Beispiel #1
        public HalloDelegate()
            EinfacherDelegate meinDele          = EinfacheMethode;
            Action            meinDeleAlsAction = EinfacheMethode;

            Action meinDeleAlsActionAno  = delegate() { Console.WriteLine("Hallo"); };
            Action meinDeleAlsActionAno2 = () => { Console.WriteLine("Hallo"); };
            Action meinDeleAlsActionAno3 = () => Console.WriteLine("Hallo");

            deleMitPara = MethodeMitPara;
            Action <string> deleMitParaAlsAction = MethodeMitPara;
            DelegateMitPara deleMitParaAno       = (string txt) => { Console.WriteLine(txt); };
            DelegateMitPara deleMitParaAno2      = (txt) => Console.WriteLine(txt);
            DelegateMitPara deleMitParaAno3      = x => Console.WriteLine(x);

            CalcDelegate          calcDele     = Multi;
            Func <int, int, long> calcFunc     = Sum;
            Func <int, int, long> calcFuncAno  = (int a, int b) => { return(a + b); };
            Func <int, int, long> calcFuncAno2 = (a, b) => { return(a + b); };
            Func <int, int, long> calcFuncAno3 = (a, b) => a + b;

            Predicate <string> immerBool = ImmerBool;

            List <string> texte = new List <string>();

            texte.Where(x => x.StartsWith("b"));
Beispiel #2
 public ComposedMission Add(CalcDelegate d)
     // add a delegate to the list, that is set in the order added.
     // we clone the delegate so out mission will not change when the container does.
Beispiel #3
        delegate int CalcDelegate(int a, int b); // 델리게이트를 통해 메세지 원형 정의

        void Calc(int a, int b, CalcDelegate calc)
            int res = calc(a, b);

            Console.WriteLine("사용함수 : {0}", calc.Method);
            Console.WriteLine($"f({a},{b}) = {res}");
        public HalloDelegate()
            EinfacherDelegate dings           = EinfacheMethode;
            Action            dingsAlsAction  = EinfacheMethode;
            Action            dingsAlsAction2 = delegate() { Console.WriteLine("Hallo"); };
            Action            dingsAlsAction3 = () => { Console.WriteLine("Hallo"); };
            Action            dingsAlsAction4 = () => Console.WriteLine("Hallo");

            DelegateMitParameter deleMP        = ZeigeText;
            Action <string>      deleMPAction  = ZeigeText;
            Action <string>      deleMPAction2 = (string x) => Console.WriteLine(x);
            DelegateMitParameter deleMPAction3 = (x) => Console.WriteLine(x);
            Action <string>      deleMPAction4 = x => Console.WriteLine(x);
            Action <string>      deleMPAction5 = Console.WriteLine;

            CalcDelegate          calcDele     = Sum;
            Func <int, int, long> calcDeleFunc = Sum;
            CalcDelegate          calcDele2    = (int x, int y) =>
                return(x + y);

            CalcDelegate calcDele3 = (x, y) => x + y;

            var texte = new List <string>();
            var allesWasMitBAnfängt   = texte.Where(x => x.StartsWith("b"));
            var allesWasMitBAnfängt22 = texte.Where(Filter);
        static void Main(string[] args)
            GreetingDelegate firstDel, secondDel, thDell;

            firstDel = new GreetingDelegate(Hello);
            firstDel("Testing one two three");

            secondDel = new GreetingDelegate(GoodBye);
            secondDel("Bob my good friend");

            thDell  = new GreetingDelegate(Hello);
            thDell += secondDel;
            thDell += firstDel;
            thDell("hi hi hi");

            GreetingDelegatelong longfirst;

            longfirst = new GreetingDelegatelong(HelloLong);
            longfirst("bobs", 9);

            CalcDelegate Calc;

            Calc  = new CalcDelegate(Adds);
            Calc += new CalcDelegate(sub);

            Calc(4, 5);
Beispiel #6
    protected void apress(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (!validinput())

        if (button4.Label == "Cancel")
            button4.Label     = "Pending";
            Globals.cancelled = true;
        else if (button4.Label == "Pending")
            button4.Label     = "Cancel";
            Globals.cancelled = false;

        GLib.Timeout.Add(100, new GLib.TimeoutHandler(timerTick));

        CalcDelegate cd = RunCalc;

        button4.Label = "Cancel";

        starttime = DateTime.Now;

