Beispiel #1
        // METHODS
        private void GetViewerCarouselImageList(string path)
                ImageList ilist = new ImageList();
                CarouselImageCollection icollect = ViewerCarousel.ImageListCollection;
                ViewerCarousel.ImageSlides = true;
                ViewerCarousel.UseOriginalImageinPreview = true;
                string[] images = Directory.GetFiles(path);
                FilePath = path;
                foreach (string i in images)
                    string p = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(i);
                    Bitmap b = new Bitmap(i);
                    b.Tag = p;
                    CarouselImage c = new CarouselImage();
                    c.ItemImage = b;

                ViewerCarousel.ImageList = ilist;
            catch (Exception ex)
                new Error(ex).ShowDialog();
Beispiel #2
        private void GetAppropriationCarouselImageList(string path)
                ImageList ilist = new ImageList();
                CarouselImageCollection icollect = AppropriationCarousel.ImageListCollection;
                AppropriationCarousel.ImageSlides = true;
                AppropriationCarousel.UseOriginalImageinPreview = true;
                string[] images = Directory.GetFiles(path);
                foreach (string i in images)
                    Bitmap b = new Bitmap(i);
                    b.Tag = i;
                    CarouselImage c = new CarouselImage();
                    c.ItemImage = b;

                AppropriationCarousel.ImageList = ilist;
            catch (Exception e)
                new Error(e).ShowDialog();
Beispiel #3
        public override ActionResult Index(CarouselBlock currentBlock)
            var model = new CarouselBlockViewModel(currentBlock);

            foreach (var item in _contentLoader.GetItems(currentBlock.CarouselItems, _languageResolver.GetPreferredCulture()))
                if (item.GetOriginalType().Equals(typeof(ImageMediaData)))
                    var image         = _contentLoader.Get <ImageMediaData>(item.ContentLink);
                    var carouselImage = new CarouselImage()
                        Heading     = image.Title,
                        Description = image.Description,
                        Image       = image.ContentLink

                    model.Items.Add(new CarouselItem()
                        CarouselImage = carouselImage
                else if (item.GetOriginalType().Equals(typeof(HeroBlock)))
                    var heroBlock = _contentLoader.Get <HeroBlock>(item.ContentLink);
                    model.Items.Add(new CarouselItem()
                        HeroBlock = new BlockViewModel <HeroBlock>(heroBlock)
            return(PartialView("~/Features/Blocks/Views/CarouselBlock.cshtml", model));
        private async void Convert_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            FileOpenPicker fileOpenPicker = new FileOpenPicker();

            fileOpenPicker.SuggestedStartLocation = PickerLocationId.PicturesLibrary;
            fileOpenPicker.ViewMode = PickerViewMode.Thumbnail;

            StorageFile inputFile = await fileOpenPicker.PickSingleFileAsync();

            if (inputFile == null)
                // The user cancelled the picking operation
            SoftwareBitmap softwareBitmap;

            using (IRandomAccessStream stream = await inputFile.OpenAsync(FileAccessMode.Read))
                // Create the decoder from the stream
                BitmapDecoder decoder = await BitmapDecoder.CreateAsync(stream);

                // Get the SoftwareBitmap representation of the file
                softwareBitmap = await decoder.GetSoftwareBitmapAsync();
            var bitmap    = softwareBitmap;
            var imgSource = new WriteableBitmap(bitmap.PixelWidth, bitmap.PixelHeight);

            byte[] dataArrayTobeSent = await ConvertImageToByte(inputFile);

            imageName = Guid.NewGuid() + inputFile.FileType;
            imageData = dataArrayTobeSent;
            TravelListItemImage liImage = new TravelListItemImage()
                ImageData = imageData,
                ImageName = imageName,
            CarouselImage cImage = await ViewModel.ConvertImageTask(liImage);

            cImage.IsNew = true;
            ViewModel.ImageChangesCheck = new List <CarouselImage>(ViewModel.imageChanges);
Beispiel #5
        // METHODS
        private void GetFunctionCarouselImageList(string path)
            ImageList ilist = new ImageList();
            CarouselImageCollection icollect = FunctionCarousel.ImageListCollection;

            FunctionCarousel.ImageSlides = true;
            FunctionCarousel.UseOriginalImageinPreview = true;
            string[] images = Directory.GetFiles(path);
            foreach (string i in images)
                string p = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(i);
                Bitmap b = new Bitmap(i);
                b.Tag = p;
                CarouselImage c = new CarouselImage();
                c.ItemImage = b;

