Beispiel #1
        public void WhenVehiclePopulated_ThenTotalDistanceCalculated()
            var fillups = new[]
                new FillupEntry
                    Date     = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMonths(-5),
                    Odometer = 10000,
                    Distance = null
                new FillupEntry
                    Date     = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMonths(-4),
                    Odometer = 12000,
                    Distance = 2000
                new FillupEntry
                    Date     = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMonths(-3),
                    Odometer = 14000,
                    Distance = 2000
                new FillupEntry
                    Date     = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMonths(-3),
                    Odometer = 16000,
                    Distance = 2000

            var target = CalculateStatistics.Calculate(fillups);

            Assert.Equal(16000 - 10000, target.TotalDistance);
Beispiel #2
        public void WhenVehiclePopulated_ThenTotalUnitsCalculated()
            var fillups = new[]
                new FillupEntry()
                    Date = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMonths(-5), TotalUnits = 20.5
                new FillupEntry()
                    Date = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMonths(-4), TotalUnits = 22
                new FillupEntry()
                    Date = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMonths(-3), TotalUnits = 36.253
                new FillupEntry()
                    Date = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMonths(-3), TotalUnits = 21.55

            var target = CalculateStatistics.Calculate(fillups, includeFirst: false);

            Assert.Equal(79.8, Math.Round(target.TotalUnits, 2));
        public void Mode()
            var    calc   = new CalculateStatistics();
            double result = calc.Mean("1,2,3,3");

            Assert.AreEqual("3", result);
Beispiel #4
        public void WhenVehiclePopulated_ThenAverageFillupPriceCalculated()
            var fillups = new List <FillupEntry>();

            fillups.Add(new FillupEntry()
                Date = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMonths(-5), PricePerUnit = 2.95, TotalUnits = 20.5,
            fillups.Add(new FillupEntry()
                Date           = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMonths(-4),
                PricePerUnit   = 3.16,
                TotalUnits     = 22,
                TransactionFee = 2.90
            fillups.Add(new FillupEntry()
                Date = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMonths(-3), PricePerUnit = 1.90, TotalUnits = 36.253
            fillups.Add(new FillupEntry()
                Date           = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMonths(-3),
                PricePerUnit   = 3.16,
                TotalUnits     = 21.55,
                TransactionFee = 1.13

            var target = CalculateStatistics.Calculate(fillups, includeFirst: false);

            Assert.Equal(2.59, Math.Round(target.AverageFillupPrice, 2));
        public void Median()
            var    calc   = new CalculateStatistics();
            double result = calc.Mean("1,2,3,4,5,6");

            Assert.AreEqual(3.5, result);
        public void ParseConfig_InvalidConfig_ReturnNull()
            //test if at least one row can be matched
            var strArr  = InputParser.ValidateInput("/Users/Derek/Projects/StatisticsGenerator/data TotalTemp.txt ConfigTest1.txt");
            var testObj = new CalculateStatistics(strArr);

            Assert.AreEqual(testObj.ParseConfig(CalculateStatistics.GetCalculationTypes()).Count(), 0);
        public void ParseConfig_ValidConfig_ReturnObject()
            //test if at least one row can be matched
            var strArr   = InputParser.ValidateInput("/Users/Derek/Projects/StatisticsGenerator/data TotalTemp.txt ConfigTest2.txt");
            var testObj  = new CalculateStatistics(strArr);
            var dict     = CalculateStatistics.GetCalculationTypes();
            var taskList = testObj.ParseConfig(dict);

            Assert.AreEqual(testObj.ParseConfig(dict).Count, 3);
        public ActionResult Statistics()
            ViewBag.Tires  = CalculateStatistics.CountTiresInDb(db.Vehicles.ToList());
            ViewBag.Types  = CalculateStatistics.CountTypesInDb(db.Vehicles.ToList());
            ViewBag.Colors = CalculateStatistics.CountColorOfTypesInDb(db.Vehicles.ToList());
            ViewBag.Makes  = CalculateStatistics.CountMakeInDb(db.Vehicles.ToList());

