Beispiel #1
    /// <summary>
    /// Gets the horizontal displacement of the user, in the x or z directoin
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="fwdAccel">determines if the player is acceleratig fwds</param>
    /// <param name="backAccel">determines if the player is accelerating backwards</param>
    /// <param name="displacementCalculator">which displacement calculator is being used</param>
    private void HorizontalDisplacement(bool fwdAccel, bool backAccel, CalculateDisplacement displacementCalculator)
        //if the player is accelerating fwds and hasnt reached a max velocity of 2
        if (fwdAccel && displacementCalculator.ReturnVelocity() < MAX_SPEED)
            //updating the displace emnt of the user
        else if (!fwdAccel && displacementCalculator.ReturnVelocity() > NO_VALUE && !IsJumping)
            //updating the displace emnt of the user

        //if the player is acceleratting backwards and they are moving less than the max speed
        if (backAccel && displacementCalculator.ReturnVelocity() > -MAX_SPEED)
            //updating the displace emnt of the user
        //if the player is not accelerating backwards anfd they are still moving, they are deccelrating
        else if (!backAccel && displacementCalculator.ReturnVelocity() < NO_VALUE && !IsJumping)
            //updating the displace emnt of the user
Beispiel #2
    /// <summary>
    /// the constructor for the bomb, and initializing all components of the bomb
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="initialVelocity">the initial velocity of hte bomb</param>
    /// <param name="currentX">the players x coordinate</param>
    /// <param name="currentZ">the players z coordinate</param>
    /// <param name="currentY">the players y coordinate</param>
    /// <param name="playerAngle">the angle in which the player is roated at</param>
    /// <param name="bombImg">the bomb material that is passe don from the player class/param>
    public Bomb(float initialVelocity, float currentX, float currentZ, float currentY, float playerAngle, Material bombImg, GameObject explosion)
        //getting the cosine and sine of the player angle
        float sinePlayerAngle = Mathf.Sin(playerAngle * CONVERT_TO_RAD);
        float cosPlayerAngle  = Mathf.Cos(playerAngle * CONVERT_TO_RAD);

        //the starting z and x coordinates of the bomb, so that the bomb is not in the player
        float initialBombX = (sinePlayerAngle * DIS_FROM_PLAYER) + currentX;
        float initialBombZ = (cosPlayerAngle * DIS_FROM_PLAYER) + currentZ;

        //the timer of the bob is set to zero
        bombTime = NO_VALUE;

        //the bomb is set to active
        isBombActive = true;

        //calculating the initial horizontal and y velocities of the player
        initialYVelocity   = (Mathf.Cos(ANGLE_OF_TRAJECTORY_RAD) * initialVelocity);
        horizontalVelocity = (Mathf.Sin(ANGLE_OF_TRAJECTORY_RAD) * initialVelocity);

        //calculating the velocity of the bomb in the z direction
        xVelocity = (sinePlayerAngle * horizontalVelocity);
        //calculating the velocity of the bomb in the z direction
        zVelocity = (cosPlayerAngle * horizontalVelocity);

        //initializing the y displacement calculator
        calculateY = new CalculateDisplacement(initialYVelocity);

        //scaling the bomb
        bombSphere.transform.localScale = new Vector3(BOMB_SIZE, BOMB_SIZE, BOMB_SIZE);

        //creating the location of the bomb suing the coordinates of the player
        bombSphere.transform.position = new Vector3(initialBombX, currentY + 0.4f, initialBombZ);

        //attaching a rigid body to the bomb
        bombBody = bombSphere.AddComponent <Rigidbody>();

        //attaching a collider for the bomb
        bombCollider = bombSphere.AddComponent <SphereCollider>();

        //getting the bomb sphre
        renderer = bombSphere.GetComponent <Renderer>();

        //applying the metal material to the bomb
        renderer.material = bombImg;

        //the bomb is set to neither kinematic and does not use
        //pre built gravity
        bombBody.isKinematic = false;
        bombBody.useGravity  = false;

        //initializing the explosion for th ebomb
        explosion1 = explosion;
Beispiel #3
    // Use this for initialization
    /// <summary>
    /// initializing all components of the players movement
    /// </summary>
    public void Start()
        //initializing the diffrent displacement calculations, each one calculates displacement within a different plane
        //for vertical mvement
        calculateDisplacement[0] = new CalculateDisplacement(INITIAL_JUMP_VELOCITY);
        //for movement in the z direction
        calculateDisplacement[1] = new CalculateDisplacement(NO_VALUE);
        //for movement in the x direction
        calculateDisplacement[2] = new CalculateDisplacement(NO_VALUE);

        //initializing the controller
        controller = new Controller();