private void btnsave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            objData = new C_Data_Batch();
            objData.OpenConnection("AzharPC-Home", ref strErr);
            string strSQL = "";

            objData.BeginTransaction(ref strErr);
            for (int i = 0; i < dgvRetrurn.Rows.Count - 1; i++)
                if (Convert.ToInt16(dgvRetrurn.Rows[i].Cells[3].Value.ToString()) > 0)
                    strSQL = "update dbo_InvertigationServiceItem set isreturn =1, return_on = getdate(), Return_Amount = " + dgvRetrurn.Rows[i].Cells[3].Value + ", ReturnUserID =" + Utility.userID + " , ReturnUserPC='" + Utility.PcName + "'  where ISI_ID=" + dgvRetrurn.Rows[i].Cells[17].Value;
                    objData.ExecuteQuery(strSQL, ref strErr);

            if (strErr == "")
                string strSqlSpotCommission = "USP_Inv_Calculate_SpotCommission " + txtInvestigationID.Text.Split('/')[0] + "," + txtInvestigationID.Text.Split('/')[1] + "," + txtInvestigationID.Text.Split('/')[2];
                objData.ExecuteQuery(strSqlSpotCommission, ref strErr);
                MessageBox.Show("Investigation return succefully done.");
                objData.CommitTransaction(ref strErr);
                MessageBox.Show("Investigation not return.");
                objData.Rollback(ref strErr);
Beispiel #2
        private void btnSane_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var strSql = "";
            //var strSqlInvItem = "";
            DataTable arrData;

            objData.OpenConnection("AzharPC-Office", ref strErr);

            objData.BeginTransaction(ref strErr);

            for (int i = 0; i < dgvPathologyLabProcess.Rows.Count - 1; i++)
                if (strErr == "")
                    if (dgvPathologyLabProcess.Rows[i].Cells[4].Value.ToString() != "")
                        strSql  = "select ID From InvertigationServiceItemwise_testResult Where SIT_ID =" + dgvPathologyLabProcess.Rows[i].Cells[8].Value + " and InvestigationID =" + dgvPathologyLabProcess.Rows[i].Cells[9].Value;
                        arrData = objData.RetriveData(strSql, ref strErr);

                        if (arrData.Rows.Count > 0)
                            strSql = "update InvertigationServiceItemwise_testResult set Result= '" + dgvPathologyLabProcess.Rows[i].Cells[4].Value + "' Where SIT_ID =" + dgvPathologyLabProcess.Rows[i].Cells[8].Value + " and InvestigationID =" + dgvPathologyLabProcess.Rows[i].Cells[9].Value;
                            objData.ExecuteQuery(strSql, ref strErr);
                            strSql = "Insert into InvertigationServiceItemwise_testResult (SIT_ID,InvestigationID, Result) values(" + dgvPathologyLabProcess.Rows[i].Cells[8].Value + "," + dgvPathologyLabProcess.Rows[i].Cells[9].Value + ",'" + dgvPathologyLabProcess.Rows[i].Cells[4].Value + "')";
                            objData.ExecuteQuery(strSql, ref strErr);

            if (strErr == "")
                objData.CommitTransaction(ref strErr);
                objData.Rollback(ref strErr);
            if (strErr == "")
Beispiel #3
        private void btnDeliver_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var tD = 0;

            if (lbltotaldue.Text == "")
                tD = 0;
                tD = Convert.ToInt16(lbltotaldue.Text.ToString());
                if (tD > 0)
                    MessageBox.Show("Please paid the due collection");
                    string strSqlUpdateItems   = "";
                    string strSqlInsertHistory = "";
                    string strIDs = "";

                    if (Convert.ToInt32(dgvFontDeskReport.Rows.Count) - 1 > 0)
                        for (int i = 0; i < dgvFontDeskReport.Rows.Count - 1; i++)
                            if ((bool)dgvFontDeskReport.Rows[i].Cells[0].FormattedValue == true)
                                if (strIDs.ToString() == "")
                                    strIDs = dgvFontDeskReport.Rows[i].Cells[8].Value.ToString();
                                    strSqlInsertHistory = " (" + dgvFontDeskReport.Rows[i].Cells[8].Value.ToString() + ", 6," + hms.Include_Files.Utility.userID + ",'" + Utility.PcName + "')";
                                    strIDs = strIDs + ", " + dgvFontDeskReport.Rows[i].Cells[8].Value.ToString();
                                    strSqlInsertHistory = strSqlInsertHistory + ", (" + dgvFontDeskReport.Rows[i].Cells[8].Value.ToString() + ", 6," + hms.Include_Files.Utility.userID + ",'" + Utility.PcName + "')";

                    if (strIDs != "")
                        strSqlUpdateItems   = "Update dbo_InvertigationServiceItem SET Status=6, Delivered= getdate() where [ISI_ID] in (" + strIDs + ")";
                        strSqlInsertHistory = "insert into Investigation_Serviceitem_History (ISI_ID, Status, UserID,userPC) values " + strSqlInsertHistory;

                        //objData = new C_Data_Batch();
                        objData.OpenConnection("AzharPC-Home", ref strErr);