Beispiel #9
 public void Setup()
     _statistics     = new CalculateStatistics();
     _printCountries = new PrintCountriesInfo();
     countriesTest   = new List <Country>()
         new Country("Chile", "Santiago", 18191900, 756102),
         new Country("Argentina", "Buenos Aires", 2780400, 43590400),
         new Country("Colombia", "Bogotá", 48759958, 1141748),
         new Country("Costa Rica", "San José", 4890379, 51100),
         new Country("Dominican Republic", "Santo Domingo", 10075045, 48671),
         new Country("Ecuador", "Quito", 16545799, 276841)
        public void ProcessData_ResvAssumedMaxMax_ReturnCorrectCalculation()
            var strArr   = InputParser.ValidateInput("/Users/Derek/Projects/StatisticsGenerator/data TotalTemp.txt ResvAssumedMaxMax.txt");
            var testObj  = new CalculateStatistics(strArr);
            var dict     = CalculateStatistics.GetCalculationTypes();
            var taskList = testObj.ParseConfig(dict);

            string actual = taskList[0].ReturnFinal().Split('\t')[2];
            double calculated = new[] { -27923645.44, -27923645.44, -27923645.44 }.Max();

            Console.WriteLine("acutal is {0}, calculated is {1}", actual, calculated.ToString());
            Assert.AreEqual(actual, calculated.ToString());
        public void ProcessData_CashPremAverageLast_ReturnCorrectCalculation()
            var strArr   = InputParser.ValidateInput("/Users/Derek/Projects/StatisticsGenerator/data TotalTemp.txt CashPremAverageLast.txt");
            var testObj  = new CalculateStatistics(strArr);
            var dict     = CalculateStatistics.GetCalculationTypes();
            var taskList = testObj.ParseConfig(dict);

            string actual = taskList[0].ReturnFinal().Split('\t')[2];
            double calculated = new[] { 84655947.13, 84655914.86, 84655947.13 }.Average();

            Console.WriteLine("acutal is {0}, calculated is {1}", actual, calculated.ToString());
            Assert.AreEqual(actual, calculated.ToString());
        public void ProcessData_AvePolLoanYieldAverageFirstCashPremAverageLast_ReturnCorrectCalculation()
            var strArr   = InputParser.ValidateInput("/Users/Derek/Projects/StatisticsGenerator/data TotalTemp.txt AvePolLoanYieldAverageFirstCashPremAverageLast.txt");
            var testObj  = new CalculateStatistics(strArr);
            var dict     = CalculateStatistics.GetCalculationTypes();
            var taskList = testObj.ParseConfig(dict);

            string actual = taskList[0].ReturnFinal().Split('\t')[2];
            double calculated = new[] { 0.00, 0.00, 0.00 }.Average();
            string actual2 = taskList[1].ReturnFinal().Split('\t')[2];
            double calculated2 = new[] { 84655947.13, 84655914.86, 84655947.13 }.Average();

            Assert.AreEqual(actual + actual2, calculated.ToString() + calculated2.ToString());
Beispiel #13
        public void WhenVehiclePopulated_ThenAverageFuelEfficiencyCalculated()
            List <FillupEntry> fillups = new List <FillupEntry>();

            fillups.Add(new FillupEntry()
                Date         = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMonths(-5),
                Odometer     = 10000,
                Distance     = null,
                PricePerUnit = 2.95,
                TotalUnits   = 20.5,
            fillups.Add(new FillupEntry()
                Date           = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMonths(-4),
                Odometer       = 10220,
                Distance       = 220,
                PricePerUnit   = 3.16,
                TotalUnits     = 22,
                TransactionFee = 2.90
            fillups.Add(new FillupEntry()
                Date         = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMonths(-3),
                Odometer     = 11000,
                Distance     = 780,
                PricePerUnit = 1.90,
                TotalUnits   = 36.253
            fillups.Add(new FillupEntry()
                Date           = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMonths(-3),
                Odometer       = 11131,
                Distance       = 131,
                PricePerUnit   = 3.16,
                TotalUnits     = 21.55,
                TransactionFee = 1.13

            var    target        = CalculateStatistics.Calculate(fillups, includeFirst: false);
            double totalDistance = 11131 - 10000;
            // Ignore the cost of the first fillup, otherwise stats are off
            double totalFuel = 22 + 36.253 + 21.55;

            double efficiency = Math.Round(totalDistance / totalFuel, 2);

