public override bool StartRecording(string serverHostName, int tcpPort, CardChannelAllocation channelAllocation,
                                            DateTime startTimeUtc, DateTime stopTimeUtc, UpcomingProgram recordingProgram, string suggestedBaseFileName)
            bool result = false;

            TvDatabase.Card recordOnCard = GetCardByCardId(channelAllocation.CardId);
            if (recordOnCard != null)
                TvDatabase.Channel channel = GetLinkedMediaPortalChannel(channelAllocation.ChannelType,
                                                                         channelAllocation.ChannelId, channelAllocation.ChannelName);
                if (channel != null)
                    result = this.RecordingThreads.StartNewThread(new RecordingThread(this.RecorderTunerId,
                                                                                      serverHostName, tcpPort, channelAllocation, startTimeUtc, stopTimeUtc,
                                                                                      recordingProgram, suggestedBaseFileName, recordOnCard, channel));
                    if (!result)
                        Log(TraceEventType.Error, "{0} - Already recording {1}", this.Name, recordingProgram.CreateProgramTitle());
                    Log(TraceEventType.Error, "{0} - Channel {1} not found", this.Name, channelAllocation.ChannelName);
                Log(TraceEventType.Error, "{0} - Card {1} not found", this.Name, channelAllocation.CardId);

Beispiel #2
 public RecordingThread(Guid recorderId, string schedulerBaseUrl, CardChannelAllocation channelAllocation,
                        DateTime startTimeUtc, DateTime stopTimeUtc, UpcomingProgram recordingProgram, string suggestedBaseFileName,
                        TvDatabase.Card recordOnCard, TvDatabase.Channel channel)
     : base(recorderId, schedulerBaseUrl, channelAllocation, startTimeUtc, stopTimeUtc, recordingProgram, true)
     _suggestedBaseFileName = suggestedBaseFileName;
     _recordOnCard          = recordOnCard;
     _channel = channel;
        public override bool ValidateAndUpdateRecording(CardChannelAllocation channelAllocation, UpcomingProgram recordingProgram, DateTime stopTimeUtc)
            bool threadNotFound;
            bool result = _recordingThreads.ValidateAndUpdateRecording(recordingProgram, stopTimeUtc, out threadNotFound);

            if (threadNotFound)
                Log(TraceEventType.Warning, "{0} - ValidateAndUpdateRecording called on unknown recording {1}", this.Name, recordingProgram.CreateProgramTitle());
Beispiel #4
 public RecordingThreadBase(Guid recorderId, string schedulerBaseUrl, CardChannelAllocation channelAllocation,
                            DateTime startTimeUtc, DateTime stopTimeUtc, UpcomingProgram recordingProgram, bool okToRenameRecordedFiles)
     : base("Record")
     _recorderId              = recorderId;
     _schedulerBaseUrl        = schedulerBaseUrl;
     _channelAllocation       = channelAllocation;
     _startTimeUtc            = startTimeUtc;
     _stopTimeUtc             = stopTimeUtc;
     _recordingProgram        = recordingProgram;
     _okToRenameRecordedFiles = okToRenameRecordedFiles;
Beispiel #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Validate a recording is still running, and update its actual stop time.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="channelAllocation">The card allocation for the channel.</param>
        /// <param name="recordingProgram">The program being recorded.</param>
        /// <param name="stopTimeUtc">The up-to-date stop time (UTC).</param>
        /// <returns>True if the recording was still running (and its stop time was succesfully updated), false if there was a problem or the recording is not running.</returns>
        public async Task <bool> ValidateAndUpdateRecording(CardChannelAllocation channelAllocation, UpcomingProgram recordingProgram, DateTime stopTimeUtc)
            var request = NewRequest(HttpMethod.Put, "Recording/ValidateAndUpdate");

                channelAllocation = channelAllocation,
                recordingProgram  = recordingProgram,
                stopTimeUtc       = stopTimeUtc
            return(await ExecuteResult <bool>(request).ConfigureAwait(false));
Beispiel #6
        public void StartRecordingFailed(CardChannelAllocation channelAllocation, UpcomingProgram recordingProgram, string reason)
            var request = NewRequest("/RecorderCallback/Recording/StartFailed", Method.PUT);

                Allocation       = channelAllocation,
                RecordingProgram = recordingProgram,
                Reason           = reason
Beispiel #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Validate a recording is still running, and update its actual stop time.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="channelAllocation">The card allocation for the channel.</param>
        /// <param name="recordingProgram">The program being recorded.</param>
        /// <param name="stopTimeUtc">The up-to-date stop time (UTC).</param>
        /// <returns>True if the recording was still running (and its stop time was succesfully updated), false if there was a problem or the recording is not running.</returns>
        public bool ValidateAndUpdateRecording(CardChannelAllocation channelAllocation, UpcomingProgram recordingProgram, DateTime stopTimeUtc)
            var request = NewRequest("/Recording/ValidateAndUpdate", Method.PUT);

                channelAllocation = channelAllocation,
                recordingProgram  = recordingProgram,
                stopTimeUtc       = stopTimeUtc
            return(ExecuteResult <bool>(request));
        public async Task StartRecordingFailed(CardChannelAllocation channelAllocation, UpcomingProgram recordingProgram, string reason)
            var request = NewRequest(HttpMethod.Put, "RecorderCallback/Recording/StartFailed");

