static void getTestBenchamrkRes(CaffeModel model, string iscorrect) { string fatherDir = @"C:\Data\Alignment_TestBenchmark_Equalized\" + iscorrect; int count = 0; DirectoryInfo fatherInfo = new DirectoryInfo(fatherDir); DirectoryInfo[] childrenInfos = fatherInfo.GetDirectories(); foreach (var childrenInfo in childrenInfos) { FileInfo[] files = childrenInfo.GetFiles("*.jpg", SearchOption.AllDirectories); if (files.Length != 2) { continue; } else { Bitmap[] bits1 = new[] { new Bitmap(files[0].FullName) }; Bitmap[] bits2 = new[] { new Bitmap(files[1].FullName) }; float[] a = model.ExtractBitmapOutputs(bits1, "ip1", 0); float[] b = model.ExtractBitmapOutputs(bits2, "ip1", 0); float confidency = CaffeModel.CosineDistanceProb(a, b); Write(@"C:\Users\BALTHASAR\Documents\MATLAB\FaceTest\" + iscorrect + ".txt", confidency.ToString()); } count++; Console.WriteLine(count); } }
public static RecogReply PredictionFunc(Guid id, int timeBudgetInMS, RecogRequest req) { byte[] imgBuf = req.Data; byte[] imgType = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("jpg"); Guid imgID = BufferCache.HashBufferAndType(imgBuf, imgType); string imgFileName = imgID.ToString() + ".jpg"; string filename = Path.Combine(saveImageDir, imgFileName); if (!File.Exists(filename)) { FileTools.WriteBytesToFileConcurrent(filename, imgBuf); } Stopwatch timer = Stopwatch.StartNew(); CaffeModel.SetDevice(gpu); string resultString = predictor.Predict(filename); timer.Stop(); File.Delete(filename); numImageRecognized++; Console.WriteLine("Image {0}:{1}:{2}: {3}", numImageRecognized, imgFileName, timer.Elapsed, resultString); return(VHubRecogResultHelper.FixedClassificationResult(resultString, resultString)); }
private static float[] ImageAligement(Bitmap bit, float[][] feature, int j, CaffeModel caffe5IPTs, int deviceId) { try { Image <Bgr, byte> image = new Image <Bgr, byte>(bit); Rectangle draw = new Rectangle(Convert.ToInt32(feature[0][j * 4 + 0] * image.Width), Convert.ToInt32(feature[0][j * 4 + 1] * image.Height), Convert.ToInt32(feature[0][j * 4 + 2] * image.Width - feature[0][j * 4 + 0] * image.Width), Convert.ToInt32(feature[0][j * 4 + 3] * image.Height - feature[0][j * 4 + 1] * image.Height)); //image.Draw(draw, new Bgr(Color.Aqua), image.Width/64); // int Margin_Height = Convert.ToInt32(draw.Height * 1.2f); int Margin_X = Convert.ToInt32(draw.X - draw.Width * 0.1f); int Margin_Y = Convert.ToInt32(draw.Y - draw.Height * 0.1f); Rectangle Margindraw = new Rectangle(Margin_X, Margin_Y, Margin_Height, Margin_Height);//What's you really need //image.Draw(Margindraw, new Bgr(Color.Crimson), image.Width / 64); //***************** image.ROI = Margindraw; Image <Bgr, byte> C = new Image <Bgr, byte>(image.Bitmap); float[] pts5 = caffe5IPTs.ExtractBitmapOutputs(new[] { C.Bitmap }, "fc2", deviceId); for (int i = 0; i < pts5.Length; i += 2) { pts5[i] = (pts5[i] * Margindraw.Width - Margindraw.Width / 12.0f + draw.X - image.Width / 7.0f) / image.Width / 1.4f; pts5[i + 1] = (pts5[i + 1] * Margindraw.Height - Margindraw.Height / 12.0f + draw.Y - image.Height / 7.0f) / image.Height / 1.4f; } return(pts5); } catch (Exception) { return(null); } }