            FunctionCarousel.ImageList = ilist;
        private void DeleteImageAppBar_Click(object sender, Windows.UI.Xaml.RoutedEventArgs e)
            var           button        = sender as Button;
            var           ImageName     = button.Tag;
            CarouselImage imageToDelete = cImages.First(image => image.ImageName.Equals(ImageName));

            if (imageToDelete != null)
                imageToDelete.ToRemove = true;
                if (imageToDelete.IsNew)
                else if (imageToDelete.TravelListItemImageID > 0)
                ViewModel.ImageChangesCheck = new List <CarouselImage>(ViewModel.imageChanges);
Beispiel #7
        public override ActionResult Index(CarouselBlock currentBlock)
            var model = new CarouselBlockViewModel(currentBlock);

            if (currentBlock.CarouselItems != null)
                foreach (var contentAreaItem in currentBlock.CarouselItems.FilteredItems)
                    var carouselItem = _contentLoader.Get <IContentData>(contentAreaItem.ContentLink);

                    if (carouselItem is ImageMediaData)
                        var carouselImage = new CarouselImage()
                            Heading     = ((ImageMediaData)carouselItem).Title,
                            Description = ((ImageMediaData)carouselItem).Description,
                            Image       = ((ImageMediaData)carouselItem).ContentLink

                        model.Items.Add(new CarouselItem()
                            CarouselImage = carouselImage
                    else if (carouselItem is HeroBlock)
                        model.Items.Add(new CarouselItem()
                            HeroBlock = new BlockViewModel <HeroBlock>((HeroBlock)carouselItem)

            return(PartialView("~/Features/Blocks/Views/CarouselBlock.cshtml", model));
Beispiel #8
    public IEnumerator NewSearch(string query)
        //remove the old images
        Carousel.GetComponent <Carousel>().Clear();

        //get the data from the api
        query = query.Replace(' ', '+');
        string url      = "" + query + "&key=AIzaSyAYQhMIz-fDmymfvuez8xpwDPgNN7e7xw8";
        WWW    response = new WWW(url);

        yield return(response);


        //create json object from the response json text
        JObject JsonResponse = JObject.Parse(response.text);

        //continue if we got good data
        if (JsonResponse["status"] != null && JsonResponse["status"].Value <string>() == "OK")
            //find out how many images we will show in the carousel
            int counter    = 0;
            int imageCount = Carousel.GetComponent <Carousel>().MaxImages;
            if (JsonResponse["results"].HasValues)
                int count = JsonResponse["results"].Count();
                if (count < imageCount)
                    imageCount = count;

            //fill the carousel with the results
            foreach (JToken result in JsonResponse["results"])
                if (counter <= imageCount)
                    //create carousel image object
                    GameObject    newObj = GameObject.Instantiate(CarouselImagePrefab);
                    CarouselImage carouselImageScript = newObj.GetComponent <CarouselImage>();
                    newObj.GetComponent <LookAtTargetAxis>().SetTarget(Carousel.transform);
                    newObj.GetComponent <LookAtTargetAxis>().SetOverwriteTarget(LookAtOverwriteTarget.transform);

                    string title       = "";
                    string description = "";
                    string photo       = "";
                    int    height      = 0;
                    int    width       = 0;

                    //get the title
                    if (result["name"] != null)
                        title = result["name"].Value <string>();

                    //get some description
                    if (result["formatted_address"] != null)
                        description += "Adress:\n\n" + result["formatted_address"].Value <string>() + "\n\n";
                    if (result["opening_hours"] != null && result["opening_hours"].HasValues)
                        description += "Open?\n\n";
                        if (result["opening_hours"]["open_now"].Value <bool>())
                            description += "Yes";
                            description += "No";
                        description += "\n\n";
                    if (result["rating"] != null)
                        description += "Rating:\n\n" + result["rating"].Value <float>();

                    //get the reference string of the first photo
                    if (result["photos"] != null && result["photos"].HasValues)
                        JToken jsonPhoto = result["photos"].First;
                        photo  = jsonPhoto["photo_reference"].Value <string>();
                        height = jsonPhoto["height"].Value <int>();
                        width  = jsonPhoto["width"].Value <int>();

                    //send the data to the carousel image object
                    carouselImageScript.SetVariables(title, description, photo, height, width);

                    //set it at the correct position in the carousel
                    newObj.transform.parent = Carousel.transform;

                    double distanceFromCenter = 2.3;
                    double angle = (Math.PI * 2 / imageCount) * (counter - 1);

                    double x = Math.Cos(angle) * distanceFromCenter;
                    double y = Math.Sin(angle) * distanceFromCenter;

                    newObj.transform.localPosition = new Vector3((float)x, 0, (float)y);

                    //add the image object to the carousel
                    Carousel.GetComponent <Carousel>().CarouselImages.Add(newObj);