Beispiel #1
        public void CodeCameraExtrinsics(ref CameraExtrinsics v)
            var rotation = default(M33d); var translation = default(V3d);

            CodeM33d(ref rotation); CodeV3d(ref translation);
            v = new CameraExtrinsics(rotation, translation);
        public void CodeCameraExtrinsics(ref CameraExtrinsics v)
            var rotation = v.Rotation; var translation = v.Translation;

            CodeM33d(ref rotation); CodeV3d(ref translation);
        /// <summary>
        /// Assesses the provided image for ArUco markers
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="imageData"></param>
        /// <param name="imageWidth"></param>
        /// <param name="imageHeight"></param>
        /// <param name="pixelFormat"></param>
        /// <param name="intrinsics"></param>
        /// <param name="extrinsics"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Dictionary <int, Marker> ProcessImage(
            byte[] imageData,
            uint imageWidth,
            uint imageHeight,
            PixelFormat pixelFormat,
            CameraIntrinsics intrinsics,
            CameraExtrinsics extrinsics)
            var dictionary = new Dictionary <int, Marker>();

            if (!IsInitialized)
                Debug.LogError("Process image called but SpectatorViewPlugin.dll did not initialize correctly");

            if (!IsValidPixelFormat(pixelFormat))
                Debug.LogError("Error: SpectatorViewPlugin.dll expects BGRA pixel format, actual pixel format: " + pixelFormat.ToString());

            var focalLength = new float[2];

            focalLength[0] = intrinsics.FocalLength.x;
            focalLength[1] = intrinsics.FocalLength.y;
            var principalPoint = new float[2];

            principalPoint[0] = intrinsics.PrincipalPoint.x;
            principalPoint[1] = intrinsics.PrincipalPoint.y;
            var radialDistortion = new float[3];

            radialDistortion[0] = intrinsics.RadialDistortion.x;
            radialDistortion[1] = intrinsics.RadialDistortion.y;
            radialDistortion[2] = intrinsics.RadialDistortion.z;
            var tangentialDistortion = new float[2];

            tangentialDistortion[0] = intrinsics.TangentialDistortion.x;
            tangentialDistortion[1] = intrinsics.TangentialDistortion.y;

            if (DetectMarkersNative(
                int count = GetDetectedMarkersCountNative();
                if (count > 0)
                    var ids = new int[count];
                    if (GetDetectedMarkerIdsNative(ids, ids.Length))
                        var cameraToWorldMatrix = extrinsics.ViewFromWorld;

                        for (int i = 0; i < ids.Length; i++)
                            var id       = ids[i];
                            var position = new float[3];
                            var rotation = new float[3];
                            if (GetDetectedMarkerPoseNative(id, position, rotation))
                                Vector3 positionInOpenCVCameraSpace = new Vector3(position[0], -position[1], position[2]);

                                // The below logic ensures the following marker orientation:
                                // Positive x axis is in the left direction of the observed marker
                                // Positive y axis is in the upward direction of the observed marker
                                // Positive z axis is facing outward from the observed marker
                                Vector3 rodriguesVector = new Vector3(rotation[0], rotation[1], rotation[2]);
                                Marker  marker          = CreateMarkerFromPositionAndRotation(id, positionInOpenCVCameraSpace, rodriguesVector, cameraToWorldMatrix);
                                Debug.Log("Marker detected: " + marker.ToString());

                                dictionary[id] = marker;
                                Debug.LogError("Unable to obtain pose for marker: " + id);
                        Debug.LogWarning("Unable to obtain marker ids");
                Debug.LogError("Unable to detect markers");

Beispiel #4
 public void Write(CameraExtrinsics c)
     Write(c.Rotation); Write(c.Translation);
Beispiel #5
 public static extern Result ovr_SetExternalCameraProperties(ovrSession session, String name, ref CameraIntrinsics intrinsics, ref CameraExtrinsics extrinsics);
 public void CodeCameraExtrinsics(ref CameraExtrinsics v)
     throw new NotSupportedException("cannot serialize single camera");