public static CardAction WaitCard()
            newState = TagDetect.IsPresent();

            if (newState)
                state = CardAction.Inserted;
                Hardware.PIN_State(PINS.led_D, STATE.On);
                state = CardAction.Removed;
                Hardware.PIN_State(PINS.led_D, STATE.Off);
            if (newState != oldState)
                oldState = newState;
                if (oldState)
                    card.Id = SelectCard();
                OnCardDetect(null, new CardEventArgs() { action = state });
            return state;
        /// <summary>
        /// POST: api/Messages
        /// Receive a message from a user and reply to it
        /// </summary>
        public async Task <HttpResponseMessage> Post([FromBody] Activity activity)
            HttpResponseMessage response;

            // welcome message 출력
            if (activity.Type == ActivityTypes.ConversationUpdate && activity.MembersAdded.Any(m => m.Id == activity.Recipient.Id))
                DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now;

                // Db
                DbConnect         db  = new DbConnect();
                List <DialogList> dlg = db.SelectInitDialog();
                Debug.WriteLine("!!!!!!!!!!! : " + dlg[0].dlgId);

                ConnectorClient connector = new ConnectorClient(new Uri(activity.ServiceUrl));

                for (int n = 0; n < dlg.Count; n++)
                    Activity reply2 = activity.CreateReply();
                    reply2.Recipient        = activity.From;
                    reply2.Type             = "message";
                    reply2.Attachments      = new List <Attachment>();
                    reply2.AttachmentLayout = AttachmentLayoutTypes.Carousel;

                    List <CardList>  card  = db.SelectDialogCard(dlg[n].dlgId);
                    List <TextList>  text  = db.SelectDialogText(dlg[n].dlgId);
                    List <MediaList> media = db.SelectDialogMedia(dlg[n].dlgId);

                    for (int i = 0; i < text.Count; i++)
                        HeroCard plCard = new HeroCard()
                            Title    = text[i].cardTitle,
                            Subtitle = text[i].cardText

                        Attachment plAttachment = plCard.ToAttachment();

                    for (int i = 0; i < card.Count; i++)
                        List <CardImage>  cardImages  = new List <CardImage>();
                        List <CardAction> cardButtons = new List <CardAction>();

                        if (card[i].imgUrl != null)
                            cardImages.Add(new CardImage(url: card[i].imgUrl));

                        if (card[i].btn1Type != null)
                            CardAction plButton = new CardAction()
                                Value = card[i].btn1Context,
                                Type  = card[i].btn1Type,
                                Title = card[i].btn1Title


                        if (card[i].btn2Type != null)
                            CardAction plButton = new CardAction()
                                Value = card[i].btn2Context,
                                Type  = card[i].btn2Type,
                                Title = card[i].btn2Title


                        if (card[i].btn3Type != null)
                            CardAction plButton = new CardAction()
                                Value = card[i].btn3Context,
                                Type  = card[i].btn3Type,
                                Title = card[i].btn3Title


                        HeroCard plCard = new HeroCard()
                            Title    = card[i].cardTitle,
                            Subtitle = card[i].cardSubTitle,
                            Images   = cardImages,
                            Buttons  = cardButtons

                        Attachment plAttachment = plCard.ToAttachment();

                    for (int i = 0; i < media.Count; i++)
                        List <MediaUrl>   mediaURL    = new List <MediaUrl>();
                        List <CardAction> cardButtons = new List <CardAction>();

                        if (media[i].mediaUrl != null)
                            mediaURL.Add(new MediaUrl(url: media[i].mediaUrl));

                        if (media[i].btn1Type != null)
                            CardAction plButton = new CardAction()
                                Value = media[i].btn1Context,
                                Type  = media[i].btn1Type,
                                Title = media[i].btn1Title


                        if (media[i].btn2Type != null)
                            CardAction plButton = new CardAction()
                                Value = media[i].btn2Context,
                                Type  = media[i].btn2Type,
                                Title = media[i].btn2Title


                        if (media[i].btn3Type != null)
                            CardAction plButton = new CardAction()
                                Value = media[i].btn3Context,
                                Type  = media[i].btn3Type,
                                Title = media[i].btn3Title


                        VideoCard plCard = new VideoCard()
                            Title     = media[i].cardTitle,
                            Text      = media[i].cardText,
                            Media     = mediaURL,
                            Buttons   = cardButtons,
                            Autostart = false

                        Attachment plAttachment = plCard.ToAttachment();

                    var reply1 = await connector.Conversations.SendToConversationAsync(reply2);
                DateTime endTime = DateTime.Now;
                Debug.WriteLine("프로그램 수행시간 : {0}/ms", ((endTime - startTime).Milliseconds));
            else if (activity.Type == ActivityTypes.Message)
                string      orgMent            = "";
                string      orgENGMent_history = "";
                JObject     Luis        = new JObject();
                DbConnect   db          = new DbConnect();
                StateClient stateClient = activity.GetStateClient();
                BotData     userData    = await stateClient.BotState.GetUserDataAsync(activity.ChannelId, activity.From.Id);

                ConnectorClient connector = new ConnectorClient(new Uri(activity.ServiceUrl));

                orgMent = activity.Text;
                //Translator translateInfo = await getTranslate(orgMent);
                //orgENGMent_history = Regex.Replace([0].translatedText, @"[^a-zA-Z0-9ㄱ-힣-\s-&#39;]", "", RegexOptions.Singleline);
                //orgENGMent_history = orgENGMent_history.Replace("&#39;", "'");

                Luis = await GetIntentFromBotLUIS(orgMent);

                Debug.WriteLine("score : " + (float)Luis["intents"][0]["score"]);
                Debug.WriteLine("score : " + Luis["entities"].Count());
                //Debug.WriteLine("entity : " + Luis["entities"][0]["entity"]);

                float luisScore       = (float)Luis["intents"][0]["score"];
                int   luisEntityCount = (int)Luis["entities"].Count();

                if (luisScore > 0 && luisEntityCount > 0)
                    string   intent = (string)Luis["intents"][0]["intent"];
                    string[] entity = new string[luisEntityCount];

                    for (int entityCount = 0; entityCount < luisEntityCount; entityCount++)
                        entity[entityCount] = (string)Luis["entities"][entityCount]["entity"];
                        entity[entityCount] = entity[entityCount].Replace("\"", "");
                        entity[entityCount] = entity[entityCount].Replace(" ", "");

                    intent = intent.Replace("\"", "");

                    userData.SetProperty <string>(intent, orgENGMent_history);
                    await stateClient.BotState.SetUserDataAsync(activity.ChannelId, activity.From.Id, userData);

                    List <LuisList> LuisDialogID = db.SelectLuis(intent, entity);

                    if (LuisDialogID.Count == 0)
                         * Activity reply_err = activity.CreateReply();
                         * reply_err.Recipient = activity.From;
                         * reply_err.Type = "message";
                         * List<TextList> text = db.SelectDialogText(1005);
                         * for (int j = 0; j < text.Count; j++)
                         * {
                         *  HeroCard plCard = new HeroCard()
                         *  {
                         *      Title = text[j].cardTitle,
                         *      Subtitle = text[j].cardText
                         *  };
                         *  Attachment plAttachment = plCard.ToAttachment();
                         *  reply_err.Attachments.Add(plAttachment);
                         * }
                         * await connector.Conversations.SendToConversationAsync(reply_err);

                        Activity reply_err = activity.CreateReply();
                        reply_err.Recipient = activity.From;
                        reply_err.Type      = "message";
                        reply_err.Text      = "I'm sorry. I do not know what you mean.";
                        var reply1 = await connector.Conversations.SendToConversationAsync(reply_err);
                        for (int i = 0; i < LuisDialogID.Count; i++)
                            Activity reply2 = activity.CreateReply();
                            reply2.Recipient        = activity.From;
                            reply2.Type             = "message";
                            reply2.Attachments      = new List <Attachment>();
                            reply2.AttachmentLayout = AttachmentLayoutTypes.Carousel;

                            int dlgID = LuisDialogID[i].dlgId;

                            List <DialogList> dlg = db.SelectDialog(dlgID);

                            for (int n = 0; n < dlg.Count; n++)
                                string dlgType = dlg[n].dlgType;

                                if (dlgType == TEXTDLG)
                                    List <TextList> text = db.SelectDialogText(dlg[n].dlgId);

                                    for (int j = 0; j < text.Count; j++)
                                        HeroCard plCard = new HeroCard()
                                            Title    = text[j].cardTitle,
                                            Subtitle = text[j].cardText

                                        Attachment plAttachment = plCard.ToAttachment();
                                else if (dlgType == CARDDLG)
                                    List <CardList> card = db.SelectDialogCard(dlg[n].dlgId);

                                    for (int j = 0; j < card.Count; j++)
                                        List <CardImage>  cardImages  = new List <CardImage>();
                                        List <CardAction> cardButtons = new List <CardAction>();

                                        if (card[j].imgUrl != null)
                                            cardImages.Add(new CardImage(url: card[j].imgUrl));

                                        if (card[j].btn1Type != null)
                                            CardAction plButton = new CardAction()
                                                Value = card[j].btn1Context,
                                                Type  = card[j].btn1Type,
                                                Title = card[j].btn1Title


                                        if (card[j].btn2Type != null)
                                            CardAction plButton = new CardAction()
                                                Value = card[j].btn2Context,
                                                Type  = card[j].btn2Type,
                                                Title = card[j].btn2Title


                                        if (card[j].btn3Type != null)
                                            CardAction plButton = new CardAction()
                                                Value = card[j].btn3Context,
                                                Type  = card[j].btn3Type,
                                                Title = card[j].btn3Title


                                        HeroCard plCard = new HeroCard()
                                            Title    = card[j].cardTitle,
                                            Subtitle = card[j].cardSubTitle,
                                            Images   = cardImages,
                                            Buttons  = cardButtons

                                        Attachment plAttachment = plCard.ToAttachment();
                                else if (dlgType == MEDIADLG)
                                    List <MediaList> media = db.SelectDialogMedia(dlg[n].dlgId);

                                    for (int j = 0; j < media.Count; j++)
                                        List <MediaUrl>   mediaURL    = new List <MediaUrl>();
                                        List <CardAction> cardButtons = new List <CardAction>();

                                        if (media[j].mediaUrl != null)
                                            mediaURL.Add(new MediaUrl(url: media[j].mediaUrl));

                                        if (media[j].btn1Type != null)
                                            CardAction plButton = new CardAction()
                                                Value = media[j].btn1Context,
                                                Type  = media[j].btn1Type,
                                                Title = media[j].btn1Title


                                        if (media[j].btn2Type != null)
                                            CardAction plButton = new CardAction()
                                                Value = media[j].btn2Context,
                                                Type  = media[j].btn2Type,
                                                Title = media[j].btn2Title


                                        if (media[j].btn3Type != null)
                                            CardAction plButton = new CardAction()
                                                Value = media[j].btn3Context,
                                                Type  = media[j].btn3Type,
                                                Title = media[j].btn3Title


                                        VideoCard plCard = new VideoCard()
                                            Title     = media[j].cardTitle,
                                            Text      = media[j].cardText,
                                            Media     = mediaURL,
                                            Buttons   = cardButtons,
                                            Autostart = false

                                        Attachment plAttachment = plCard.ToAttachment();

                            var reply1 = await connector.Conversations.SendToConversationAsync(reply2);
                     * Activity reply_err = activity.CreateReply();
                     * reply_err.Recipient = activity.From;
                     * reply_err.Type = "message";
                     * List<TextList> text = db.SelectDialogText(1005);
                     * for (int j = 0; j < text.Count; j++)
                     * {
                     *  HeroCard plCard = new HeroCard()
                     *  {
                     *      Title = text[j].cardTitle,
                     *      Subtitle = text[j].cardText
                     *  };
                     *  Attachment plAttachment = plCard.ToAttachment();
                     *  reply_err.Attachments.Add(plAttachment);
                     * }
                     * await connector.Conversations.SendToConversationAsync(reply_err);

                    Activity reply_err = activity.CreateReply();
                    reply_err.Recipient = activity.From;
                    reply_err.Type      = "message";
                    reply_err.Text      = "I'm sorry. I do not know what you mean.";
                    var reply1 = await connector.Conversations.SendToConversationAsync(reply_err);

            response = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK);
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// POST: api/Messages
        /// Receive a message from a user and reply to it
        /// </summary>
        /// the bot is running and we arnt holding up the bot while we're waiting for the API responce
        public async Task <HttpResponseMessage> Post([FromBody] Activity activity) // This is a http post that is looking for data
                                                                                   // from the body
                                                                                   // the message controller is passing the whole activity class
            if (activity.Type == ActivityTypes.Message)                            // here the activity is a message
                ConnectorClient connector = new ConnectorClient(new Uri(activity.ServiceUrl));
                // The connector client is equating the variable connector to a new connector client with a uri that does the activity
                // WRITE CODE HERE

                StateClient stateClient = activity.GetStateClient();
                BotData     userData    = await stateClient.BotState.GetUserDataAsync(activity.ChannelId, activity.From.Id);

                contosoBot.Services.StockItem stock1;
                //var message = contosoBot.dbo.BuildVersion.sql;

                var phrase = activity.Text;

                HttpClient client  = new HttpClient();
                string     rawData = await client.GetStringAsync(new Uri("" + activity.Text));

                stock1 = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <StockItem>(rawData);

                string name             = stock1.Name;
                float  ChangePercentYTD = stock1.ChangePercentYTD;
                string Time             = stock1.Timestamp;
                float  MarketCap        = stock1.MarketCap;
                float  Open             = stock1.Open;
                string symbol           = stock1.Symbol;
                float  LastPrice        = stock1.LastPrice;

                // adding the HERO CARD
                Activity stockReply = activity.CreateReply($"Stock for the {name}");
                stockReply.Recipient   = activity.From;
                stockReply.Type        = "message";
                stockReply.Attachments = new List <Attachment>();

