Beispiel #1
        public void TestCreateLogMetricConf()
                var log = new CappedLog.CappedLog();
                var constLabels1 = new[] { "one", "1" }.ToKeyValuePairs();
                var constLabels2 = new[] { "one", "2" }.ToKeyValuePairs();
                var constLabels3 = new[] { "one", "1", "two", "2" }.ToKeyValuePairs();
                var constLabels4 = new[] { "on1", "1" }.ToKeyValuePairs();
                var labelNames1      = new[] { "three" };
                var labelNames2      = new[] { "three", "four" };
                var defaultCapacity1 = 10;
                var defaultCapacity2 = 20;
                var conf1            = new CappedLog.CappedLogConf(constLabels1, labelNames1, defaultCapacity1);
                var conf2            = new CappedLog.CappedLogConf(constLabels2, labelNames1, defaultCapacity2);
                var conf3            = new CappedLog.CappedLogConf(constLabels3, labelNames1, defaultCapacity1);
                var conf4            = new CappedLog.CappedLogConf(constLabels4, labelNames1, defaultCapacity1);
                var conf5            = new CappedLog.CappedLogConf(constLabels1, labelNames2, defaultCapacity1);

                Assert.AreEqual(conf1.DefaultCapacity, defaultCapacity1);
                Assert.AreEqual(conf2.DefaultCapacity, defaultCapacity2);

                Assert.AreNotEqual(conf1.Key, conf2.Key);
                Assert.AreNotEqual(conf1.Key, conf3.Key);
                Assert.AreNotEqual(conf1.Key, conf4.Key);
                Assert.AreNotEqual(conf1.Key, conf5.Key);
Beispiel #2
        public void TestCreateContainer()
            var log      = new CappedLog.CappedLog();
            var builder0 = new CappedLog.CappedLogConfBuilder()
                           .SetConstLabel("one", "1");
            var builder1 = builder0.Clone()
                           .AddConstLabels(new[] { "two", "2", "three", "33" })
                           .SetConstLabel("three", "3")
            var conf0 = builder0
                        .AddConstLabels(new[] { "two", "20", "three", "30" })
            var conf1 = builder1
            var conf2 = builder1.Clone()
                        .AddLabelNames(new[] { "four", "five" })
            var conf3 = builder1.Clone()
            var conf11 = builder1.Clone()

            var container0 = log.Create(conf0);
            var container1 = log.Create(conf1);

            Assert.AreNotEqual(container1, container0);

            var container2 = log.Create(conf2);

            Assert.AreNotEqual(container2, container1);
            Assert.AreNotEqual(container2, container0);

            var container3 = log.GetOrCreate(conf3);

            Assert.AreNotEqual(container3, container0);
            Assert.AreNotEqual(container3, container1);
            Assert.AreNotEqual(container3, container2);

            Assert.ThrowsException <ArgumentException>(() => log.Create(conf2));
            Assert.ThrowsException <ArgumentException>(() => log.Create(conf11));

            var container11 = log.GetOrCreate(conf11);

            Assert.AreEqual(container11, container3);
Beispiel #3
        private static void Init(out CappedLog.CappedLogScope scrape, out CappedLog.CappedLogConf conf2, out CappedLog.CappedLogConf conf3, out CappedLog.CappedLogConf conf1, out CappedLog.CappedLogMetric metric11, out CappedLog.CappedLogMetric metric12, out CappedLog.CappedLogMetric metric2, out CappedLog.CappedLogMetric metric3)
            var log = new CappedLog.CappedLog();

            scrape = new CappedLog.CappedLogScope(log);
            var builder1 = new CappedLog.CappedLogConfBuilder()
                           .AddConstLabel("one", "1")
                           .AddConstLabels(new[] { "two", "2", "three", "3" })

            conf2 = builder1.Clone()
                    .AddLabelNames(new[] { "four", "five" })
            conf3 = builder1
            conf1 = builder1
                    .AddConstLabel("seven", "7")
            var conf0 = builder1
            var container0 = log.GetOrCreate(conf0);
            var container1 = scrape.GetOrCreate(conf1);
            var container2 = scrape.GetOrCreate(conf2);
            var container3 = scrape.GetOrCreate(conf3);

            try { scrape.GetOrCreate(conf0); Assert.Fail(); }
            catch { }
            Assert.AreNotEqual(container1, container2);
            Assert.AreNotEqual(container1, container3);
            Assert.AreNotEqual(container2, container3);
            Assert.AreNotEqual(container1, container0);
            Assert.AreNotEqual(container2, container0);
            Assert.AreNotEqual(container3, container0);