void whatever() { string net1 = @"IPBBox_deploy.prototxt"; string model1 = @"IPBBox_iter_iter_60000.caffemodel"; CaffeModel IPBbox = new CaffeModel(net1, model1, false); string net2 = @"5IPTs_deploy.prototxt"; string model2 = @"5IPTs_iter_iter_300000.caffemodel"; CaffeModel IPTs5 = new CaffeModel(net2, model2, false); FastFace ff = new FastFace(1.1f, 3, 24); Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(@"D:\小咖秀\20153月296月10\20170115150220800-315.jpg"); FaceInfo info = ff.Facedetect_Multiview_Reinforce(bmp); //Bitmap[] bits = new Bitmap[info.count]; Bitmap[] bits = new[] { bmp }; Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, bmp.Width, bmp.Height); int StartX = Convert.ToInt32(rect.X - rect.Width * 0.2); int StartY = Convert.ToInt32(rect.Y - rect.Height * 0.2); int iWidth = Convert.ToInt32(rect.Width * 1.4); int iHeight = Convert.ToInt32(rect.Height * 1.4); bits[0] = KiCut(bmp, StartX, StartY, iWidth, iHeight); for (int i = 0; i < info.count; i++) { //int StartX = Convert.ToInt32(info.r[i].X - info.r[i].Width * 0.2); //int StartY = Convert.ToInt32(info.r[i].Y - info.r[i].Height * 0.2); //int iWidth = Convert.ToInt32(info.r[i].Width * 1.4); //int iHeight = Convert.ToInt32(info.r[i].Height * 1.4); //bits[i] = KiCut(bmp, StartX, StartY, iWidth, iHeight); //Image<Bgr, byte> image = new Image<Bgr, byte>(bmp); //Rectangle rect = info.r[i]; //rect.X = Convert.ToInt32(rect.X - rect.Width * 0.2); //rect.Y = Convert.ToInt32(rect.Y - rect.Height * 0.2); //rect.Width = Convert.ToInt32(rect.Width * 1.4); //rect.Height = Convert.ToInt32(rect.Height * 1.4); //image.ROI = rect; //bits[i] = image.Bitmap; //image.ROI = Rectangle.Empty; ; } if (/*info.count>0*/ true) { float[][] aa = IPBbox.ExtractBitmapOutputs(bits, new[] { "fc2", "fc3" }, 0); Rectangle[] rects = new Rectangle[info.count]; Bitmap[] C = CaffeModel.Align_Step1(bits, rects, aa[0], aa[1]); float[] bb = IPTs5.ExtractBitmapOutputs(C, "fc2", 0); Bitmap[] F = CaffeModel.Align_Step2(bits, C, bb, rects, 128, 128); F[0].Save(@"C:\Users\BALTHASAR\Desktop\test.jpg"); float[][] a = IPBbox.ExtractFileOutputs(new[] { @"D:\Research\FacialLandmarks\Data\5PTS\batch1_1.jpg" }, new[] { "fc2", "fc3" }, 0); } }
public static bool InitializeRecognizer(VHubBackendStartParam pa) { var bInitialized = true; var x = ImageCaptionInstance.Current; if (!Object.ReferenceEquals(x, null)) { /// <remarks> /// To implement your own image recognizer, please obtain a connection Guid by contacting [email protected] /// </remarks> x.RegisterAppInfo(new Guid("843EF294-C635-42DA-9AD8-E79E82F9A357"), ""); Func <Guid, int, RecogRequest, RecogReply> del = PredictionFunc; /// <remarks> /// Register your prediction function here. /// </remarks> string exeDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(Process.GetCurrentProcess().MainModule.FileName); x.RegisterClassifierCS("#ImageCaption", Path.Combine(exeDir, "logo.jpg"), 100, del); string wordDetectorProto = Path.Combine(rootDir, @"Model\wordDetector.proto"); string wordDetectorModel = Path.Combine(rootDir, @"Model\wordDetector.caffemodel"); string featureDetectorProto = Path.Combine(rootDir, @"Model\FeaturesDetector.proto"); string featureDetectorModel = Path.Combine(rootDir, @"Model\FeaturesDetector.caffemodel"); string thresholdFile = Path.Combine(rootDir, @"Model\thresholds.txt"); string wordLabelMapFile = Path.Combine(rootDir, @"Model\labelmap.txt"); string languageModel = Path.Combine(rootDir, @"Model\sentencesGeneration.lblmmodel"); string referenceDssmModelFile = Path.Combine(rootDir, @"Model\reference.dssmmodel"); string