                List <CardImage> cardImages = new List <CardImage>();
                cardImages.Add(new CardImage(url: ""));

                List <CardAction> cardButtons = new List <CardAction>();
                CardAction        plButton    = new CardAction()
                    Value = "" + symbol + "/interactive-chart",
                    Type  = "openUrl",
                    Title = "More Info"

                ThumbnailCard plCard = new ThumbnailCard()
                    Title    = name + ":",
                    Subtitle = " On " + Time + " Stock Price is: $" + LastPrice + "  With a market capitalization of: " + MarketCap + "  And its Change in Year to Date percentage is: " + ChangePercentYTD + "%",
                    Images   = cardImages,
                    Buttons  = cardButtons

                Attachment plAttachment = plCard.ToAttachment();
                await connector.Conversations.SendToConversationAsync(stockReply);

            var response = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK);

Beispiel #4
 public void SetNewPosition(Vector3 pos, bool endFlip = false)
     action = new MoveCard(pos, movementSpeed, gameObject, endFlip);
     oldPos = pos;
        private static Attachment GetHeroCard_facebookMore(string title, string subtitle, string text, CardAction cardAction)
            var heroCard = new UserHeroCard
                Title    = title,
                Subtitle = subtitle,
                Text     = text,
                Buttons  = new List <CardAction>()

        private static Attachment GetHeroCard(string title, string subtitle, string text, CardImage cardImage, CardAction cardAction)
            var heroCard = new HeroCard
                Title    = title,
                Subtitle = subtitle,
                Text     = text,
                Images   = new List <CardImage>()
                Buttons = new List <CardAction>()

Beispiel #7
        /// <summary>
        /// POST: api/Messages
        /// Recois un msg de l'usgaer et on y retourne une reponse
        /// </summary>
        public async Task <HttpResponseMessage> Post([FromBody] Activity activity)
            if (activity.Type == ActivityTypes.Message && activity.Text.ToLower() == "/random")
                ConnectorClient connector = new ConnectorClient(new Uri(activity.ServiceUrl));

                LineUp lineUp = RcHelpers.GetLineUp(RcContants_LineUp.REGION_GRAND_MTL);

                // Va chercher un index aleatoire
                var randomIndex = new Random(DateTime.Now.Millisecond).Next(0, lineUp.pagedList.items.Count - 1);

                // On extrait du tableau, l'article que nous voulons montrer a l'usager
                var article = lineUp.pagedList.items[randomIndex];

                // Extraction du url de l'image
                var imageUrl = article.summaryMultimediaItem.concreteImages?.Find(x => x.dimensionRatio == "4:3")?.mediaLink.href;

                // Converti l'image en grandeur utilisable
                var imageBase64 = string.Empty;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(imageUrl))
                    var base64 = imageUrl.TransformUrlToScaledImage();
                    imageBase64 = imageUrl.EndsWith("png") ? "data:image/png;base64," + base64 : "data:image/jpg;base64," + base64;

                Activity reply = activity.CreateReply("");
                reply.Recipient   = activity.From;
                reply.Type        = "message";
                reply.Attachments = new List <Attachment>();

                // Construit l'image en reponse
                List <CardImage> cardImages = new List <CardImage>();
                cardImages.Add(new CardImage(url: imageBase64));

                // Construit l'action qui va aller avec l'image
                List <CardAction> cardButtons = new List <CardAction>();
                CardAction        plButton    = new CardAction()
                    Value = article.canonicalWebLink.href,
                    Type  = "openUrl",
                    Title = "Voir plus"

                // Construit la carte
                HeroCard plCard = new HeroCard()
                    Title    = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(article.title),
                    Subtitle = "",
                    Images   = cardImages,
                    Buttons  = cardButtons

                Attachment plAttachment = plCard.ToAttachment();

                await connector.Conversations.ReplyToActivityAsync(reply);
            else if (activity.Type == ActivityTypes.Message)
                ConnectorClient connector = new ConnectorClient(new Uri(activity.ServiceUrl));
                Activity        reply     = activity.CreateReply("Je ne connais qu'une commande. Utilisez /random");

                await connector.Conversations.ReplyToActivityAsync(reply);
            var response = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK);

Beispiel #8
			public CardAction CreateShallowClone()
				CardAction actionClone = new CardAction ();
				actionClone.Label = Label;
				actionClone.Id = Id;
				actionClone.Type = Type;
				return actionClone;
				// Not the view. never the view (don't want to hold view references for OnConfigurationChange)
Beispiel #9
        public async Task Mercadotecnia(IDialogContext context, IAwaitable <object> activity, LuisResult result)
            Models.NewStartersDBEntities1 DB = new Models.NewStartersDBEntities1();
            //Mis datos es literalmente todo lo de mi mismo (Bruno) se accede de la forma misDatos[0].foto
            var misDatos = (from dept in DB.Empleado_Departamento
                            where dept.departamentoID == 2
                            select new
                representate = dept.representanteID,
                jefe = dept.jefeID,
                dept = dept.departamentoID

            int id3        = (int)misDatos[0].dept;
            var datosJefe3 = (from depto in DB.Departamento
                              where depto.departamentoID == id3
                              select new
                ubicacion = depto.ubicacion
            string message = $"El departamento de Mercadotecnia se encuentra en {datosJefe3[0].ubicacion} y el contacto es:";
            await context.PostAsync(message);

            int id        = (int)misDatos[0].jefe;
            var datosJefe = (from jefe in DB.Empleado
                             where jefe.empleadoID == id
                             select new
                nombre = jefe.nombre,
                apellido = jefe.apellido,
                sede = jefe.sede,
                foto = jefe.fotoURL,
                mail = jefe.mail,
                tel = jefe.numero
            int id2      = (int)misDatos[0].representate;
            var datosRep = (from representante in DB.Empleado
                            where representante.empleadoID == id
                            select new
                nombre = representante.nombre,
                apellido = representante.apellido,
                sede = representante.sede
            List <CardImage> cardImages = new List <CardImage>();
            HeroCard         card       = new HeroCard();

            card.Title    = $"{datosJefe[0].nombre} {datosJefe[0].apellido}";
            card.Subtitle = "Jefe del departamento de mercadotecnia";
            card.Text     = $"Teléfono: {datosJefe[0].tel}  \n";
            card.Text    += $"Correo: {datosJefe[0].mail}";
            cardImages.Add(new CardImage(datosJefe[0].foto));
            card.Images = cardImages;
            List <CardAction> cardButtons = new List <CardAction>();
            CardAction        callButton  = new CardAction()
                Value = $"tel:{datosJefe[0].tel}",
                Type  = "call",
                Title = "Llamar"
            int sedeID    = (int)datosJefe[0].sede;
            var ubicacion = (from s in DB.Sede
                             where s.sedeID == sedeID
                             select s.direccion).ToList();
            CardAction mapButton = new CardAction()
                Value = $"" + $"{ubicacion[0].Replace(" ", "+")}",
                Type  = "openUrl",
                Title = "Ir a sede"

            card.Buttons = cardButtons;
            Attachment       att   = card.ToAttachment();
            IMessageActivity reply = context.MakeMessage();

            await context.PostAsync(reply);

Beispiel #10
        public async Task NombreSublevados(IDialogContext context, IAwaitable <object> activity, LuisResult result)
            string message = $"";

            Models.NewStartersDBEntities1 DB = new Models.NewStartersDBEntities1();
            //Mis datos es literalmente todo lo de mi mismo (Bruno) se accede de la forma misDatos[0].foto
            var misDatos = (from yo in DB.Empleado
                            where yo.empleadoID == 6
                            select new
                nombre = yo.nombre,
                apellido = yo.apellido,
                jefeId = yo.jefeInmediatoID,
                puesto = yo.puesto,
                sede = yo.sede,
                departamentoID = yo.departamento,
                foto = yo.fotoURL,
                jerarquia = yo.jerarquia,
                empleadoID = yo.empleadoID
            int id = (int)misDatos[0].empleadoID;

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"id: {id}");
            var datosEmpleados = (from empleado in DB.Empleado
                                  where empleado.jefeInmediatoID == id
                                  select new
                nombre = empleado.nombre,
                apellido = empleado.apellido,
                sede = empleado.sede,
                idPrueba = empleado.empleadoID,
                foto = empleado.fotoURL,
                tel = empleado.numero,
                mail = empleado.mail

            if (datosEmpleados.Count() == 0)
                message += "De momento no tienes registrados empleados";
                await context.PostAsync(message);

                for (int i = 0; i < datosEmpleados.Count; i++)
                    if (i == 0)
                        message += $"Tus empleados son: ";
                        await context.PostAsync(message);
                    List <CardImage> cardImages = new List <CardImage>();
                    HeroCard         card       = new HeroCard();
                    card.Title    = $"{datosEmpleados[i].nombre} {datosEmpleados[i].apellido}";
                    card.Subtitle = "Datos de contacto:";
                    card.Text     = $"Teléfono: {datosEmpleados[i].tel}  \n";
                    card.Text    += $"Correo: {datosEmpleados[i].mail}";
                    cardImages.Add(new CardImage(datosEmpleados[i].foto));
                    card.Images = cardImages;
                    List <CardAction> cardButtons = new List <CardAction>();
                    CardAction        callButton  = new CardAction()
                        Value = $"tel:{datosEmpleados[i].tel}",
                        Type  = "call",
                        Title = "Llamar"
                    int sedeID    = (int)datosEmpleados[i].sede;
                    var ubicacion = (from s in DB.Sede
                                     where s.sedeID == sedeID
                                     select s.direccion).ToList();
                    CardAction mapButton = new CardAction()
                        Value = $"" + $"{ubicacion[0].Replace(" ", "+")}",
                        Type  = "openUrl",
                        Title = "Ir a sede"
                    card.Buttons = cardButtons;
                    Attachment       att   = card.ToAttachment();
                    IMessageActivity reply = context.MakeMessage();
                    await context.PostAsync(reply);

            await context.PostAsync(message);

Beispiel #11
        public async Task FindSpeaker(IDialogContext context, LuisResult result)
            var    reply    = context.MakeMessage();
            string topic    = "";
            string location = "";

            if (result.Entities.Count > 0)
                var  ent      = new EntityRecommendation();
                bool hasTopic = result.TryFindEntity("topic", out ent);
                topic = (hasTopic ? ent.Entity : "");
                bool hasLocation = result.TryFindEntity("location", out ent);
                location = (hasLocation ? ent.Entity : "");

                await context.PostAsync("Searching with *topic* = **" + topic + "** and *location* = **" + location + "**");

                if (!hasLocation)
                    await context.PostAsync("What state do you want a speaker in?");

                    var adaptive = new HeroCard();
                    List <CardAction> cardButtons = new List <CardAction>();
                    CardAction        p1Button    = new CardAction("button")
                        Value = $"Find Speaker {topic} New South Wales", Title = "New South Wales", Type = ActionTypes.PostBack
                    CardAction p2Button = new CardAction("button")
                        Value = $"Find Speaker {topic} Victoria", Title = "Victoria", Type = ActionTypes.PostBack
                    CardAction p3Button = new CardAction("button")
                        Value = $"Find Speaker {topic} Queensland", Title = "Queensland", Type = ActionTypes.PostBack
                    adaptive.Buttons = cardButtons;
                    var attach = adaptive.ToAttachment();

                    await context.PostAsync(reply);

                else if (hasTopic && hasLocation)
                    if (location.Equals("nsw") || location.Equals("sydney"))
                        location = "new south wales";
                    else if (location.Equals("qld") || location.Equals("brisbane"))
                        location = "queensland";
                    else if (location.Equals("vic") || location.Equals("melbourne"))
                        location = "victoria";

                    if (!(location.Equals("new south wales") || location.Equals("queensland") || location.Equals("victoria")))
                        hasLocation = false;

                    if (hasLocation)
                        var db = new DocumentDbSettings();
                        List <Profile> profiles = db.SearchTopic(topic);

                        Random rnd = new Random();
                        IEnumerable <Profile> res = profiles.Where(p => p.tags.Any(m => m.Contains(topic))).Where(c => c.states.Any(m => m.Contains(location)));
                        var filteredProfiles      = res.ToList <Profile>().OrderBy(p => rnd.Next());

                        if (filteredProfiles.Count() > 0)
                            reply.AttachmentLayout = AttachmentLayoutTypes.Carousel;

                            foreach (Profile p in filteredProfiles)
                                //Site and Email buttons on each card.
                                List <CardAction> buttons    = new List <CardAction>();
                                CardAction        siteButton = new CardAction("button")
                                    Value = $"{}", Title = "Website", Type = ActionTypes.OpenUrl
                                CardAction emailButton = new CardAction("button")
                                    Value = $"mailto:{}", Title = "Email", Type = ActionTypes.OpenUrl

                                var hero = new HeroCard();
                                hero.Subtitle = p.slogan;
                                hero.Title    =;

                                var bioText =;
                                //var bioTrunc = TruncateText(bioText, 220);
                                //bioTrunc += "...";

                                hero.Text = bioText;
                                var image = new CardImage();
                                image.Url = "" + p.picture;
                                hero.Buttons = buttons;
                                var heroAttach = hero.ToAttachment();

                            await context.PostAsync(reply);