            Assert.Equal(efficiency, Math.Round(target.AverageFuelEfficiency, 2));
Beispiel #14
        public void WhenVehiclePopulatedWithIntraMonthData_ThenAverageCostPerMonthCalculatedAtOneMonth()
            List <FillupEntry> fillups = new List <FillupEntry>();

            fillups.Add(new FillupEntry()
                Date         = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-5),
                Odometer     = 10000,
                Distance     = null,
                PricePerUnit = 2.95,
                TotalUnits   = 20.5,
            fillups.Add(new FillupEntry()
                Date           = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-4),
                Odometer       = 10220,
                Distance       = 220,
                PricePerUnit   = 3.16,
                TotalUnits     = 22,
                TransactionFee = 2.90
            fillups.Add(new FillupEntry()
                Date         = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-3),
                Odometer     = 11000,
                Distance     = 780,
                PricePerUnit = 1.90,
                TotalUnits   = 36.253
            fillups.Add(new FillupEntry()
                Date           = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-3),
                Odometer       = 11132,
                Distance       = 132,
                PricePerUnit   = 3.16,
                TotalUnits     = 21.55,
                TransactionFee = 1.13

            var target = CalculateStatistics.Calculate(fillups, includeFirst: false);
            // Ignore the cost of the first fillup, otherwise stats are off
            double totalGasCost = (22 * 3.16 + 36.253 * 1.90 + 21.55 * 3.16);
            double totalCost    = Math.Round(totalGasCost + +2.90 + 1.13, 2);

            Assert.Equal((totalCost) / 1,
                         Math.Round(target.AverageCostPerMonth, 2));
            Assert.Equal(Math.Round(target.TotalCost, 2), Math.Round(target.AverageCostPerMonth, 2));
Beispiel #15
        public void WhenConstructed_ThenIntialized()
            var target = CalculateStatistics.Calculate(new FillupEntry[] {});

            Assert.Equal(0.0, target.AverageCostPerMonth);
            Assert.Equal(0.0, target.AverageCostToDrive);
            Assert.Equal(0.0, target.AverageFillupPrice);
            Assert.Equal(0.0, target.AverageFuelEfficiency);
            Assert.Equal(0.0, target.TotalCost);
            Assert.Equal(0.0, target.TotalDistance);
            Assert.Equal(0.0, target.TotalFuelCost);
            Assert.Equal(0.0, target.TotalUnits);
        public void WhenAddingFillupGet_ProvidesPrePopulatedModel()
            // this test has some unnessary setup, just to reflect what is happening with data access
            // ultimately, the data access should be improved to remove the extra calls to the db

            var fillups = new List <FillupEntry>
                new FillupEntry
                    VehicleId     = defaultVehicleId,
                    FillupEntryId = defaultFillupId,
                    Odometer      = 500

            // this is where the actual odometer reading originates
            var statistics = CalculateStatistics.Calculate(fillups);

            // fillups is not required on the vehicle for this test to pass
            var vehicles = new List <VehicleModel>
                new VehicleModel(new Vehicle {
                    VehicleId = defaultVehicleId, Fillups = fillups
                }, statistics)

                () => new Mock <GetVehicleListForUser>(null),
                x => x
                .Setup(h => h.Execute(defaultUserInfo.UserId))