                        objData.BeginTransaction(ref strErr);
                        if (strErr == "")
                            objData.ExecuteQuery(strSqlUpdateItems, ref strErr);
                            if (strErr == "")
                                objData.ExecuteQuery(strSqlInsertHistory, ref strErr);
                                if (strErr == "")
                                    MessageBox.Show("Report Delivery succefully done.");
                                    objData.CommitTransaction(ref strErr);
                                    objData.Rollback(ref strErr);
                                    MessageBox.Show("System cannot deal at this moment.");
                                objData.Rollback(ref strErr);
                                MessageBox.Show("System cannot deal at this moment.");
Beispiel #4
        private void SaveData()
            var invid        = cmbInvestigation.SelectedValue.ToString();
            var DincountByID = cmbDiscount.SelectedIndex > -1 ? int.Parse(cmbDiscount.SelectedValue.ToString()) : 0;

            var invSL = cmbInvestigation.Text;

            string strSQLUpdateInvertigation = "";

            string    strSQLUpdateCashMemo = "select max(CM_SL) From dbo_CashMemo where month(CreatedOn) = month(getdate()) ";
            DataTable arrCashSL            = objData.RetriveData(strSQLUpdateCashMemo, ref strErr);

            int cashSL = 0;

            if (arrCashSL.Rows.Count > 0)
                if (arrCashSL.Rows[0][0].ToString() == "")
                    cashSL = 1000;
                    cashSL = Convert.ToInt16(arrCashSL.Rows[0][0].ToString()) + 1;
                cashSL = 1000;
            string strSQLCASH = "";
            int    paidAmount = 0;

            if (txtpaidamount.ToString() == "")
                paidAmount = 0;
                paidAmount = Convert.ToInt16(txtpaidamount.Text);

            int totalDueAmount = 0;

            if (txtremainingdue.Text == "")
                totalDueAmount = 0;
                totalDueAmount = Convert.ToInt16(txtremainingdue.Text);
            var totalDiscountTake = 0;

            if (txtdiscount.Text != "")
                totalDiscountTake = Convert.ToInt32(txtdiscount.Text);
            var totalDiscountParsentence = 0;

            if (txtpersentance.Text != "")
                totalDiscountParsentence = Convert.ToInt32(txtpersentance.Text);

            objData.BeginTransaction(ref strErr);

            strSQLUpdateInvertigation = "update dbo_Investigation SET  TotalDue = " + txtremainingdue.Text + " ,DiscountTK=" + totalDiscountTake + ", DiscountPasentance=" + totalDiscountParsentence + ", DiscountByID =" + DincountByID + ",  UpdatedOn = getdate()  where InvestigationID =" + invid;
            objData.ExecuteQuery(strSQLUpdateInvertigation, ref strErr);

            if (strErr == "")
                var strDueCollection = "insert into dbo_Inv_Due_Collection (investigationID, Paid_Amount, Paid_Type, UserId, UserPC) ";
                strDueCollection += " Values (" + invid + ", " + paidAmount + ", 'DI'," + hms.Include_Files.Utility.userID + ", '" + hms.Include_Files.Utility.PcName + "' )";
                objData.ExecuteQuery(strDueCollection, ref strErr);

                if (strErr == "")
                    strSQLCASH = "insert into [dbo_CashMemo]([CM_SL], [InvetigationID], [Pay_Amount], [Due], USERID,UserPC) ";
                    strSQLCASH = strSQLCASH + "Values (" + cashSL + ", " + invid + ", " + paidAmount + ", " + totalDueAmount + ", " + hms.Include_Files.Utility.userID + ", '" + hms.Include_Files.Utility.PcName + "')";
                    objData.ExecuteQuery(strSQLCASH, ref strErr);

                    if (strErr == "")
                        string strSqlSpotCommission = "USP_Inv_Calculate_SpotCommission " + cmbInvestigation.Text.Split('/')[0] + "," + cmbInvestigation.Text.Split('/')[1] + "," + cmbInvestigation.Text.Split('/')[2];
                        objData.ExecuteQuery(strSqlSpotCommission, ref strErr);
                        MessageBox.Show("Due Collection succefullty done");
                        objData.CommitTransaction(ref strErr);
                        string strSQL = "";
                        strSQL = "USP_INV_DUE_Collection " + invid;

                        DataTable arrAllInfo = objData.RetriveData(strSQL, ref strErr);

                        DataSet ds = new DataSet();
                        dgvDueCollection.DataSource = ds.Tables["Table1"];
                        dgvDueCollection.Columns["Cash Memo"].DisplayIndex     = 0;
                        dgvDueCollection.Columns["Invertigation"].DisplayIndex = 1;
                        //dgvDueCollection.Columns["Pay_Amount"].DisplayIndex = 2;

                        var maxCashMemo = "select max(CM_ID) from dbo_CashMemo ";

                        var arrCashmemo = objData.RetriveData(maxCashMemo, ref strErr);
                        var cashId      = 0;
                        if (arrCashmemo.Rows.Count > 0)
                            cashId = Convert.ToInt32(arrCashmemo.Rows[0][0].ToString());

