static void Main()
            var builder = new ConfigurationBuilder()
                          .AddJsonFile("appsettings.json", optional: true, reloadOnChange: true);

            var config = builder.Build();

            string call_db_cs     = config.GetConnectionString("CallDB");
            string tracking_db_cs = config.GetConnectionString("TrackingDB");

            long previous_max_id = Get_Previous_Max_Id(tracking_db_cs);

            DateTime end_time = DateTime.Today.AddHours(5).AddMinutes(-1);

            if (DateTime.Now.Hour > 4)
                end_time = DateTime.Today.AddDays(1).AddHours(5).AddMinutes(-1);

            int error_count = 0;

            //Console.WriteLine($"Program is scheduled to end on: { end_time.ToString() }");
            //new ErrorLog("Program running", end_time.ToString(), "", "", "", true);
            // process steps
            // main loop
            while (DateTime.Now < end_time)
                    // I'm aware that DateTime.Now's accuracy is bad, but it's good enough for this.
                    // plus or minus 15 milliseconds is fine.
                    DateTime loopend = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(5);
                    // read the calls that have been added since we last ran
                    var data = BaseData.Get(call_db_cs, previous_max_id);
                    if (data != null)
                        data = (from bd in data
                                orderby bd.call_origin_time ascending
                                select bd).ToList();

                        if (data.Count() > 0)
                            long new_max = (from d in data select d.call_id).Max();
                            previous_max_id = Math.Max(new_max, previous_max_id);

                            List <Caller>         callers       = new List <Caller>();
                            List <CallerAddress>  addresses     = new List <CallerAddress>();
                            List <CallerLocation> locations     = new List <CallerLocation>();
                            HashSet <string>      seen_sessions = new HashSet <string>();
                            // break them dowm into their components
                            foreach (BaseData d in data)
                                if (Caller.IsValidCaller(d))
                                    if (!seen_sessions.Contains(d.session_id))
                                        callers.Add(new Caller(d));
                                        if (CallerAddress.IsValidAddress(d))
                                            addresses.Add(new CallerAddress(d));

                                    if (CallerLocation.IsValidLocation(d))
                                        locations.Add(new CallerLocation(d));
                            // save the components
                            Caller.Save(callers, tracking_db_cs);
                            CallerAddress.Save(addresses, tracking_db_cs);
                            CallerLocation.Save(locations, tracking_db_cs);
                            //Console.WriteLine($"Saved {callers.Count().ToString()} callers");
                            //new ErrorLog($"Saved {callers.Count().ToString()} callers", callers.Count().ToString(), "", "", "", true);
                        // wait for at most 5 seconds
                        var now     = DateTime.Now;
                        int current = (int)loopend.Subtract(now).TotalMilliseconds;
                        if (current > 0)
                        error_count = 0;
                        Console.WriteLine("Data returned from the database is invalid, sleeping for 60 seconds.");
                        new ErrorLog("Data returned is invalid", "sleeping for 60 seconds", "", "", "", true);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    new ErrorLog(ex);
                    if (error_count > 10)
                        Thread.Sleep(60000); // let's wait a minute
                        error_count = 0;