public void NoCareerTest() { HeaderMenu.Select(CAREERS); CareerPage.CheckOpened(); CareerPage.JobFilter.Keywords.NewInput("C#"); CareerPage.AutocompleteSuggestList.ClickCenter(); CareerPage.JobFilter.Category.Select("HR & Talent Acquisition"); CareerPage.JobSearchButton.Click(); JobListingPage.CheckOpened(); JobListingPage.JobsList.WaitText("Sorry, your search returned no results. Please try another query."); }
public void CareerTest() { var attendee = new Attendee(); HeaderMenu.Select(CAREERS); CareerPage.CheckOpened(); CareerPage.JobFilter.Search(attendee.Filter); JobListingPage.CheckOpened(); //new Check("Table is not empty").isFalse(jobListingPage.jobsList::isEmpty); JobListingPage.GetJobRowByName("Senior QA Automation Engineer"); JobDescriptionPage.AddCvForm.Submit(attendee); //new Check("Captcha").Contains(()->jobDescriptionPage.captcha.getAttribute("class"), "form-field-error"); }
public void CareerTest() { var attendee = new Attendee(); HomePage.IsOpened(); HeaderMenu2D.HoverAndClick("SOLUTIONS>Product Development"); ProductDevelopmentPage.CheckOpened(); HeaderMenu.Select(Headers.CAREERS); CareerPage.CheckOpened(); CareerPage.JobFilter.Search(attendee.Filter); JobListingPage.CheckOpened(); //new Check("Table is not empty").isFalse(jobListingPage.jobsList::isEmpty); //new Timer().Wait(() => !JobListingPage.JobsList.Empty); JobListingPage.GetJobRowByName("Test Automation Engineer (back-end)"); JobDescriptionPage.AddCvForm.Submit(attendee); //new Check("Captcha").Contains(() -> jobDescriptionPage.captcha.getAttribute("class"), "form-field-error"); }
public ActionResult CareerPage() { var currentUser = LoginHelper.GetCurrentLoginUser(); ATSEntities db = new ATSEntities(); using (db) { var careerPageObj = db.CareerPages.FirstOrDefault(x => x.RecId == currentUser.Id); if (careerPageObj == null) { careerPageObj = new CareerPage(); careerPageObj.RecId = currentUser.Id; } careerPageObj.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now; return(View(careerPageObj)); } }
//This test checks numbers of jobs for specified country and language public void JobsCountTest(string country, string language, int expectedResult) { driverGC = new ChromeDriver(); String siteUrl = ""; int actualResult = 0; driverGC.Navigate().GoToUrl(siteUrl); driverGC.Manage().Window.Maximize(); CareerPage careerPage = new CareerPage(driverGC); careerPage.FindByXpathAndClick("//a [contains (text(),'GLOBAL')]"); careerPage.FindByXpathAndClick($"//a [contains(text(),'{country}')]"); careerPage.FindByXpathAndClick("//select [@name='language']"); careerPage.FindByXpathAndClick($"//option [contains(text(),'{language}')]"); careerPage.FindByXpathAndOpenNewPage("//a[(@name='SubmitForm')]"); actualResult = careerPage.FindByXpathAndCountElements("//div[contains(@class,'vacancies-blocks-item-description-more mt10-md-up')]"); Assert.Equal(expectedResult, actualResult); driverGC.Quit(); }
public void VerifyJobPostingAtCareerPage() { #region Test Data string jobPosition = "Senior QA Test Automation Developer / Engineer"; string jobLocation1 = "Durham, North Carolina"; string jobLocation2 = "Durham, NC"; string jobId = "20-85412"; string jobPostedDate = "12/10/2020"; string expectedDescription = "The right candidate for this role will participate in the test automation technology development and best practice models."; string expectedBulletPoint = "Prepare test plans, budgets, and schedules."; string expectedRequirement1 = "5+ years of experience in QA automation development and scripting."; string expectedRequirement2 = "Selenium"; #endregion // Step1: LaunchUrl Driver.Navigate().GoToUrl(LabCorpHomeUrl); WaitForPageLoad(); Assert.AreEqual(LabCorpHomeUrl, Driver.Url, "Failed to navigate to Labcorp home Url"); // Step2: Find and click Careers link" CareerPage.CareerLink().Click(); Assert.AreEqual(2, Driver.WindowHandles.Count, "Failed to find new browser tab"); Driver.SwitchTo().Window(Driver.WindowHandles.Last()); // Switch Driver focus to new tab WaitForPageLoad(); Assert.AreEqual(LabCorpCareerUrl, Driver.Url, "Failed to navigate to Labcorp career Url"); // Step3: Search for QA Test Automation Developer" CareerPage.SearchKeyword().SendKeys("QA Test Automation Developer"); CareerPage.SearchLocation().Clear(); CareerPage.SearchSubmit().Click(); // Step4: Select Senior QA