candidateDssmModelFile = Path.Combine(rootDir, @"Model\candidate.dssmmodel"); string trigramFile = Path.Combine(rootDir, @"Model\coco.cap.l3g"); CaffeModel.SetDevice(gpu); //This needs to be set before instantiating the net var lmTestArguments = new LangModel.Arguments { NumWorkers = 8, MaxSentenceLength = 19, NumSentences = 500, BeamWidth = 200, AttributesCoverageBar = 5, KTopWords = 100 }; predictor = new Predictor(wordDetectorProto, wordDetectorModel, featureDetectorProto, featureDetectorModel, thresholdFile, wordLabelMapFile, languageModel, lmTestArguments, referenceDssmModelFile, candidateDssmModelFile, trigramFile); } else { bInitialized = false; } return(bInitialized); }
static void Main(string[] args) { //CaffeModel temp = new CaffeModel(@"C:\Users\BALTHASAR\Desktop\Feature.prototxt", @"C:\Users\BALTHASAR\Desktop\Feature.caffemodel"); CaffeModel resnet101 = new CaffeModel(@"C:\Research\FaceRecognition\model\centerloss_flip_deploy.prototxt", @"C:\Research\FaceRecognition\snapshot\centerloss34_fine_iter_20000.caffemodel", 0); //resnet101.GetUsefulPart(@"C:\Research\FaceRecognition\snapshot\centerloss34_usefulpart.caffemodel"); //SortedList<int, float> results = lfw_fe(@"D:\Research\FaceRecognition\snapshot\GlasssixNet_train_iter_30000.caffemodel", // "GlasssixNet.prototxt", "lfw_pairs.txt", @"D:\Alignment_lfw_Equalized\"); //float best_th; //float ACC = lfw_acc(results, out best_th); //lfw_error(best_th, results); //Console.WriteLine(ACC); getTestBenchamrkRes(resnet101, "Wrong"); getTestBenchamrkRes(resnet101, "Correct"); }
public void Init(string protoFile, string modelFile, string meanFile, string labelMapFile, string entityInfoFile, int gpu) { // Init caffe model CaffeModel.SetDevice(gpu); _caffeModel = new CaffeModel(protoFile, modelFile); _caffeModel.SetMeanFile(meanFile); Console.WriteLine("Succeed: Load Model File!\n"); _labelMap = File.ReadAllLines(labelMapFile) .Select(line => line.Split('\t')[0]) .ToArray(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(entityInfoFile)) { _entityInfo = File.ReadLines(entityInfoFile) .Select(line => line.Split('\t')) .ToDictionary(cols => cols[0], cols => cols[1]); } }
static SortedList <int, float> lfw_fe(string model, string net, string pair, string imgDir) { SortedList <int, float> results = new SortedList <int, float>(); var fe = new CaffeModel(net, model); StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(pair, Encoding.Default); string line; int label = 1; while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null) { string[] sArray = line.Split('\t'); if (sArray.Length == 3) { DirectoryInfo child = new DirectoryInfo(imgDir + sArray[0]); FileInfo[] file = child.GetFiles("*.jpg", SearchOption.AllDirectories); float[] a = fe.ExtractFileOutputs(new[] { file[Convert.ToInt32(sArray[1]) - 1].FullName }, "eltmax_fc5", 0); float[] b = fe.ExtractFileOutputs(new[] { file[Convert.ToInt32(sArray[2]) - 1].FullName }, "eltmax_fc5", 0); float confidency = CaffeModel.CosineDistanceProb(a, b); results.Add(label, confidency); } if (sArray.Length == 4) { DirectoryInfo child = new DirectoryInfo(imgDir + sArray[0]); FileInfo[] file = child.GetFiles("*.jpg", SearchOption.AllDirectories); float[] a = fe.ExtractFileOutputs(new[] { file[Convert.ToInt32(sArray[1]) - 1].FullName }, "eltmax_fc5", 0); // child = new DirectoryInfo(imgDir + sArray[2]); file = child.GetFiles("*.jpg", SearchOption.AllDirectories); float[] b = fe.ExtractFileOutputs(new[] { file[Convert.ToInt32(sArray[3]) - 1].FullName }, "eltmax_fc5", 0); float confidency = CaffeModel.CosineDistanceProb(a, b); results.Add(-1 * label, confidency); } Console.WriteLine(label); label++; } return(results); }
