Beispiel #1
        public async Task Post_ValidObject_ReturnsOkResult()
            Mock <ICartItemService> moqRepo = new Mock <ICartItemService>();//Mock is type of our Interface

            Category the_Category_Test_Data = new Category()
                CategoryId   = 2,
                CategoryName = "Items"

            Product product = new Product()
                ProductId   = 3,
                ProductName = "Chocolate",
                Price       = 3,
                CategoryId  = 2,
                Category    = the_Category_Test_Data

            CartItemDTO the_CartItem = new CartItemDTO()
                ProductId = 3,
                Product   = product,
                Price     = 3,
                Quantity  = 2

            //access the function inside the service class and specify what it returns
            moqRepo.Setup(i => i.CreateCartItem(It.IsAny <CartItemDTO>())).Returns(() => Task.FromResult(the_CartItem));
            CartItemController controller = new CartItemController(moqRepo.Object);//pass context and moq object inside controller

            ActionResult createdResponse = await controller.Add_To_Cart(the_CartItem);

            var okResult = Assert.IsType <OkObjectResult>(createdResponse);

            Assert.True((okResult.Value as CartItemDTO).ProductId > 0);