            metric11 = container1.GetMetric(new[] { "41", "61" });
            metric12 = container1.GetMetric(new[] { "42", "62" });
            metric2  = container2.GetMetric(new[] { "4", "5" });
            metric3  = container3.GetMetric(new[] { "4" });
Beispiel #4
        public void TestSimpleScrape()
            var log  = new CappedLog.CappedLog();
            var conf = new CappedLog.CappedLogConfBuilder()
                       .AddConstLabel("foo", "1")
            var container    = log.GetOrCreate(conf);
            var scrape       = CappedLog.CappedLogScrape.CreateScrape(log, new MyScrapeProcess());
            var metric       = container.GetMetric(Array.Empty <string>());
            var cancellation = new CancellationTokenSource();

            //Sending messages to the log
            metric.TryEnqueue(() => CappedLog.CappedLogMessage.Create("msg1"));
            metric.TryEnqueue(() => CappedLog.CappedLogMessage.Create("msgN"));

            // Periodic collection of messages from the log
            var myScrapeProcessResult = scrape(cancellation.Token).Result;

            Assert.AreEqual(2, myScrapeProcessResult);
Beispiel #5
        public void LogMessages()
            var categoryName = "Test category";
            var log          = new CappedLog.CappedLog();
            var builder      = new CappedLog.CappedLogConfBuilder();
            var options      = new CappedLog.CappedLogLoggerOptions()
                DefaultBuilder = builder, Storrage = log, LogLevel = LogLevel.Trace
            var logger = new CappedLog.CappedLogLogger(categoryName, options);
            var data   = new List <(CappedLog.CappedLogMetric, CappedLog.CappedLogMessage)>();

            logger.LogError(new IndexOutOfRangeException("error message 1"), "Error {}", "1");
            log.ForEach(c => c.ForEach(m => m.DequeueAll(data, m, (p, d) => (p, d))));
            Assert.Equal(new[] { "category", categoryName, "level", "error" }.ToKeyValuePairs(), data[0].Item1.Config.ConstLabels);
            Assert.Equal(new[] { "code", "exception" }, data[0].Item1.Config.LabelNames);
            Assert.Equal(new[] { "0", typeof(IndexOutOfRangeException).Name }, data[0].Item1.Labels);
            Assert.Equal("Error 1", data[0].Item2.Message);

            logger.LogCritical(new EventId(1, "Code 1"), new DllNotFoundException("error message 1"), "Critical {}", "2");
            log.ForEach(c => c.ForEach(m => m.DequeueAll(data, m, (p, d) => (p, d))));
            Assert.Equal(2, data.Count);
            Assert.Equal(new[] { "category", categoryName, "level", "crit" }.ToKeyValuePairs(), data[1].Item1.Config.ConstLabels);
            Assert.Equal(new[] { "code", "exception" }, data[1].Item1.Config.LabelNames);
            Assert.Equal(new[] { "Code 1", typeof(DllNotFoundException).Name }, data[1].Item1.Labels);
            Assert.Equal("Critical 2", data[1].Item2.Message);

            logger.LogWarning(new EventId(2), "Warning {}", "3");
            log.ForEach(c => c.ForEach(m => m.DequeueAll(data, m, (p, d) => (p, d))));
            Assert.Equal(3, data.Count);
            Assert.Equal(new[] { "category", categoryName, "level", "warn" }.ToKeyValuePairs(), data[2].Item1.Config.ConstLabels);
            Assert.Equal(new[] { "code", "exception" }, data[2].Item1.Config.LabelNames);
            Assert.Equal(new[] { "2", string.Empty }, data[2].Item1.Labels);
            Assert.Equal("Warning 3", data[2].Item2.Message);
Beispiel #6
        public void TestAddMessages()
            var log      = new CappedLog.CappedLog();
            var builder1 = new CappedLog.CappedLogConfBuilder()
                           .AddConstLabel("one", "1")
                           .AddConstLabels(new[] { "two", "2", "three", "3" })
            var conf2 = builder1.Clone()
                        .AddLabelNames(new[] { "four", "five" })
            var conf3 = builder1
            var conf1 = builder1
                        .AddConstLabel("seven", "7")
            var container1 = log.GetOrCreate(conf1);
            var container2 = log.GetOrCreate(conf2);
            var container3 = log.GetOrCreate(conf3);
            var metric11   = container1.GetMetric(new[] { "41", "61" });
            var metric12   = container1.GetMetric(new[] { "42", "62" });
            var metric2    = container2.GetMetric(new[] { "4", "5" });
            var metric3    = container3.GetMetric(new[] { "4" });