                Allocation       = channelAllocation,
                RecordingProgram = recordingProgram,
                Reason           = reason
            await ExecuteAsync(request).ConfigureAwait(false);
Beispiel #9
 public RecordingThreadBase(Guid recorderTunerId, string serverHostName, int serverTcpPort, CardChannelAllocation channelAllocation,
                            DateTime startTimeUtc, DateTime stopTimeUtc, UpcomingProgram recordingProgram, bool okToRenameRecordedFiles)
     : base("Record")
     _recorderTunerId         = recorderTunerId;
     _serverHostName          = serverHostName;
     _serverTcpPort           = serverTcpPort;
     _channelAllocation       = channelAllocation;
     _startTimeUtc            = startTimeUtc;
     _stopTimeUtc             = stopTimeUtc;
     _recordingProgram        = recordingProgram;
     _okToRenameRecordedFiles = okToRenameRecordedFiles;
Beispiel #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Tell the recorder to actually start a recording on the given card.  The implementation
        /// must call /Recording/New on the Recorder callback service when the recording actually
        /// starts.  If the recording can't start for some reason, StartRecordingFailed() must be called.
        /// In case the recording ends (prematurely or on time) /Recording/End must be called.  IMPORTANT:
        /// If the suggested relative path and filename was used the recorder should
        /// return 'false' to /Recording/End's 'okToMoveFile'!
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="schedulerBaseUrl">The callback URL for the Recorder to communicate with the Scheduler.</param>
        /// <param name="channelAllocation">The card allocation for the channel.</param>
        /// <param name="startTimeUtc">The actual time to start the recording (UTC).</param>
        /// <param name="stopTimeUtc">The actual time to stop the recording (UTC).</param>
        /// <param name="recordingProgram">The program to record.</param>
        /// <param name="suggestedBaseFileName">The suggested relative path and filename (without extension) of the recording file.</param>
        /// <returns>A boolean indicating the recording was initiated succesfully.</returns>
        public async Task <bool> StartRecording(string schedulerBaseUrl, CardChannelAllocation channelAllocation, DateTime startTimeUtc, DateTime stopTimeUtc, UpcomingProgram recordingProgram, string suggestedBaseFileName)
            var request = NewRequest(HttpMethod.Post, "Recording/Start");

                schedulerBaseUrl      = schedulerBaseUrl,
                channelAllocation     = channelAllocation,
                startTimeUtc          = startTimeUtc,
                stopTimeUtc           = stopTimeUtc,
                recordingProgram      = recordingProgram,
                suggestedBaseFileName = suggestedBaseFileName
            return(await ExecuteResult <bool>(request).ConfigureAwait(false));
Beispiel #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Tune to a channel, and get a live stream to that channel.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="channel">The channel to tune to.</param>
        /// <param name="upcomingRecordingAllocation">The allocation if the next upcoming recording, or null if there isn't one.</param>
        /// <param name="liveStream">Reference to a live stream that is either existing or null for a new one.</param>
        /// <returns>A LiveStreamResult value to indicate success or failure.</returns>
        public LiveStreamResult TuneLiveStream(Channel channel, CardChannelAllocation upcomingRecordingAllocation, ref LiveStream liveStream)
            var request = NewRequest("/Live/Tune", Method.POST);

                channel = channel,
                upcomingRecordingAllocation = upcomingRecordingAllocation,
                stream = liveStream
            var data = Execute <TuneLiveStreamResult>(request);

            liveStream =;
Beispiel #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Tell the recorder to actually start a recording on the given card.  The implementation
        /// must call /Recording/New on the Recorder callback service when the recording actually
        /// starts.  If the recording can't start for some reason, StartRecordingFailed() must be called.
        /// In case the recording ends (prematurely or on time) /Recording/End must be called.  IMPORTANT:
        /// If the suggested relative path and filename was used the recorder should
        /// return 'false' to /Recording/End's 'okToMoveFile'!
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="schedulerBaseUrl">The callback URL for the Recorder to communicate with the Scheduler.</param>
        /// <param name="channelAllocation">The card allocation for the channel.</param>
        /// <param name="startTimeUtc">The actual time to start the recording (UTC).</param>
        /// <param name="stopTimeUtc">The actual time to stop the recording (UTC).</param>
        /// <param name="recordingProgram">The program to record.</param>
        /// <param name="suggestedBaseFileName">The suggested relative path and filename (without extension) of the recording file.</param>
        /// <returns>A boolean indicating the recording was initiated succesfully.</returns>
        public bool StartRecording(string schedulerBaseUrl, CardChannelAllocation channelAllocation, DateTime startTimeUtc, DateTime stopTimeUtc, UpcomingProgram recordingProgram, string suggestedBaseFileName)
            var request = NewRequest("/Recording/Start", Method.POST);

