public static int CallMethod(CatMethod method) { return(-1); }
/// <summary> /// Loads class internal fields to use them in program to create objects /// </summary> /// <param name="className"> Name of class to load</param> /// <returns></returns> public static (CatClass clazz, int index) LoadClassFile(string fileName) { var lines = File.ReadAllLines(BasePath + fileName); var search = false; var className = ""; (int i, int j)index = (0, 0); for (var i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++) { var line = lines[i]; var words = line.Split(); for (var j = 0; j < words.Length; j++) { if (words[j] == "#") { j = words.Length; continue; } //Console.WriteLine(words[j]); if (!search) { if (words[j] == "class") { //Console.WriteLine("class found"); search = true; } } else { className = words[j]; index = (i, j); goto search; } } } search: if (className != "") { var bracesNesting = 0; var classProperties = new List <CatProperty>(); int modifiers = 0; for (var i = index.i; i < lines.Length; i++) { var line = lines[i]; var firstTime = true; var words = line.Split(); for (var j = index.j; j < words.Length; j++) { if (words[j] == "#") { continue; } if (words[j] == ";") { modifiers = 0; } if (words[j - 1] == ":") //Static method : methodName ( int a , string b ) ~ returnType { if (ModifierHandler.IsMethod(modifiers)) //Method { int k = j; string signature = ""; while (k < words.Length && words[k] != ";") { signature += words[k] + " "; k++; } signature = signature.Trim(); string link = fileName + ":" + i; //i-th line of file:className.cls string[] sign = signature.Split('~'); var rawMethod = new CatMethod(sign[0].Trim(), sign[1].Trim(), className.Trim(), i) { Modifiers = modifiers }; classProperties.Add(rawMethod); j = k; modifiers = 0; continue; } if (ModifierHandler.IsConstructor(modifiers)) //Method { int k = j; string signature = ""; while (k < words.Length && words[k] != ";") { signature += words[k] + " "; k++; } signature = signature.Trim(); string link = fileName + ":" + i; //i-th line of file:className.cls var rawMethod = new CatConstructor(signature, "", className.Trim(), i) { Modifiers = modifiers }; classProperties.Add(rawMethod); j = k; modifiers = 0; continue; } if (ModifierHandler.IsField(modifiers)) // field { var name = words[j]; var type = words[j + 2]; //words[i+3] == ":" //words[i+4] == "=" //words[i+5] == "2"//value var k = j + 4; var expr = ""; while (k < words.Length && words[k] != ";") { expr += words[k] + " "; k++; } if (expr == "") { expr = CatCore.V0; } var rawField = new CatField(name.Trim(), type.Trim(), null) { Modifiers = modifiers }; //todo null classProperties.Add(rawField); j += 4; modifiers = 0; continue; } } if (words[j] == "static") { modifiers += (int)Modifier.Static; } if (words[j] == "constructor") { modifiers += (int)Modifier.Constructor; } if (words[j] == "field") { modifiers += (int)Modifier.Field; } if (words[j] == "method") { modifiers += (int)Modifier.Method; } if (words[j] == "{") { bracesNesting++; firstTime = false; continue; } if (words[j] == "}") { bracesNesting--; continue; } if (bracesNesting <= 0 && !firstTime) { goto after; } } } after: //All fields and methods are read var clazz = new CatClass(className, classProperties.ToArray()); //var size = 5 + nonStaticFields.Count * 2 + staticFields.Count * 3 + nonStaticMethods.Count + staticMethods.Count * 2; var ret = HeapHandler.LoadObjectToHeap(clazz); CatCore.Types.Add(className, ret); foreach (var prop in clazz.Properties) { if (prop is CatConstructor constr) { constr.ReturnType = ret; } } return(clazz, ret); } return(null, CatCore.L0); }