    // connect a given transform to a skeleton
    private void ConnectSkeleton(int actorId, Transform transform)
        if (transform == null || !actors.ContainsKey(actorId))

        CapturyActor    actor = actors[actorId];
        CapturySkeleton skel  = skeletons[actorId];

        skel.reference = transform;

        for (uint i = 0; i < actor.numJoints; i++)
            // check if the joint name matches a reference transform and assign it
            ArrayList children = skel.reference.transform.GetAllChildren();
            foreach (Transform tra in children)
                if (tra.name.EndsWith(skel.joints[i].name))
                    skel.joints[i].transform = tra;
    // helper function to map an actor to a skeleton
    private void ConvertActor(CapturyActor actor, ref CapturySkeleton skel)
        if (skel == null)
            Debug.Log("Null skeleton reference");

        // copy data over
        skel.name = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(actor.name);
        skel.id   = actor.id;

        // create joints
        int szStruct = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(CapturyJoint));

        skel.joints = new CapturySkeletonJoint[actor.numJoints];
        for (uint i = 0; i < actor.numJoints; i++)
            // marshall the joints into a new joint struct
            CapturyJoint joint = new CapturyJoint();
            joint = (CapturyJoint)Marshal.PtrToStructure(new IntPtr(actor.joints.ToInt64() + (szStruct * i)), typeof(CapturyJoint));

            skel.joints[i]      = new CapturySkeletonJoint();
            skel.joints[i].name = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(joint.name);
            int jpos = skel.joints[i].name.IndexOf("\0");
            skel.joints[i].name = skel.joints[i].name.Substring(0, jpos);
            skel.joints[i].offset.Set(joint.ox, joint.oy, joint.oz);
            skel.joints[i].orientation.Set(joint.rx, joint.ry, joint.rz);

            //Debug.Log ("Got joint " + skel.joints[i].name + " at " + joint.ox + joint.oy + joint.oz);
    // helper function to map an actor to a skeleton
    private void ConvertActor(ref CapturySkeleton skel)
        if (skel == null)
            Debug.Log("Null skeleton reference");

        // copy data over
        skel.name = "membran Actor";
        skel.id   = actorID;

        // create joints
        int szStruct = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(CapturyJoint));

        skel.joints = new CapturySkeletonJoint[actorNumJoints];
        for (uint i = 0; i < actorNumJoints; i++)
            // marshall the joints into a new joint struct
            CapturyJoint joint = new CapturyJoint();
            //joint = (CapturyJoint)Marshal.PtrToStructure(new IntPtr(sizeof(int) + (szStruct * i)), typeof(CapturyJoint));

            skel.joints[i] = new CapturySkeletonJoint();
            //skel.joints[i].name = "Hips";//System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(joint.name);
        skel.joints[0].name = "Hips";
        skel.joints[1].name = "Spine";
        skel.joints[2].name = "Spine1";
        skel.joints[3].name = "Spine2";
        skel.joints[4].name = "Spine3";
        skel.joints[5].name = "Spine4";
        skel.joints[6].name = "Neck";
        skel.joints[7].name = "Head";

        skel.joints[8].name  = "HeadEE";
        skel.joints[9].name  = "LeftShoulder";
        skel.joints[10].name = "LeftArm";
        skel.joints[11].name = "LeftForeArm";
        skel.joints[12].name = "LeftHand";
        skel.joints[13].name = "LeftHandEE";
        skel.joints[14].name = "RightShoulder";
        skel.joints[15].name = "RightArm";

        skel.joints[16].name = "RightForeArm";
        skel.joints[17].name = "RightHand";
        skel.joints[18].name = "RightHandEE";
        skel.joints[19].name = "LeftUpLeg";
        skel.joints[20].name = "LeftLeg";
        skel.joints[21].name = "LeftFoot";
        skel.joints[22].name = "LeftToeBase";
        skel.joints[23].name = "LeftFootEE";

        skel.joints[24].name = "RightUpLeg";
        skel.joints[25].name = "RightLeg";
        skel.joints[26].name = "RightFoot";
        skel.joints[27].name = "RightToeBase";
        skel.joints[28].name = "RightFootEE";
    void buildSkeleton()
        //gameActor = (GameObject)Instantiate(actorTemplateObject);

        //meshNode.AddComponent<Fading>().enabled = true;

        skeleton = new CapturySkeleton();
        ConvertActor(ref skeleton);

        Debug.Log("built main actor");
    // This function continously looks for new actors
    // It runs in a separate thread
    void lookForActors()
        Debug.Log("looking for actors");
        while (!communicationFinished)
            // wait for actorCheckTimeout ms before continuing
            //			Debug.Log ("Going to sleep...");
            //			Debug.Log ("Waking up...");

            // now look for new data

            // try to connect to captury live
            if (!isSetup)
                Debug.Log("trying to connect to " + host + ":" + port);
                if (Captury_connect(host, port) == 1 && Captury_synchronizeTime() != 0)
                    isSetup = true;
                    Debug.Log("Successfully opened port to Captury Live");
                    Debug.Log("The time difference is " + Captury_getTimeOffset());
                    Debug.Log(String.Format("Unable to connect to Captury Live at {0}:{1} ", host, port));
            if (isSetup)
                // grab actors
                IntPtr actorData = IntPtr.Zero;
                int    numActors = Captury_getActors(out actorData);
                if (numActors > 0 && actorData != IntPtr.Zero)
                    Debug.Log(String.Format("Successfully received {0} actors", numActors));