                        await context.PostAsync("Please search for speakers in New South Wales, Queensland or Victoria");
                    await context.PostAsync("Topic unable to be captured.");
                await context.PostAsync("Topic could not be found. Please try another topic.");
 internal static FacebookQuickReply ToFacebookQuickReply(this CardAction button)
     return(new FacebookQuickReply(contentType: FacebookQuickReply.ContentTypes.Text, title: button.Title, payload: button.Value, image: button.Image));
Beispiel #13
    private void createActionMenu(CardAction action, List<Cost> costs)
        List<ActionValPair> pairs = new List<ActionValPair>();
        if (action.actions.Any(x => x == Toolbox.BasicAction.Source_Uses)){
            pairs.Add (new ActionValPair(action.sourceVal, Toolbox.BasicAction.Source_Uses));
        if (action.actions.Any(x => x == Toolbox.BasicAction.Add_Energy_Blue)){
                pairs.Add (new ActionValPair(action.blueVal, Toolbox.BasicAction.Add_Energy_Blue));
        if (action.actions.Any(x => x == Toolbox.BasicAction.Add_Energy_Red)){
            pairs.Add (new ActionValPair(action.redVal, Toolbox.BasicAction.Add_Energy_Red));
        if (action.actions.Any(x => x == Toolbox.BasicAction.Add_Energy_Green)){
            pairs.Add (new ActionValPair(action.greenVal, Toolbox.BasicAction.Add_Energy_Green));
        if (action.actions.Any(x => x == Toolbox.BasicAction.Add_Energy_White)){
            pairs.Add (new ActionValPair(action.whiteVal, Toolbox.BasicAction.Add_Energy_White));
        if (action.actions.Any(x => x == Toolbox.BasicAction.Add_Energy_Dark)){
            pairs.Add (new ActionValPair(action.darkVal, Toolbox.BasicAction.Add_Energy_Dark));
        switch (player.turnPhase) {
        case Toolbox.TurnPhase.Move:
            if (action.actions.Any(x => x == Toolbox.BasicAction.Move)){
                pairs.Add (new ActionValPair(action.moveVal, Toolbox.BasicAction.Move));
            if (action.actions.Any(x => x == Toolbox.BasicAction.Heal)){
                pairs.Add (new ActionValPair(action.healVal, Toolbox.BasicAction.Heal));
        case Toolbox.TurnPhase.Action:
                switch (player.battlePhase){
                case Toolbox.BattlePhase.Ranged:
                    if (action.actions.Any(x => x == Toolbox.BasicAction.Ranged_Attack)){
                        pairs.Add (new ActionValPair(action.attackVal, Toolbox.BasicAction.Ranged_Attack, action.attackColour));
                case Toolbox.BattlePhase.Block:
                    if (action.actions.Any(x => x == Toolbox.BasicAction.Block)){
                        pairs.Add (new ActionValPair(action.blockVal, Toolbox.BasicAction.Block, action.blockColour));
                case Toolbox.BattlePhase.Attack:
                    if (action.actions.Any(x => x == Toolbox.BasicAction.Attack || x == Toolbox.BasicAction.Ranged_Attack)){
                        pairs.Add (new ActionValPair(action.attackVal, Toolbox.BasicAction.Attack, action.attackColour));
            } else {
                if (action.actions.Any(x => x == Toolbox.BasicAction.Influence)){
                    pairs.Add (new ActionValPair(action.influenceVal, Toolbox.BasicAction.Influence));
        GameObject actionsMenu;

        if(pairs.Count == 0){
            actionsMenu = (GameObject) Instantiate(Resources.Load("Prefabs/OneButtonModal"));
            actionsMenu.transform.GetComponentInChildren<Button>().onClick.AddListener(() => {Destroy (actionsMenu);});
            actionsMenu.transform.SetParent(player.handCanvas.transform, false);
            actionsMenu.transform.GetComponentInChildren<Text>().text = "No actions available at this time";
            Button firstButton = actionsMenu.transform.GetComponentsInChildren<Button>().First(x => == "First Button");
            firstButton.GetComponentInChildren<Text>().text = "Exit";
            firstButton.onClick.AddListener(() => {Destroy (actionsMenu);});
        } else if (pairs.Count == 1) {
            actionsMenu = (GameObject) Instantiate(Resources.Load("Prefabs/OneButtonModal"));
            actionsMenu.transform.GetComponentInChildren<Button>().onClick.AddListener(() => {Destroy (actionsMenu);});
            actionsMenu.transform.SetParent(player.handCanvas.transform, false);
            actionsMenu.transform.GetComponentInChildren<Text>().text = "Choose Action " + CostString(costs);
            Button firstButton = actionsMenu.transform.GetComponentsInChildren<Button>().First(x => == "First Button");
            firstButton.GetComponentInChildren<Text>().text = ButtonString(pairs[0]);
            ApplyActionToButton(firstButton, pairs[0], costs, actionsMenu);
            firstButton.onClick.AddListener(() => {Destroy (actionsMenu);});
        } else if (pairs.Count == 2) {
            actionsMenu = (GameObject) Instantiate(Resources.Load("Prefabs/TwoButtonModal"));
            actionsMenu.transform.GetComponentInChildren<Button>().onClick.AddListener(() => {Destroy (actionsMenu);});
            actionsMenu.transform.SetParent(player.handCanvas.transform, false);
            actionsMenu.transform.GetComponentInChildren<Text>().text = "Choose Action" + CostString(costs);
            Button firstButton = actionsMenu.transform.GetComponentsInChildren<Button>().First(x => == "First Button");
            firstButton.GetComponentInChildren<Text>().text = ButtonString(pairs[0]);
            ApplyActionToButton(firstButton, pairs[0], costs, actionsMenu);
            firstButton.onClick.AddListener(() => {Destroy (actionsMenu);});
            Button secondButton = actionsMenu.transform.GetComponentsInChildren<Button>().First(x => == "Second Button");
            secondButton.GetComponentInChildren<Text>().text = pairs[1].action.ToString() + " " + pairs[1].val.ToString();
            ApplyActionToButton(secondButton, pairs[1], costs, actionsMenu);
            firstButton.onClick.AddListener(() => {Destroy (actionsMenu);});
        } else if (pairs.Count == 3) {
            actionsMenu = (GameObject) Instantiate(Resources.Load("Prefabs/ThreeButtonModal"));
            actionsMenu.transform.GetComponentInChildren<Button>().onClick.AddListener(() => {Destroy (actionsMenu);});
            actionsMenu.transform.SetParent(player.handCanvas.transform, false);
            actionsMenu.transform.GetComponentInChildren<Text>().text = "Choose Action" + CostString(costs);
            Button firstButton = actionsMenu.transform.GetComponentsInChildren<Button>().First(x => == "First Button");
            firstButton.GetComponentInChildren<Text>().text = ButtonString(pairs[0]);
            ApplyActionToButton(firstButton, pairs[0], costs, actionsMenu);
            firstButton.onClick.AddListener(() => {Destroy (actionsMenu);});
            Button secondButton = actionsMenu.transform.GetComponentsInChildren<Button>().First(x => == "Second Button");
            secondButton.GetComponentInChildren<Text>().text = ButtonString(pairs[1]);
            ApplyActionToButton(secondButton, pairs[1], costs, actionsMenu);
            firstButton.onClick.AddListener(() => {Destroy (actionsMenu);});
            Button thirdButton = actionsMenu.transform.GetComponentsInChildren<Button>().First(x => == "Third Button");
            thirdButton.GetComponentInChildren<Text>().text = ButtonString(pairs[2]);
            ApplyActionToButton(thirdButton, pairs[2], costs, actionsMenu);
            thirdButton.onClick.AddListener(() => {Destroy (actionsMenu);});
        } else if (pairs.Count == 4) {
            actionsMenu = (GameObject) Instantiate(Resources.Load("Prefabs/FourButtonModal"));
            actionsMenu.transform.GetComponentInChildren<Button>().onClick.AddListener(() => {Destroy (actionsMenu);});
            actionsMenu.transform.SetParent(player.handCanvas.transform, false);
            actionsMenu.transform.GetComponentInChildren<Text>().text = "Choose Action" + CostString(costs);
            Button firstButton = actionsMenu.transform.GetComponentsInChildren<Button>().First(x => == "First Button");
            firstButton.GetComponentInChildren<Text>().text = ButtonString(pairs[0]);
            ApplyActionToButton(firstButton, pairs[0], costs, actionsMenu);
            firstButton.onClick.AddListener(() => {Destroy (actionsMenu);});
            Button secondButton = actionsMenu.transform.GetComponentsInChildren<Button>().First(x => == "Second Button");
            secondButton.GetComponentInChildren<Text>().text = ButtonString(pairs[1]);
            ApplyActionToButton(secondButton, pairs[1], costs, actionsMenu);
            firstButton.onClick.AddListener(() => {Destroy (actionsMenu);});
            Button thirdButton = actionsMenu.transform.GetComponentsInChildren<Button>().First(x => == "Third Button");
            thirdButton.GetComponentInChildren<Text>().text = ButtonString(pairs[2]);
            ApplyActionToButton(thirdButton, pairs[2], costs, actionsMenu);
            thirdButton.onClick.AddListener(() => {Destroy (actionsMenu);});
            Button fourthButton = actionsMenu.transform.GetComponentsInChildren<Button>().First(x => == "Fourth Button");
            fourthButton.GetComponentInChildren<Text>().text = ButtonString(pairs[3]);
            ApplyActionToButton(fourthButton, pairs[3], costs, actionsMenu);
            fourthButton.onClick.AddListener(() => {Destroy (actionsMenu);});
Beispiel #14
        public static List<Card> GenerateDeck()
            List<Card> cards = new List<Card>();

            Card tramway = new Card("Tramway", 4, new List<CardAction>(), null);

            CardAction cardAction = new CardAction();
            cardAction.TypeEvent = EventEnum.CARD_BOUGHT;
            cardAction.LifeTime = LifeTimeEnum.ONE_SHOT;
            cardAction.EffectList += cardAction.ImpactVP;
            cardAction.ImpactedPlayers += cardAction.SelectCurrentPlayer;
            cardAction.Amount = 2;


            Card tank = new Card("Tank", 4, new List<CardAction>(), null);

            cardAction = new CardAction();
            cardAction.TypeEvent = EventEnum.CARD_BOUGHT;
            cardAction.LifeTime = LifeTimeEnum.ONE_SHOT;
            cardAction.EffectList += cardAction.ImpactVP;
            cardAction.Amount = 4;
            cardAction.ImpactedPlayers += cardAction.SelectCurrentPlayer;
            cardAction = new CardAction();
            cardAction.TypeEvent = EventEnum.CARD_BOUGHT;
            cardAction.LifeTime = LifeTimeEnum.ONE_SHOT;
            cardAction.EffectList += cardAction.ImpactHp;
            cardAction.Amount = -3;
            cardAction.ImpactedPlayers += cardAction.SelectCurrentPlayer;


            Card soin = new Card("Soin", 3, new List<CardAction>(), null);

            cardAction = new CardAction();
            cardAction.TypeEvent = EventEnum.CARD_BOUGHT;
            cardAction.LifeTime = LifeTimeEnum.ONE_SHOT;
            cardAction.EffectList += cardAction.ImpactHp;
            cardAction.Amount = 2;
            cardAction.ImpactedPlayers = cardAction.SelectCurrentPlayer;


            Card cafeDuCoin = new Card("Cafe Du Coin", 3, new List<CardAction>(), null);

            cardAction = new CardAction();
            cardAction.TypeEvent = EventEnum.CARD_BOUGHT;
            cardAction.LifeTime = LifeTimeEnum.ONE_SHOT;
            cardAction.EffectList += cardAction.ImpactVP;
            cardAction.Amount = 1;
            cardAction.ImpactedPlayers += cardAction.SelectCurrentPlayer;


            Card raffinerieDeGaz = new Card("Raffinerie de gaz", 6, new List<CardAction>(), null);

            cardAction = new CardAction();
            cardAction.TypeEvent = EventEnum.CARD_BOUGHT;
            cardAction.LifeTime = LifeTimeEnum.ONE_SHOT;
            cardAction.EffectList += cardAction.ImpactHp;
            cardAction.Amount = -3;
            cardAction = new CardAction();
            cardAction.TypeEvent = EventEnum.CARD_BOUGHT;
            cardAction.LifeTime = LifeTimeEnum.ONE_SHOT;
            cardAction.EffectList += cardAction.ImpactVP;
            cardAction.Amount = 2;


             return CardShuffle(cards);
Beispiel #15
        public static Attachment GetThumbnailCard(string title, string subtitle, string text, CardImage cardImage, CardAction cardAction)
            var thumbNailCard = new ThumbnailCard
                Title    = title,
                Subtitle = subtitle,
                Text     = text,
                Images   = new List <CardImage>()
                Buttons = new List <CardAction>()

Beispiel #16
        public async Task NombreJefeInmediatoIntent(IDialogContext context, IAwaitable <object> activity, LuisResult result)
            string message = $"";

            Models.NewStartersDBEntities1 DB = new Models.NewStartersDBEntities1();
            HeroCard         card            = new HeroCard();
            List <CardImage> cardImages      = new List <CardImage>();

            card.Title = "Jefe";
            //Mis datos es literalmente todo lo de mi mismo (Bruno) se accede de la forma misDatos[0].foto
            var misDatos = (from yo in DB.Empleado
                            where yo.empleadoID == 6
                            select new
                nombre = yo.nombre,
                apellido = yo.apellido,
                jefeId = yo.jefeInmediatoID,
                puesto = yo.puesto,
                sede = yo.sede,
                departamentoID = yo.departamento,
                foto = yo.fotoURL,
                jerarquia = yo.jerarquia
            int id        = (int)misDatos[0].jefeId;
            var datosJefe = (from jefe in DB.Empleado
                             where jefe.empleadoID == id
                             select new
                nombre = jefe.nombre,
                apellido = jefe.apellido,
                sede = jefe.sede,
                foto = jefe.fotoURL,
                tel = jefe.numero,
                mail = jefe.mail

            cardImages.Add(new CardImage(datosJefe[0].foto));
            card.Images   = cardImages;
            card.Subtitle = $"{datosJefe[0].nombre} {datosJefe[0].apellido}";
            card.Text     = $"Tu jefe es {datosJefe[0].nombre}  \nCorreo: {datosJefe[0].mail}";
            List <CardAction> cardButtons = new List <CardAction>();
            CardAction        callButton  = new CardAction()
                Value = $"tel:{datosJefe[0].tel}",
                Type  = "call",
                Title = "Llamar"
            int sedeID    = (int)datosJefe[0].sede;
            var ubicacion = (from s in DB.Sede
                             where s.sedeID == sedeID
                             select s.direccion).ToList();
            CardAction mapButton = new CardAction()
                Value = $"" + $"{ubicacion[0].Replace(" ", "+")}",
                Type  = "openUrl",
                Title = "Ir a sede"

            card.Buttons = cardButtons;
            Attachment       att   = card.ToAttachment();
            IMessageActivity reply = context.MakeMessage();

            await context.PostAsync(reply);