                        var sqlCashMemoInfo = "SELECT CAST(CM.CM_SL AS VARCHAR(10))+'/'+CAST(MONTH(CM.CreatedOn) AS VARCHAR(2))+'/'+CAST(YEAR(CM.CreatedOn) AS VARCHAR(4)) AS CashMemoNo";
                        sqlCashMemoInfo += " , CAST(Inv.Invetigation_SL AS VARCHAR(10))+'/'+CAST(MONTH(Inv.CreatedOn) AS VARCHAR(2))+'/'+CAST(YEAR(Inv.CreatedOn) AS VARCHAR(4)) AS  InvestigationSlNo";
                        sqlCashMemoInfo += " , Inv.CreatedOn,PI.Name,PI.Year,PI.Month,PI.Day,PI.Gender";
                        sqlCashMemoInfo +=
                            " , CM.Pay_Amount,Inv.DiscountTK,Inv.DiscountPasentance,Inv.DiscountByID,dbo.f_Get_Payable_Amount(Inv.InvestigationID) Payable_Amount,U.Name UserName";
                        sqlCashMemoInfo +=
                            " FROM dbo_CashMemo CM INNER JOIN dbo_Investigation Inv ON CM.InvetigationID=Inv.InvestigationID";
                        sqlCashMemoInfo += " INNER JOIN dbo_Patient_info PI ON PI.P_ID=Inv.P_ID	 ";
                        sqlCashMemoInfo += " LEFT JOIN dbo_Users U ON U.User_Id=CM.UserId ";
                        sqlCashMemoInfo += " WHERE CM.CM_ID=" + cashId;
                        var     dtCashMemoInfo = objData.RetriveData(sqlCashMemoInfo, ref strErr);
                        DataSet dscsh          = new DataSet();

                        var rptpath   = Utility.ReportPath + "rptDueMoneyReceipt.rpt";
                        var reportDoc = new ReportDocument();

                        //ReportDoc.SetParameterValue("UserName", Utility.UserName);

                        Utility.Print(reportDoc, rptpath, 2);
                        MessageBox.Show("cash memo not creted.");
                        objData.Rollback(ref strErr);
                    MessageBox.Show("investigation not updated.");
                    objData.Rollback(ref strErr);
                MessageBox.Show("investigation not updated.");
                objData.Rollback(ref strErr);
        private void insertData()
            //throw new NotImplementedException();
            objetdata = new C_Data_Batch();
            string strErr = "";

            hms.Include_Files.Utility.ComboboxItem Department = cmbDepartment.SelectedItem as hms.Include_Files.Utility.ComboboxItem;

            hms.Include_Files.Utility.ComboboxItem Designation = cmbDesignation.SelectedItem as hms.Include_Files.Utility.ComboboxItem;

            if (Department != null && Designation != null)
                var ValDepartment  = Department.Value.ToString();
                var ValDesignation = Designation.Value.ToString();

                //var DeptID = 0;

                objetdata.OpenConnection("PolinPC-Office", ref strErr);
                string strSQL = "";
                var    Gender = "M";
                if (txtgender.Text.ToString() == "F")
                    Gender = "F";

                var IsCommession = 0;
                if (chkIsCommession.Checked == true)
                    IsCommession = 1;
                var isDoc = 0;
                if (chkDoctor.Checked == true)
                    isDoc = 1;

                var valDocID = 0;
                if (isDoc.ToString() == "1")
                    valDocID = Convert.ToInt32(txtDoctorId.Text.ToString());
                var isparmanent = 0;
                if (chkParmanent.Checked == true)
                    isparmanent = 1;

                strSQL = "Insert into dbo_Employee_Profiles ([Name],[PresentAddress],[Gender],[BloodGroup],";
                strSQL = strSQL + "[JoiningDate],[Phone],[DateOfBirth],[ParmanentAddress],[IsDoctor],[IsCommession],[IsEmployment],[FatherName],[MotherName], [DocID]) ";
                strSQL = strSQL + " values ('" + txtEmployeeName.Text.ToString() + "','" + rtbPresentAddress.Text + "','" + Gender + "','" + txtBloodGroup.Text + "',";
                strSQL = strSQL + "'" + dtpJoinDate.Text + "','" + txtMobileNo.Text + "','" + dtpDateOfBirth.Text + "',";
                strSQL = strSQL + "'" + txtParmanentAddress.Text + "'," + isDoc + "," + IsCommession + "," + isparmanent + ",'" + txtFatherName.Text + "','" + txtMotherName.Text + "', " + valDocID + ")";

                objetdata.BeginTransaction(ref strErr);

                objetdata.ExecuteQuery(strSQL, ref strErr);

                if (strErr == "")
                    strSQL = "Select Max(EmpID) From dbo_Employee_Profiles";
                    var arr   = objetdata.RetriveData(strSQL, ref strErr);
                    var EmpId = 1;
                    if (arr.Rows[0][0].ToString() != "")
                        EmpId = Convert.ToInt32(arr.Rows[0][0].ToString());

                        strSQL = "Insert into dbo_Employee_Designation (EmpID, DegID)  values (" + EmpId.ToString() + ", " + ValDesignation + ")";
                        objetdata.ExecuteQuery(strSQL, ref strErr);
                        if (strErr == "")
                            strSQL = "Insert into dbo_Employee_Salary(EmpID, Basic, HouseRent, Medical, Others, InActive) ";
                            strSQL = strSQL + " Values(" + EmpId.ToString() + ", " + txtBasic.Text + ", " + txthouse.Text + ", " + txtmedical.Text + ", " + txtother.Text + ", 1)";
                            objetdata.ExecuteQuery(strSQL, ref strErr);
                            if (strErr == "")
                                objetdata.CommitTransaction(ref strErr);
                                MessageBox.Show("Employe Insert succefully done.");