                schedulerBaseUrl      = schedulerBaseUrl,
                channelAllocation     = channelAllocation,
                startTimeUtc          = startTimeUtc,
                stopTimeUtc           = stopTimeUtc,
                recordingProgram      = recordingProgram,
                suggestedBaseFileName = suggestedBaseFileName
            return(ExecuteResult <bool>(request));
Beispiel #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Tune to a channel, and get a live stream to that channel.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="channel">The channel to tune to.</param>
        /// <param name="upcomingRecordingAllocation">The allocation if the next upcoming recording, or null if there isn't one.</param>
        /// <param name="liveStream">A live stream that is either existing or null for a new one.</param>
        /// <returns>A LiveStreamResult value to indicate success or failure, and a new or updated live stream.</returns>
        public async Task <TuneLiveStreamResult> TuneLiveStream(Channel channel, CardChannelAllocation upcomingRecordingAllocation, LiveStream liveStream)
            var request = NewRequest(HttpMethod.Post, "Live/Tune");

                channel = channel,
                upcomingRecordingAllocation = upcomingRecordingAllocation,
                stream = liveStream
            var data = await ExecuteAsync <InternalTuneLiveStreamResult>(request).ConfigureAwait(false);

            return(new TuneLiveStreamResult
                Result = data.result,
                Stream =
Beispiel #14
 private static string BuildRecordingInfoToolTip(DateTime actualStartTime, DateTime actualStopTime,
                                                 CardChannelAllocation allocation, string onText)
     if (allocation != null)
         PluginService pluginService = RecorderTunersCache.GetRecorderTunerById(allocation.RecorderTunerId);
         if (pluginService != null)
             return(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "{0} - {1} {2} {3} ({4})",
                                  actualStartTime.ToShortTimeString(), actualStopTime.ToShortTimeString(),
                                  onText, pluginService.Name, allocation.CardId));
             return(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "{0} - {1} on ?",
                                  actualStartTime.ToShortTimeString(), actualStopTime.ToShortTimeString()));
Beispiel #15
        private static string GetIconImageFileName(ScheduleType scheduleType, bool isPartOfSeries, UpcomingCancellationReason cancellationReason,
                                                   bool isRecording, CardChannelAllocation cardChannelAllocation, List <Guid> conflictingPrograms)
            string suffix = String.Empty;

            if (isPartOfSeries)
                suffix += "Series";
            if (cancellationReason != UpcomingCancellationReason.None)
                suffix += "Cancelled";
                if (cancellationReason == UpcomingCancellationReason.PreviouslyRecorded ||
                    cancellationReason == UpcomingCancellationReason.AlreadyQueued)
                    suffix += "History";
                if (isRecording)
                    if (cardChannelAllocation == null)
                        suffix += "InConflict";
                        //toolTip = ProcessUtility.CreateConflictingProgramsToolTip(_model.UpcomingRecordings,
                        //    upcoming.UpcomingRecording.ConflictingPrograms, Utility.GetLocalizedText(TextId.ConflictsHeader),
                        //    Utility.GetLocalizedText(TextId.NoCardFoundForRecording));
                    else if (conflictingPrograms.Count > 0)
                        suffix += "WithWarning";
                        //toolTip = ProcessUtility.CreateConflictingProgramsToolTip(_model.UpcomingRecordings,
                        //    upcoming.UpcomingRecording.ConflictingPrograms, Utility.GetLocalizedText(TextId.ConflictsHeader),
                        //    Utility.GetLocalizedText((TextId.NoCardFoundForRecording));
            return(GUIGraphicsContext.Skin + @"\Media\ARGUS_" + scheduleType.ToString() + suffix + ".png");
 public abstract bool StartRecording(string schedulerBaseUrl, CardChannelAllocation channelAllocation, DateTime startTimeUtc, DateTime stopTimeUtc, UpcomingProgram recordingProgram, string suggestedBaseFileName);
 public abstract bool ValidateAndUpdateRecording(CardChannelAllocation channelAllocation, UpcomingProgram recordingProgram, DateTime stopTimeUtc);
        public override LiveStreamResult TuneLiveStream(Channel channel, CardChannelAllocation upcomingRecordingAllocation, ref LiveStream liveStream)
                TvDatabase.Channel     mpChannel;
                List <TvDatabase.Card> availableCards = GetCardsForChannel(channel, out mpChannel);