        IAsyncResult asyncRes = cd.BeginInvoke(textview1.Buffer.Text, xtext.Buffer.Text, ytext.Buffer.Text, ztext.Buffer.Text,
                                               calcprec.Buffer.Text, printprec.Buffer.Text, digitgrp.Active, new AsyncCallback(CalcCallback), null);
Beispiel #7
        public HalloDelegate()
            EinfacheDelegate meineDele              = EinfacheMethode;
            Action           meineDeleAlsAction     = EinfacheMethode;
            Action           meineDeleAlsActionAno  = delegate() { Console.WriteLine("Ich habe keinen Namen"); };
            Action           meineDeleAlsActionAno2 = () => { Console.WriteLine("Ich habe keinen Namen"); };
            Action           meineDeleAlsActionAno3 = () => Console.WriteLine("Ich habe keinen Namen");

            DelegateMitPara deleMitPara     = MethodePara;
            Action <string> paraAlsAction   = MethodePara;
            DelegateMitPara deleMitParaAno  = (string txt) => { Console.WriteLine(txt); };
            Action <string> deleMitParaAno2 = (txt) => Console.WriteLine(txt);
            DelegateMitPara deleMitParaAno3 = x => Console.WriteLine(x);

            CalcDelegate          calcDele     = Minus;
            Func <int, int, long> calcFunc     = Sum;
            CalcDelegate          calcDeleAno  = (int x, int y) => { return(x + y); };
            CalcDelegate          calcDeleAno2 = (x, y) => { return(x + y); };
            CalcDelegate          calcDeleAno3 = (x, y) => x + y;

            List <string> texte = new List <string>();

            texte.Where(x => x.StartsWith("b"));

            long res = calcDele.Invoke(56, 23);
        public HalloDelegate()
            EinfacherDelegate meinDele        = EinfacheMethode;
            Action            meineAction     = EinfacheMethode;
            Action            meineActionAno  = delegate() { Console.WriteLine("Halölo"); };
            Action            meineActionAno2 = () => { Console.WriteLine("Hallo"); };
            Action            meineActionAno3 = () => Console.WriteLine("Hallo");

            DelegateMitPara deleMitPara       = MethodeMitPara;
            Action <string> deleMitParaAction = MethodeMitPara;
            DelegateMitPara deleMitParaAno    = (string msg) => { Console.WriteLine(msg); };
            DelegateMitPara deleMitParaAno2   = (msg) => Console.WriteLine(msg);
            DelegateMitPara deleMitParaAno3   = x => Console.WriteLine(x);

            CalcDelegate          calc     = Multi;
            Func <int, int, long> calcFunc = Sum;
            CalcDelegate          calcAno  = (x, y) => { return(x + y); };
            CalcDelegate          calcAno2 = (x, y) => x + y;

            var text = new List <string>();

            text.Where(x => x.StartsWith("b"));

            long res = calc.Invoke(1, 5);
Beispiel #9
        static void Main(string[] args)
            #region 람다 연습
            // 델리게이트 키워드를 사용한 무명메소드
            CalcDelegate c1 = delegate(int a, int b)
                return(a + b);

            Console.WriteLine(c1(3, 4));

            // 람다식으로 표현한 익명메소드
            CalcDelegate c2 = (a, b) => a + b; //Delegate에 매개변수가 int 선언이 되어있으므로 생략이 가능
            Console.WriteLine(c2(3, 4));

            c2 = (a, b) =>
                if (b == 0)
                return(a / b);
            Console.WriteLine(c2(10, 3));
            Console.WriteLine(c2(10, 0));

            // 2. 제네릭 타입의 델리게이트 참조변수 생성하면서 사칙연산 람다식 할당
            Calculator2 <double> c3 = (a, b) => a + b;

            // 3. 위 참조변수로 Calc 메소드 호출
            Calc <double>(3.14, 6.56, c3);
            Calc <int>(100, 200, (a, b) => a + b);
        public HalloDelegate()
            EinfacherDelegate meinDele              = HalloWelt;
            Action            meinDeleAlsAction     = HalloWelt;
            Action            meinDeleAlsActionAno  = delegate() { Console.WriteLine("AAAAHhh"); };
            Action            meinDeleAlsActionAno2 = () => { Console.WriteLine("AAAAHhh"); };
            Action            meinDeleAlsActionAno3 = () => Console.WriteLine("AAAAHhh");