        /// <summary>
        ///   Answers current card with specified grade and calculate outcomes. No modification
        ///   saved.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="card">Card instance.</param>
        /// <param name="grade">The grade.</param>
        public static CardAction Answer(this Card card, Grade grade)
            CardAction cardAction = CardAction.Invalid;

            card.CurrentReviewTime = DateTime.Now.UnixTimestamp();

            // New card
            if (card.IsNew())

            // Handle card learning
            if (card.IsLearning())
                switch (grade)
                case Grade.FailSevere:
                case Grade.FailMedium:
                case Grade.Fail:
                    // TODO: If relearning, further decrease ease and interval ?
                    cardAction = card.UpdateLearningStep(true);

                case Grade.Hard:
                case Grade.Good:
                    cardAction = card.UpdateLearningStep();

                case Grade.Easy:
                    cardAction = card.Graduate(true);

            // Handle card review (graduated card)
                switch (grade)
                case Grade.FailSevere:
                case Grade.FailMedium:
                case Grade.Fail:
                    cardAction = card.Lapse(grade);

                case Grade.Hard:
                case Grade.Good:
                case Grade.Easy:
                    cardAction = card.Review(grade);

            // Update card properties
            card.MiscState = CardMiscStateFlag.None;
            card.LastModified = card.CurrentReviewTime;

            if (cardAction == CardAction.Delete)
                card.PracticeState = PracticeState.Deleted;

Beispiel #18
        public async Task NombresCompas(IDialogContext context, IAwaitable <object> activity, LuisResult result)
            Models.NewStartersDBEntities1 DB = new Models.NewStartersDBEntities1();
            //Mis datos es literalmente todo lo de mi mismo (Bruno) se accede de la forma misDatos[0].foto
            var misDatos = (from compas in DB.Empleado
                            where compas.jefeInmediatoID == 4
                            select new
                nombre = compas.nombre,
                apellido = compas.apellido,
                numero = compas.numero,
                puesto = compas.puesto,
                mail = compas.mail,
                foto = compas.fotoURL,
                tel = compas.numero,
                sede = compas.sede

            string message = $"Tus compañeros de trabajo de tu jerarquia son:";
            await context.PostAsync(message);

            foreach (var item in misDatos)
                if (!item.nombre.Equals("Bruno"))
                    List <CardImage> cardImages = new List <CardImage>();
                    HeroCard         card       = new HeroCard();
                    card.Title    = $"{item.nombre} {item.apellido}";
                    card.Subtitle = $"{item.puesto}";
                    card.Text     = $"Teléfono: {item.numero}  \n";
                    card.Text    += $"Correo: {item.mail}";
                    cardImages.Add(new CardImage(item.foto));
                    card.Images = cardImages;
                    List <CardAction> cardButtons = new List <CardAction>();
                    CardAction        callButton  = new CardAction()
                        Value = $"tel:{}",
                        Type  = "call",
                        Title = "Llamar"
                    int sedeID    = (int)item.sede;
                    var ubicacion = (from s in DB.Sede
                                     where s.sedeID == sedeID
                                     select s.direccion).ToList();
                    CardAction mapButton = new CardAction()
                        Value = $"" + $"{ubicacion[0].Replace(" ", "+")}",
                        Type  = "openUrl",
                        Title = "Ir a sede"
                    card.Buttons = cardButtons;
                    Attachment       att   = card.ToAttachment();
                    IMessageActivity reply = context.MakeMessage();
                    await context.PostAsync(reply);
        /// <summary>
        /// Wrap BotBuilder action into AdaptiveCard submit action.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="action"> The instance of adaptive card submit action.</param>
        /// <param name="targetAction"> Target action to be adapted.</param>
        public static void RepresentAsBotBuilderAction(this AdaptiveCards.AdaptiveSubmitAction action, CardAction targetAction)
            var wrappedAction = new CardAction
                Type        = targetAction.Type,
                Value       = targetAction.Value,
                Text        = targetAction.Text,
                DisplayText = targetAction.DisplayText,

            JsonSerializerSettings serializerSettings = new JsonSerializerSettings();

            serializerSettings.NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore;

            string jsonStr  = action.DataJson == null ? "{}" : action.DataJson;
            JToken dataJson = JObject.Parse(jsonStr);

            dataJson["msteams"] = JObject.FromObject(wrappedAction, JsonSerializer.Create(serializerSettings));

            action.Title    = targetAction.Title;
            action.DataJson = dataJson.ToString();
Beispiel #20
        public async Task CuantoCuestaItent(IDialogContext context, IAwaitable <object> activity, LuisResult result)
            string toSearch = "";

            toSearch = result.Query.ToString().ToLower().Replace("cuanto cuesta una ", "").Replace("cuanto cuesta un ", "").Replace("?", "").Replace(" ", "-");
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("" + toSearch);
                HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlWeb      web = new HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlWeb();
                HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument doc = web.Load("" + toSearch);
                var titles    = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//div[@class='item__info-container ']/div/h2/a").ToList();
                var prices    = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//div[@class='item__info-container ']/div/div[@class='price__container']").ToList();
                var images    = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//a[@class='figure item-image item__js-link']/img[@src]").ToList();
                var links     = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//div[@class='image-content']/a[@href]").ToList();
                var locations = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//div[@class='item__condition']").ToList();
                await context.PostAsync("Encontré algo para ti, espero que sea de utilidad **:)**");

                Random           rn         = new Random();
                int              index      = rn.Next(0, images.Count);
                List <CardImage> cardImages = new List <CardImage>();
                HeroCard         card       = new HeroCard();
                card.Title    = $"{titles[index].InnerText}";
                card.Subtitle = $"Disponible en{locations[index].InnerText.Split('-')[1]}";
                card.Text     = $"Precio: {prices[index].InnerText}";
                cardImages.Add(new CardImage(images[index].GetAttributeValue("src", null)));
                card.Images = cardImages;
                List <CardAction> cardButtons = new List <CardAction>();
                CardAction        buyButton   = new CardAction()
                    Value = $"{links[index].GetAttributeValue("href", null)}",
                    Type  = "openUrl",
                    Title = "Revisar producto"
                card.Buttons = cardButtons;
                Attachment       att   = card.ToAttachment();
                IMessageActivity reply = context.MakeMessage();
                await context.PostAsync(reply);

            catch (Exception e)
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("" + toSearch);
                HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlWeb      web = new HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlWeb();
                HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument doc = web.Load("" + toSearch);
                var prices = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//div[@class='item__price ']").ToList();
                var images = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//a[@class='item-link item__js-link']/img[@src]").ToList();
                var links  = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//div[@class='carousel']/ul/li/a[@href]").ToList();
                await context.PostAsync("Encontré algo para ti, espero que sea de utilidad **:)**");

                Random           rn         = new Random();
                int              index      = rn.Next(0, images.Count);
                List <CardImage> cardImages = new List <CardImage>();
                HeroCard         card       = new HeroCard();
                card.Title = $"{toSearch.Replace("-", " ")}";
                card.Text  = $"Precio: {prices[index].InnerText}";
                cardImages.Add(new CardImage(images[index].GetAttributeValue("src", null)));
                card.Images = cardImages;
                List <CardAction> cardButtons = new List <CardAction>();
                CardAction        buyButton   = new CardAction()
                    Value = $"{links[index].GetAttributeValue("href", null)}",
                    Type  = "openUrl",
                    Title = "Revisar producto"
                card.Buttons = cardButtons;
                Attachment       att   = card.ToAttachment();
                IMessageActivity reply = context.MakeMessage();
                await context.PostAsync(reply);
Beispiel #21
        /// <summary>
        /// POST: api/Messages
        /// Receive a message from a user and reply to it
        /// </summary>
        public async Task <HttpResponseMessage> Post([FromBody] Activity activity)
            //HttpResponseMessage response;
            var intentList = new List <string>();
            var entityList = new List <string>();

            //if (activity.Type == ActivityTypes.ConversationUpdate)
            if (activity.Type == ActivityTypes.ConversationUpdate && activity.MembersAdded.Any(m => m.Id == activity.Recipient.Id))
                DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now;
                Debug.WriteLine("* ConversationUpdate | DB conn : " + activity.Type);
                DbConnect db = new DbConnect();

                //if (activity.MembersAdded != null && activity.MembersAdded.Any()) {
                //if (activity.MembersAdded.Any())

                 * foreach (var newMember in activity.MembersAdded)
                 *  {
                 *      if (newMember.Id != activity.Recipient.Id)
                 *      {
                List <DialogList> dlg = db.SelectInitDialog();

                ConnectorClient connector = new ConnectorClient(new Uri(activity.ServiceUrl));
                Debug.WriteLine("* ConversationUpdate | dlg.Count : " + dlg.Count);

                for (int n = 0; n < dlg.Count; n++)
                    Debug.WriteLine("* ConversationUpdate | dlgId : " + n + "." + dlg[n].dlgId);
                    Activity reply2 = activity.CreateReply();
                    reply2.Recipient        = activity.From;
                    reply2.Type             = "message";
                    reply2.Attachments      = new List <Attachment>();
                    reply2.AttachmentLayout = AttachmentLayoutTypes.Carousel;

                    List <CardList>  card  = db.SelectDialogCard(dlg[n].dlgId);
                    List <TextList>  text  = db.SelectDialogText(dlg[n].dlgId);
                    List <MediaList> media = db.SelectDialogMedia(dlg[n].dlgId);

                    for (int i = 0; i < text.Count; i++)
                        HeroCard plCard = new HeroCard()
                            Title    = text[i].cardTitle,
                            Subtitle = text[i].cardText

                        Attachment plAttachment = plCard.ToAttachment();

                    for (int i = 0; i < card.Count; i++)
                        List <CardImage>  cardImages  = new List <CardImage>();
                        List <CardAction> cardButtons = new List <CardAction>();

                        if (card[i].imgUrl != null)
                            cardImages.Add(new CardImage(url: card[i].imgUrl));

                        if (card[i].btn1Type != null)
                            CardAction plButton = new CardAction()
                                Value = card[i].btn1Context,
                                Type  = card[i].btn1Type,
                                Title = card[i].btn1Title


                        if (card[i].btn2Type != null)
                            CardAction plButton = new CardAction()
                                Value = card[i].btn2Context,
                                Type  = card[i].btn2Type,
                                Title = card[i].btn2Title


                        if (card[i].btn3Type != null)
                            CardAction plButton = new CardAction()
                                Value = card[i].btn3Context,
                                Type  = card[i].btn3Type,
                                Title = card[i].btn3Title


                        HeroCard plCard = new HeroCard()
                            Title    = card[i].cardTitle,
                            Subtitle = card[i].cardSubTitle,
                            Images   = cardImages,
                            Buttons  = cardButtons

                        Attachment plAttachment = plCard.ToAttachment();

                    for (int i = 0; i < media.Count; i++)
                        List <MediaUrl>   mediaURL    = new List <MediaUrl>();
                        List <CardAction> cardButtons = new List <CardAction>();

                        if (media[i].mediaUrl != null)
                            mediaURL.Add(new MediaUrl(url: media[i].mediaUrl));

                        if (media[i].btn1Type != null)
                            CardAction plButton = new CardAction()
                                Value = media[i].btn1Context,
                                Type  = media[i].btn1Type,
                                Title = media[i].btn1Title


                        if (media[i].btn2Type != null)
                            CardAction plButton = new CardAction()
                                Value = media[i].btn2Context,
                                Type  = media[i].btn2Type,
                                Title = media[i].btn2Title


                        if (media[i].btn3Type != null)
                            CardAction plButton = new CardAction()
                                Value = media[i].btn3Context,
                                Type  = media[i].btn3Type,
                                Title = media[i].btn3Title


                        VideoCard plCard = new VideoCard()
                            Title     = media[i].cardTitle,
                            Text      = media[i].cardText,
                            Media     = mediaURL,
                            Buttons   = cardButtons,
                            Autostart = false

                        Attachment plAttachment = plCard.ToAttachment();

                    var reply1 = await connector.Conversations.SendToConversationAsync(reply2);


                DateTime endTime = DateTime.Now;
                Debug.WriteLine("프로그램 수행시간 : {0}/ms", ((endTime - startTime).Milliseconds));
                Debug.WriteLine("* activity.Type : " + activity.Type);
                Debug.WriteLine("* activity.Recipient.Id : " + activity.Recipient.Id);
                Debug.WriteLine("* activity.ServiceUrl : " + activity.ServiceUrl);
                //var welcome = "";
                //var welcomeMsg = "";

            else if (activity.Type == ActivityTypes.Message)
                //await Conversation.SendAsync(activity, () => new Dialogs.RootDialog());
                Debug.WriteLine("* activity.Type == ActivityTypes.Message ");

                string      orgMent            = "";
                string      orgENGMent_history = "";
                JObject     Luis        = new JObject();
                DbConnect   db          = new DbConnect();
                StateClient stateClient = activity.GetStateClient();
                BotData     userData    = await stateClient.BotState.GetUserDataAsync(activity.ChannelId, activity.From.Id);