                // Sort the cards by priority.
                availableCards.Sort(delegate(TvDatabase.Card c1, TvDatabase.Card c2) { return(c1.Priority.CompareTo(c2.Priority)); });

                if (liveStream != null &&
                    IUser tve3User = _liveStreamUsers[liveStream.RtspUrl];
                    foreach (TvDatabase.Card card in availableCards)
                        if (card.IdCard == tve3User.CardId)
                            if (Utility.CardFreeOrUsingSameTransponder(card, mpChannel, tve3User))
                                Log("TuneLiveTvStream(): tuning on card {0} {1}", card.IdCard, card.Name);
                                lock (_liveStreamsLock)
                                    _liveStreams[liveStream.RtspUrl].StreamLastAliveTimeUtc = DateTime.UtcNow;
                                LiveStreamResult result = StartTimeShifting(channel, card, mpChannel, ref tve3User, ref liveStream);
                                if (result != LiveStreamResult.NoFreeCardFound)

                    if (liveStream != null)
                        liveStream = null;

                    List <int> inUseHybridGroups = new List <int>();

                    foreach (TvDatabase.Card card in availableCards)
                        if (!Utility.IsInSameHybridGroup(card, inUseHybridGroups) &&
                            Utility.CardFreeOrUsingSameTransponder(card, mpChannel))
                            string userName = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}{1}", _argusLiveUserName, Guid.NewGuid());

                            IUser tve3User = new User(userName, true, card.IdCard);
                            tve3User.IdChannel  = mpChannel.IdChannel;
                            tve3User.SubChannel = -1;

                            Log("TuneLiveTvStream(): tuning on card {0} {1}", card.IdCard, card.Name);

                            LiveStreamResult result = StartTimeShifting(channel, card, mpChannel, ref tve3User, ref liveStream);
                            if (result != LiveStreamResult.NoFreeCardFound)
                        // For hybrid cards, keep track of the groups that are in use.

            catch (Exception ex)
                Log(TraceEventType.Error, ex.Message);
        private bool IsCardFreeOrSharedByAllocation(TvDatabase.Card card, TvDatabase.Channel mpChannel, CardChannelAllocation allocation,
                                                    CardChannelAllocation[] alreadyAllocated)
            TvDatabase.TuningDetail tuning = Utility.FindTuningDetailOnCard(mpChannel, card.IdCard);
            if (GetCardId(card) == allocation.CardId &&
                tuning != null)
                // The card is allocated by this allocation, but may be able to reuse the card. So let's
                // check if the if the card (and CAM) allow this.
                // Note: "!ChannelAlreadyAllocatedOn(alreadyAllocated, allocation.CardId, channelId)" was
                // not added since TV Server can record the same channel several times on the same transponder.
                if (card.DecryptLimit == 0 ||
                    CountNumTimesAllocated(alreadyAllocated, allocation.CardId) < card.DecryptLimit)
                    // Get the previously allocated channel and its tuning details and let's check if the
                    // channel we want is on the same transponder as that channel.
                    TvDatabase.Channel allocatedChannel = GetLinkedMediaPortalChannel(allocation.ChannelType,
                                                                                      allocation.ChannelId, allocation.ChannelName);
                    TvDatabase.Card allocatedCard = GetCardByCardId(allocation.CardId);
                    if (allocatedChannel != null &&
                        allocatedCard != null &&
                        Utility.IsSameTransponder(allocatedCard.IdCard, tuning, allocatedChannel))
                        // Same transponder, so we can actually re-use this card and consider it free.
                // The card is allocated by this allocation, and it's not for a channel on the same
                // transponder, so it's not free.

            // The card is not allocated by this allocation, so it's free.
 public RecordingThread(Guid recorderTunerId, string serverHostName, int tcpPort, CardChannelAllocation channelAllocation,
                        DateTime startTimeUtc, DateTime stopTimeUtc, UpcomingProgram recordingProgram, string suggestedBaseFileName,
                        TvDatabase.Card recordOnCard, TvDatabase.Channel channel)
     : base(recorderTunerId, serverHostName, tcpPort, channelAllocation, startTimeUtc, stopTimeUtc, recordingProgram, true)
     _suggestedBaseFileName = suggestedBaseFileName;
     _recordOnCard          = recordOnCard;
     _channel = channel;
 public virtual LiveStreamResult TuneLiveStream(Channel channel, CardChannelAllocation upcomingRecordingAllocation, ref LiveStream liveStream)
     liveStream = null;
Beispiel #22
 public abstract bool StartRecording(string serverHostName, int tcpPort, CardChannelAllocation channelAllocation, DateTime startTimeUtc, DateTime stopTimeUtc, UpcomingProgram recordingProgram, string suggestedBaseFileName);