                    // create actor struct
                    int szStruct = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(CapturyActor));
                    for (uint i = 0; i < numActors; i++)
                        // get an actor
                        CapturyActor actor = new CapturyActor();
                        actor = (CapturyActor)Marshal.PtrToStructure(new IntPtr(actorData.ToInt64() + (szStruct * i)), typeof(CapturyActor));
                        Debug.Log(String.Format("actor id {0} {1} ", actor.id, Encoding.UTF8.GetString(actor.name)));

                        IntPtr ptr = new IntPtr(actorData.ToInt64() + (szStruct * i));

/*						for (int x = 0; x < 64; ++x) {
 *                                                      Debug.Log(String.Format("byte {0} {1}", x, Marshal.ReadByte(ptr, x)));
 *                                              }*/

                        // check if we already have it in our dictionary
                        if (actors.ContainsKey(actor.id))
                            actorFound[actor.id] = 5;
                            Debug.Log("Found known actor " + actor.id);
                        Debug.Log("Found new actor " + actor.id + " with " + actor.numJoints + " joints");

                        // no? we need to convert it
                        IntPtr          actorPointer = new IntPtr(actorData.ToInt64() + (szStruct * i));
                        CapturySkeleton skeleton     = new CapturySkeleton();
                        ConvertActor(actor, ref skeleton);

                        //  and add it to the list of actors we are processing, making sure this is secured by the mutex
                        actors.Add(actor.id, actor);
                        actorPointers.Add(actor.id, actorPointer);
                        skeletons.Add(actor.id, skeleton);
                        actorFound.Add(actor.id, 5);

                    if (!isConnected && Captury_startStreaming(1) == 1)
                        Debug.Log("Successfully started streaming data");
                        isConnected = true;

                // reduce the actor countdown by one for each actor
                int[] keys = new int[actorFound.Keys.Count];
                actorFound.Keys.CopyTo(keys, 0);
                foreach (int key in keys)

            // remove all actors that were not found in the past few actor checks
            //			Debug.Log ("Updating actor structure");
            List <int> unusedKeys = new List <int>();
            foreach (KeyValuePair <int, int> kvp in actorFound)
                if (kvp.Value <= 0)
                    // check if this is the current actor
                    if (kvp.Key == playerActor)
                        playerActor = -1;

                    // remove actor
                    Debug.Log("Removing actor " + kvp.Key);
            //			Debug.Log ("Updating actor structure done");

            // clear out actorfound structure
            foreach (int key in unusedKeys)

            // look for current transformation of bones with ar tags - the head
            foreach (KeyValuePair <int, IntPtr> kvp in actorPointers)
                int id = kvp.Key;

                // find the index of the head joint
                int headJointIndex = -1;
                for (int i = 0; i < skeletons[id].joints.Length; ++i)
                    if (skeletons[id].joints[i].name.EndsWith(headJointName))
                        headJointIndex = i;
                if (headJointIndex == -1)
                    Debug.Log("no head joint for skeleton " + id);

                // get the transform and store it in headTransforms
                IntPtr trafo     = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(CapturyTransform)));
                UInt64 timestamp = Captury_getMarkerTransform(kvp.Value, headJointIndex, trafo);
                // is there a constraint for this joint that is not older than 500ms?
                if (timestamp != 0)
                    CapturyTransform t = (CapturyTransform)Marshal.PtrToStructure(trafo, typeof(CapturyTransform));
                    if (headTransforms.ContainsKey(id))
                        // this is a new transform. the other thread should have a look at it.
                        if (headTransforms[id].timestamp < timestamp)
                            headTransforms[id].consumed = false;
                        headTransforms[id] = new CapturyMarkerTransform();
                        headTransforms[id].bestAccuracy = 0.95f;
                        // if the new transform is actually already old mark it as old directly
                        if (timestamp > Captury_getTime() - 500000)
                            headTransforms[id].consumed = false;
                            headTransforms[id].consumed = true;
                    headTransforms[id].rotation    = ConvertRotation(new Vector3(t.rx * 180 / (float)Math.PI, t.ry * 180 / (float)Math.PI, t.rz * 180 / (float)Math.PI));
                    headTransforms[id].translation = ConvertPosition(new Vector3(t.tx, t.ty, t.tz));
                    headTransforms[id].timestamp   = timestamp;
//                    Debug.Log(string.Format("transform for actor.joint {0}.{1} is good, really t {2}, delta now {3}", id, headJointIndex, timestamp, Captury_getTime() - timestamp));

        // make sure we disconnect
        isSetup     = false;
        isConnected = false;
 public void sendActorSkeleton(CapturyActor actor, CapturySkeleton skeleton)
     Debug.Log("received actor " + actor.name + " and skeleton " + skeleton.name);