static async void XiaoKaXiu() { string model1 = @"IPBBox_iter_iter_60000.caffemodel"; string net1 = @"IPBBox_deploy.prototxt"; string model2 = @"5IPTs_iter_iter_300000.caffemodel"; string net2 = @"5IPTs_deploy.prototxt"; var IPBBox = new CaffeModel(net1, model1, false); var IPTs = new CaffeModel(net2, model2, false); var ff = new FastFace(1.1f, 3, 48); string fatherDir = @"D:\CASIA\Cleaned_CASIA"; FaceServiceClient faceServiceClient = new FaceServiceClient(SubscriptionKey); int count = 0; //Random rd=new Random(45985369); DirectoryInfo fatherInfo = new DirectoryInfo(fatherDir); DirectoryInfo[] childrenInfos = fatherInfo.GetDirectories(); foreach (var childrenInfo in childrenInfos) { //DirectoryInfo[] SubInfos = childrenInfo.GetDirectories(); FileInfo[] files = childrenInfo.GetFiles("*.jpg", SearchOption.AllDirectories); int filecounter = 0; foreach (var file in files) { filecounter++; try { if (count <= -1) { continue; } Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(file.FullName); FaceInfo info = ff.Facedetect_Frontal_Surveillance(bmp); if (info.count != 1) { //Write("lost.txt", file.FullName); continue; } ////************** Bitmap[] bits = new Bitmap[1]; bits[0] = bmp; Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, bmp.Width, bmp.Height); int StartX = Convert.ToInt32(0 - bmp.Width * 0.2); int StartY = Convert.ToInt32(0 - bmp.Height * 0.2); int iWidth = Convert.ToInt32(bmp.Width * 1.4); int iHeight = Convert.ToInt32(bmp.Height * 1.4); bits[0] = KiCut(bmp, StartX, StartY, iWidth, iHeight); float[][] feature = IPBBox.ExtractBitmapOutputs(bits, new[] { "fc2", "fc3" }, 0); if (Math.Abs(feature[1][0] * 90) >= 30) { bits[0].Dispose(); bmp.Dispose(); continue; } Rectangle[] rects = new Rectangle[bits.Length]; Bitmap[] C = CaffeModel.Align_Step1(bits, rects, feature[0], feature[1]); float[] bb = IPTs.ExtractBitmapOutputs(C, "fc2", 0); Bitmap[] F = CaffeModel.Align_Step2(bits, C, bb, rects, 128, 128); if (!Directory.Exists(@"C:\Data\Alignment_CASIA\" + childrenInfo.Name)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(@"C:\Data\Alignment_CASIA\" + childrenInfo.Name); } Image <Gray, byte> gray = new Image <Gray, byte>(F[0]); //Image<Gray, byte> temp = gray.Resize(32, 32, Inter.Linear); //temp = temp.Resize(64, 64, Inter.Linear); gray._EqualizeHist(); Image <Bgr, byte> colorimg = new Image <Bgr, byte>(new Image <Gray, byte>[] { gray, gray, gray }); colorimg.Save(@"C:\Data\Alignment_CASIA\" + childrenInfo.Name + "\\" + filecounter + ".jpg"); //temp._EqualizeHist(); //temp.Save(@"C:\Data\Alignment_Registed_Equalized\" + childrenInfo.Name + "\\" + filecounter + "_per_blur.jpg"); //Console.WriteLine(@"C:\Data\Alignment_CASIA_Equalized\" + childrenInfo.Name + "\\" + filecounter + " complete!"); ////***** colorimg.Dispose(); gray.Dispose(); F[0].Dispose(); C[0].Dispose(); bits[0].Dispose(); bmp.Dispose(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); continue; throw; } //} //Console.WriteLine(filecounter); } Console.WriteLine(count); count++; } }