            // this test will pass even if this handler returns the wrong set of fillups
                () => new Mock <GetFillupsForVehicle>(null),
                x => x
                .Setup(h => h.Execute(defaultVehicleId))

            var controller = GetTestableFillupController();

            var result = controller.Add(defaultVehicleId);
            var model  = result.Extract <FillupAddViewModel>();

            Assert.Equal(500, model.FillupEntry.Odometer);
Beispiel #17
        public void WhenVehiclePopulated_ThenAverageCostToDriveCalculated()
            List <FillupEntry> fillups = new List <FillupEntry>();

            fillups.Add(new FillupEntry()
                Date         = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMonths(-5),
                Odometer     = 10000,
                Distance     = null,
                PricePerUnit = 2.95,
                TotalUnits   = 20.5,
            fillups.Add(new FillupEntry()
                Date           = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMonths(-4),
                Odometer       = 10220,
                Distance       = 220,
                PricePerUnit   = 3.16,
                TotalUnits     = 22,
                TransactionFee = 2.90
            fillups.Add(new FillupEntry()
                Date         = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMonths(-3),
                Odometer     = 11000,
                Distance     = 780,
                PricePerUnit = 1.90,
                TotalUnits   = 36.253
            fillups.Add(new FillupEntry()
                Date           = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMonths(-3),
                Odometer       = 11132,
                Distance       = 132,
                PricePerUnit   = 3.16,
                TotalUnits     = 21.55,
                TransactionFee = 1.13

            var    target        = CalculateStatistics.Calculate(fillups, includeFirst: false);
            double totalDistance = 11132 - 10000;
            // Ignore the cost of the first fillup, otherwise stats are off
            double totalCost       = 22 * 3.16 + 36.253 * 1.90 + 21.55 * 3.16 + 2.9 + 1.13;
            double costPerDistance = Math.Round(totalCost / totalDistance, 2);

            Assert.Equal(costPerDistance, Math.Round(target.AverageCostToDrive, 2));
Beispiel #18
        public void WhenEfficiencyGreaterThanHundred_ThenMagnitudeFormatsCorrectly()
            var fillups = new[]
                new FillupEntry {
                    Distance = 0, TotalUnits = 0
                new FillupEntry {
                    Distance = 8888, TotalUnits = 10
            var vehicle = new VehicleModel(new Vehicle(), CalculateStatistics.Calculate(fillups));

            var actual   = _helper.AverageFuelEfficiencyMagnitude(vehicle);
            var expected = MvcHtmlString.Create("hundreds");

            Assert.Equal(expected.ToHtmlString(), actual.ToHtmlString());
Beispiel #19
        public void WhenEfficiencyGreaterThan99Thousand_ThenNumberFormatsCorrectly()
            var fillups = new[]
                new FillupEntry {
                    Distance = 0, TotalUnits = 0
                new FillupEntry {
                    Distance = 150000, TotalUnits = 10
            var vehicle = new VehicleModel(new Vehicle(), CalculateStatistics.Calculate(fillups));

            var actual   = _helper.AverageFuelEfficiencyText(vehicle);
            var expected = MvcHtmlString.Create("15.0k");

            Assert.Equal(expected.ToHtmlString(), actual.ToHtmlString());
        private void CalculateSeriesForVehicle(Vehicle vehicle, StatisticSeries series, DateTime?startDate, DateTime?endDate)
            Debug.Assert(series != null);

            DateTime startFilterDate = startDate ?? DateTime.MinValue;
            DateTime endFilterDate   = endDate ?? DateTime.UtcNow;

            var fillUps = _fillupRepository.GetFillups(vehicle.VehicleId);

            var fillupGroups = from fillUp in fillUps
                               where ((fillUp.Date >= startFilterDate) && (fillUp.Date <= endFilterDate))
                               group fillUp by new { Year = fillUp.Date.Year, Month = fillUp.Date.Month }
            into g
            orderby g.Key.Year, g.Key.Month
            select g;

            var firstFillUp = fillUps.OrderBy(x => x.Date).FirstOrDefault();

