IEnumerator GetCarsData() { UnityWebRequest www = UnityWebRequest.Get(serverUrl + getCarsEndpoint); yield return(www.SendWebRequest()); if (www.result != UnityWebRequest.Result.Success) { Debug.Log(www.error); } else { Debug.Log(www.downloadHandler.text); carsData = JsonUtility.FromJson <CarsData>(www.downloadHandler.text); // Store the old positions for each agent oldPositions = new Dictionary <int, Vector3>(newPositions); newPositions.Clear(); foreach (Vector4 pos in carsData.positions) { newPositions[(int)pos.w] = pos; } hold = false; } }
public ActionResult ViewVehicelsFromDB() { IRepository rep = new Repository(); CarsData cd = new CarsData(); = rep.getAllCarsData(); return(View(cd)); }
public JsonResult AddCar(CarValidation car) { using (CarsData db = new CarsData()) { car.Available = true; return(Json(db.Add(car))); } }
public JsonResult UpdateCar(CarValidation car, string registrationplate) { using (CarsData db = new CarsData()) { bool updated = db.Update(_car => _car.registrationplate == registrationplate, car); return(Json(updated)); } }
public JsonResult DeleteCar(string id) { using (CarsData db = new CarsData()) { bool removed = db.Delete(car => car.registrationplate == id); return(Json(removed)); } }
public ActionResult EditVehicelInfo(int Year, string Make, string Model, int Price, string Color, string BodyStyle, int Mpg, string DriveType, int Miles, string NewOrUsed, int Capacity, string CarId) { IRepository rep = new Repository(); CarsData cd = new CarsData(); = rep.getCarFullData(CarId); return(View(cd)); }
public ActionResult PhotoViewAdmin(string CarId) { IRepository rep = new Repository(); CarsData cd = new CarsData(); = rep.getCarFullData(CarId); return(View(cd)); }
public long SaveItem(CarsData item) { try { return(ctxWrite.CarsData_InsertUpdate(item.CarID, item.ChassisNo, item.InvoiceDate, item.LotNo, item.PayTypeID, item.PayPrice, item.ShipperID, item.RegionID, item.BuyerID, item.ModelID, item.WorkingStatusID, item.ColorID, item.Year, item.Notes, item.IP, item.IsDeleted, item.view_home, item.view_offer, item.view_website, item.Arrived, item.DistinationID, item.TransmissionID, item.OwnerID, item.WesitePrice, item.Visitors, item.ShippingCalcID, item.PayInvTypeID, item.UserID, item.AccidentStatusID, item.AuctionID, item.SaleTypeID, item.ToSaleClientID, item.WithoutShipping, item.IsGulfOldCars, item.SalePriceDemand)); } catch { return(0); } }
public JsonResult GetCars(SearchBy search) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { using (CarsData db = new CarsData()) { CarView[] carsFromSearch = db.GetCarsByDate(search, CarView.Create); return(Json(carsFromSearch)); } } return(Json(new string[0])); }
public JsonResult GetCar(string search) { using (CarsData db = new CarsData()) { var cars = db.GetFromSearch(search, car => new { registrationPlate = car.registrationplate, km =, available = car.available, branch = car.branch, cartype = car.cartype }); return(Json(cars)); } }
void Start() { carsData = new CarsData(); oldPositions = new Dictionary <int, Vector3>(); newPositions = new Dictionary <int, Vector3>(); agents = new Dictionary <int, GameObject>(); timer = timeToUpdate; for (int i = 0; i < NAgents; i++) { agents[i] = Instantiate(carPrefab,, Quaternion.identity); } StartCoroutine(SendConfiguration()); }
public Cars_AddEditCarResult SaveCar(CarsData item) { try { var saved = ctxWrite.Cars_AddEditCar(item.CarID, item.car_code, item.view_home,, item.featured_car, item.Auction_ID, item.Buyer_ID, item.Marker_ID, item.Model_ID, item.WorkingStatus_ID, item.TransferStatus_ID, item.Year_ID, item.PortShipping_ID, item.ShippingCompany_ID, item.Ship_ID, item.State_ID, item.Region_ID, item.Workshop_ID, item.Store_ID, item.chassis_no, item.container_no, item.container_code, item.booking_no, item.poly_fielding, item.lot_no, item.engine_no, item.sold, item.exterior_color, item.interior_color, item.body_style, item.car_transmission, item.mileage, item.car_drive, item.car_engine, item.car_capacity, item.car_options, item.car_remarks, item.Customs_No, item.checkout_date, item.expected_arrive_date, item.dubia_arrive_date, item.sharjah_arrive_date, item.arrive_date, item.Shipping_date, item.WorkshopEntryDate, item.WorkshopExitDate, item.price_currency, item.real_price, item.sale_price, item.cost, item.CurrencyExchange_ID, item.payement_to_who, item.sale_to, item.show_sale, item.sale_date, item.visitors, item.main_picture, item.System_Who_Add, item.System_LastAction_IP, item.purchase_date).FirstOrDefault(); return(saved); } catch { return(null); } }
