Beispiel #1
        public void testPi_D()
            bool OSProc = System.Environment.Is64BitProcess;


            REngine engineObj = REngine.GetInstance();

            // Loading a library from R

            // Dichotomous Items
            DataFrame DichoItems = engineObj.Evaluate("DichoItems <- genDichoMatrix(items = 100)").AsDataFrame();

            engineObj.SetSymbol("DichoItems", DichoItems);

            // Adapting with the existing "CAT-Items" type (Wrapper)
            CATItems itemBank = new CATItems(DichoItems[0].Select(y => (double)y).ToArray(), DichoItems[1].Select(y => (double)y).ToArray(),
                                             DichoItems[2].Select(y => (double)y).ToArray(), DichoItems[3].Select(y => (double)y).ToArray());

            #region "Test block for Ability Values (th)"

            PiList objPI        = null;
            int    decimalPoint = 4;

            double[] th_Values = CatRcs.Utils.CommonHelper.Sequence(-6, 6, by: 1);

            Console.WriteLine("******* TEST for Ability value Theta ********");

            for (int k = 0; k < th_Values.Length; k++)
                // Sequence Generation for Theta (Ability) values
                NumericVector th_val = engineObj.CreateNumericVector(new double[] { th_Values[k] });
                engineObj.SetSymbol("th_val", th_val);

                // Calling the "Pi" from R
                GenericVector result_Pi = engineObj.Evaluate("result_Pi <- Pi(th = th_val, DichoItems, D = 1)").AsList();

                // Getting the function result
                NumericVector Pi   = result_Pi[0].AsNumeric();
                NumericVector dPi  = result_Pi[1].AsNumeric();
                NumericVector d2Pi = result_Pi[2].AsNumeric();
                NumericVector d3Pi = result_Pi[3].AsNumeric();

                Console.WriteLine("Value of Theta: " + th_Values[k]);

                objPI = CatRLib.Pi_D(th_Values[k], itemBank, "", 1);

                #region "Pi"

                int z = 0;
                resultFlag = true;

                Console.WriteLine("****** Pi ******");

                for (int i = 0; i < Pi.Length; i++)
                    z = i + 1;  // item number

                    if (decimal.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(Pi[i]), decimalPoint) != decimal.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(objPI.Pi[i]), decimalPoint))
                        //Console.WriteLine("Test for Item No. # " + z + " is not Passed!");
                        resultFlag = false;

                Assert.IsTrue(resultFlag, "Passed");
                Console.WriteLine("Values of Pi are Matched!");


                #region "dPi"

                z          = 0;
                resultFlag = true;

                Console.WriteLine("****** dPi ******");

                for (int i = 0; i < dPi.Length; i++)
                    z = i + 1;  // item number

                    if (decimal.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(dPi[i]), decimalPoint) != decimal.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(objPI.dPi[i]), decimalPoint))
                        //Console.WriteLine("Test for Item No. # " + z + " is not Passed!");
                        resultFlag = false;

                Console.WriteLine("Values of dPi are Matched!");


                #region "d2Pi"

                z          = 0;
                resultFlag = true;

                Console.WriteLine("****** d2Pi ******");

                for (int i = 0; i < d2Pi.Length; i++)
                    z = i + 1;  // item number

                    if (decimal.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(d2Pi[i]), decimalPoint) != decimal.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(objPI.d2Pi[i]), decimalPoint))
                        //Console.WriteLine("Test for Item No. # " + z + " is not Passed!");
                        resultFlag = false;

                Console.WriteLine("Values of d2Pi are Matched!");


                #region "d3Pi"

                z          = 0;
                resultFlag = true;

                Console.WriteLine("****** d3Pi ******");

                for (int i = 0; i < d3Pi.Length; i++)
                    z = i + 1;  // item number

                    if (decimal.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(d3Pi[i]), decimalPoint) != decimal.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(objPI.d3Pi[i]), decimalPoint))
                        //Console.WriteLine("Test for Item No. # " + z + " is not Passed!");
                        resultFlag = false;

                Console.WriteLine("Values of d3Pi are Matched!");




            #region "Test block for Metric values"

            objPI = null;

            double[] D_Values = CatRcs.Utils.CommonHelper.Sequence(0.5, 1, by: 0.1);

            Console.WriteLine("******* TEST for Metric Constant ********");

            for (int k = 0; k < D_Values.Length; k++)
                // Sequence Generation for Theta (Ability) values
                NumericVector D_val = engineObj.CreateNumericVector(new double[] { D_Values[k] });
                engineObj.SetSymbol("D_val", D_val);

                // Calling the "Pi" from R
                GenericVector result_Pi = engineObj.Evaluate("result_Pi <- Pi(th = 0, DichoItems, D = D_val)").AsList();

                // Getting the function result
                NumericVector Pi   = result_Pi[0].AsNumeric();
                NumericVector dPi  = result_Pi[1].AsNumeric();
                NumericVector d2Pi = result_Pi[2].AsNumeric();
                NumericVector d3Pi = result_Pi[3].AsNumeric();

                Console.WriteLine("Value of Metric constant: " + D_Values[k]);

                objPI = CatRLib.Pi_D(0, itemBank, "", D_Values[k]);

                #region "Pi"

                int z = 0;
                resultFlag = true;

                Console.WriteLine("****** Pi ******");

                for (int i = 0; i < Pi.Length; i++)
                    z = i + 1;  // item number

                    if (decimal.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(Pi[i]), decimalPoint) != decimal.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(objPI.Pi[i]), decimalPoint))
                        //Console.WriteLine("Test for Item No. # " + z + " is not Passed!");
                        resultFlag = false;

                Console.WriteLine("Values of Pi are matched!");


                #region "dPi"

                z          = 0;
                resultFlag = true;

                Console.WriteLine("****** dPi ******");

                for (int i = 0; i < dPi.Length; i++)
                    z = i + 1;  // item number

                    if (decimal.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(dPi[i]), decimalPoint) != decimal.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(objPI.dPi[i]), decimalPoint))
                        //Console.WriteLine("Test for Item No. # " + z + " is not Passed!");
                        resultFlag = false;

                Console.WriteLine("Values of dPi are matched!");


                #region "d2Pi"

                z          = 0;
                resultFlag = true;

                Console.WriteLine("****** d2Pi ******");

                for (int i = 0; i < d2Pi.Length; i++)
                    z = i + 1;  // item number

                    if (decimal.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(d2Pi[i]), decimalPoint) != decimal.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(objPI.d2Pi[i]), decimalPoint))
                        //Console.WriteLine("Test for Item No. # " + z + " is not Passed!");
                        resultFlag = false;

                Console.WriteLine("Values of d2Pi are Matched!");


                #region "d3Pi"

                z          = 0;
                resultFlag = true;

                Console.WriteLine("****** d3Pi ******");

                for (int i = 0; i < d3Pi.Length; i++)
                    z = i + 1;  // item number

                    if (decimal.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(d3Pi[i]), decimalPoint) != decimal.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(objPI.d3Pi[i]), decimalPoint))
                        //Console.WriteLine("Test for Item No. # " + z + " is not Passed!");
                        resultFlag = false;

                Console.WriteLine("Values of d3Pi are Matched!");