            VehicleStatisticsModel statistics;

            foreach (var fillupGroup in fillupGroups)
                var includeFirstFillup = (fillupGroup.Key.Year != firstFillUp.Date.Year) ||
                                         (fillupGroup.Key.Month != firstFillUp.Date.Month);

                statistics = CalculateStatistics.Calculate(fillupGroup, includeFirstFillup);

                Debug.Assert(firstFillUp != null);

                var seriesEntry = new StatisticSeriesEntry
                    Id    = vehicle.VehicleId,
                    Name  = vehicle.Name,
                    Year  = fillupGroup.Key.Year,
                    Month = fillupGroup.Key.Month,
                    AverageFuelEfficiency = Math.Round(statistics.AverageFuelEfficiency, 2),
                    TotalCost             = Math.Round(statistics.TotalCost, 2),
                    TotalDistance         = statistics.TotalDistance,
Beispiel #21
        public void WhenVehiclePopulated_ThenTotalCostCalculated()
            List <FillupEntry> fillups = new List <FillupEntry>();

            fillups.Add(new FillupEntry()
                Date         = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMonths(-5),
                PricePerUnit = 2.95,
                TotalUnits   = 20.5,
            fillups.Add(new FillupEntry()
                Date           = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMonths(-4),
                PricePerUnit   = 3.16,
                TotalUnits     = 22,
                TransactionFee = 2.90
            fillups.Add(new FillupEntry()
                Date         = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMonths(-3),
                PricePerUnit = 1.90,
                TotalUnits   = 36.253
            fillups.Add(new FillupEntry()
                Date           = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMonths(-3),
                PricePerUnit   = 3.16,
                TotalUnits     = 21.55,
                TransactionFee = 1.13

            var target = CalculateStatistics.Calculate(fillups, includeFirst: false);
            // Ignore the cost of the first fillup, otherwise stats are off
            double totalCost = (22 * 3.16 + 36.253 * 1.90 + 21.55 * 3.16 + 2.9 + 1.13);

            Assert.Equal(Math.Round(totalCost, 2), Math.Round(target.TotalCost, 2));
 private void InitializeFixture()
 { = new FleetStatistics(new[]
             new FillupEntry
                 Date =
                 Odometer       = 1000,
                 Distance       = null,
                 PricePerUnit   = 1,
                 TotalUnits     = 10,
                 TransactionFee = 1.5
             new FillupEntry
                 Date =
                 Odometer       = 2000,
                 Distance       = 1000,
                 PricePerUnit   = 1,
                 TotalUnits     = 10,
                 TransactionFee = 1.5
             new FillupEntry
                 Date =
                 Odometer       = 3000,
                 Distance       = 1000,
                 PricePerUnit   = 1,
                 TotalUnits     = 10,
                 TransactionFee = 1.5
             new FillupEntry
                 Date =
                 Odometer       = 4000,
                 Distance       = 1000,
                 PricePerUnit   = 1,
                 TotalUnits     = 10,
                 TransactionFee = 1.5
             new FillupEntry
                 Date =
                 Odometer       = 5000,
                 Distance       = 1000,
                 PricePerUnit   = 1,
                 TotalUnits     = 10,
                 TransactionFee = 1.5
         }, includeFirst: false),
             new FillupEntry
                 Date =
                 Odometer       = 1000,
                 Distance       = null,
                 PricePerUnit   = 3,
                 TotalUnits     = 20,
                 TransactionFee = 1.5
             new FillupEntry
                 Date =
                 Odometer       = 2000,
                 Distance       = 1000,
                 PricePerUnit   = 3,
                 TotalUnits     = 20,
                 TransactionFee = 1.5
             new FillupEntry
                 Date =
                 Odometer       = 3000,
                 Distance       = 1000,
                 PricePerUnit   = 3,
                 TotalUnits     = 20,
                 TransactionFee = 1.5
             new FillupEntry
                 Date =
                 Odometer       = 4000,
                 Distance       = 1000,
                 PricePerUnit   = 3,
                 TotalUnits     = 20,
                 TransactionFee = 1.5
             new FillupEntry
                 Date =
                 Odometer       = 5000,
                 Distance       = 1000,
                 PricePerUnit   = 3,
                 TotalUnits     = 20,
                 TransactionFee = 1.5
         }, includeFirst: false),
             new FillupEntry
                 Date =
                 Odometer       = 3000,
                 Distance       = null,
                 PricePerUnit   = 2,
                 TotalUnits     = 30,
                 TransactionFee = 1.5
             new FillupEntry
                 Date =
                 Odometer       = 4000,
                 Distance       = 1000,
                 PricePerUnit   = 2,
                 TotalUnits     = 30,
                 TransactionFee = 1.5
             new FillupEntry
                 Date =
                 Odometer       = 5000,
                 Distance       = 1000,
                 PricePerUnit   = 2,
                 TotalUnits     = 30,
                 TransactionFee = 1.5
             new FillupEntry
                 Date =
                 Odometer       = 6000,
                 Distance       = 1000,
                 PricePerUnit   = 2,
                 TotalUnits     = 30,
                 TransactionFee = 1.5
             new FillupEntry
                 Date =
                 Odometer       = 7000,
                 Distance       = 1000,
                 PricePerUnit   = 2,
                 TotalUnits     = 30,
                 TransactionFee = 1.5
         }, includeFirst: false)
        public void Test1()
            var calc = new CalculateStatistics();