Test Automation Developer/Engineer – Durham, North Carolina – (posted on) 12/10/2020" IWebElement jobElement = CareerPage.FindJobElmentById("3090755200"); // Assert Job posting Assert.AreEqual(jobPosition, CareerPage.JobPosition(jobElement).Text, "Position name does not match"); Assert.AreEqual(jobLocation1, CareerPage.JobLocation(jobElement).Text, "Position location does not match"); Assert.AreEqual(jobPostedDate, CareerPage.JobDatePosted(jobElement).Text, "Position date posted does not match"); // Click Position jobElement.Click(); // Step5: Confirm job title, job location, and job id (#20-85412)" Assert.AreEqual(jobPosition, JobDescriptionPage.JobTitle().Text.Trim(), "Position name does not match"); Assert.IsTrue(JobDescriptionPage.JobLocation().Text.Contains(jobLocation1), "Position location does not match"); Assert.IsTrue(JobDescriptionPage.JobId().Text.Contains(jobId), "Position Job Id does not match"); // Step6: Confirm first sentence of third paragraph under Description/Introduction" string actualDescription = JobDescriptionPage.GetJobDescriptionByParagraphNum(3).Text; // Get the Thrid paragraph Assert.IsTrue(actualDescription.Contains(expectedDescription)); // Step7: Confirm second bullet point under Management Support as Prepare test plans, budgets, and schedules." string actualBulletPoint = JobDescriptionPage.GetJobDescriptionBulletPoint("Management Support", 2).Text; Assert.IsTrue(actualBulletPoint.Contains(expectedBulletPoint)); // Step8: 5+ years of experience in QA automation development and scripting." string actualRequirement1 = JobDescriptionPage.GetJobDescriptionRequirement(1, 3).Text; //First section - 3rd line Assert.IsTrue(actualRequirement1.Contains(expectedRequirement1)); // Step9: Confirm first suggested automation tool to be familiar with contains Selenium" string actualRequirement2 = JobDescriptionPage.GetJobDescriptionRequirement(2, 1).Text; //Second section - 1st line Assert.IsTrue(actualRequirement2.Contains(expectedRequirement2)); // Step10: Click Apply Now and confirm points 5 and 6 in the proceeding page." JobDescriptionPage.ApplyNowButton().Click(); string expectedTitle = "Career Site - Self Service"; WaitForPageLoad(); WaitUntilTitleContains(expectedTitle); Assert.AreEqual(expectedTitle, Driver.Title, "Failed to match page title"); JobDetailsPage.ClosePopOverContent().Click(); Assert.AreEqual(jobPosition, JobDetailsPage.JobTitle().Text, "Position name does not match"); Assert.IsTrue(JobDetailsPage.JobLocation().Text.Contains(jobLocation2), "Position location does not match"); Assert.IsTrue(JobDetailsPage.JobId().Text.Contains(jobId), "Position Job Id does not match"); string actualDescription1 = JobDetailsPage.GetJobDescriptionByParagraphNum(3).Text; // Get the Thrid paragraph string expectedDescription1 = "The right candidate for this role will participate in the test automation technology development and best practice models."; Assert.IsTrue(actualDescription1.Contains(expectedDescription1)); // Step11: Click to Return to Job Search JobDetailsPage.ReturnToJobSearch().Click(); WaitForPageLoad(); WaitUntilTitleContains(expectedTitle); Assert.AreEqual(expectedTitle, Driver.Title, "Failed to match page title"); Assert.IsNotNull(JobDetailsPage.SearchForJobs(), "Failed to find search for jobs button"); }
public void Test1() { try { LogFile.WriteLine("INFO: Career page initialization"); CareerPage career = new CareerPage(driver); LogFile.WriteLine("INFO: Position page initialization"); PositionPage position = new PositionPage(driver); LogFile.WriteLine("INFO: Expeted values definition"); List <Dictionary <string, string> > expectedResults = new List <Dictionary <string, string> >(); List <string> expectedResultsPositionDescription = new List <string>(); Dictionary <string, string> expectedResult1 = new Dictionary <string, string>(); Dictionary <string, string> expectedResult2 = new Dictionary <string, string>(); expectedResult1.Add("Name", "Ciencialová Barbora"); expectedResult1.Add("Description", "HR a Alza mě baví! A právě proto se vedle studia psychologie a managementu věnuji náboru pro naši IT větev. Volný čas ráda trávím aktivně, miluji pohyb všeho druhu, ale nejčastěji mně najdete běhat podél Vltavy nebo zašitou v posilovně se sluchátky na uších."); expectedResult1.Add("Picture", @"~..\..\..\..