Beispiel #1
        public void Init()
            Assembly      entryAssembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
            Configuration configuration = ConfigurationExtension.GetConfigurationFromAssembly(entryAssembly);
Beispiel #2
        public void Refresh()
            if (DataConfigHelper.CacheConfigLoader != null)

            Dictionary <string, ICacheManager <object> > mgrs = new Dictionary <string, ICacheManager <object> >();

            CacheManagerSection section = ConfigurationManager.GetSection(CACHE_SECTION_NAME) as CacheManagerSection;

            if (section != null && section.CacheManagers != null)
                foreach (var item in section.CacheManagers)
                    ICacheManagerConfiguration cfg = null;
                    if (DataConfigHelper.CacheConfigLoader != null)
                        cfg = DataConfigHelper.CacheConfigLoader.GetCacheConfig(item.Name);

                    if (mgrs.ContainsKey(item.Name))

                    var cache = cfg == null?CacheFactory.FromConfiguration <object>(item.Name)
                                    : CacheFactory.FromConfiguration <object>(item.Name, cfg);

                    if (cache != null)
                        mgrs.Add(item.Name, cache);

            m_Mgrs = mgrs; // thread-safe (reads and writes of reference types are atomic)
        internal static CacheManagerConfiguration LoadFromSection(CacheManagerSection section, string configName)
            NotNullOrWhiteSpace(configName, nameof(configName));

            var handleDefsSection = section.CacheHandleDefinitions;

            Ensure(handleDefsSection.Count > 0, "There are no cache handles defined.");

            // load handle definitions as lookup
            var handleDefs = new SortedList<string, CacheHandleConfiguration>();
            foreach (CacheHandleDefinition def in handleDefsSection)
                //// don't validate at this point, otherwise we will get an exception if any defined handle doesn't match with the requested type...
                //// CacheReflectionHelper.ValidateCacheHandleGenericTypeArguments(def.HandleType, cacheValue);

                var normId = def.Id.ToUpper(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    new CacheHandleConfiguration(def.Id)
                        HandleType = def.HandleType,
                        ExpirationMode = def.DefaultExpirationMode,
                        ExpirationTimeout = GetTimeSpan(def.DefaultTimeout, "defaultTimeout")

            // retrieve the handles collection with the correct name
            CacheManagerHandleCollection managerCfg = section.CacheManagers.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Name.Equals(configName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));

            EnsureNotNull(managerCfg, "No cache manager configuration found for name [{0}]", configName);

            int? maxRetries = managerCfg.MaximumRetries;
            if (maxRetries.HasValue && maxRetries.Value <= 0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Maximum number of retries must be greater than zero.");

            int? retryTimeout = managerCfg.RetryTimeout;
            if (retryTimeout.HasValue && retryTimeout.Value < 0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Retry timeout must be greater than or equal to zero.");

            // build configuration
            var cfg = new CacheManagerConfiguration()
                UpdateMode = managerCfg.UpdateMode,
                MaxRetries = maxRetries.HasValue ? maxRetries.Value : 50,
                RetryTimeout = retryTimeout.HasValue ? retryTimeout.Value : 100

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(managerCfg.BackplaneType))
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(managerCfg.BackplaneName))
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Backplane type cannot be null if backplane name is specified.");
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(managerCfg.BackplaneName))
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Backplane name cannot be null if backplane type is specified.");

                var backplaneType = Type.GetType(managerCfg.BackplaneType, false);
                EnsureNotNull(backplaneType, "Backplane type not found, '{0}'. Make sure to install the corresponding nuget package.", managerCfg.BackplaneType);

                cfg.BackplaneType = backplaneType;
                cfg.BackplaneConfigurationKey = managerCfg.BackplaneName;

            // build serializer if set
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(managerCfg.SerializerType))
                var serializerType = Type.GetType(managerCfg.SerializerType, false);
                EnsureNotNull(serializerType, "Serializer type not found, {0}.", managerCfg.SerializerType);

                cfg.SerializerType = serializerType;

            foreach (CacheManagerHandle handleItem in managerCfg)
                var normRefId = handleItem.RefHandleId.ToUpper(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                    "Referenced cache handle [{0}] cannot be found in cache handles definition.",

                var handleDef = handleDefs[normRefId];

                var handle = new CacheHandleConfiguration(handleItem.Name)
                    HandleType = handleDef.HandleType,
                    ExpirationMode = handleDef.ExpirationMode,
                    ExpirationTimeout = handleDef.ExpirationTimeout,
                    EnableStatistics = managerCfg.EnableStatistics,
                    EnablePerformanceCounters = managerCfg.EnablePerformanceCounters,
                    IsBackplaneSource = handleItem.IsBackplaneSource

                // override default timeout if it is defined in this section.
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(handleItem.Timeout))
                    handle.ExpirationTimeout = GetTimeSpan(handleItem.Timeout, "timeout");