                                objetdata.Rollback(ref strErr);
                                MessageBox.Show("Employe Not Insert");
                            objetdata.Rollback(ref strErr);
                            MessageBox.Show("Employe Not Insert");
                        objetdata.Rollback(ref strErr);
                        MessageBox.Show("Employe Not Insert");
                    objetdata.Rollback(ref strErr);
                    MessageBox.Show("Employe Not Insert");
                MessageBox.Show("Please select Department or Designation");
        private void SaveAdmissionInfo()
            var userid = Utility.userID;
            var patientName = txtPatientName.Text;
            int d, m, y;

            int.TryParse(txtdd.Text, out d);
            int.TryParse(txtmm.Text, out m);
            int.TryParse(txtyyy.Text, out y);
            if (y == 0 && m == 0 && d == 0)
                MessageBox.Show("Please enter age.");
            var day                     = d.ToString();
            var month                   = m.ToString();
            var year                    = y.ToString();
            var gender                  = txtgender.SelectedValue;
            var isFathertemp            = rbtnfathername.Checked;
            var isHusbandtemp           = rbtnhusbandname.Checked;
            var txtFatherOrHusband      = txtFatherOrHusbandname.Text;
            var mothername              = txtMotherName.Text;
            var religion                = txtReligion.SelectedValue;
            var occupation              = txtoccupation.Text;
            var guardian                = txtguardian.Text;
            var guardianAddress         = txtGuardianAddress.Text;
            var patientPresentAddress   = txtpresentaddress.Text;
            var patientParmanentAddress = txtpermanetaddress.Text;
            var patientPhone            = txtphone.Text;
            var dtbirthDate             = DateTime.Now.AddYears(int.Parse("-" + year)).AddMonths(int.Parse("-" + month)).AddDays(int.Parse("-" + day));
            var isFather                = isHusbandtemp ? 0 : 1;
            var hospitalFee             = 0;

            int.TryParse(txtFee.Text, out hospitalFee);
            var advance = txtadvance.Text == "" ? "0" : txtadvance.Text;

            var selectedBed = lstBedInfo.CurrentRow;

            var strErr = "";

            objData.OpenConnection("AatickPC-Office", ref strErr);
            objData.BeginTransaction(ref strErr);
            var p_id = 0;

            //var sqlpatientSl = "SELECT '" + dtbirthDate.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "'+ CASE WHEN MAX(P_ID) IS NULL THEN '1' ELSE CAST((MAX(P_ID)+1) AS VARCHAR(20)) END FROM dbo_patient_info WHERE CreatedOn>='" + new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, 1).ToShortDateString() + "'";
            //var dtpatientSl = objData.RetriveData(sqlpatientSl, ref strErr);

            var insertPatientinfo = "Insert into dbo_patient_info(Name,PresentAddress,Phone,Year,Month,Day,Gender,BirthDate,UserID,UserPC) values";

            insertPatientinfo += "('" + patientName + "','" + patientPresentAddress + "','" + patientPhone + "'," + year + "," + month + "," + day + ",'" + gender + "','" + dtbirthDate + "'," + userid + ",'" + Utility.PcName + "')";
            objData.ExecuteQuery(insertPatientinfo, ref strErr);
            var intAdmissionId = "";
            var maxCashId      = "";

            if (strErr == "")
                var sqlSelectPatientId = "select max(p_id) from dbo_patient_info";
                var dtSelectPatientId  = objData.RetriveData(sqlSelectPatientId, ref strErr);
                if (strErr == "")
                    p_id = int.Parse(dtSelectPatientId.Rows[0][0].ToString());
                    var sqlInsertPatientOtherInfo = "Insert into dbo_Patient_other_info(P_ID,IsFather,ForH_Name,Region,Occupation,Guardian,Parmanent_address,Mother_Name,Gurdian_Address,Guardian_Relation) values";
                    sqlInsertPatientOtherInfo += "(" + p_id + "," + isFather + ",'" + txtFatherOrHusband + "','" +
                                                 religion + "','" + occupation + "','" + guardian + "','" +
                                                 patientParmanentAddress + "','" + mothername + "','" + guardianAddress + "','" + txtRelation.Text + "')";
                    objData.ExecuteQuery(sqlInsertPatientOtherInfo, ref strErr);
                    if (strErr == "")
                        var refDocid   = txtdoctorid.Text;
                        var underDocid = txtadmissonunder.Text;

                        var sqladmissionSl = "SELECT CASE WHEN MAX(Admission_SL) IS NULL THEN 1001 ELSE MAX(Admission_SL)+1 END FROM dbo_Admission WHERE CreatedOn>='" + new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, 1).ToShortDateString() + "'";
                        var dtAddmissionSl = objData.RetriveData(sqladmissionSl, ref strErr);

