Beispiel #1
        public bool initializeTraining(double modelSize)
            if (_numSamples <= 0 || _numPoints <= 0)

            // Copy the label
            _trainingData = new CXYVector[_numSamples];
            int i, k, l, s;

            for (k = 0; k < _numSamples; k++)
                _trainingData[k] = new CXYVector(_numPoints, ((CSample)_sample[k]).points);

            // create a normal shape

            /* Create A Circle Shape
             * Use This To Transform The "Center" Point Of The Mean Sample To Origin
             * The Mean Sample Orientation Will Be Fix Using Manual Orientation
            double radius = modelSize;

            _normalShape = new CXYVector(_numPoints);
            for (i = 1; i < 2 * _normalShape.size; i += 2)
                double angle = (i * System.Math.PI) / _normalShape.size;
                _normalShape[i / 2] = new CVector2(radius * System.Math.Sin(angle), radius * System.Math.Cos(angle));

            // Make First Sample As The Mean Sample
            _mean = new CXYVector(_trainingData[0]);

            // Create the weight diagonal matrix
            // the matrix is reduced to vector
            _weight = new double[_numPoints];
            for (k = 0; k < _numPoints; k++)
                double sumVar = 0.0;
                for (l = 0; l < _numPoints; l++)
                    double sigX  = 0.0;
                    double sigX2 = 0.0;
                    for (s = 0; s < _numSamples; s++)
                        CVector2 tv    = _trainingData[s][k].substractCopy(_trainingData[s][l]);
                        double   delta = tv.length2();
                        sigX  += Math.Sqrt(delta);
                        sigX2 += delta;
                    sumVar += (sigX2 - ((sigX * sigX) / _numSamples)) / _numSamples;
                _weight[k] = 1.0 / sumVar;

            _energy = 100000;

Beispiel #2
        private int calculateMovement(CXYVector xdX)
            int size            = _ASMResult.size;
            int detectedEdgeCnt = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                xdX[i] = CVector2.vNormal(_ASMResult[(i + size - 1) % size],
                                          _ASMResult[(i + 1) % size]);
                double dx = xdX[i][0];
                double dy = xdX[i][1];

                scanForEdge(_ASMResult[i][0], _ASMResult[i][1],
                            ref dx, ref dy);
                if (dx != 0 && dy != 0)

                xdX[i][0] = dx;
                xdX[i][1] = dy;
Beispiel #3
        public void moveSelectedPoint(double x, double y)
            int      i;
            CVector2 buff = new CVector2(x, y);

            if (_activeSampleIdx == -1)
            for (i = 0; i < _numPoints; i++)
                if (_isSelected[i])
        public object ReadYaml(IParser parser, Type xtype)
            IType result;


            // read name property
            var typeName = parser.SafeReadScalarProperty(s_typeName);
            var type     = Serialization.GetTypeFromRedTypeStr(typeName);

            if (type == null)
                throw new InvalidDataException();

            if (IsArray(type))
                var innertype = type.GetGenericArguments()[0];
                var list      = (IList)Activator.CreateInstance(
                    typeof(List <>).MakeGenericType(
                        new Type[] { innertype }),
                    BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public,
                    binder: null,
                    args: null,
                    culture: null);
                if (list is null)
                    throw new InvalidDataException();

                // read values
                if (parser.Current.GetType() != _sequenceStartType)
                    throw new InvalidDataException("Invalid YAML content.");

                parser.MoveNext(); // skip the sequence start

                    var x = ReadYaml(parser, innertype);

                } while (parser.Current.GetType() != _sequenceEndType);

                parser.MoveNext(); // skip the mapping end (or crash)

                var array = (IArray)Activator.CreateInstance(
                    typeof(CArray <>).MakeGenericType(
                        new Type[] { innertype }),
                    BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public,
                    binder: null,
                    args: null,
                    culture: null);
                if (array is null)
                    throw new InvalidDataException();


                result = array is IType o ? o : throw new JsonException();
                if (typeof(IPrimitive).IsAssignableFrom(type))
                    result = Parse(parser.SafeReadScalarProperty(s_valueName), type);

                    switch (Serialization.GetEnumFromType(type))
                    case ETweakType.CColor:
                        result = new CColor
                            Red   = byte.Parse(parser.SafeReadScalarProperty(nameof(CColor.Red))),
                            Green = byte.Parse(parser.SafeReadScalarProperty(nameof(CColor.Green))),
                            Blue  = byte.Parse(parser.SafeReadScalarProperty(nameof(CColor.Blue))),
                            Alpha = byte.Parse(parser.SafeReadScalarProperty(nameof(CColor.Alpha))),

                    case ETweakType.CEulerAngles:
                        result = new CEulerAngles
                            Pitch = float.Parse(parser.SafeReadScalarProperty(nameof(CEulerAngles.Pitch))),
                            Yaw   = float.Parse(parser.SafeReadScalarProperty(nameof(CEulerAngles.Yaw))),
                            Roll  = float.Parse(parser.SafeReadScalarProperty(nameof(CEulerAngles.Roll))),

                    case ETweakType.CQuaternion:
                        result = new CQuaternion
                            I = float.Parse(parser.SafeReadScalarProperty(nameof(CQuaternion.I))),
                            J = float.Parse(parser.SafeReadScalarProperty(nameof(CQuaternion.J))),
                            K = float.Parse(parser.SafeReadScalarProperty(nameof(CQuaternion.K))),
                            R = float.Parse(parser.SafeReadScalarProperty(nameof(CQuaternion.R))),

                    case ETweakType.CVector2:
                        result = new CVector2
                            X = float.Parse(parser.SafeReadScalarProperty(nameof(CVector2.X))),
                            Y = float.Parse(parser.SafeReadScalarProperty(nameof(CVector2.Y)))

                    case ETweakType.CVector3:
                        result = new CVector3
                            X = float.Parse(parser.SafeReadScalarProperty(nameof(CVector3.X))),
                            Y = float.Parse(parser.SafeReadScalarProperty(nameof(CVector3.Y))),
                            Z = float.Parse(parser.SafeReadScalarProperty(nameof(CVector3.Z)))