                ConnectorClient connector = new ConnectorClient(new Uri(activity.ServiceUrl));

                orgMent = activity.Text;
                Debug.WriteLine("* orgMent : " + orgMent);

                Luis = await GetIntentFromBotLUIS(orgMent);

                float luisScore       = (float)Luis["intents"][0]["score"];
                int   luisEntityCount = (int)Luis["entities"].Count();
                Debug.WriteLine("* Luis Entity Count : " + luisEntityCount);
                Debug.WriteLine("* Luis Intents Score : " + luisScore);


                var json = new JObject();
                json.Add("Conversationid", activity.ChannelId);
                json.Add("Authenticationkey", activity.Recipient.Id);
                json.Add("answer", orgMent);
                //Debug.WriteLine("json 1");
                JArray conversations     = new JArray();
                var    jsonConversations = new JObject();
                jsonConversations.Add("Luisid", "SecCSChatBot");
                jsonConversations.Add("Intent", (string)Luis["intents"][0]["intent"]);
                jsonConversations.Add("Message", orgMent);
                //Debug.WriteLine("json 2 | luisEntityCount:"+ luisEntityCount);
                //var jsonEntities = new JObject();
                //string[] jsonEntities;
                JArray Entities     = new JArray();
                var    jsonEntities = new JObject();

                for (int i = 0; i < luisEntityCount; i++)
                    //Debug.WriteLine("json 2-1");
                    Entities.Insert(i, new JObject(new JProperty("Entity", (string)Luis["entities"][i]["entity"])));
                    //Debug.WriteLine("json 2-2");
                //Debug.WriteLine("json 3");
                jsonConversations.Add("Entities", Entities);
                json.Add("conversations", conversations);
                //Debug.WriteLine("json 4");
                String sEntity = json.ToString();

                String sendResult = await SendChat(sEntity);

                if (luisScore > 0 && luisEntityCount > 0)
                    string intent = (string)Luis["intents"][0]["intent"];
                    string entity = (string)Luis["entities"][0]["entity"];
                    Debug.WriteLine("* 1.intent : " + intent + " || entity : " + entity + " || orgment : " + orgMent);
                    Debug.WriteLine("* 1-1.ChannelId : " + activity.ChannelId + " || From : " + activity.From.Id);

                    intent = intent.Replace("\"", "");
                    entity = entity.Replace("\"", "");
                    entity = entity.Replace(" ", "");
                    //Debug.WriteLine("* sessionNo : " + sessionNo );
                    //Debug.WriteLine("LUIS_INTENT : " + (string)(context.Session["LUIS_INTENT"]));
                    //Debug.WriteLine("LUIS_ENTITY : " + (string)(context.Session["LUIS_ENTITY"]));

                    sessionNo = sessionNo + 1;


                    if (intent == "customerInfo")
                        var luisCustomerInfo = userData.GetProperty <string>("luisCustomerInfo");
                        if (entity == "김설현")
                            luisCustomerInfo = "";
                        //var luisCustomerInfo = userData.GetProperty<string>("luisCustomerInfo");
                        luisCustomerInfo = luisCustomerInfo + "\n" + orgMent;
                        userData.SetProperty <string>("luisCustomerInfo", luisCustomerInfo);
                        Debug.WriteLine("1-1.intent : customerInfo || input : " + orgMent + " || entity : " + entity + " || luisCustomerInfo : " + luisCustomerInfo);

                    if (intent == "end")
                        Debug.WriteLine("* endCS | make Json START");

                    //userData.SetProperty<List>(IList, intentList);
                    userData.SetProperty <string>("luisIntent", intent);
                    userData.SetProperty <string>("luisEntity", entity);

                    userData.SetProperty <string>(intent, orgENGMent_history);
                    Debug.WriteLine("* 2. orgENGMent_history : " + orgENGMent_history);
                    await stateClient.BotState.SetUserDataAsync(activity.ChannelId, activity.From.Id, userData);

                    Debug.WriteLine("* activity.ChannelId : " + activity.ChannelId + " || activity.From.Id : " + activity.From.Id);

                    List <LuisList> LuisDialogID = db.SelectLuis(intent, entity);

                    if (LuisDialogID.Count == 0)
                        Debug.WriteLine("* NO LuisDialogID");
                        Activity reply_err = activity.CreateReply();
                        reply_err.Recipient = activity.From;
                        reply_err.Type      = "message";
                        reply_err.Text      = "I'm sorry. I do not know what you mean.";
                        var reply1 = await connector.Conversations.SendToConversationAsync(reply_err);
                        Debug.WriteLine("* YES LuisDialogID || LuisDialogID.Count : " + LuisDialogID.Count);

                        for (int i = 0; i < LuisDialogID.Count; i++)
                            Activity reply2 = activity.CreateReply();
                            reply2.Recipient        = activity.From;
                            reply2.Type             = "message";
                            reply2.Attachments      = new List <Attachment>();
                            reply2.AttachmentLayout = AttachmentLayoutTypes.Carousel;

                            int dlgID = LuisDialogID[i].dlgId;

                            List <DialogList> dlg = db.SelectDialog(dlgID);

                            for (int n = 0; n < dlg.Count; n++)
                                string dlgType = dlg[n].dlgType;

                                if (dlgType == TEXTDLG)
                                    List <TextList> text = db.SelectDialogText(dlg[n].dlgId);

                                    for (int j = 0; j < text.Count; j++)
                                        HeroCard plCard = new HeroCard()
                                            Title    = text[j].cardTitle,
                                            Subtitle = text[j].cardText

                                        Attachment plAttachment = plCard.ToAttachment();
                                else if (dlgType == CARDDLG)
                                    List <CardList> card = db.SelectDialogCard(dlg[n].dlgId);

                                    for (int j = 0; j < card.Count; j++)
                                        List <CardImage>  cardImages  = new List <CardImage>();
                                        List <CardAction> cardButtons = new List <CardAction>();

                                        if (card[j].imgUrl != null)
                                            cardImages.Add(new CardImage(url: card[j].imgUrl));

                                        if (card[j].btn1Type != null)
                                            CardAction plButton = new CardAction()
                                                Value = card[j].btn1Context,
                                                Type  = card[j].btn1Type,
                                                Title = card[j].btn1Title


                                        if (card[j].btn2Type != null)
                                            CardAction plButton = new CardAction()
                                                Value = card[j].btn2Context,
                                                Type  = card[j].btn2Type,
                                                Title = card[j].btn2Title


                                        if (card[j].btn3Type != null)
                                            CardAction plButton = new CardAction()
                                                Value = card[j].btn3Context,
                                                Type  = card[j].btn3Type,
                                                Title = card[j].btn3Title


                                        var strCardSubTitle = card[j].cardSubTitle;
                                        if (card[j].dlgId == 2009)
                                            //var customerInfo = userData.GetProperty<string>("luisCustomerInfo");
                                            strCardSubTitle = userData.GetProperty <string>("luisCustomerInfo");

                                        HeroCard plCard = new HeroCard()
                                            Title = card[j].cardTitle,
                                            //Subtitle = card[j].cardSubTitle,
                                            Subtitle = strCardSubTitle,
                                            Images   = cardImages,
                                            Buttons  = cardButtons

                                        Attachment plAttachment = plCard.ToAttachment();
                                else if (dlgType == MEDIADLG)
                                    List <MediaList> media = db.SelectDialogMedia(dlg[n].dlgId);

                                    for (int j = 0; j < media.Count; j++)
                                        List <MediaUrl>   mediaURL    = new List <MediaUrl>();
                                        List <CardAction> cardButtons = new List <CardAction>();

                                        if (media[j].mediaUrl != null)
                                            mediaURL.Add(new MediaUrl(url: media[j].mediaUrl));

                                        if (media[j].btn1Type != null)
                                            CardAction plButton = new CardAction()
                                                Value = media[j].btn1Context,
                                                Type  = media[j].btn1Type,
                                                Title = media[j].btn1Title


                                        if (media[j].btn2Type != null)
                                            CardAction plButton = new CardAction()
                                                Value = media[j].btn2Context,
                                                Type  = media[j].btn2Type,
                                                Title = media[j].btn2Title


                                        if (media[j].btn3Type != null)
                                            CardAction plButton = new CardAction()
                                                Value = media[j].btn3Context,
                                                Type  = media[j].btn3Type,
                                                Title = media[j].btn3Title


                                        VideoCard plCard = new VideoCard()
                                            Title     = media[j].cardTitle,
                                            Text      = media[j].cardText,
                                            Media     = mediaURL,
                                            Buttons   = cardButtons,
                                            Autostart = false

                                        Attachment plAttachment = plCard.ToAttachment();

                            var reply1 = await connector.Conversations.SendToConversationAsync(reply2);
                    Debug.WriteLine("* NO Luis Score.. ");

                    var intentArray = intentList.ToArray();

                    foreach (string intent in intentList)
                        Debug.WriteLine("* intent[] :" + intent);
                    Debug.WriteLine("intentList" + intentList);

                    Activity reply_err = activity.CreateReply();

                    var luisIntent = userData.GetProperty <string>("luisIntent");
                    var luisEntity = userData.GetProperty <string>("luisEntity");
                    Debug.WriteLine("** orgMent : " + orgMent + "| luisIntent : " + luisIntent + " | luisEntity : " + luisEntity);

                    List <LuisList> LuisDialogID = db.SelectLuisSecond(activity.Text, luisIntent, luisEntity);

                    if (LuisDialogID.Count == 0)
                        Debug.WriteLine("** NO LuisDialogID");
                        //Activity reply_err = activity.CreateReply();
                        reply_err.Recipient = activity.From;
                        reply_err.Type      = "message";
                        reply_err.Text      = "I'm sorry. I do not know what you mean.";
                        var reply1 = await connector.Conversations.SendToConversationAsync(reply_err);
                        Debug.WriteLine("** SelectLuisSecond() YES | LuisDialogID | LuisDialogID.Count : " + LuisDialogID.Count);

                        for (int i = 0; i < LuisDialogID.Count; i++)
                            Activity reply2 = activity.CreateReply();
                            reply2.Recipient        = activity.From;
                            reply2.Type             = "message";
                            reply2.Attachments      = new List <Attachment>();
                            reply2.AttachmentLayout = AttachmentLayoutTypes.Carousel;

                            int dlgID = LuisDialogID[i].dlgId;

                            string dlgIntent   = LuisDialogID[i].dlgIntent;
                            string dlgEntities = LuisDialogID[i].dlgEntities;

                            userData.SetProperty <string>("luisIntent", dlgIntent);
                            userData.SetProperty <string>("luisEntity", dlgEntities);
                            Debug.WriteLine("** userData.SetProperty > (" + dlgID + ") luisIntent: " + dlgIntent + "| luisEntity:" + dlgEntities);

                            await stateClient.BotState.SetUserDataAsync(activity.ChannelId, activity.From.Id, userData);

                            //  SetDialogBizTripData
                            if (dlgID == 2015)
                                Debug.WriteLine("* dlgID:2015 | make Json");

                                var bizTripJson = new JObject();
                                bizTripJson.Add("Conversationid", activity.ChannelId);
                                bizTripJson.Add("Authenticationkey", activity.Recipient.Id);
                                bizTripJson.Add("Modelname", "WD16J7800KW");
                                bizTripJson.Add("Conditions", "세탁기소음");
                                bizTripJson.Add("Customername", "김설현");
                                bizTripJson.Add("phonenumber", "010-6444-3434");
                                bizTripJson.Add("Address", "서울특별시 마포구 신수동 234-2 번지");
                                String sBizTrip = bizTripJson.ToString();
                                //Debug.WriteLine("* sendBizTrip || bizTripJson : "+ bizTripJson);

                                String sendBizTripResult = await sendBizTrip(sBizTrip);

                                Debug.WriteLine("* RETURN sendBizTripResult : " + sendBizTripResult);
                                // sendBizTripResult JSON Parse START..