                // override default expiration mode if it is defined in this section.
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(handleItem.ExpirationMode))
                        handle.ExpirationMode = (ExpirationMode)Enum.Parse(typeof(ExpirationMode), handleItem.ExpirationMode);
                    catch (ArgumentException ex)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid value '" + handleItem.ExpirationMode + "'for expiration mode", ex);

                if (handle.ExpirationMode != ExpirationMode.None && handle.ExpirationTimeout == TimeSpan.Zero)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(
                            "Expiration mode set without a valid timeout specified for handle [{0}]",


            Ensure(cfg.CacheHandleConfigurations.Count > 0, "There are no valid cache handles linked to the cache manager configuration [{0}]", configName);

            return cfg;
        internal static CacheManagerConfiguration LoadFromSection(CacheManagerSection section, string configName)
            NotNullOrWhiteSpace(configName, nameof(configName));

            var handleDefsSection = section.CacheHandleDefinitions;

            Ensure(handleDefsSection.Count > 0, "There are no cache handles defined.");

            // load handle definitions as lookup
            var handleDefs = new SortedList <string, CacheHandleConfiguration>();

            foreach (var def in handleDefsSection)
                //// don't validate at this point, otherwise we will get an exception if any defined handle doesn't match with the requested type...
                //// CacheReflectionHelper.ValidateCacheHandleGenericTypeArguments(def.HandleType, cacheValue);

                var normId = def.Id.ToUpper(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    new CacheHandleConfiguration(def.Id)
                    HandleType        = def.HandleType,
                    ExpirationMode    = def.DefaultExpirationMode,
                    ExpirationTimeout = GetTimeSpan(def.DefaultTimeout, "defaultTimeout")

            // retrieve the handles collection with the correct name
            var managerCfg = section.CacheManagers.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Name.Equals(configName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));

            EnsureNotNull(managerCfg, "No cache manager configuration found for name [{0}]", configName);

            var maxRetries = managerCfg.MaximumRetries;

            if (maxRetries.HasValue && maxRetries.Value <= 0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Maximum number of retries must be greater than zero.");

            var retryTimeout = managerCfg.RetryTimeout;

            if (retryTimeout.HasValue && retryTimeout.Value < 0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Retry timeout must be greater than or equal to zero.");

            // build configuration
            var cfg = new CacheManagerConfiguration()
                UpdateMode   = managerCfg.UpdateMode,
                MaxRetries   = maxRetries ?? 50,
                RetryTimeout = retryTimeout ?? 100

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(managerCfg.BackplaneType))
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(managerCfg.BackplaneName))
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Backplane type cannot be null if backplane name is specified.");
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(managerCfg.BackplaneName))
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Backplane name cannot be null if backplane type is specified.");

                var backplaneType = Type.GetType(managerCfg.BackplaneType, false);
                EnsureNotNull(backplaneType, "Backplane type not found, '{0}'. Make sure to install the corresponding nuget package.", managerCfg.BackplaneType);

                cfg.BackplaneType             = backplaneType;
                cfg.BackplaneConfigurationKey = managerCfg.BackplaneName;

            // build serializer if set
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(managerCfg.SerializerType))
                var serializerType = Type.GetType(managerCfg.SerializerType, false);
                EnsureNotNull(serializerType, "Serializer type not found, {0}.", managerCfg.SerializerType);

                cfg.SerializerType = serializerType;

            foreach (var handleItem in managerCfg)
                var normRefId = handleItem.RefHandleId.ToUpper(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                    "Referenced cache handle [{0}] cannot be found in cache handles definition.",

                var handleDef = handleDefs[normRefId];

                var handle = new CacheHandleConfiguration(handleItem.Name)
                    HandleType                = handleDef.HandleType,
                    ExpirationMode            = handleDef.ExpirationMode,
                    ExpirationTimeout         = handleDef.ExpirationTimeout,
                    EnableStatistics          = managerCfg.EnableStatistics,
                    EnablePerformanceCounters = managerCfg.EnablePerformanceCounters,
                    IsBackplaneSource         = handleItem.IsBackplaneSource

                // override default timeout if it is defined in this section.
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(handleItem.Timeout))
                    handle.ExpirationTimeout = GetTimeSpan(handleItem.Timeout, "timeout");

                // override default expiration mode if it is defined in this section.
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(handleItem.ExpirationMode))
                        handle.ExpirationMode = (ExpirationMode)Enum.Parse(typeof(ExpirationMode), handleItem.ExpirationMode);
                    catch (ArgumentException ex)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid value '" + handleItem.ExpirationMode + "'for expiration mode", ex);

                if (handle.ExpirationMode != ExpirationMode.None && handle.ExpirationTimeout == TimeSpan.Zero)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(
                                  "Expiration mode set without a valid timeout specified for handle [{0}]",


            Ensure(cfg.CacheHandleConfigurations.Count > 0, "There are no valid cache handles linked to the cache manager configuration [{0}]", configName);