            var    i11    = 0;
            var    i12    = 0;
            var    i2     = 0;
            var    i3     = 0;
            Action insert = () =>
                var id = Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId;
                for (var i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
                    if (metric11.TryEnqueue(() => $"message11 {id}-{i}"))
                        Interlocked.Increment(ref i11);
                    if (metric12.TryEnqueue(() => $"message12 {id}-{i}"))
                        Interlocked.Increment(ref i12);
                    if (metric2.TryEnqueue(() => $"message2 {id}-{i}"))
                        Interlocked.Increment(ref i2);
                    if (metric3.TryEnqueue(() => $"message2 {id}-{i}"))
                        Interlocked.Increment(ref i3);
            var tasks = new List <Task>();

            for (var i = 0; i < 8; ++i)


            Assert.AreEqual(i11, 10);
            Assert.AreEqual(i12, 10);
            Assert.AreEqual(i2, 20);
            Assert.AreEqual(i3, 10);
Beispiel #7
        public void TestCreateMetric()
            var log      = new CappedLog.CappedLog();
            var builder0 = new CappedLog.CappedLogConfBuilder()
                           .AddConstLabel("one", "1");
            var builder1 = builder0.Clone()
                           .AddConstLabels(new[] { "two", "2", "three", "3" });
            var conf0 = builder0
                        .AddConstLabels(new[] { "two", "20", "three", "30" })
            var conf2 = builder1.Clone()
                        .AddLabelNames(new[] { "four", "five" })
            var conf3 = builder1
            var conf1 = builder1
            var container0 = log.GetOrCreate(conf0);
            var container1 = log.GetOrCreate(conf1);
            var container2 = log.GetOrCreate(conf2);
            var container3 = log.GetOrCreate(conf3);

            Assert.AreNotEqual(container0, container1);
            Assert.AreNotEqual(container0, container2);
            Assert.AreNotEqual(container0, container3);
            Assert.AreNotEqual(container1, container2);
            Assert.AreNotEqual(container1, container3);
            Assert.AreNotEqual(container2, container3);

            var metric0   = container0.GetMetric(new[] { "41", "61" });
            var metric11  = container1.GetMetric(new[] { "41", "61" });
            var metric12  = container1.GetMetric(new[] { "42", "62" });
            var metric111 = container1.GetMetric(new[] { "41", "61" });

            Assert.AreNotEqual(metric0, metric11);
            Assert.AreNotEqual(metric0, metric12);
            Assert.AreNotEqual(metric11, metric12);
            Assert.AreEqual(metric11, metric111);

            var metric2 = container2.GetMetric(new[] { "4", "5" });
            var metric3 = container3.GetMetric(new[] { "4" });

            Assert.AreEqual(metric11.Capacity, 10);
            Assert.AreEqual(metric12.Capacity, 10);
            Assert.AreEqual(metric2.Capacity, 20);
            Assert.AreEqual(metric3.Capacity, 10);

            Assert.IsTrue(metric0.Config.ConstLabels.SequenceEqual(new[] { "one", "1", "two", "20", "three", "30" }.ToKeyValuePairs()));
            Assert.IsTrue(metric11.Config.ConstLabels.SequenceEqual(new[] { "one", "1", "two", "2", "three", "3" }.ToKeyValuePairs()));

            Assert.IsTrue(metric11.Config.LabelNames.SequenceEqual(new[] { "four", "six" }));
            Assert.IsTrue(metric11.Labels.SequenceEqual(new[] { "41", "61" }));
            Assert.IsTrue(metric12.Config.LabelNames.SequenceEqual(new[] { "four", "six" }));
            Assert.IsTrue(metric12.Labels.SequenceEqual(new[] { "42", "62" }));

            Assert.IsTrue(metric2.Config.LabelNames.SequenceEqual(new[] { "four", "five" }));
            Assert.IsTrue(metric2.Labels.SequenceEqual(new[] { "4", "5" }));

            Assert.IsTrue(metric3.Config.LabelNames.SequenceEqual(new[] { "four" }));
            Assert.IsTrue(metric3.Labels.SequenceEqual(new[] { "4" }));