                                JObject parse = JObject.Parse(sendBizTripResult);
                                JArray  array = JArray.Parse(parse["Dialogs"].ToString());

                                string            status      = parse["Status"].ToString();
                                int               dialogCount = int.Parse(parse["DialogCount"].ToString());
                                List <DialogJson> dialogs     = new List <DialogJson>();

                                foreach (JObject itemObj in array)
                                    DialogJson dialogTest = new DialogJson();
                                    dialogTest.type = itemObj["Type"].ToString();
                                    //dialogTest.title = itemObj["Title"].ToString();
                                    dialogTest.text = itemObj["Text"].ToString();

                                for (int j = 0; j < dialogCount; j++)
                                    HeroCard plCard = new HeroCard()
                                        Title    = "",
                                        Subtitle = dialogs[j].text

                                    Attachment plAttachment = plCard.ToAttachment();
                                List <DialogList> dlg = db.SelectDialog(dlgID);

                                for (int n = 0; n < dlg.Count; n++)
                                    string dlgType = dlg[n].dlgType;

                                    if (dlgType == TEXTDLG)
                                        List <TextList> text = db.SelectDialogText(dlg[n].dlgId);

                                        for (int j = 0; j < text.Count; j++)
                                            HeroCard plCard = new HeroCard()
                                                Title    = text[j].cardTitle,
                                                Subtitle = text[j].cardText

                                            Attachment plAttachment = plCard.ToAttachment();
                                    else if (dlgType == CARDDLG)
                                        List <CardList> card = db.SelectDialogCard(dlg[n].dlgId);

                                        for (int j = 0; j < card.Count; j++)
                                            List <CardImage>  cardImages  = new List <CardImage>();
                                            List <CardAction> cardButtons = new List <CardAction>();

                                            if (card[j].imgUrl != null)
                                                cardImages.Add(new CardImage(url: card[j].imgUrl));

                                            if (card[j].btn1Type != null)
                                                CardAction plButton = new CardAction()
                                                    Value = card[j].btn1Context,
                                                    Type  = card[j].btn1Type,
                                                    Title = card[j].btn1Title


                                            if (card[j].btn2Type != null)
                                                CardAction plButton = new CardAction()
                                                    Value = card[j].btn2Context,
                                                    Type  = card[j].btn2Type,
                                                    Title = card[j].btn2Title


                                            if (card[j].btn3Type != null)
                                                CardAction plButton = new CardAction()
                                                    Value = card[j].btn3Context,
                                                    Type  = card[j].btn3Type,
                                                    Title = card[j].btn3Title


                                            HeroCard plCard = new HeroCard()
                                                Title    = card[j].cardTitle,
                                                Subtitle = card[j].cardSubTitle,
                                                Images   = cardImages,
                                                Buttons  = cardButtons

                                            Attachment plAttachment = plCard.ToAttachment();
                                    else if (dlgType == MEDIADLG)
                                        List <MediaList> media = db.SelectDialogMedia(dlg[n].dlgId);

                                        for (int j = 0; j < media.Count; j++)
                                            List <MediaUrl>   mediaURL    = new List <MediaUrl>();
                                            List <CardAction> cardButtons = new List <CardAction>();

                                            if (media[j].mediaUrl != null)
                                                mediaURL.Add(new MediaUrl(url: media[j].mediaUrl));

                                            if (media[j].btn1Type != null)
                                                CardAction plButton = new CardAction()
                                                    Value = media[j].btn1Context,
                                                    Type  = media[j].btn1Type,
                                                    Title = media[j].btn1Title


                                            if (media[j].btn2Type != null)
                                                CardAction plButton = new CardAction()
                                                    Value = media[j].btn2Context,
                                                    Type  = media[j].btn2Type,
                                                    Title = media[j].btn2Title


                                            if (media[j].btn3Type != null)
                                                CardAction plButton = new CardAction()
                                                    Value = media[j].btn3Context,
                                                    Type  = media[j].btn3Type,
                                                    Title = media[j].btn3Title


                                            VideoCard plCard = new VideoCard()
                                                Title     = media[j].cardTitle,
                                                Text      = media[j].cardText,
                                                Media     = mediaURL,
                                                Buttons   = cardButtons,
                                                Autostart = false

                                            Attachment plAttachment = plCard.ToAttachment();

                            var reply1 = await connector.Conversations.SendToConversationAsync(reply2);
            var response = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK);

Beispiel #22
    void _CardSystem_RequestUnitSelection(CardData c, int numSelection, Player p, CardAction action, EndCardAction done)
        // assume P is going to be the current player

        UnitSelection flags = UnitSelection.None;
        if (c.Type == CardType.Healing_Card) {
            flags = flags | UnitSelection.Inactive;
        if (c.Type == CardType.Upgrade_Card) {
            flags = flags | UnitSelection.Active;
            flags = flags | UnitSelection.NotUpgraded;
        if (c.Type == CardType.Tactic_Card) {
            flags = flags | UnitSelection.Active;
            flags = flags | UnitSelection.NotTempUpgraded;


        int selectedUnits = 0;
        UIPlayerUnitTypeIndexCallback selectUnit = null;
        selectUnit = (PlayerType pt, UnitType u, int i) => {
            Unit unit = _GameStateHolder._ActivePlayer.PlayerArmy.GetUnits(u)[i];
            // perform the action each time something is selected. This will only effect healing.
            // we don't want the player to be stuck with no units to select
            action(c, p, unit);
            // we reached the total?
            if (selectedUnits == numSelection) {
                // don't listen for namy more and hide the UI
                _OverworldUI._ArmyUI.OnClickUnit -= selectUnit;
                done(true, c, p, unit);

        _OverworldUI._ArmyUI.OnClickUnit += selectUnit;
        public AdaptiveCard GetAdaptiveCardForInterviewRequest(Candidate candidate, DateTime interviewDate)
            var interviewers = _recruiterService.GetAllInterviewers().GetAwaiter().GetResult();

            var command = new
                commandId   = AppCommands.ScheduleInterview,
                candidateId = candidate.CandidateId

            var wrapAction = new CardAction
                Title = "Schedule",
                Value = command

            var action = new AdaptiveSubmitAction
                Data = command


            return(new AdaptiveCard
                Version = "1.0",
                Body = new List <AdaptiveElement>
                    new AdaptiveTextBlock
                        Text = $"Set interview date for {candidate.Name}",
                        Weight = AdaptiveTextWeight.Bolder,
                        Size = AdaptiveTextSize.Large
                    new AdaptiveColumnSet
                        Columns = new List <AdaptiveColumn>
                            new AdaptiveColumn
                                Width = AdaptiveColumnWidth.Auto,
                                Items = new List <AdaptiveElement>
                                    new AdaptiveImage
                                        Url = new Uri(candidate.ProfilePicture),
                                        Size = AdaptiveImageSize.Medium,
                                        Style = AdaptiveImageStyle.Person
                            new AdaptiveColumn
                                Width = AdaptiveColumnWidth.Stretch,
                                Items = new List <AdaptiveElement>
                                    new AdaptiveTextBlock
                                        Text = $"TicketID: {candidate.Position.Ticketid}",
                                        Wrap = true
                                    new AdaptiveTextBlock
                                        Text = $"Status: {candidate.Position.Status}",
                                        Spacing = AdaptiveSpacing.None,
                                        Wrap = true,
                                        IsSubtle = true
                    new AdaptiveChoiceSetInput
                        Id = "interviewerId",
                        Style = AdaptiveChoiceInputStyle.Compact,
                        Choices = interviewers.Select(x => new AdaptiveChoice
                            Value = x.RecruiterId.ToString(),
                            Title = x.Name
                        Value = Convert.ToString(interviewers[0].RecruiterId)
                    new AdaptiveDateInput
                        Id = "interviewDate", Placeholder = "Enter in a date for the interview", Value = interviewDate.ToShortDateString()
                    new AdaptiveChoiceSetInput
                        Id = "interviewType",
                        Style = AdaptiveChoiceInputStyle.Compact,
                        IsMultiSelect = false,
                        Choices = new List <AdaptiveChoice>
                            new AdaptiveChoice {
                                Title = "Phone screen", Value = "phoneScreen"
                            new AdaptiveChoice {
                                Title = "Full loop", Value = "fullLoop"
                            new AdaptiveChoice {
                                Title = "Follow-up", Value = "followUp"
                        Value = "phoneScreen"
                    new AdaptiveToggleInput {
                        Id = "isRemote", Title = "Remote interview"
                Actions = new List <AdaptiveAction>
        private Attachment getRecommendDialog(int rcmdDlgId)
            //MEDIA 데이터 추출
            Attachment returnAttachment = new Attachment();

            List <Recommend_DLG_MEDIA> SelectRecommend_DLG_MEDIA = db.SelectRecommend_DLG_MEDIA(rcmdDlgId);

            if (rcmdDlgId != 4)
                for (int i = 0; i < SelectRecommend_DLG_MEDIA.Count; i++)
                    //CardImage 입력
                    cardImage = new CardImage()
                        Url = SelectRecommend_DLG_MEDIA[i].media_url

                    if (SelectRecommend_DLG_MEDIA[i].btn_1_context.Length != 0)
                        CardAction plButton = new CardAction()
                            Value = SelectRecommend_DLG_MEDIA[i].btn_1_context,
                            Type  = SelectRecommend_DLG_MEDIA[i].btn_1_type,
                            Title = SelectRecommend_DLG_MEDIA[i].btn_1_title

                    if (SelectRecommend_DLG_MEDIA[i].btn_2_context.Length != 0)
                        CardAction plButton = new CardAction()
                            Value = SelectRecommend_DLG_MEDIA[i].btn_2_context,
                            Type  = SelectRecommend_DLG_MEDIA[i].btn_2_type,
                            Title = SelectRecommend_DLG_MEDIA[i].btn_2_title

                    if (SelectRecommend_DLG_MEDIA[i].btn_3_context.Length != 0)
                        CardAction plButton = new CardAction()
                            Value = SelectRecommend_DLG_MEDIA[i].btn_3_context,
                            Type  = SelectRecommend_DLG_MEDIA[i].btn_3_type,
                            Title = SelectRecommend_DLG_MEDIA[i].btn_3_title

                    if (SelectRecommend_DLG_MEDIA[i].btn_4_context.Length != 0)
                        CardAction plButton = new CardAction()
                            Value = SelectRecommend_DLG_MEDIA[i].btn_4_context,
                            Type  = SelectRecommend_DLG_MEDIA[i].btn_4_type,
                            Title = SelectRecommend_DLG_MEDIA[i].btn_4_title

                    if (SelectRecommend_DLG_MEDIA[i].btn_5_context.Length != 0)
                        CardAction plButton = new CardAction()
                            Value = SelectRecommend_DLG_MEDIA[i].btn_5_context,
                            Type  = SelectRecommend_DLG_MEDIA[i].btn_5_type,
                            Title = SelectRecommend_DLG_MEDIA[i].btn_5_title

                    //message.Attachments.Add(GetHeroCard(SelectRecommend_DLG_MEDIA[i].card_title, "", SelectRecommend_DLG_MEDIA[i].card_text, cardImage, cardButtons));
                    returnAttachment = GetHeroCard(SelectRecommend_DLG_MEDIA[i].card_title, "", SelectRecommend_DLG_MEDIA[i].card_text, cardImage, cardButtons);
                string domainURL = "";

                List <RecommendList> RecommendList = db.SelectedRecommendList(use, important, gender, age);
                RecommendList        recommend     = new RecommendList();

                for (var i = 0; i < RecommendList.Count; i++)
                    string main_color_view    = "";
                    string main_color_view_nm = "";

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(RecommendList[i].MAIN_COLOR_VIEW_1))
                        main_color_view    += domainURL + "/assets/images/price/360/" + RecommendList[i].MAIN_COLOR_VIEW_1 + "/00001.jpg" + "@";
                        main_color_view_nm += RecommendList[i].MAIN_COLOR_VIEW_NM1 + "@";

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(RecommendList[i].MAIN_COLOR_VIEW_2))
                        main_color_view    += domainURL + "/assets/images/price/360/" + RecommendList[i].MAIN_COLOR_VIEW_2 + "/00001.jpg" + "@";
                        main_color_view_nm += RecommendList[i].MAIN_COLOR_VIEW_NM2 + "@";

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(RecommendList[i].MAIN_COLOR_VIEW_3))
                        main_color_view    += domainURL + "/assets/images/price/360/" + RecommendList[i].MAIN_COLOR_VIEW_3 + "/00001.jpg" + "@";
                        main_color_view_nm += RecommendList[i].MAIN_COLOR_VIEW_NM3 + "@";

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(RecommendList[i].MAIN_COLOR_VIEW_4))
                        main_color_view    += domainURL + "/assets/images/price/360/" + RecommendList[i].MAIN_COLOR_VIEW_4 + "/00001.jpg" + "@";
                        main_color_view_nm += RecommendList[i].MAIN_COLOR_VIEW_NM4 + "@";

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(RecommendList[i].MAIN_COLOR_VIEW_5))
                        main_color_view    += domainURL + "/assets/images/price/360/" + RecommendList[i].MAIN_COLOR_VIEW_5 + "/00001.jpg" + "@";
                        main_color_view_nm += RecommendList[i].MAIN_COLOR_VIEW_NM5 + "@";

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(RecommendList[i].MAIN_COLOR_VIEW_6))
                        main_color_view    += domainURL + "/assets/images/price/360/" + RecommendList[i].MAIN_COLOR_VIEW_6 + "/00001.jpg" + "@";
                        main_color_view_nm += RecommendList[i].MAIN_COLOR_VIEW_NM6 + "@";

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(RecommendList[i].MAIN_COLOR_VIEW_7))
                        main_color_view    += domainURL + "/assets/images/price/360/" + RecommendList[i].MAIN_COLOR_VIEW_7 + "/00001.jpg";
                        main_color_view_nm += RecommendList[i].MAIN_COLOR_VIEW_NM7 + "@";

                    main_color_view    = main_color_view.TrimEnd('@');
                    main_color_view_nm = main_color_view_nm.TrimEnd('@');

                    var subtitle = RecommendList[i].TRIM_DETAIL + "|" + "가격: " + RecommendList[i].TRIM_DETAIL_PRICE + "|" +
                                   main_color_view + "|" +
                                   RecommendList[i].OPTION_1_IMG_URL + "|" +
                                   RecommendList[i].OPTION_1 + "|" +
                                   RecommendList[i].OPTION_2_IMG_URL + "|" +
                                   RecommendList[i].OPTION_2 + "|" +
                                   RecommendList[i].OPTION_3_IMG_URL + "|" +
                                   RecommendList[i].OPTION_3 + "|" +
                                   RecommendList[i].OPTION_4_IMG_URL + "|" +
                                   RecommendList[i].OPTION_4 + "|" +
                                   RecommendList[i].OPTION_5_IMG_URL + "|" +
                                   RecommendList[i].OPTION_5 + "|" +

                    if (SelectRecommend_DLG_MEDIA[0].btn_1_title.Length != 0)
                        CardAction plButton = new CardAction()
                            Value = SelectRecommend_DLG_MEDIA[0].btn_1_context,
                            Type  = SelectRecommend_DLG_MEDIA[0].btn_1_type,
                            Title = SelectRecommend_DLG_MEDIA[0].btn_1_title

                    if (SelectRecommend_DLG_MEDIA[0].btn_2_title.Length != 0)
                        CardAction plButton = new CardAction()
                            Value = SelectRecommend_DLG_MEDIA[0].btn_2_context,
                            Type  = SelectRecommend_DLG_MEDIA[0].btn_2_type,
                            Title = SelectRecommend_DLG_MEDIA[0].btn_2_title
                    returnAttachment = GetHeroCard("trim", subtitle, "", cardImage, cardButtons);
Beispiel #25
 public void SetNoAction()
     action = new NoAction();
        public async Task ResumeAfterLocationDialogAsync(IDialogContext context, IAwaitable <Place> result)
            var place = await result;

            var lat = place.Geo.Latitude;
            var lng = place.Geo.Longitude;

            string imgUrl =
            IMessageActivity activity = context.MakeMessage();

            activity.Attachments = new List <Attachment>();
            ThumbnailCard plCard2 = new ThumbnailCard()
                Title  = "您目前所在位置",
                Images = new List <CardImage>()
                    new CardImage(url: imgUrl)

            await context.PostAsync(activity);

            await context.PostAsync("正在搜尋離您最近的ubike站點");