\..\src\pic1.jpg"); expectedResults.Add(expectedResult1); expectedResult2.Add("Name", "Tomusko Ján"); expectedResult2.Add("Description", "Celou moji profesní kariéru se věnuji problematice testování SW a HW a v šíření výhod včasné detekce chyb v produktu. Ve svém volném čase se věnuji turistice a lyžování."); expectedResult2.Add("Picture", @"~..\..\..\..\..\src\pic2.jpg"); expectedResults.Add(expectedResult2); expectedResultsPositionDescription.Add("Už se v QA nějaký ten pátek pohybuješ a do toho máš za sebou i zkušenost manažerskou? Tak to jsi tady správně - hledáme nového teamleadera, který povede náš tým testerů starající se o náš web a mobilní aplikace. U náš v Alze se stále ještě setkáš s manuálním testováním, ale i automatizace si u náš získává stále více a více prostoru. Pokud Ti pojmy jako Selenium, Jira, Confluence nejsou neznámou, orientuješ se v C# a zaujali jsme Tě, pak pokračuj dále ve čtení!"); expectedResultsPositionDescription.Add("Pokud se v QA už nějaký ten pátek pohybuješ a vzděláváš, určitě Ti neuniklo, že automatizované testování je velmi aktuálním tématem a Alza není žádnou výjimkou. Do našeho týmu hledáme další chytré hlavy, které ví, jak na to. Pokud máš již předešlé zkušenosti se Selenium Framework, orientuješ se v C#, Jira, Azure DevOps a nebo jsme zkrátka jen chytli Tvou pozornost, pak pokračuj dále ve čtení!"); LogFile.WriteLine("INFO: Navigate to Career page and find all open QA position"); career.GoToPage(config["sutUrl"]); career.SetVyhledatPoziciTextField("qa"); career.RefreshComplete(); LogFile.WriteLine("INFO: Verification that all QA positions contain same people with same description and same photo"); List <string> QAposition = career.GetAllPosition(); Assert.AreEqual(expectedResultsPositionDescription.Count, QAposition.Count); int counter = 0; foreach (var qa in QAposition) { driver.Navigate().GoToUrl(qa); position.LoadComplete(); Assert.Contains(position.getPositionDescription(), expectedResultsPositionDescription); var people = position.getPeople(); foreach (var p in people) { foreach (var er in expectedResults) { if (p["Name"] == er["Name"]) { Assert.AreEqual(er["Description"], p["Description"]); Assert.AreEqual(position.GetHash(new Bitmap(er["Picture"])), position.parseImageURLAndDownload(p["Picture"], p["Name"] + counter)); } } } driver.Navigate().Back(); career.LoadComplete(); counter++; } } catch (Exception e) { LogFile.WriteLine("ERROR: " + e); try { Screenshot image = ((ITakesScreenshot)driver).GetScreenshot(); image.SaveAsFile(@"~..\..\..\..\..\Screenshot.png"); } catch (Exception ex) { LogFile.WriteLine("ERROR: " + ex); } } }
public ActionResult CareerPage(CareerPage Model, HttpPostedFileBase LogoFile) { try { if (LogoFile != null && LogoFile.ContentLength > 0) { //Save the File. string DirectoryPath = Server.MapPath("~/Content/Images/ExternalLogo/" + Model.RecId + "/"); string filePath = DirectoryPath + LogoFile.FileName; Model.ExternalLogo = LogoFile.FileName; if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(DirectoryPath)) { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(DirectoryPath); } if (System.IO.Directory.Exists(DirectoryPath)) { LogoFile.SaveAs(filePath); } } } catch (Exception ex) { } ATSEntities db = new ATSEntities(); using (db) { if (Model.Id == 0) { db.CareerPages.Add(Model); db.SaveChanges(); } else { var DbCareerModel = db.CareerPages.FirstOrDefault(x => x.RecId == Model.RecId); //Check if File is available. if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Model.ExternalLogo) && DbCareerModel.ExternalLogo != Model.ExternalLogo) { DbCareerModel.ExternalLogo = Model.ExternalLogo; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Model.Intro) && DbCareerModel.Intro != Model.Intro) { DbCareerModel.Intro = Model.Intro; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Model.Description) && DbCareerModel.Description != Model.Description) { DbCareerModel.Description = Model.Description; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Model.Heading) && DbCareerModel.Heading != Model.Heading) { DbCareerModel.Heading = Model.Heading; } DbCareerModel.UpdateDate = DateTime.Now; db.CareerPages.Attach(DbCareerModel); db.Entry(DbCareerModel).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); } } return(RedirectToAction("CareerPage", "Recruiter")); }