/// <summary> /// Add New Order Object To The Session /// </summary> /// <param name="session"></param> /// <param name="registrationPlate"></param> /// <param name="start"></param> /// <param name="end"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool SetOrder(this HttpSessionStateBase session, string registrationPlate, DateTime start, DateTime end) { using (CarsData db = new CarsData()) { bool isValid = db.IsDateValid(start, end, registrationPlate); string userId = session.GetUserID(); if (isValid && userId != string.Empty) { session["order"] = new Order() { startdate = start, enddate = end, carid = registrationPlate, userid = userId }; return(true); } return(false); } }
public static object SaveInvoice(CarsData _car) { _car.IP = SessionManager.Current.IP; _car.UserID = Convert.ToInt32(SessionManager.Current.ID); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_car.ModelID.ToString())) { return new { Status = false, ID = 0, Message = Resources.AdminResources_ar.CarModelRequired } } ; var result = new CarsDataManager().SaveItem(_car); if (result < 0) { return new { Status = false, ID = -1, Message = Resources.AdminResources_ar.CarExistBefore } } ; return(new { Status = true, ID = result, Message = Resources.AdminResources_ar.SuccessSave }); } #endregion }
private void ImageComputer_MouseLeftButtonDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) { CarsData c = new CarsData(); c.Show(); }
public void Init() { LevelData = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <LevelData>(LevelDataPath); CarsData = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <CarsData>(CarsDataPath); WeaponsData = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <WeaponsData>(WeaponsDataPath); }
/// <summary> /// Add new Car to db. /// </summary> private void SaveCarInformation() { CarsData CarToSave = new CarsData(); try { if (hfID.Value != "") { CarToSave.CarID = Convert.ToInt32(hfID.Value); } CarToSave.TransferStatus_ID = ((hfTransferStatus.Value.Length > 0) ? (Convert.ToInt32(hfTransferStatus.Value)) : (1)); // 'new' status ==> 'in Checkout status'. CarToSave.container_no = txtcontainer_no.Text; CarToSave.container_code = txtContainerCode.Text; CarToSave.poly_fielding = txtPolyFielding.Text; CarToSave.booking_no = txtBookingNo.Text; if (txtcontainer_no.Text != "") { CarToSave.TransferStatus_ID = 2; } // shipping status if (txtShippingDate.Text != "") { CarToSave.Shipping_date = Convert.ToDateTime(txtShippingDate.Text); } // CarToSave.TransferStatus_ID = 2; } // 'shipping status' if (txtArrivael_Date.Text != "") { CarToSave.arrive_date = Convert.ToDateTime(txtArrivael_Date.Text); CarToSave.TransferStatus_ID = 3; } // 'In UAE' status. if (txtSaleDate.Text != "") { CarToSave.sale_date = Convert.ToDateTime(txtSaleDate.Text); } // CarToSave.TransferStatus_ID = 3; } // 'In UAE' status. if (txtDubiaArrivalDate.Text != "") { CarToSave.dubia_arrive_date = Convert.ToDateTime(txtDubiaArrivalDate.Text); } if (txtSharjahArrivalDate.Text != "") { CarToSave.sharjah_arrive_date = Convert.ToDateTime(txtSharjahArrivalDate.Text); } if (txtExpectedArrivalDate.Text != "") { CarToSave.expected_arrive_date = Convert.ToDateTime(txtExpectedArrivalDate.Text); } = cbActive.Checked; //if (ddlAuctions.SelectedIndex > 0) { CarToSave.Auction_ID = Convert.ToInt32(ddlAuctions.SelectedValue); } if (ddlbody_style.SelectedIndex > 0) { CarToSave.body_style = Convert.ToInt32(ddlbody_style.SelectedValue); } //if (ddlBuyers.SelectedIndex > 0) { CarToSave.Buyer_ID = Convert.ToInt32(ddlBuyers.SelectedValue); } if (ddlcar_capacity.SelectedIndex > 0) { CarToSave.car_capacity = Convert.ToInt32(ddlcar_capacity.SelectedValue); } if (txtCode.Text != "") { CarToSave.car_code = Convert.ToInt32(txtCode.Text); } if (ddlCar_drive.SelectedIndex > 0) { CarToSave.car_drive = Convert.ToInt32(ddlCar_drive.SelectedValue); } if (ddlCar_engine.SelectedIndex > 0) { CarToSave.car_engine = Convert.ToInt32(ddlCar_engine.SelectedValue); } CarToSave.car_options = GetOptionStr(); CarToSave.car_remarks = txtRemarks.Text; if (ddlcar_transmission.SelectedIndex > 0) { CarToSave.car_transmission = Convert.ToInt32(ddlcar_transmission.SelectedValue); } CarToSave.chassis_no = txtchassis_no.Text; if (txtCost.Text != "") { CarToSave.cost = Convert.ToDecimal(txtCost.Text); } if (ddlCurrency.SelectedIndex > 0) { CarToSave.CurrencyExchange_ID = Convert.ToInt32(ddlCurrency.SelectedValue); } CarToSave.engine_no = txtEngine_no.Text; if (ddlexterior_color.SelectedIndex > 0) { CarToSave.exterior_color = Convert.ToInt32(ddlexterior_color.SelectedValue); } if (ddlinterior_color.SelectedIndex > 0) { CarToSave.interior_color = Convert.ToInt32(ddlinterior_color.SelectedValue); } CarToSave.lot_no = txtLot_no.Text; //CarToSave.main_picture if (ddlMarkers.SelectedIndex > 0) { CarToSave.Marker_ID = Convert.ToInt32(ddlMarkers.SelectedValue); } CarToSave.mileage = txtMileage.Text; if (ddlModels.SelectedIndex > 0) { CarToSave.Model_ID = Convert.ToInt32(ddlModels.SelectedValue); } CarToSave.payement_to_who = txtSaleTo.Text; if (ddlPortShipping_ID.SelectedIndex > 0) { CarToSave.PortShipping_ID = Convert.ToInt32(ddlPortShipping_ID.SelectedValue); } //CarToSave.price_currency if (txtreal_price.Text != "") { CarToSave.real_price = Convert.ToDecimal(txtreal_price.Text); } //if (ddlRegion_ID.SelectedIndex > 0) { CarToSave.Region_ID = Convert.ToInt32(ddlRegion_ID.SelectedValue); } CarToSave.Store_ID = 1; if (ddlStores.SelectedIndex > 0) { CarToSave.Store_ID = Convert.ToInt32(ddlStores.SelectedValue); } // <-- //if (ddlTransferes.SelectedIndex > 0) { CarToSave.Transport_ID = Convert.ToInt32(ddlTransferes.SelectedValue); } if (txtSalePrice.Text != "") { CarToSave.sale_price = Convert.ToDecimal(txtSalePrice.Text); } CarToSave.sale_to = txtSaleTo.Text; if (ddlShip_ID.SelectedIndex > 0) { CarToSave.Ship_ID = Convert.ToInt32(ddlShip_ID.SelectedValue); } if (ddlShippingCompany_ID.SelectedIndex > 0) { CarToSave.ShippingCompany_ID = Convert.ToInt32(ddlShippingCompany_ID.SelectedValue); } //if (ddlState_ID.SelectedIndex > 0) { CarToSave.State_ID = Convert.ToInt32(ddlState_ID.SelectedValue); } CarToSave.featured_car = Convert.ToBoolean(rblFeatures.SelectedValue); CarToSave.Customs_No = txtCustomsNo.Text; if (txtCheckoutDate.Text != "") { CarToSave.checkout_date = Convert.ToDateTime(txtCheckoutDate.Text); } if (txtWorkshopEntryDate.Text != "") { CarToSave.WorkshopEntryDate = Convert.ToDateTime(txtWorkshopEntryDate.Text); } if (txtWorkshopExitDate.Text != "") { CarToSave.WorkshopExitDate = Convert.ToDateTime(txtWorkshopExitDate.Text); } if (ddlWorkshop_ID.SelectedIndex > 0) { CarToSave.Workshop_ID = Convert.ToInt32(ddlWorkshop_ID.SelectedValue); } if (ddlYears.SelectedIndex > 0) { CarToSave.Year_ID = Convert.ToInt32(ddlYears.SelectedValue); } CarToSave.visitors = Convert.ToInt64(hfVisitors.Value); CarToSave.sold = false;// (txtSaleDate.Text != "" ? true : false); // change sold status where sale date was set. CarToSave.WorkingStatus_ID = Convert.ToInt32(ddlWorkingStatus_ID.SelectedValue); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtPurchaseDate.Text)) { CarToSave.purchase_date = Convert.ToDateTime(txtPurchaseDate.Text); } if (hfMain_Picture.Value != "") { CarToSave.main_picture = hfMain_Picture.Value; } CarToSave.System_Add_Date = DateTime.Now; CarToSave.System_Who_Add = ClientSession.Current.loginId; CarToSave.System_LastAction_IP = ClientSession.Current.IP; // perform saving method. var result = new CarsManager().SaveCar(CarToSave); if (result != null) { // go to Cars images list. string url = ResolveClientUrl("Images.aspx?categoryType=cars&masterId=") + result.CarID; //"CarsView.aspx"; Response.Redirect(url); } else { lblError.Text = Resources.AdminResources_en.ErrorSave; } } catch { lblError.Text = Resources.AdminResources_en.ErrorSave; } }
public CarsController(CarsData carsData) { _carsData = carsData; }