                        if (strErr == "")
                            var insertAddmissioninfosql = "INSERT INTO dbo_Admission(P_ID,Reference_Doc_ID,Under_Doc_ID,Admission_SL,UserID,UserPC,Hospital_Fee) VALUES(" + p_id + "," + refDocid + "," + underDocid + "," + dtAddmissionSl.Rows[0][0] + "," + Utility.userID + ",'" + Utility.PcName + "'," + hospitalFee + ")";
                            objData.ExecuteQuery(insertAddmissioninfosql, ref strErr);
                            if (strErr == "")
                                var sqlSelectAdmissionId = "select max(Admission_id) from dbo_Admission";
                                var dtSelectAdmissionId  = objData.RetriveData(sqlSelectAdmissionId, ref strErr);
                                if (strErr == "")
                                    intAdmissionId = dtSelectAdmissionId.Rows[0][0].ToString();
                                    var insertAdmissionOtherinfosql =
                                        "INSERT INTO dbo_Admission_other_info(Admission_Id,Provisional_Diagnosis,ListOfDiagnosis) VALUES(" +
                                        dtSelectAdmissionId.Rows[0][0] + ",'" + txtprovisionsis.Text +
                                        "','" + txtlistofdocument.Text + "')";
                                    objData.ExecuteQuery(insertAdmissionOtherinfosql, ref strErr);
                                    if (strErr == "")
                                        var insertBedinfosql = "INSERT INTO Patient_Bed(BI_ID,Admission_id,Booked_On,isBooked,Note,UserID,UserPC) VALUES(" + selectedBed.Cells[0].Value + "," + dtSelectAdmissionId.Rows[0][0] + ",getdate(),1,'" + selectedBed.Cells[5].Value + "'," + Utility.userID + ",'" + Utility.PcName + "')";
                                        objData.ExecuteQuery(insertBedinfosql, ref strErr);
                                        if (strErr == "")
                                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(advance))
                                                var insertDepositinfosql =
                                                    "INSERT INTO Hospital_Deposit(Admission_id,Deposit_amount,Deposit_On,UserID,UserPC,Deposite_Type) VALUES(" +
                                                    dtSelectAdmissionId.Rows[0][0] + ",'" + advance + "',getdate()," + Utility.userID + ",'" + Utility.PcName + "','A')";
                                                objData.ExecuteQuery(insertDepositinfosql, ref strErr);
                                                if (strErr == "")
                                                    var sqlcashSl =
                                                        "SELECT CASE WHEN MAX(CM_SL) IS NULL THEN 1001 ELSE MAX(CM_SL)+1 END FROM dbo_CashMemo WHERE CreatedOn>='" +
                                                        new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, 1)
                                                        .ToShortDateString() + "'";
                                                    var dtACashSl = objData.RetriveData(sqlcashSl, ref strErr);
                                                    if (strErr == "")
                                                        var insertCashMemosql =
                                                            "INSERT INTO dbo_CashMemo(Admission_ID,CM_SL,Pay_Amount,USERID,UserPC) VALUES(" +
                                                            dtSelectAdmissionId.Rows[0][0] + "," + dtACashSl.Rows[0][0] +
                                                            "," + advance + "," + userid + ",'" + Utility.PcName + "')";
                                                        objData.ExecuteQuery(insertCashMemosql, ref strErr);

                                                        var selectCashMaxId = "SELECT MAX(CM_ID) FROM dbo_CashMemo;";
                                                        var arrMaxCashId    = objData.RetriveData(selectCashMaxId, ref strErr);
                                                        maxCashId = arrMaxCashId.Rows[0][0].ToString();

            var msg = "";

            if (strErr != "")
                objData.Rollback(ref strErr);
                msg = "An Error occured.\nTry again later.";
                objData.CommitTransaction(ref strErr);
                msg = @"Successfully admitted";
            if (strErr == "")
            if (strErr == "")
            btnpreview.Enabled = true;
Beispiel #7
        private void SaveData()
            //throw new NotImplementedException();
            string strSqlUpdateItems   = "";
            string strSqlInsertHistory = "";
            string strIDs = "";
            var    strMsg = "";

            hms.Include_Files.Utility.ComboboxItem LabData = lbPathlab.SelectedItem as hms.Include_Files.Utility.ComboboxItem;
            var ReportId = 2;

            if (LabData != null)
                ReportId = Convert.ToInt16(LabData.Value.ToString()) + 1;

            if (Convert.ToInt32(dgvPathLab.Rows.Count) - 1 > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < dgvPathLab.Rows.Count - 1; i++)
                    if ((bool)dgvPathLab.Rows[i].Cells[0].FormattedValue == true)
                        if (strIDs.ToString() == "")
                            strIDs = dgvPathLab.Rows[i].Cells[9].Value.ToString();
                            strSqlInsertHistory = " (" + dgvPathLab.Rows[i].Cells[9].Value.ToString() + ", " + ReportId + ", " + hms.Include_Files.Utility.userID + ",'" + Utility.PcName + "')";
                            strIDs = strIDs + ", " + dgvPathLab.Rows[i].Cells[9].Value.ToString();
                            strSqlInsertHistory = strSqlInsertHistory + ", (" + dgvPathLab.Rows[i].Cells[9].Value.ToString() + ", " + ReportId + ", " + hms.Include_Files.Utility.userID + ",'" + Utility.PcName + "')";

            if (strIDs.ToString() != "")
                strSqlUpdateItems   = "Update dbo_InvertigationServiceItem SET Status=" + ReportId + " where [ISI_ID] in (" + strIDs.ToString() + ")";
                strSqlInsertHistory = "insert into Investigation_Serviceitem_History (ISI_ID, Status, UserID,userPC) values " + strSqlInsertHistory;