                        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();

                    parser.MoveNext(); // skip the mapping end (or crash)

            parser.MoveNext(); // skip the mapping end (or crash)

Beispiel #5
        public ParticleEmitter2(BinaryReader br)
            TotalSize = br.ReadUInt32();
            long end = br.BaseStream.Position + TotalSize;

            ObjSize  = br.ReadUInt32();
            Name     = br.ReadCString(Constants.SizeName);
            ObjectId = br.ReadInt32();
            ParentId = br.ReadInt32();
            Flags    = (GENOBJECTFLAGS)br.ReadUInt32();


            NodeSize     = br.ReadInt32();
            Type         = (PARTICLE_EMITTER_TYPE)br.ReadInt32();
            Speed        = br.ReadSingle();
            Variation    = br.ReadSingle();
            Latitude     = br.ReadSingle();
            Longitude    = br.ReadSingle();
            Gravity      = br.ReadSingle();
            ZSource      = br.ReadSingle();
            Lifespan     = br.ReadSingle();
            EmissionRate = br.ReadSingle();
            Length       = br.ReadSingle();
            Width        = br.ReadSingle();

            Rows         = br.ReadInt32();
            Cols         = br.ReadInt32();
            ParticleType = (PARTICLE_TYPE)br.ReadInt32();
            if (ParticleType > 0 && !Enum.IsDefined(typeof(PARTICLE_TYPE), ParticleType))
                throw new Exception("Unknown PARTICLE_TYPE");

            TailLength = br.ReadSingle();
            MiddleTime = br.ReadSingle();

            StartColor  = new CVector3(br);
            MiddleColor = new CVector3(br);
            EndColor    = new CVector3(br);

            StartAlpha  = br.ReadByte() / 255f;
            MiddleAlpha = br.ReadByte() / 255f;
            EndAlpha    = br.ReadByte() / 255f;

            StartScale  = br.ReadSingle();
            MiddleScale = br.ReadSingle();
            EndScale    = br.ReadSingle();

            LifespanUVAnimStart  = br.ReadUInt32();
            LifespanUVAnimEnd    = br.ReadUInt32();
            LifespanUVAnimRepeat = br.ReadUInt32();

            DecayUVAnimStart  = br.ReadUInt32();
            DecayUVAnimEnd    = br.ReadUInt32();
            DecayUVAnimRepeat = br.ReadUInt32();

            TailUVAnimStart  = br.ReadUInt32();
            TailUVAnimEnd    = br.ReadUInt32();
            TailUVAnimRepeat = br.ReadUInt32();

            TailDecayUVAnimStart  = br.ReadUInt32();
            TailDecayUVAnimEnd    = br.ReadUInt32();
            TailDecayUVAnimRepeat = br.ReadUInt32();

            BlendMode     = (PARTICLE_BLEND_MODE)br.ReadUInt32();
            TextureId     = br.ReadUInt32();
            PriorityPlane = br.ReadInt32();
            ReplaceableId = br.ReadUInt32();

            GeometryMdl  = br.ReadCString(Constants.SizeFileName);
            RecursionMdl = br.ReadCString(Constants.SizeFileName);

            TwinkleFPS      = br.ReadSingle();
            TwinkleOnOff    = br.ReadSingle();
            TwinkleScaleMin = br.ReadSingle();
            TwinkleScaleMax = br.ReadSingle();

            IvelScale    = br.ReadSingle();
            TumbleX      = new CVector2(br);
            TumbleY      = new CVector2(br);
            TumbleZ      = new CVector2(br);
            Drag         = br.ReadSingle();
            Spin         = br.ReadSingle();
            WindVector   = new CVector3(br);
            WindTime     = br.ReadSingle();
            FollowSpeed1 = br.ReadSingle();
            FollowScale1 = br.ReadSingle();
            FollowSpeed2 = br.ReadSingle();
            FollowScale2 = br.ReadSingle();

            NrOfSplines = br.ReadInt32();
            for (int i = 0; i < NrOfSplines; i++)
                Splines.Add(new CVector3(br));

            Squirts = br.ReadUInt32();              // 1 for footsteps and impact spell effects

            while (br.BaseStream.Position < end && !br.AtEnd())
                string tagname = br.ReadString(4);
                switch (tagname)
                case "KP2S": SpeedKeys = new Track <float>(br); break;

                case "KP2R": VariationKeys = new Track <float>(br); break;

                case "KP2G": GravityKeys = new Track <float>(br); break;

                case "KP2W": WidthKeys = new Track <float>(br); break;

                case "KP2N": LengthKeys = new Track <float>(br); break;

                case "KVIS": VisibilityKeys = new Track <float>(br); break;

                case "KP2E": EmissionRateKeys = new Track <float>(br); break;

                case "KP2L": LatitudeKeys = new Track <float>(br); break;

                case "KLIF": LifespanKeys = new Track <float>(br); break;

                case "KPLN": LongitudeKeys = new Track <float>(br); break;

                case "KP2Z": ZSourceKeys = new Track <float>(br); break;

                    br.BaseStream.Position -= 4;
Beispiel #6
 public void addPoint(CVector2 newPoint)
     addPoint(newPoint[0], newPoint[1]);
Beispiel #7
 public int addPoint(CVector2 newPoint)
     return(addPoint(newPoint[0], newPoint[1]));