            DelegateMitPara meinDeleMitPara          = HalloWeltMitPara;
            Action <string> meinDeleMitParaAlsAction = HalloWeltMitPara;
            DelegateMitPara meinDeleMitParaAno       = delegate(string s) { Console.WriteLine(s); };
            DelegateMitPara meinDeleMitParaAno2      = (string s) => { Console.WriteLine(s); };
            Action <string> meinDeleMitParaAno3      = (s) => Console.WriteLine(s);
            Action <string> meinDeleMitParaAno4      = x => Console.WriteLine(x);

            CalcDelegate          calcDele     = Minus;
            Func <int, int, long> calcAlsFunc  = Sum;
            CalcDelegate          calcDeleAno  = (x, y) => { return(x + y); };
            CalcDelegate          calcDeleAno2 = (x, y) => x + y;

            List <string> texte = new List <string>();

            texte.Where((x) => { return(x.StartsWith("b")); });
            texte.Where(x => x.StartsWith("b"));
        public HalloDelegate()
            EinfacherDelegate meinDele = EinfacheMethode;
            EinfacherDelegate meineAno = delegate() { Console.WriteLine("Hallo"); };

            Action meinDeleAlsActionAno  = () => { Console.WriteLine("Hallo"); };
            Action meinDeleAlsActionAno2 = () => Console.WriteLine("Hallo");

            Action meinDeleAlsAction = EinfacheMethode;

            DelegateMitPara deleMitPara       = MethodeMitPara;
            DelegateMitPara deleMitParaAno    = delegate(string mmm) { Console.WriteLine(mmm); };
            Action <string> deleMitParaAction = MethodeMitPara;
            DelegateMitPara deleMitParaAno2   = (x) => { Console.WriteLine(x); };
            Action <string> deleMitParaAno3   = (x) => Console.WriteLine(x);
            DelegateMitPara deleMitParaAno4   = x => Console.WriteLine(x);

            CalcDelegate          calcDele      = Minus;
            Func <int, int, long> calcAlsFunc   = Minus;
            CalcDelegate          calcDeleFunc  = (x, y) => { return(x + y); };
            CalcDelegate          calcDeleFunc2 = (x, y) => x + y;

            var lll = new List <string>();

            lll.Where(x => x.StartsWith("B"));
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            #region 람다 연습
            CalcDelegate calc1 = delegate(int a, int b)
                return(a + b);
            Console.WriteLine(calc1(10, 3));

            CalcDelegate calc2 = (a, b) => a + b;
            Console.WriteLine(calc2(10, 3));

            CalcDelegate c2 = (a, b) =>
                if (b == 0)
                return(a / b);

            if (c2(10, 0) == null)
                Console.WriteLine("0으로 나눌 수 없습니다");
                Console.WriteLine(c2(10, 0));

            Calc(1, 2, (a, b) => a + b);
            Calc(1.2, 2.3, (a, b) => a + b);
        public HalloDelegates()
            EinfacherDelegate meinDele;

            meinDele = EinfacheMethode;
            Action myAction     = EinfacheMethode;
            Action myActionAno  = delegate() { Console.WriteLine("AALT"); }; //bis .net 2.0
            Action myActionAno2 = () => { Console.WriteLine("Lambda"); };    //ab .net 3
            Action myActionAno3 = () => Console.WriteLine("Lambda");

            DelegateMitParameter deleMitPara       = MethodeMitParameter;
            Action <string>      actionMitPara     = MethodeMitParameter;
            Action <string>      actionMitParaAno  = (string name) => { Console.WriteLine("Hallo " + name); };
            Action <string>      actionMitParaAno2 = (name) => Console.WriteLine("Hallo " + name);
            Action <string>      actionMitParaAno3 = x => Console.WriteLine("Hallo " + x); //nur bei 1 parameter

            CalcDelegate          calcDele   = Minus;
            long                  result     = calcDele.Invoke(45, 67);
            Func <int, int, long> calcAsFunc = Sum;

            Func <int, int, long> calcAsFuncAno  = (int a, int b) => { return(a + b); };
            Func <int, int, long> calcAsFuncAno2 = (a, b) => { return(a + b); };
            Func <int, int, long> calcAsFuncAno3 = (a, b) => a + b;

            List <string> texte   = new List <string>();
            var           resultB = texte.Where(x => x.StartsWith("b")); //<--

            var resultB2 = texte.Where(Filter);
Beispiel #14
        public HalloDelegate()
            EinfacherDelegate meinDelete      = EinfacheMethode;
            Action            meineAction     = EinfacheMethode;
            Action            meineActionAno  = delegate() { Console.WriteLine("Hallo"); };
            Action            meineActionAno2 = () => { Console.WriteLine("Hallo"); };
            Action            meineActionAno3 = () => Console.WriteLine("Hallo");