                objData = new C_Data_Batch();
                objData.OpenConnection("AzharPC-Home", ref strErr);

                objData.BeginTransaction(ref strErr);
                if (strErr.ToString() == "")
                    objData.ExecuteQuery(strSqlUpdateItems, ref strErr);
                    if (strErr.ToString() == "")
                        objData.ExecuteQuery(strSqlInsertHistory, ref strErr);
                        if (strErr.ToString() == "")
                            //MessageBox.Show("sample collection saved succefully done.");
                            hms.Include_Files.Utility.ComboboxItem LabDataMsg = lbPathlab.SelectedItem as hms.Include_Files.Utility.ComboboxItem;
                            strMsg = "Test Complete";
                            if (LabDataMsg != null)
                                strMsg = LabDataMsg.Name;
                            strMsg = strMsg + " saved succefully done.";
                            objData.CommitTransaction(ref strErr);
                            objData.Rollback(ref strErr);
                            MessageBox.Show("System cannot deal at this moment.");
                        objData.Rollback(ref strErr);
                        MessageBox.Show("System cannot deal at this moment.");
Beispiel #8
        private void btnsave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var addmissionId = txtAdmissionId.Text;
            var payAmount    = 0;

            int.TryParse(txtdepositamount.Text, out payAmount);
            if (payAmount == 0)
                MessageBox.Show(@"Please enter deposit amount.");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtdiscount.Text) || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtpersentance.Text))
                if (lstDiscountType.SelectedItems.Count == 0)
                    MessageBox.Show(@"Please select discount type.");
                if (lstdiscountby.SelectedItems.Count == 0)
                    MessageBox.Show(@"Please select discount by.");
            var dueAmount  = txtremainingdue.Text;
            var userId     = Utility.userID;
            var cashMemoSl = "";
            var cashId     = "";

            strErr = "";
            var msg = "";

            objData.OpenConnection("AatickPC-Office", ref strErr);
            var sqlCashMemoSl =
                "SELECT CASE WHEN MAX(CM_SL) IS NULL THEN 1001 ELSE MAX(CM_SL)+1 END FROM dbo_CashMemo WHERE CreatedOn>='" +
                new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, 1).ToShortDateString() + "'";
            var dtCashMemoSl = objData.RetriveData(sqlCashMemoSl, ref strErr);

            cashMemoSl = dtCashMemoSl.Rows[0][0].ToString();
            if (txtReturnAmount.Visible && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtReturnAmount.Text))
                var insertReturnsql = "INSERT INTO dbo_CashMemo(CM_SL,Admission_ID,USERID,Return_Amount,UserPC) VALUES('" +
                                      cashMemoSl + "'," + addmissionId + "," + userId + ",'" + txtReturnAmount.Text +
                                      "','" + Utility.PcName + "')";
                objData.ExecuteQuery(insertReturnsql, ref strErr);
                if (strErr == "")
                    var maxCashMemoSql = "SELECT MAX(CM_ID) FROM dbo_CashMemo;";
                    var arrCashId      = objData.RetriveData(maxCashMemoSql, ref strErr);
                    if (strErr == "")
                        cashId = arrCashId.Rows[0][0].ToString();
                msg = strErr != "" ? "An error occured.\nPlease try again later." : "Successfully saved.";
                objData.BeginTransaction(ref strErr);
                var insertDepositinfosql =
                    "INSERT INTO Hospital_Deposit(Admission_id,Deposit_amount,Deposit_On,UserPC,Deposite_Type,UserID) VALUES(" + addmissionId + ",'" +
                    payAmount + "',getdate(),'" + Utility.PcName + "','AD'," + Utility.userID + ")";
                objData.ExecuteQuery(insertDepositinfosql, ref strErr);
                if (strErr == "")
                    var insertCashinfosql =
                        "INSERT INTO dbo_CashMemo(CM_SL,Admission_ID,Pay_Amount,Due,USERID,Remarks,UserPC) VALUES('" +
                        cashMemoSl + "'," + addmissionId + ",'" + payAmount + "','" + dueAmount + "'," + userId +
                        ",'" + txtremarks.Text + "','" + Utility.PcName + "')";
                    objData.ExecuteQuery(insertCashinfosql, ref strErr);
                    if (strErr == "")
                        var maxCashMemoSql = "SELECT MAX(CM_ID) FROM dbo_CashMemo;";
                        var arrCashId      = objData.RetriveData(maxCashMemoSql, ref strErr);
                        if (strErr == "")
                            cashId = arrCashId.Rows[0][0].ToString();
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtdiscount.Text) || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtpersentance.Text))
                                var sql =
                                    "INSERT INTO dbo_Admission_Discount(Admission_Id,Discount_Amount,Discount_Percentage,Discount_Type,DiscountBy_Id,UserId,UserPc) VALUES(" +
                                    addmissionId + ",'" + GetDiscountAmount() + "','" + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtpersentance.Text) ? "0" : txtpersentance.Text) + "','" + lstDiscountType.SelectedValue +
                                    "','" + txtdiscountby.Text + "'," + Utility.userID + ",'" + Utility.PcName + "')";
                                objData.ExecuteQuery(sql, ref strErr);
                                var updateAdmissioninfosql = "UPDATE dbo_Admission SET DiscountByID='" +
                                                             txtdiscountby.Text +
                                                             "', DiscountTK=ISNULL(DiscountTK,0)+" + GetDiscountAmount() + ",DiscountPercentage='0',UserId=" + Utility.userID + ",UserPc='" + Utility.PcName + "' WHERE Admission_Id=" + addmissionId;
                                objData.ExecuteQuery(updateAdmissioninfosql, ref strErr);
                if (strErr != "")
                    objData.Rollback(ref strErr);
                    msg = "An error occured.\nPlease try again later.";
                    objData.CommitTransaction(ref strErr);
                    msg = "Successfully saved.";
            if (strErr == "")
Beispiel #9
        private void saveData()
            if (txtYear.Text.Trim() == "")
                MessageBox.Show("Please enter year!");

