public async Task <IActionResult> CreateCashWithdrawal(
            [FromBody] CashWithdrawalCreateIn cashWithdrawal,
            [FromHeader(Name = "Authorization")] string token)
            var userId = User.Claims.GetUserId();
            await mediator.Send(new CreateCashWithdrawal.Command(cashWithdrawal, userId)).ConfigureAwait(false);

                       new Uri(Request.Path, UriKind.Relative),
Beispiel #2
            protected async override Task Handle(Command request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
                var reg = new UserRegistration
                    Username = "******",
                    Email    = request.RandomEmail,
                    Password = "******"

                var user = await mediator.Send(new CreateUser.Command(reg)).ConfigureAwait(false);

                var userId = context.Users.Single(u => u.Email == user.Email).Id;

                // create categories

                var catNames = new []

                var categories = await mediator.Send(new CreateCategory.Query(
                                                         catNames.Select(cn =>
                                                                         new CategoryIn {
                    CategoryName = cn, UserId = userId

                var keywordNames = new []

                var keywords = await mediator.Send(new CreateKeyword.Query(keywordNames, userId)).ConfigureAwait(false);

                var countries = context.Countries
                                .Where(c =>
                                       new [] {
                    "Viet Nam",
                    "United States",

                LocationOut[] locations = new LocationOut[0];

                foreach (var country in countries)
                    switch (country.CountryName)
                    case "Thailand":
                        locations = await CreateLocation(country.Id, "Chiang Mai").ConfigureAwait(false);

                        locations = await CreateLocation(country.Id, "Bangkok").ConfigureAwait(false);

                        locations = await CreateLocation(country.Id, "Koh Tao").ConfigureAwait(false);


                    case "Mexico":
                        locations = await CreateLocation(country.Id, "Guadalajara").ConfigureAwait(false);

                        locations = await CreateLocation(country.Id, "Merida").ConfigureAwait(false);

                        locations = await CreateLocation(country.Id, "Playa del Carmen").ConfigureAwait(false);


                    case "Viet Nam":
                        locations = await CreateLocation(country.Id, "Hanoi").ConfigureAwait(false);

                        locations = await CreateLocation(country.Id, "Ho Chi Minh City").ConfigureAwait(false);


                    case "United States":
                        locations = await CreateLocation(country.Id, "California").ConfigureAwait(false);

                        locations = await CreateLocation(country.Id, "New York").ConfigureAwait(false);


                    case "Japan":
                        locations = await CreateLocation(country.Id, "Tokyo").ConfigureAwait(false);


                var currencyIds = context.Currencies.Select(c => c.Id).ToArray();

                var titles = context.Transactions
                             .OrderBy(t => Guid.NewGuid())
                             .Select(t => t.Title)

                var transactionCount = 200;
                var dayCounter       = 0;
                var rand             = new Random();

                for (int i = 0; i < transactionCount; i++)
                    dayCounter = OneIn(3) ? dayCounter - rand.Next(1, 4) : dayCounter;
                    var trans = new TransactionCreateIn
                        TransDate    = DateTime.Today.AddDays(dayCounter).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"),
                        Amount       = rand.Next(5, 500),
                        LocationId   = locations.OrderBy(l => Guid.NewGuid()).First().Id,
                        CurrencyId   = currencyIds.OrderBy(c => Guid.NewGuid()).First(),
                        CategoryId   = categories.OrderBy(c => Guid.NewGuid()).First().Id,
                        Title        = titles.OrderBy(t => Guid.NewGuid()).First(),
                        Memo         = OneIn(4) ? ipsum.Substring(0, (int)(ipsum.Length * rand.NextDouble())) : null,
                        PaidWithCash = OneIn(6) ? false : true,
                        UserId       = userId,
                        KeywordIds   = OneIn(3) ?
                                       keywords.OrderBy(k => Guid.NewGuid())
                                       .Take(rand.Next(1, 4))
                                       .Select(k => k.Id)
                            : null
                    await mediator.Send(new CreateTransaction.Command(trans, userId)).ConfigureAwait(false);

                var withdrawalTitles = context.CashWithdrawals
                                       .OrderBy(t => Guid.NewGuid())
                                       .Select(t => t.Title)

                var withdrawalCount = 20;

                dayCounter = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < withdrawalCount; i++)
                    dayCounter = OneIn(3) ? dayCounter - rand.Next(1, 4) : dayCounter;

                    var withdrawal = new CashWithdrawalCreateIn
                        Title      = withdrawalTitles.OrderBy(t => Guid.NewGuid()).First(),
                        TransDate  = DateTime.Today.AddDays(dayCounter).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"),
                        Amount     = rand.Next(1, 10) * 100,
                        CurrencyId = currencyIds.OrderBy(c => Guid.NewGuid()).First(),
                        Memo       = OneIn(4) ? ipsum.Substring(0, (int)(ipsum.Length * rand.NextDouble())) : null,
                        UserId     = userId

                    await mediator.Send(new CreateCashWithdrawal.Command(withdrawal, userId)).ConfigureAwait(false);

                bool OneIn(int x)
                    return(rand.Next() % x == 0);