            // send navi
            #region find near station

            var openJson = File.ReadAllText(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/YouBikeTP.json"));
            List <Models.UbikeStation> stations = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <Models.UbikeStation> >(openJson);
            var coord   = new GeoCoordinate(lat, lng);
            var nearest = stations.Select(x => new GeoCoordinate(double.Parse(, double.Parse(x.lng), int.Parse(x.sno)))
                          .OrderBy(x => x.GetDistanceTo(coord))

            var station = stations.First(x => x.sno == nearest.Altitude.ToString().PadLeft(4, '0'));


            var destImg = $"{lat},{lng}|{},{station.lng}&markers={lat},{lng}|{},{station.lng}";
            // var destImg = "{lat},{lng}&zoom=16&size=400x400&sensor=false&format=png32&maptype=roadmap&markers={lat},{lng}";
            IMessageActivity replyNavi = context.MakeMessage();
            replyNavi.Type        = "message";
            replyNavi.Attachments = new List <Attachment>();
            List <CardImage> cardImages = new List <CardImage>();
            cardImages.Add(new CardImage(url: destImg));
            List <CardAction> cardButtons = new List <CardAction>();
            CardAction        plButton    = new CardAction()
                Value = $"{},{station.lng}&amp;ll=",
                Type  = "openUrl",
                Title = "前往"

            ThumbnailCard plCard = new ThumbnailCard()
                Title    = $"最近站點為:{station.sna}",
                Subtitle = "是否要前往導航?",
                Images   = cardImages,
                Buttons  = cardButtons



        private async Task ResumePlaceDialog(IDialogContext context, IAwaitable <string> result)
                string s = await result;
                if (s == "yes" || s == "Yes" || s == "y" || s == "想")
                    var resultMessage = context.MakeMessage();

                    resultMessage.AttachmentLayout = AttachmentLayoutTypes.List;

                    resultMessage.Attachments = new List <Attachment>();

                    List <CardAction> cardButtons = new List <CardAction>();

                    List <CardImage> cardImages = new List <CardImage>();
                    cardImages.Add(new CardImage(url: ""));

                    CardAction p1Button = new CardAction()
                        Title = "詢問時間",
                        Value = "領袖營幾號",
                        Type  = ActionTypes.ImBack
                    CardAction p2Button = new CardAction()
                        Title = "詢問地點",
                        Value = "領袖營在哪",
                        Type  = ActionTypes.ImBack
                    CardAction p3Button = new CardAction()
                        Title = "詢問活動流程",
                        Value = "領袖營活動",
                        Type  = ActionTypes.ImBack


                    ThumbnailCard plCard = new ThumbnailCard()
                        Title   = $"點點這邊的選項吧!",
                        Buttons = cardButtons,
                        Images  = cardImages
                    Attachment plAttachment = plCard.ToAttachment();
                    await context.PostAsync(resultMessage);

                    await context.PostAsync($"不想的話可以跟我聊聊天喔~");

                    var resultMessage = context.MakeMessage();

                    resultMessage.AttachmentLayout = AttachmentLayoutTypes.List;

                    resultMessage.Attachments = new List <Attachment>();

                    List <CardAction> cardButtons = new List <CardAction>();

                    List <CardImage> cardImages = new List <CardImage>();
                    cardImages.Add(new CardImage(url: ""));

                    CardAction p1Button = new CardAction()
                        Title = "講個笑話",
                        Value = "講個笑話",
                        Type  = ActionTypes.ImBack
                    CardAction p2Button = new CardAction()
                        Title = "誰最漂亮",
                        Value = "誰最漂亮",
                        Type  = ActionTypes.ImBack
                    CardAction p3Button = new CardAction()
                        Title = "誰最帥",
                        Value = "誰最帥",
                        Type  = ActionTypes.ImBack


                    ThumbnailCard plCard = new ThumbnailCard()
                        Title   = $"點我點我!",
                        Buttons = cardButtons,
                        Images  = cardImages
                    Attachment plAttachment = plCard.ToAttachment();
                    await context.PostAsync(resultMessage);


            catch (TooManyAttemptsException)

                await context.PostAsync("I'm sorry, I'm having issues understanding you. Let's try again.");

                //await this.Askhi(context);
Beispiel #28
        public async Task AskFilm(IDialogContext context, LuisResult result)
            string               replyMessage  = "";
            HttpClient           client        = new HttpClient();
            string               themoviedbUrl = "";
            string               baseUri       = "";
            string               imageUrl      = "";
            string               apiKey        = "?api_key=e01be34ceffec7c3b4fc1c591884c2fc";
            EntityRecommendation rec;

            ResultModel.RootObject rootObject = new ResultModel.RootObject();

            if (result.TryFindEntity("Film", out rec))
                string filmName = rec.Entity;
                replyMessage = $"Ok, let me think..";
                await context.PostAsync(replyMessage);

                string searchQuery = await client.GetStringAsync(new Uri(
                                                                     + "/search/movie"
                                                                     + apiKey
                                                                     + "&query="
                                                                     + filmName

                rootObject = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ResultModel.RootObject>(searchQuery);
                if (rootObject.total_results > 0)
                    int searchFilmId = rootObject.results[0].id;

                    string recommendationQuery = await client.GetStringAsync(new Uri(
                                                                                 + $"/movie/{searchFilmId}/recommendations"
                                                                                 + apiKey

                    rootObject = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ResultModel.RootObject>(recommendationQuery);
                    int cardsLength;
                    if (rootObject.total_results > MAX_DECK_SIZE)
                        cardsLength = MAX_DECK_SIZE;
                    else if (rootObject.total_results > 0 && rootObject.total_results < MAX_DECK_SIZE)
                        cardsLength = rootObject.total_results;
                        cardsLength = 0;

                    var reply = context.MakeMessage();
                    reply.AttachmentLayout = "carousel";
                    reply.Attachments      = new List <Attachment>();
                    for (int i = 0; i < cardsLength; i++)
                        List <CardImage>   cardImages  = new List <CardImage>();
                        List <CardAction>  cardButtons = new List <CardAction>();
                        ResultModel.Result resultFilm  = rootObject.results[i];
                        CardImage          ci          = new CardImage($"{imageUrl}{resultFilm.poster_path}");
                        CardAction ca = new CardAction()
                            Title = resultFilm.title,
                            Type  = "openUrl",
                            Value = $"{themoviedbUrl}{}"
                        CardAction button = new CardAction()
                            Title = $"Add to watch list",
                            Type  = "postBack",
                            Value = "<ADD FILM>{"
                                    + $"id: {},"
                                    + $"title: \"{resultFilm.title}\""
                                    + "}"
                        ThumbnailCard tc = new ThumbnailCard()
                            Title    = resultFilm.title,
                            Subtitle = resultFilm.overview,
                            Images   = cardImages,
                            Tap      = ca,
                            Buttons  = cardButtons

                    // send the cards
                    await context.PostAsync(reply);

            else   // No film entity detected
                replyMessage = "Please name a film for me to work off";

            await context.PostAsync(replyMessage);

 public LinkHeroCard(String a, String b, String c, IList <CardImage> d, IList <CardAction> e, CardAction f) : base(a, b, c, d, e, f)
Beispiel #30
        /// <summary>
        /// Method called after the <seealso cref="NameDialog"/> when called from the
        /// <seealso cref="StartAsync"/> method.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">Mandatory. The context for the execution of a dialog's conversational process.</param>
        /// <param name="result">Mandatory. The user's preferred name specified from the <see cref="NameDialog"/>.</param>
        private async Task Resume_AfterNameDialog(IDialogContext context, IAwaitable <string> result)
            var activity = await result;
            await _messageHelper.ConversationPauseAsync(context, Pause.MediumPause);

            await context.PostAsync($"{activity}! what a great name");

            await _messageHelper.ConversationPauseAsync(context, Pause.ShortMediumPause);

            await context.PostAsync("Next we need to set my personality. My style, tone and attitute " +
                                    "are dictated by my personality settings. Pick what works best with you. You can always change this setting later!");

            await _messageHelper.ConversationPauseAsync(context, Pause.VeryLongPause);

            IMessageActivity replyToConversation = context.MakeMessage();

            replyToConversation.AttachmentLayout = AttachmentLayoutTypes.Carousel;
            replyToConversation.Attachments      = new List <Attachment>();

            PersonalityChoiceHeroCard friendlyHeroCard = new PersonalityChoiceHeroCard(
                PersonalityChatPersona.Friendly, "Friendly", "I'm always happy to help!",

            PersonalityChoiceHeroCard professionalHeroCard = new PersonalityChoiceHeroCard(
                PersonalityChatPersona.Professional, "Professional", "I'm concise and helpful.",

            PersonalityChoiceHeroCard humorousHeroCard = new PersonalityChoiceHeroCard(
                PersonalityChatPersona.Humorous, "Humorous", "Hurry up and get on with it.",

            List <PersonalityChoiceHeroCard> heroCardList = new List <PersonalityChoiceHeroCard>

            foreach (PersonalityChoiceHeroCard heroCard in heroCardList)
                List <CardImage> cardImages = new List <CardImage>();
                cardImages.Add(new CardImage(url: heroCard.ImageUrl));

                List <CardAction> cardButtons = new List <CardAction>();

                CardAction plButton = new CardAction()
                    Value = $"{heroCard.PersonalityType}",
                    Type  = "imBack",
                    Title = "Select"


                HeroCard plCard = new HeroCard()
                    Title    = $"{heroCard.Title}",
                    Subtitle = $"{heroCard.Subtitle}",
                    Images   = cardImages,
                    Buttons  = cardButtons

                Attachment plAttachment = plCard.ToAttachment();

            await context.PostAsync(replyToConversation);

Beispiel #31
        //Create HeroCard method that takes in the data needed to construct the card, title, subtitle, image, etc..
        public static Attachment GetHeroCard(string title, string subtitle, string text, CardImage cardImage, CardAction cardAction)
            //Create a new herocard
            var heroCard = new HeroCard
                //set the properties of the card
                Title    = title,
                Subtitle = subtitle,
                Text     = text,
                Images   = new List <CardImage>()
                Buttons = new List <CardAction>()

            //return it as an attachment
        public async Task Book(IDialogContext context, LuisResult result)
            if (result.TryFindEntity("", out EntityRecommendation city))
                string location     = city.Entity.ToLower();
                string api_response = "none";
                if (location == "new york")
                    HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");
                        WebResponse response = request.GetResponse();
                        using (Stream responseStream = response.GetResponseStream())
                            StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(responseStream, Encoding.UTF8);
                            api_response = reader.ReadToEnd();
                    catch (WebException ex)
                        WebResponse errorResponse = ex.Response;
                        using (Stream responseStream = errorResponse.GetResponseStream())
                            StreamReader reader    = new StreamReader(responseStream, Encoding.UTF8);
                            String       errorText = reader.ReadToEnd();
                    JArray  objt    = JArray.Parse(api_response) as JArray;
                    dynamic obj     = objt;
                    var     message = context.MakeMessage();
                    message.Attachments      = new List <Attachment>();
                    message.AttachmentLayout = AttachmentLayoutTypes.Carousel;

                    foreach (dynamic room in obj)
                        var heroCard = new HeroCard();

                        heroCard.Title    = room.type;
                        heroCard.Subtitle = "$" + room.cost + " per night";
                        heroCard.Text     = room.available + " rooms available";

                        List <CardImage> images = new List <CardImage>();
                        images.Add(new CardImage(url: room.image.ToString()));
                        heroCard.Images = images;

                        List <CardAction> actions = new List <CardAction>();
                        CardAction        action  = new CardAction()
                            Value = "select n" + room.type,
                            Type  = "imBack",
                            Title = "Select"
                        heroCard.Buttons = actions;

                    await context.PostAsync(message);

                else if (location == "seattle")
                    HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");
                        WebResponse response = request.GetResponse();
                        using (Stream responseStream = response.GetResponseStream())
                            StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(responseStream, Encoding.UTF8);
                            api_response = reader.ReadToEnd();
                    catch (WebException ex)
                        WebResponse errorResponse = ex.Response;
                        using (Stream responseStream = errorResponse.GetResponseStream())
                            StreamReader reader    = new StreamReader(responseStream, Encoding.UTF8);
                            String       errorText = reader.ReadToEnd();
                    JArray  objt    = JArray.Parse(api_response) as JArray;
                    dynamic obj     = objt;
                    var     message = context.MakeMessage();
                    message.Attachments      = new List <Attachment>();
                    message.AttachmentLayout = AttachmentLayoutTypes.Carousel;

                    foreach (dynamic room in obj)
                        var heroCard = new HeroCard();

                        heroCard.Title    = room.type;
                        heroCard.Subtitle = "$" + room.cost + " per night";
                        heroCard.Text     = room.available + " rooms available";

                        List <CardImage> images = new List <CardImage>();
                        images.Add(new CardImage(url: room.image.ToString()));
                        heroCard.Images = images;