            Assert.AreEqual(2, calc.Mean("1,2,3"));
Beispiel #24
        public void WhenIncludeFirstFillupTrue_ThenFirstFillupIncluded()
            List <FillupEntry> fillups = new List <FillupEntry>();

            fillups.Add(new FillupEntry()
                Date         = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMonths(-5),
                Odometer     = 10000,
                Distance     = null,
                PricePerUnit = 1,
                TotalUnits   = 10,
            fillups.Add(new FillupEntry()
                Date         = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMonths(-4),
                Odometer     = 11000,
                Distance     = 1000,
                PricePerUnit = 1,
                TotalUnits   = 10,
            fillups.Add(new FillupEntry()
                Date         = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMonths(-3),
                Odometer     = 12000,
                Distance     = 1000,
                PricePerUnit = 1,
                TotalUnits   = 10,
            fillups.Add(new FillupEntry()
                Date         = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMonths(-2),
                Odometer     = 13000,
                Distance     = 1000,
                PricePerUnit = 1,
                TotalUnits   = 10,
            fillups.Add(new FillupEntry()
                Date         = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMonths(-1),
                Odometer     = 14000,
                Distance     = 1000,
                PricePerUnit = 1,
                TotalUnits   = 10,

            var target = CalculateStatistics.Calculate(fillups, includeFirst: true);

            double totalDistance = 14000 - 10000;
            // Ignore the cost of the first fillup, otherwise stats are off
            double totalCost       = 10 * 5;
            double fuelCost        = 10 * 5;
            double totalFuel       = 10 * 5;
            double avgCostPerMonth = Math.Round(totalCost / 5, 2);
            double avgCostToDrive  = Math.Round(totalCost / totalDistance, 2);
            double avgEfficiency   = Math.Round(totalDistance / totalFuel, 2);

            Assert.Equal(avgCostPerMonth, Math.Round(target.AverageCostPerMonth, 2));
            Assert.Equal(avgCostToDrive, Math.Round(target.AverageCostToDrive, 2));
            Assert.Equal(1, Math.Round(target.AverageFillupPrice, 2));
            Assert.Equal(avgEfficiency, Math.Round(target.AverageFuelEfficiency, 2));
            Assert.Equal(14000, target.Odometer);
            Assert.Equal(totalCost, Math.Round(target.TotalCost, 2));
            Assert.Equal(totalDistance, target.TotalDistance);
            Assert.Equal(fuelCost, Math.Round(target.TotalFuelCost, 2));
            Assert.Equal(totalFuel, Math.Round(target.TotalUnits, 2));