Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Takes 2 stations and cases and returns a list of appropraite endpoints for a
        /// line connection those stations, respecting jumps between databands.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="csFrom">Station and case of starting point.</param>
        /// <param name="csTo">Station and case of ending point.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static List <(SimplePoint2d, SimplePoint2d)> TranslateLine(CaseStation csFrom, CaseStation csTo)
            double stationFrom = csFrom.Station;
            double stationTo   = csTo.Station;

            List <(double, double)> modelXJumps =
                StationToXConverter.FindModelXsOfJumps(stationFrom, stationTo);

            double xFrom = csFrom.X;
            double xTo   = csTo.X;
            List <(double, double)> modelXOfLineEndPoints =
                GetModelXOfLineEndPoints(xFrom, modelXJumps, xTo);

            double yFrom = csFrom.Y;
            double yTo   = csTo.Y;
            List <(double, double)> modelYOfLineEndPoints = GetModelYOfLineEndPoints(yFrom, modelXOfLineEndPoints, yTo);

            var linePoints = new List <(SimplePoint2d, SimplePoint2d)>();
            int linecount  = modelXOfLineEndPoints.Count;

            for (int i = 0; i < linecount; i++)
                double        point1X = modelXOfLineEndPoints[i].Item1;
                double        point1Y = modelYOfLineEndPoints[i].Item1;
                SimplePoint2d point1  = new SimplePoint2d(point1X, point1Y);

                double        point2X = modelXOfLineEndPoints[i].Item2;
                double        point2Y = modelYOfLineEndPoints[i].Item2;
                SimplePoint2d point2  = new SimplePoint2d(point2X, point2Y);

                linePoints.Add((point1, point2));
        private void AddTransition(int assignmentIndex)
            double          station = _assignments[assignmentIndex].FromStation;
            CalculationCase toCase  = _assignments[assignmentIndex].CalcCase;
            CaseStation     csTo    = new CaseStation(toCase, station);

        private void StartCaseLine(int assignmentIndex)
            double          station  = _assignments[assignmentIndex].FromStation;
            CalculationCase calcCase = _assignments[assignmentIndex].CalcCase;
            CaseStation     cs       = new CaseStation(calcCase, station);

        private void EndCaseLine(int assignmentIndex)
            double          station = _assignments[assignmentIndex].ToStation;
            CalculationCase toCase  = _assignments[assignmentIndex].CalcCase;
            CaseStation     csTo    = new CaseStation(toCase, station);

        internal static double StationDelta(CaseStation from, CaseStation to)
            double deltaY =
                Math.Abs(CaseToYConverter.ToY(from.CalcCase) -
            double deltaStation = deltaY / steepness;

Beispiel #6
        public void CreateBlockInsert(CaseStation cs)
            Point3d insertPoint = new Point3d(cs.X, cs.Y, 0);

            using (var blockref = new BlockReference(insertPoint, _blocktable[_blockname])) {
                blockref.Layer = _layername;
                _trans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(blockref, true);
        public void TranslateLine_LineSpanningOneJump_ReturnsCorrectModelCoords()
            CaseStation CSfrom = new CaseStation(CalculationCase.Case1, 55600);
            CaseStation CSto   = new CaseStation(CalculationCase.Case4b, 55700);
            List <(SimplePoint2d, SimplePoint2d)> expected = new List <(SimplePoint2d, SimplePoint2d)> {
                (new SimplePoint2d(3553070.0, 5349924.0), new SimplePoint2d(3553120.0, 5349897.5)),
                (new SimplePoint2d(3554000.0, 5349897.5), new SimplePoint2d(3554050.0, 5349871.0))

            List <(SimplePoint2d, SimplePoint2d)> actual = LineModelCoordTranslator.TranslateLine(CSfrom, CSto);

            for (int i = 0; i < actual.Count; i++)
                output.WriteLine($"{i + 1:00} " +
                                 $"\n -> Exp. - Item1: {expected[i].Item1} --- Item2: {expected[i].Item2}" +
                                 $"\n -> Act. - Item1: {actual[i].Item1} --- Item2: {actual[i].Item2}");

            Assert.Equal(expected, actual);
        public void AddTransition(CaseStation csTo)
            double deltaStation = DeltaStationCalculator.StationDelta(csLast, csTo);

            CalculationCase startPointCase       = csLast.CalcCase;
            double          startPointStation    = csTo.Station - deltaStation / 2;
            CaseStation     TransitionStartPoint = new CaseStation(startPointCase, startPointStation);

            DrawLine(csLast, TransitionStartPoint);

            CalculationCase endPointCase       = csTo.CalcCase;
            double          endPointStation    = csTo.Station + deltaStation / 2;
            CaseStation     TransitionEndPoint = new CaseStation(endPointCase, endPointStation);

            DrawLine(TransitionStartPoint, TransitionEndPoint);

            csLast = TransitionEndPoint;
        public void TranslateLine_LineSpanningMultipleJumps_ReturnsCorrectModelCoords()
            CaseStation CSfrom = new CaseStation(CalculationCase.Case1, 55000);
            CaseStation CSto   = new CaseStation(CalculationCase.Case4b, 59000);
            List <(SimplePoint2d, SimplePoint2d)> expected = new List <(SimplePoint2d, SimplePoint2d)> {
                (new SimplePoint2d(3552470, 5349924), new SimplePoint2d(3553120.00000003, 5349915.38750001)),
                (new SimplePoint2d(3554000, 5349915.38750001), new SimplePoint2d(3554910.00000002, 5349903.33000001)),
                (new SimplePoint2d(3556000, 5349903.33000001), new SimplePoint2d(3557110.00000003, 5349888.62250001)),
                (new SimplePoint2d(3558000, 5349888.62250001), new SimplePoint2d(3559070.00000003, 5349874.445)),
                (new SimplePoint2d(3560000, 5349874.445), new SimplePoint2d(3560259.9999999, 5349871.00000001)),

            List <(SimplePoint2d, SimplePoint2d)> actual = LineModelCoordTranslator.TranslateLine(CSfrom, CSto);

            for (int i = 0; i < actual.Count; i++)
                output.WriteLine($"{i + 1:00} " +
                                 $"\n -> Exp. - Item1: {expected[i].Item1} --- Item2: {expected[i].Item2}" +
                                 $"\n -> Act. - Item1: {actual[i].Item1} --- Item2: {actual[i].Item2}");

            Assert.Equal(expected, actual);
Beispiel #10
 internal static Point3d ToPoint3d(this CaseStation cs)
     return(new Point3d(cs.X, cs.Y, 0));
        private void DrawLine(CaseStation csFrom, CaseStation csTo)
            List <(SimplePoint2d, SimplePoint2d)> endPoints = LineModelCoordTranslator.TranslateLine(csFrom, csTo);

 private void AddBlockInsert(CaseStation cs)
 public void EndCaseLine(CaseStation csTo)
     DrawLine(csLast, csTo);
     csLast = null;
 public void StartCaseLine(CaseStation cs)
     csLast = cs;