Beispiel #1
        public ActionResult PlaceOrder(string id)
            var userName = User.Identity.GetUserName();
            /* Find the details of the customer placing the order*/
            var customer = db.Customers.Where(x => x.Email == userName).FirstOrDefault();

            /* Place the order */
            /* Get the last placed order by the cus.tomer */
            var order = order_Service.GetOrders()
                        .FindAll(x => x.Email == customer.Email)
                        .OrderByDescending(x => x.date_created)

            /* If the customer requests delivery, save order address */
            if (id == "deliver")
                address_Service.AddShippingAddress(new Shipping_Address()
                    Order_ID      = order.Order_ID,
                    street_number = Convert.ToInt16(Session["street_number"].ToString()),
                    street_name   = Session["street_name"].ToString(),
                    City          = Session["City"].ToString(),
                    State         = Session["State"].ToString(),
                    ZipCode       = Session["ZipCode"].ToString(),
                    Country       = Session["Country"].ToString(),

                    Building_Name  = "",
                    Floor          = "",
                    Contact_Number = "",
                    Comments       = "",
                    Address_Type   = ""
            /* Migrate cart items to map as order items */
            order_Service.AddOrderItems(order, cart_Service.GetCartItems());
            /* Empty the cart items */
            /* Update Order Tracking Report */
            order_Service.AddOrderTrackingReport(new Order_Tracking()
                order_ID  = order.Order_ID,
                date      = DateTime.Now,
                status    = "Awaiting Payment",
                Recipient = ""

            //Redirect to payment
            return(RedirectToAction("Payment", new { id = order.Order_ID }));
Beispiel #2
        public ActionResult COnfirmOrder()
            var UserName = User.Identity.GetUserName();

            ViewBag.Total    = cart_Service.GetCartTotal(cart_Service.GetCartID());
            ViewBag.TotalQTY = cart_Service.GetCartItems().FindAll(x => x.cart_id == cart_Service.GetCartID()).Sum(q => q.quantity);
            var confirm = db.FoodOrders.ToList();
            var cart    = db.Cart_Items.ToList();

            MealOrder mealOrder = new MealOrder();

            mealOrder.OrderNumber = mealOrder.GenVoucher();
            mealOrder.Total       = ViewBag.Total;
            mealOrder.UserOrder   = UserName;
            mealOrder.Status      = "Paid";
            mealOrder.OrderDate   = DateTime.Now.Date.ToLongDateString();

            FoodOrder foodOrder = new FoodOrder();

            foreach (var item in confirm)
                foreach (var i in cart)
                    if (UserName == item.UserEmail && item.cart_id == i.cart_id)
                        var statusUpdate = db.FoodOrders.Find(item.cart_item_id);
                        statusUpdate.OrderStatus     = "Checked Out";
                        statusUpdate.OrderId         = mealOrder.OrderId;
                        db.Entry(statusUpdate).State = EntityState.Modified;

            return(RedirectToAction("OnceOff", new { tot = mealOrder.Total }));