            int year;

            int.TryParse(txtYear.Text, out year);
            int month;

            int.TryParse(txtMonth.Text, out month);
            DateTime thisDay   = DateTime.Today;
            Int64    DateDiff  = Convert.ToInt64(((year * 12) + month) * 30);
            DateTime totalDays = thisDay.AddDays(-DateDiff);

            string birthDate = totalDays.Date.ToShortDateString();

            string strYear  = totalDays.Year.ToString();
            string strmonth = "";

            if (totalDays.Month < 10)
                strmonth = "0" + totalDays.Month;;
                strmonth = totalDays.Month.ToString();
            string strDay = "";

            if (totalDays.Day < 10)
                strDay = "0" + totalDays.Day;
                strDay = totalDays.Day.ToString();

            int intInvestigationType = 0;

            if (rbtngenaral.Checked == true)
                intInvestigationType = 1;
            else if (rbtnopd.Checked == true)
                intInvestigationType = 2;
                intInvestigationType = 1;
            int intInvestigationDeptType = 0;

            if (rbtnpathology.Checked == true)
                intInvestigationDeptType = 1;
            else if (rbtndental.Checked == true)
                intInvestigationDeptType = 2;
            else if (rbtnbloodbank.Checked == true)
                intInvestigationDeptType = 3;
            else if (rbtndialysis.Checked == true)
                intInvestigationDeptType = 4;
                intInvestigationDeptType = 1;
            var isUpdate = (rbtnindoor.Checked && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtAdmissionSl.Text.Trim())) ? true : false;

            objData.BeginTransaction(ref strErr);
            string strPatSql = "";

            strPatSql = "INSERT INTO [dbo_Patient_info]([Name],[PresentAddress],[Phone],[Year],[Month],[Day],[Gender],[BirthDate], UserID,UserPC) ";
            strPatSql = strPatSql + "VALUES('" + txtname.Text + "','" + txtaddress.Text + "','" + txtphone.Text;
            strPatSql = strPatSql + "'," + year + "," + month + ",0,'" + txtsex.SelectedValue + "','" + birthDate + "', " + Utility.userID + ",'" + Utility.PcName + "')";
            if (isUpdate)
                strPatSql = "UPDATE dbo_Patient_info SET Name='" + txtname.Text + "',PresentAddress='" + txtaddress.Text + "',Phone='" + txtphone.Text + "',Year=" + txtYear.Text + ",Month=" + txtMonth.Text + ",Gender='" + txtsex.SelectedValue + "',BirthDate='" + birthDate + "',UserID=" + Utility.userID + " WHERE P_ID=" + txtid.Text + ";";
            objData.ExecuteQuery(strPatSql, ref strErr);

            if (strErr == "")
                string strInvFndSL = "";
                strInvFndSL = "select case when max(Invetigation_SL) is null then 1001 else max(Invetigation_SL)+1 end From dbo_Investigation where month(CreatedON) = month(getdate()) AND  YEAR(CreatedON) = YEAR(getdate()) ";
                DataTable arrMaxInvSL = objData.RetriveData(strInvFndSL, ref strErr);
                if (strErr == "")
                    int maxInvSlL = 0;
                    maxInvSlL = Convert.ToInt32(arrMaxInvSL.Rows[0][0].ToString());

                    string    strP_ID = "select CASE WHEN max(p_ID) IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE max(p_ID) END From dbo_Patient_info ";
                    DataTable arrp_ID = objData.RetriveData(strP_ID, ref strErr);
                    int       p_IDval = 0;
                    p_IDval = Convert.ToInt32(arrp_ID.Rows[0][0].ToString());
                    if (isUpdate)
                        p_IDval = Convert.ToInt32(txtid.Text);
                    var pc = txtpc.Text;
                    if (pc.Trim() == "")
                        pc = "0";

                    var disciuntBy = lstDiscount.SelectedIndex == -1 ? "0" : lstDiscount.SelectedValue.ToString();

                    string strInvSql = "";
                    strInvSql = "INSERT INTO [dbo_Investigation]([DocID],[DiscountTK],[DiscountPasentance],[TotalDue],[InvestigationType],[InvestigationDeptType]";
                    strInvSql = strInvSql + " ,[P_ID],[Invetigation_SL],[PC_CC], [userID],[UserPC], DiscountByID" + (isUpdate ? ",[Admission_id]" : "") + ")";
                    strInvSql = strInvSql + " Values (" + txtdoctorid.Text + ", " + txtdiscount.Text + ", " + txtdiscouuntpersentnance.Text + ", " + txttotaldue.Text;
                    strInvSql = strInvSql + ", " + intInvestigationType + ", " + intInvestigationDeptType + ", " + p_IDval + ", " + maxInvSlL + ", " + pc + "," + Utility.userID + ",'" + Utility.PcName + "'," + disciuntBy + (isUpdate ? "," + lblAdmissionId.Text : "") + " )";

                    objData.ExecuteQuery(strInvSql, ref strErr);

                    if (strErr == "")
                        string strMaxInvID = "";
                        strMaxInvID = "select max(Investigationid) from dbo_Investigation";
                        DataTable arrMaxInvID = objData.RetriveData(strMaxInvID, ref strErr);

