Beispiel #1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            dynamic p = new Person()
                FirstName = "Sarah"


            dynamic c = new CallMe();

            c.Dick("call", "Jane");

            dynamic e = new ExpandoObject();

            e.JokeName            = "StretchArmstrong";
            e.JokeEfficacy        = 0;
            e.HowDidTheJokeGoOver = (Action)
                                    (() => Console.WriteLine("It went over like a fart in church"));
        private async void OnCallMe()
            _canCallMe = false;
            await Task.Delay(1000);

            _canCallMe = true;
 public void AbortWhileBegin ()
     HttpListener listener = new HttpListener ();
     listener.Prefixes.Add ("");
     listener.Start ();
     CallMe cm = new CallMe ();
     listener.BeginGetContext (cm.Callback, listener);
     listener.Abort ();
     if (false == cm.Event.WaitOne (3000, false))
         Assert.Fail ("This should not time out.");
     Assert.IsNotNull (cm.Error);
     Assert.AreEqual (typeof (ObjectDisposedException), cm.Error.GetType (), "Exception type");
     cm.Dispose ();
Beispiel #4
        public void AbortWhileBegin()
            HttpListener listener = NetworkHelpers.CreateAndStartHttpListener("", out var _, "/abortwhilebegin/");
            CallMe       cm       = new CallMe();

            listener.BeginGetContext(cm.Callback, listener);
            if (false == cm.Event.WaitOne(3000, false))
                Assert.Fail("This should not time out.");
            Assert.AreEqual(typeof(ObjectDisposedException), cm.Error.GetType(), "Exception type");
Beispiel #5
        public AvgBlogRankByPK()
            var config = new ConfigurationBuilder()

            _sqlConnString = config.GetConnectionString("DefaultSql");
            sqlCon         = new SqlConnection(_sqlConnString); // will be used by ADO not EF

            var t = typeof(AvgBlogRankByPK);
            //foreach (var m in t.GetMethods().Where(m2 => m2.CustomAttributes.Any(a => a.AttributeType.Name == "BenchmarkAttribute")))
            //    Console.WriteLine("{1}\t{0}", m.Name, m.CustomAttributes.Count());
            //    var yyy = CallMe.CreateDelegate(typeof(CallMe), this, m.Name);
            methods = t.GetMethods()
                      .Where(m2 => m2.CustomAttributes
                             .Any(a => a.AttributeType.Name == "BenchmarkAttribute"))
                      .Select(m => (CallMe)CallMe.CreateDelegate(typeof(CallMe), this, m.Name)).ToArray();
        /// <summary>
        /// callbackFunction - a function to be called when a connection is made.
        /// Your SpaceWars client will provide this function when it invokes ConnectedToServer.

        /// ConnectedToServer should attempt to connect to the server via a provided hostname.
        /// It should save the callback function in a socket state object for use when data arrives.

        /// It will need to create a socket and then use the BeginConnect method.
        /// Note this method takes the "state" object and
        /// "regurgitates" it back to you when a connection is made, thus allowing communication between this function and the ConnectedToServer function (below).

        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="callbackFunction">a function to be called when a connection is made</param>
        /// <param name="hostname">the name of the server to connect to</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static SocketState ConnectToServer(CallMe callMe, string hostName)
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("connecting  to " + hostName);

            // Create a TCP/IP socket.
            Socket    socket;
            IPAddress ipAddress;

            Networking.MakeSocket(hostName, out socket, out ipAddress);
            SocketState state = new SocketState(socket, -1);

            state.callMe = callMe;

            IAsyncResult result  = state.theSocket.BeginConnect(ipAddress, Networking.DEFAULT_PORT, ConnectedCallback, state);
            bool         success = result.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(3000, true);

            if (!socket.Connected)
                throw new ApplicationException("Could not connect to server.");
Beispiel #7
		public void AbortWhileBegin ()
			HttpListener listener = new HttpListener ();
			listener.Prefixes.Add ("");
			listener.Start ();
			CallMe cm = new CallMe ();
			listener.BeginGetContext (cm.Callback, listener);
			listener.Abort ();
			if (false == cm.Event.WaitOne (3000, false))
				Assert.Fail ("This should not time out.");
			Assert.IsNotNull (cm.Error);
			Assert.AreEqual (typeof (ObjectDisposedException), cm.Error.GetType (), "Exception type");
			cm.Dispose ();
 private string GetEmailContent(CallMe.CallMeEntityRow callMe)
     StringBuilder email = new StringBuilder();
     email.Append("<B> First Name: </B>").Append(callMe.name_forename).Append("<BR/>");
     email.Append("<B> SurName: </B>").Append(callMe.name_surname).Append("<BR/>");
     email.Append("<B> Telephone: </B>").Append(callMe.telephone).Append("<BR/>");
     email.Append("<B> Mobile: </B>").Append(callMe.cell_number).Append("<BR/>");
     email.Append("<B> EMail: </B>").Append("<BR/>");
     email.Append("<B> Company Name: </B>").Append(callMe.company_name).Append("<BR/>");
     email.Append("<B> Company Website: </B>").Append(callMe.company_website).Append("<BR/>");
     email.Append("<B> Postal Address: </B>").Append(callMe.postal_adress).Append("<BR/>");
     email.Append("<B> Postcode: </B>").Append(callMe.postal_code).Append("<BR/>");
     email.Append("<B> Comments: </B>").Append(callMe.comments).Append("<BR/>");
     return email.ToString();