            DelegateMitPara deleMitPara          = MethodeMitPara;
            Action <string> deleMitParaAlsAction = MethodeMitPara;
            Action <string> deleMitParaAlsAno    = (string txt) => { Console.WriteLine(txt); };
            Action <string> deleMitParaAlsAno2   = (txt) => Console.WriteLine(txt);
            Action <string> deleMitParaAlsAno3   = x => Console.WriteLine(x);

            CalcDelegate calc = Multi;
            //long rsult = calc.Invoke(4, 6);
            Func <int, int, long> calcAlsFunc = Sum;
            CalcDelegate          calcAno     = (a, b) => { return(a + b); };
            CalcDelegate          calcAno2    = (a, b) => a + b;

            List <string> texte = new List <string>();

            texte.Where(x => x.StartsWith("b"));

        public HalloDelegate()
            EinfacheDelegate meineDelegate         = EinfacheMethode;
            Action           meinDeleAlsAction     = EinfacheMethode;
            Action           meinDeleAlsActionAno  = delegate() { Console.WriteLine("Hallooo"); };
            Action           meinDeleAlsActionAno2 = () => { Console.WriteLine("Hallooo"); };
            Action           meinDeleAlsActionAno3 = () => Console.WriteLine("Hallooo");

            DelegateMitParameter meinDeleMitPara           = MethodeMitPara;
            Action <string>      meinDeletMitParaAlsAction = MethodeMitPara;
            Action <string>      meinDeleMitParaAno        = (string txt) => { Console.WriteLine(txt); };
            Action <string>      meinDeleMitParaAno2       = (txt) => Console.WriteLine(txt);
            Action <string>      meinDeleMitParaAno3       = x => Console.WriteLine(x);

            CalcDelegate          calc        = Minus;
            Func <int, int, long> calcAlsFunc = Sum;
            CalcDelegate          calcAno     = (int a, int b) => { return(a + b); };
            CalcDelegate          calcAno2    = (a, b) => { return(a + b); };
            CalcDelegate          calcAno3    = (a, b) => a + b;

            long result = calc.Invoke(3, 4);

            List <string> texte = new List <string>();
            List <string> nurB  = texte.Where(x => x.StartsWith("b")).ToList();
            List <string> nurB2 = texte.Where(Filter).ToList();

            foreach (var item in texte)
                //   if(item.StartsWith("b"))
Beispiel #16
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Mathematics  math = new Mathematics();
            WorkDelegate work = math.Calculate;     // 수학관련 클래스의 메소드를 델리게이트에 저장한다.

            // 함수포인터처럼 사용할 수 있다.
            work(10, '+', 5);
            work(10, '-', 5);
            work(10, '*', 5);
            work(10, '/', 5);


            // 델리게이트에 각 메소드들을 연산 및 저장으로 인스턴스를 추가한다.
            // CalcDelegate calc;       // 그냥 선언만 해도 되지만 이후 += 연산이 불가능하다.
            CalcDelegate calc = Add;    // 메소드 대입연산이 존재해야 이후 += 인스턴스 추가  가능하다.

            calc += Sub;
            calc += Mul;
            calc += Div;

            calc(4, 2);     // 델리게이트에 저장된 인스턴스들을 모두 실행한다.


            calc -= Sub;    // 인스턴스를 뺄 수 있다.

            calc(4, 2);     // 남아있는 인스턴스들로만 연산을 한다.
        public static void DelegatesExercise2()
            CalcDelegate calDel = new CalcDelegate(Add);

            calDel += Subtract;
            calDel += Mult;
            calDel(2, 4);
Beispiel #18
        static void Main(string[] args)
            CalcDelegate deleg = Calc.Add;

            Console.WriteLine(deleg(10, 20));
            Console.WriteLine($"Delegate Method: {deleg.Method} ");
            Console.WriteLine($"Delegate Target: {deleg.Target ?? "Empty"} ");
Beispiel #19
        public void Execute()
            outro.X x = new outro.X();
            var sum = new CalcDelegate(Sum);
            var sub = new CalcDelegate(Sub);
            var mul = new CalcDelegate(Mul);


            // or
            Console.WriteLine(sum(6, 6) + sub(4, 10) + mul(10, 10));

            // we can also add more func to 1 delegate
            var allCalcs = sum + sub + mul;

            Console.WriteLine(allCalcs(10, 10));
Beispiel #20
 public static void Process(CalcDelegate c)
     Console.WriteLine(c(10, 10));