public Cart()
     this.Title       = "Cart";
     cart.ItemsSource = c.GetList();
     total.Text       = c.GetTotal() + "";
        public Cart()
            this.Title           = "Cart";
            this.BackgroundImage = "background.png";
            CartQuery c = new CartQuery();

            cart.ItemsSource = c.GetList();
            total.Text       = c.GetTotal() + "";
Beispiel #3
        public CartPage()
            this.BackgroundImage = "background.jpg";
            NavigationPage.SetHasBackButton(this, false);
            this.Title       = "My Cart";
            cart.ItemsSource = null;
            spUserName       = Convert.ToString(Application.Current.Properties["USERNAME"]);
            CartQuery cartQuery = new CartQuery();

            cart.ItemsSource = cartQuery.GetList(spUserName);
            total.Text       = cartQuery.GetTotal(spUserName) + "";
Beispiel #4
        public void delete_btn_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
            CartQuery        c = new CartQuery();
            SQLiteConnection s;

            s = DependencyService.Get <ISQLite>().GetConnection();
            s.Table <CartRecord>();
            s.DeleteAll <CartRecord>();
            cart.ItemsSource = update_Item;
            cart.ItemsSource = c.GetList();
            total.Text       = c.GetTotal() + "";

            TempTbl tbr = new TempTbl();

            //SQLiteConnection s;
            s = DependencyService.Get <ISQLite>().GetConnection();
            s.Table <TempTbl>();
            s.DeleteAll <TempTbl>();

            tablenow.Text = countremove;
Beispiel #5
        public void OnDelete(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // ObservableCollection<CartRecord> MenuItem = new ObservableCollection<CartRecord>();

            CartQuery        c = new CartQuery();
            SQLiteConnection s;

            s = DependencyService.Get <ISQLite>().GetConnection();
            s.Table <CartRecord>();
            var mi = ((MenuItem)sender);

            DisplayAlert("Delete Context Action", mi.CommandParameter + " delete context action", "OK");
            s.Delete <CartRecord>(mi.CommandParameter);
            cart.ItemsSource = update_Item;
            cart.ItemsSource = c.GetList();
            total.Text       = c.GetTotal() + "";
            //Itemlist = new ObservableCollection<CartRecord>();

            //  ObservableCollection<CartQuery> cart;
Beispiel #6
        public Cart()

            // cart.ItemsSource = update_Item;
            this.Title           = "Cart";
            this.BackgroundImage = "background.png";
            CartQuery c = new CartQuery();

            //cart.ItemsSource = update_Item;
            cart.ItemsSource = c.GetList();
            total.Text       = c.GetTotal() + "";

            var Itemlist = c.GetList();

            TableQuery       p = new TableQuery();
            SQLiteConnection s;

            s = DependencyService.Get <ISQLite>().GetConnection();
            s.Table <TempTbl>();
            // var mi = ((TableQuery)sender);
            // TableQuery p = new TableQuery();

            //var pro = (mList.SelectedItem as TempTbl);
            // var tb1 = p.GetTableInfo("TableName1");
            //var count = s.ExecuteScalar<int>("SELECT Count(*) FROM TempTbl");

            // this counts all records in the database, it can be slow depending on the size of the database
            var count = s.ExecuteScalar <string>("SELECT TblName FROM TempTbl");

            // DisplayAlert("Order for Table", count, "OK");
            //x1.GetTablelist() = tablenow.Text;
            //string x2 = tata.tablenume2();
            tablenow.Text = count;