                Task <LocationOut[]> CreateLocation(int countryId, string locationName)
                    var location = new Location
                        CountryId    = countryId,
                        LocationName = locationName,
                        UserId       = userId

                    return(mediator.Send(new CreateLocation.Query(location)));

                Log.Information("Finished creating user {User}", reg);
Beispiel #3
            protected async override Task Handle(Command request, CancellationToken response)
                var import = request.Import;

                //ensure that the user exists and that it's empty
                await DeleteUserData(request.UserId);

                //get currency map
                var dbCurrencies = await mediator.Send(new GetCurrencies.Query()).ConfigureAwait(false);

                var ccyMap = new Dictionary <int, int>();

                foreach (var ccy in import.Currencies)
                    var dbMatch = dbCurrencies.First(d => d.IsoCode == ccy.IsoCode);
                    ccyMap.Add(ccy.CurrencyId, dbMatch.Id);

                //get country map
                var dbCountries = await mediator.Send(new GetCountries.Query()).ConfigureAwait(false);

                var countryMap = new Dictionary <int, int>();

                foreach (var country in import.Countries)
                    var dbMatch = dbCountries.First(d => d.CountryName == country.CountryName);
                    countryMap.Add(country.CountryId, dbMatch.Id);

                //enter keywords
                var keywords = import.Keywords.Select(k => k.Keyword).ToArray();

                var newKeywords = await mediator.Send(new CreateKeyword.Query(keywords, request.UserId)).ConfigureAwait(false);

                var keywordMap = new Dictionary <int, int>();

                foreach (var kw in import.Keywords)
                    var dbMatch = newKeywords.First(nk => nk.KeywordName == kw.Keyword);
                    keywordMap.Add(kw.Id, dbMatch.Id);

                //enter categories
                var categories = import.Categories.Select(c => new CategoryIn
                    CategoryName = c.CategoryName,
                    UserId       = request.UserId

                var newCategories = await mediator.Send(new CreateCategory.Query(categories)).ConfigureAwait(false);

                var categoryMap = new Dictionary <int, int>();

                foreach (var cat in import.Categories)
                    var dbMatch = newCategories.First(nc => nc.CategoryName == cat.CategoryName);
                    categoryMap.Add(cat.CategoryId, dbMatch.Id);

                //enter locations
                LocationOut[] newLocations = null;
                foreach (var location in import.Locations)
                    var newLocation = new Location
                        LocationName = location.LocationName,
                        CountryId    = countryMap[location.CountryId],
                        UserId       = request.UserId

                    newLocations = await mediator.Send(new CreateLocation.Query(newLocation)).ConfigureAwait(false);

                var locationMap = new Dictionary <int, int>();

                if (newLocations.Any())
                    foreach (var loc in import.Locations)
                        var dbMatch = newLocations.First(nl => nl.LocationName == loc.LocationName);
                        locationMap.Add(loc.LocationId, dbMatch.Id);

                //enter transactions
                int transCounter = 0;

                foreach (var t in import.Transactions)

                    if (transCounter % 50 == 0)
                        Log.Information($"ImportUser: on transaction {transCounter}");

                    var foo = import.TransactionKeywords.Where(tk => tk.TransactionId == t.Id);
                    var newTransKeywords = foo.Select(f => keywordMap[f.KeywordId]).ToArray();

                    var newTrans = new TransactionCreateIn
                        TransDate    = t.TransDate.Substring(0, 10),
                        Amount       = t.Amount,
                        LocationId   = locationMap[t.LocationId],
                        CurrencyId   = ccyMap[t.CurrencyId],
                        CategoryId   = categoryMap[t.CategoryId],
                        Title        = t.Title,
                        Memo         = t.Memo,
                        PaidWithCash = t.PaidWithCash,
                        UserId       = request.UserId,
                        KeywordIds   = newTransKeywords

                    await mediator.Send(new CreateTransaction.Command(newTrans, request.UserId)).ConfigureAwait(false);

                //enter cash withdrawals
                foreach (var cw in import.CashWithdrawals)
                    var newCashWithdrawal = new CashWithdrawalCreateIn
                        Title      = cw.Title,
                        TransDate  = cw.TransDate,
                        Amount     = cw.Amount,
                        CurrencyId = ccyMap[cw.CurrencyId],
                        Memo       = cw.Memo,
                        UserId     = request.UserId

                    await mediator.Send(new CreateCashWithdrawal.Command(newCashWithdrawal, request.UserId)).ConfigureAwait(false);
Beispiel #4
 public Command(CashWithdrawalCreateIn cashWithdrawalIn, int tokenUserId)
     CashWithdrawalIn = cashWithdrawalIn;
     TokenUserId      = tokenUserId;