                        List <CardAction> actions = new List <CardAction>();
                        CardAction        action  = new CardAction()
                            Value = "select s" + room.type,
                            Type  = "imBack",
                            Title = "Select"
                        heroCard.Buttons = actions;

                    await context.PostAsync(message);

                else if (location == "miami")
                    HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");
                        WebResponse response = request.GetResponse();
                        using (Stream responseStream = response.GetResponseStream())
                            StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(responseStream, Encoding.UTF8);
                            api_response = reader.ReadToEnd();
                    catch (WebException ex)
                        WebResponse errorResponse = ex.Response;
                        using (Stream responseStream = errorResponse.GetResponseStream())
                            StreamReader reader    = new StreamReader(responseStream, Encoding.UTF8);
                            String       errorText = reader.ReadToEnd();
                    JArray  objt    = JArray.Parse(api_response) as JArray;
                    dynamic obj     = objt;
                    var     message = context.MakeMessage();
                    message.Attachments      = new List <Attachment>();
                    message.AttachmentLayout = AttachmentLayoutTypes.Carousel;

                    foreach (dynamic room in obj)
                        var heroCard = new HeroCard();

                        heroCard.Title    = room.type;
                        heroCard.Subtitle = "$" + room.cost + " per night";
                        heroCard.Text     = room.available + " rooms available";

                        List <CardImage> images = new List <CardImage>();
                        images.Add(new CardImage(url: room.image.ToString()));
                        heroCard.Images = images;

                        List <CardAction> actions = new List <CardAction>();
                        CardAction        action  = new CardAction()
                            Value = "select m" + room.type,
                            Type  = "imBack",
                            Title = "Select"
                        heroCard.Buttons = actions;

                    await context.PostAsync(message);

                    await context.PostAsync("Sorry, we don't have a hotel in " + location);

                string message = "No city mentioned, Please mention city in request";
                await context.PostAsync(message);

Beispiel #33
        public static Attachment GetAdaptiveCard(string title, string subtitle, string text, CardImage cardImage, CardAction cardAction)
            var adaptiveCard = new AdaptiveCard
                BackgroundImage = "",
                Body            = new List <CardElement>
                    new ColumnSet()
                        Columns = new List <Column>()
                            new AdaptiveCards.Column()
                                Size  = "3",
                                Items = new List <AdaptiveCards.CardElement>()
                                    new TextBlock()
                                        Text = title, Size = TextSize.Large, Weight = TextWeight.Bolder
                                    new TextBlock()
                                        Text = subtitle
                                    new FactSet()
                                        Facts = new List <AdaptiveCards.Fact>()
                                            new AdaptiveCards.Fact()
                                                Title = "Fact 1", Value = "Value 1"
                                            new AdaptiveCards.Fact()
                                                Title = "Fact 2", Value = "Value 2"
                                    new ChoiceSet()
                                        Id      = "Times",
                                        Style   = ChoiceInputStyle.Compact,
                                        Choices = new List <Choice>()
                                            new Choice()
                                                Title = "6 PM", Value = "6", IsSelected = true
                                            new Choice()
                                                Title = "7 PM", Value = "7"
                                            new Choice()
                                                Title = "8 PM", Value = "8"
                            new AdaptiveCards.Column()
                                Items = new List <AdaptiveCards.CardElement>()
                                    new Image()
                                        Url = cardImage.Url, Size = ImageSize.Stretch

             * Alternate way to create your cards, columns, textblocks, etc..
             * ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/

            // ColumnSet set = new ColumnSet();
            // Column c1 = new Column()
            // {

            // };
            // Column c2 = new Column();
            // set.Columns.Add(c1);
            // set.Columns.Add(c2);

            // c1.Items.Add(new TextBlock()
            // {
            //     Text = title,
            //     Size = TextSize.Large,
            //     Weight = TextWeight.Bolder
            // });

            // c1.Items.Add(new TextBlock()
            // {
            //     Text = subtitle
            // });
            // c1.Items.Add(new FactSet()
            // {
            //     Facts = new List<AdaptiveCards.Fact>()
            //     {
            //         new AdaptiveCards.Fact() {Title = "Fact 1", Value = "Value 1" },
            //         new AdaptiveCards.Fact() {Title = "Fact 2", Value = "Value 2" }
            //     }
            // });

            // // Add list of choices to the card.
            //c1.Items.Add(new ChoiceSet()
            // {
            //     Id = "snooze",
            //     Style = ChoiceInputStyle.Compact,
            //     Choices = new List<Choice>()
            //     {
            //         new Choice() { Title = "5 minutes", Value = "5", IsSelected = true },
            //         new Choice() { Title = "15 minutes", Value = "15" },
            //         new Choice() { Title = "30 minutes", Value = "30" }
            //     }
            // });
            // c2.Items.Add(new Image()
            // {
            //     Url = cardImage.Url,
            //     Size = ImageSize.Stretch
            // });

            // card.Body.Add(set);

            // Add text to the card.
            //card.Body.Add(new TextBlock()
            //    Text = title,
            //    Size = TextSize.Large,
            //    Weight = TextWeight.Bolder

            // Add text to the card.
            //card.Body.Add(new TextBlock()
            //    Text = subtitle
            //card.Body.Add(new Image()
            //    Url = cardImage.Url,
            //    Size = ImageSize.Medium

            // Create the attachment.
            Attachment attachment = new Attachment()
                ContentType = AdaptiveCard.ContentType,
                Content     = adaptiveCard

        /// <summary>
        /// Get list card attachment having list of favorite rooms along with buttons to manage favorites, book meeting for other rooms and refresh list.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rooms">Rooms schedule response object.</param>
        /// <param name="startUTCDateTime">Start date time of meeting.</param>
        /// <param name="endUTCDateTime">End date time of meeting.</param>
        /// <param name="timeZone">User time zone.</param>
        /// <param name="activityReferenceId">Unique GUID related to activity Id from ActivityEntities table.</param>
        /// <returns>List card attachment having favorite rooms of user.</returns>
        public static Attachment GetFavoriteRoomsListAttachment(RoomScheduleResponse rooms, DateTime startUTCDateTime, DateTime endUTCDateTime, string timeZone, string activityReferenceId = null)
            ListCard card = new ListCard
                Title   = Strings.RoomAvailability,
                Items   = new List <ListItem>(),
                Buttons = new List <CardAction>(),

            // For first run, user configuration will be null.
            if (timeZone != null)
                var startTime = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeFromUtc(startUTCDateTime, TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById(timeZone));
                var endTime   = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeFromUtc(endUTCDateTime, TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById(timeZone));
                card.Title = string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "{0} | {1} - {2}", Strings.RoomAvailability, startTime.ToString("t", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture), endTime.ToString("t", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture));

            ListItem room = new ListItem();
            Meeting  meeting;

            if (rooms?.Schedules.Count > 0)
                foreach (var item in rooms.Schedules)
                    string availability;
                    string availabilityColor;

                    // Schedule will be null in case room is deleted from exchange but sync service still gets room from Graph API as Graph takes time to reflect deleted item.
                    if (item.ScheduleItems != null && item.ScheduleItems.Count == 0)
                        availability      = Strings.Available;
                        availabilityColor = GreenColorCode;
                        availability      = Strings.Unavailable;
                        availabilityColor = RedColorCode;

                    var subtitle = string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "{0}&nbsp;|&nbsp;<b><font color='{1}'>{2}</font></b>", item.BuildingName, availabilityColor, availability);

                    meeting = new Meeting
                        EndDateTime   = DateTime.SpecifyKind(endUTCDateTime, DateTimeKind.Utc).ToString("o"),
                        RoomEmail     = item.ScheduleId,
                        RoomName      = item.RoomName,
                        StartDateTime = DateTime.SpecifyKind(startUTCDateTime, DateTimeKind.Utc).ToString("o"),
                        BuildingName  = item.BuildingName,
                        Status        = availability,
                        Text          = BotCommands.CreateMeeting,

                    card.Items.Add(new ListItem
                        Id       = item.ScheduleId,
                        Title    = item.RoomName,
                        Subtitle = subtitle,
                        Type     = "person",
                        Tap      = new CardAction {
                            Type = ActionTypes.MessageBack, Text = BotCommands.CreateMeeting, Title = BotCommands.CreateMeeting, Value = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(meeting)
                room = new ListItem
                    Title = Strings.NoFavoriteRooms,
                    Type  = "section",

            CardAction addFavoriteButton = new TaskModuleAction(Strings.ManageFavorites, new { data = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new AdaptiveTaskModuleCardAction {
                    Text = BotCommands.ShowFavoriteTaskModule, ActivityReferenceId = activityReferenceId
                }) });


            CardAction otherRoomButton = new TaskModuleAction(Strings.OtherRooms, new { data = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new AdaptiveTaskModuleCardAction {
                    Text = BotCommands.ShowOtherRoomsTaskModule, ActivityReferenceId = activityReferenceId
                }) });


            if (rooms?.Schedules.Count > 0)
                CardAction refreshListButton = new CardAction
                    Title = Strings.Refresh,
                    Type  = ActionTypes.MessageBack,
                    Text  = BotCommands.RefreshList,
                    Value = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new AdaptiveTaskModuleCardAction {
                        Text = BotCommands.RefreshList, ActivityReferenceId = activityReferenceId


            var attachment = new Attachment()
                ContentType = "application/",
                Content     = card,

Beispiel #35
        public Attachment getAttachmentFromDialog(DialogList dlg, Activity activity)
            Attachment      returnAttachment = new Attachment();
            ConnectorClient connector        = new ConnectorClient(new Uri(activity.ServiceUrl));

            if (dlg.dlgType.Equals(MessagesController.TEXTDLG))
                if (!activity.ChannelId.Equals("facebook"))
                    HeroCard plCard = new HeroCard()
                        Title = dlg.cardTitle,
                        Text  = dlg.cardText
                    returnAttachment = plCard.ToAttachment();
            else if (dlg.dlgType.Equals(MessagesController.MEDIADLG))
                string cardDiv = "";
                string cardVal = "";

                List <CardImage>  cardImages  = new List <CardImage>();
                List <CardAction> cardButtons = new List <CardAction>();

                HistoryLog("CARD IMG START");
                if (dlg.mediaUrl != null)
                    HistoryLog("FB CARD IMG " + dlg.mediaUrl);
                    cardImages.Add(new CardImage(url: dlg.mediaUrl));

                HistoryLog("CARD BTN1 START");
                if (activity.ChannelId.Equals("facebook") && dlg.btn1Type == null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(dlg.cardDivision) && dlg.cardDivision.Equals("play") && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(dlg.cardValue))
                    CardAction plButton = new CardAction();
                    plButton = new CardAction()
                        Value = dlg.cardValue,
                        Type  = "openUrl",
                        Title = "영상보기"
                else if (dlg.btn1Type != null)
                    CardAction plButton = new CardAction();
                    plButton = new CardAction()
                        Value = dlg.btn1Context,
                        Type  = dlg.btn1Type,
                        Title = dlg.btn1Title

                if (dlg.btn2Type != null)
                    if (!(activity.ChannelId == "facebook" && dlg.btn2Title == "나에게 맞는 모델 추천"))
                        CardAction plButton = new CardAction();
                        HistoryLog("CARD BTN2 START");
                        plButton = new CardAction()
                            Value = dlg.btn2Context,
                            Type  = dlg.btn2Type,
                            Title = dlg.btn2Title

                if (dlg.btn3Type != null)
                    CardAction plButton = new CardAction();

                    HistoryLog("CARD BTN3 START");
                    plButton = new CardAction()
                        Value = dlg.btn3Context,
                        Type  = dlg.btn3Type,
                        Title = dlg.btn3Title

                if (dlg.btn4Type != null)
                    CardAction plButton = new CardAction();
                    HistoryLog("CARD BTN4 START");
                    plButton = new CardAction()
                        Value = dlg.btn4Context,
                        Type  = dlg.btn4Type,
                        Title = dlg.btn4Title

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dlg.cardDivision))
                    cardDiv = dlg.cardDivision;

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dlg.cardValue))
                    //cardVal = priceMediaDlgList[i].cardValue.Replace();
                    cardVal = dlg.cardValue;
                HistoryLog("!!!!!FB CARD BTN1 START channelID.Equals(facebook) && cardButtons.Count < 1 && cardImages.Count < 1");
                HeroCard plCard = new UserHeroCard();
                if (activity.ChannelId == "facebook" && string.IsNullOrEmpty(dlg.cardTitle))
                    HistoryLog("FB CARD BTN1 START channelID.Equals(facebook) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(card.cardTitle)");
                    plCard = new UserHeroCard()
                        Title         = "선택해 주세요",
                        Text          = dlg.cardText,
                        Images        = cardImages,
                        Buttons       = cardButtons,
                        Card_division = cardDiv,
                        Card_value    = cardVal
                    returnAttachment = plCard.ToAttachment();
                else if (activity.ChannelId == "facebook" && string.IsNullOrEmpty(dlg.cardValue))
                    HistoryLog("FB CARD BTN1 START channelID.Equals(facebook) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(card.cardValue)");
                    plCard = new UserHeroCard()
                        Title   = dlg.cardTitle,
                        Images  = cardImages,
                        Buttons = cardButtons
                    returnAttachment = plCard.ToAttachment();
                    HistoryLog("!!!!!!!!FB CARD BTN1 START channelID.Equals(facebook) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(card.cardTitle)");
                    plCard = new UserHeroCard()
                        Title         = dlg.cardTitle,
                        Text          = dlg.cardText,
                        Images        = cardImages,
                        Buttons       = cardButtons,
                        Card_division = cardDiv,
                        Card_value    = cardVal
                    returnAttachment = plCard.ToAttachment();
                Debug.WriteLine("Dialog Type Error : " + dlg.dlgType);
Beispiel #36
		/// <summary>
		/// Adds an action to this card during build time.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="label">Label.</param>
		/// <param name="id">Identifier.</param>
		/// <param name="type">Type.</param>
		private void AddAction(string label, int id, int type)
			CardAction cardAction = new CardAction ();
			cardAction.Label = label;
			cardAction.Id = id;
			cardAction.Type = type;
			mCardActions.Add (cardAction);