                        if (strErr == "")
                            int maxInvID = 0;
                            if (arrMaxInvID.Rows.Count > 0)
                                if (arrMaxInvID.Rows[0][0].ToString() == "")
                                    maxInvID = 0;
                                    maxInvID = Convert.ToInt32(arrMaxInvID.Rows[0][0].ToString());
                                maxInvID = 0;
                            string strSqlInvItem = "";

                            for (int i = 0; i < dgvInvestigation.Rows.Count; i++)
                                if (strSqlInvItem == "")
                                    strSqlInvItem = " (" + maxInvID + ", " + dgvInvestigation.Rows[i].Cells[1].Value + ",getdate(), 0," + Utility.userID + ", " + dgvInvestigation.Rows[i].Cells[3].Value + ",'" + dgvInvestigation.Rows[i].Cells[4].Value + "' ,'" + dgvInvestigation.Rows[i].Cells[5].Value + "','" + Utility.PcName + "' )";
                                    strSqlInvItem = strSqlInvItem + ", (" + maxInvID + ", " + dgvInvestigation.Rows[i].Cells[1].Value + ",getdate(), 0," + Utility.userID + ", " + dgvInvestigation.Rows[i].Cells[3].Value + ",'" + dgvInvestigation.Rows[i].Cells[4].Value + "' ,'" + dgvInvestigation.Rows[i].Cells[5].Value + "','" + Utility.PcName + "' )";

                            if (strSqlInvItem != "")
                                string strSqlInvItemMain = "INSERT INTO [dbo_InvertigationServiceItem]([Investigationid],[Service_ID],[Date],[Status],[UserID],Amount, DeliveryOn, Remaks,UserPC) Values " + strSqlInvItem;
                                objData.ExecuteQuery(strSqlInvItemMain, ref strErr);
                                if (strErr == "")
                                    string strSqlSpotCommission = "USP_Inv_Calculate_SpotCommission " + maxInvSlL + "," + DateTime.Today.Month + "," + DateTime.Today.Year;
                                    objData.ExecuteQuery(strSqlSpotCommission, ref strErr);
                                    objData.CommitTransaction(ref strErr);
                                    objData.Rollback(ref strErr);
                            objData.Rollback(ref strErr);
                        objData.Rollback(ref strErr);
                    objData.Rollback(ref strErr);
                objData.Rollback(ref strErr);
        private void saveData()
            //throw new NotImplementedException();
            string strSqlUpdateItems   = "";
            string strSqlInsertHistory = "";
            string strIDs = "";

            if (Convert.ToInt32(dgvSampleCollection.Rows.Count) - 1 > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < dgvSampleCollection.Rows.Count - 1; i++)
                    if ((bool)dgvSampleCollection.Rows[i].Cells[0].FormattedValue == true)
                        if (strIDs.ToString() == "")
                            strIDs = dgvSampleCollection.Rows[i].Cells[9].Value.ToString();
                            strSqlInsertHistory = " (" + dgvSampleCollection.Rows[i].Cells[9].Value.ToString() + ", 1," + hms.Include_Files.Utility.userID + ",'" + Utility.PcName + "')";
                            strIDs = strIDs + ", " + dgvSampleCollection.Rows[i].Cells[9].Value.ToString();
                            strSqlInsertHistory = strSqlInsertHistory + ", (" + dgvSampleCollection.Rows[i].Cells[9].Value.ToString() + ", 1," + hms.Include_Files.Utility.userID + ",'" + Utility.PcName + "')";

            if (strIDs.ToString() != "")
                strSqlUpdateItems   = "Update dbo_InvertigationServiceItem SET Status=1 where [ISI_ID] in (" + strIDs.ToString() + ")";
                strSqlInsertHistory = "insert into Investigation_Serviceitem_History (ISI_ID, Status, UserID,userPC) values " + strSqlInsertHistory;

                objData = new C_Data_Batch();
                objData.OpenConnection("AzharPC-Home", ref strErr);

                objData.BeginTransaction(ref strErr);
                if (strErr.ToString() == "")
                    objData.ExecuteQuery(strSqlUpdateItems, ref strErr);
                    if (strErr.ToString() == "")
                        objData.ExecuteQuery(strSqlInsertHistory, ref strErr);
                        if (strErr.ToString() == "")
                            MessageBox.Show("sample collection saved succefully done.");
                            objData.CommitTransaction(ref strErr);
                            objData.Rollback(ref strErr);
                            MessageBox.Show("System cannot deal at this moment.");
                        objData.Rollback(ref strErr);
                        MessageBox.Show("System cannot deal at this moment.");