out var totalResults, catalogWhere, catalog => catalog.Id, RowOrder.Ascending, searchModel.Current, searchModel.RowCount);

            var models = catalogs.Select(x => _modelMapper.Map <CatalogModel>(x)).ToList();

            return(R.Success.With("catalogs", models)
                   .WithGridResponse(totalResults, searchModel.Current, searchModel.RowCount)
Beispiel #2
        public async Task <ActionResult <IEnumerable <CatalogItemWithToken> > > Search([FromQuery] CatalogSearchModel model)
            // read-only!
            IQueryable <CatalogItem> q = _dbContext.Catalog
                                         .AsNoTracking().OrderBy(c => c.Id)
                                         .Where(i => i.AvailableResolutions != null && i.AvailableResolutions != "");

            // apply filters
            if (model.Text is not null or "")
                q = q.Where(i => i.Title.Contains(model.Text));

            if (model.From > DateTime.MinValue)
                q = q.Where(i => i.Uploaded >= model.From.Date);

            if (model.To < DateTime.Now)
                q = q.Where(i => i.Uploaded < model.To.Date.AddDays(1));

            if (model.Page > 1)
                q = q.Skip((model.Page - 1) * MaxPageSize);
            q = q.Take(MaxPageSize);
            var list = await q.ToListAsync();

            // produce tokens (& expiry) if needed to
            if (_settingsService.Settings.UseTokens)
                // make it a list with tokens & stuff
                var toReturn = new List <CatalogItemWithToken>();

                DateTime expiry = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(_settingsService.Settings.TokenExpiry);
                foreach (var item in list)
                    var newItem = new CatalogItemWithToken(item);
                    // generate token if needed
                    if (_settingsService.Settings.UseTokens)
                        newItem.Token       = _tokenService.GenerateInternalToken(newItem.FileId, expiry);
                        newItem.TokenExpiry = expiry.Ticks.ToString();
                // just map all the data to the right model & return it.
                return(list.Select(i => new CatalogItemWithToken(i)).ToList());