Beispiel #1
        void DrawHistogram(PictureBox window, CVHistogram histo, int channelIdx)
            int imageWidth  = window.Width;
            int imageHeight = window.Height;

            int bins     = histo.BinSizes[0];
            int binWidth = imageWidth / bins;

            if (binWidth <= 0)
                binWidth = 1;

            CVPair  minMax      = histo.MinMaxValue;
            CVImage outputImage = new CVImage(imageWidth, imageHeight, CVDepth.Depth8U, 3);


            for (int bin = 0; bin < bins; bin++)
                double binValue  = histo[bin];
                byte   level     = (byte)CVUtils.Round(binValue * 255 / minMax.Second);
                byte   binHeight = (byte)CVUtils.Round(binValue * imageHeight / minMax.Second);

                byte[] color = new byte[3];
                color[channelIdx] = (byte)(((double)bin / (double)bins) * 255);

                byte[] markerColor = new byte[3];
                markerColor[channelIdx] = level;

                Color colColor  = Color.FromArgb(color[2], color[1], color[0]);
                Color colMarker = Color.FromArgb(markerColor[2], markerColor[1], markerColor[0]);

                outputImage.DrawRectangle(new Rectangle(bin * binWidth, imageHeight - binHeight, binWidth - 1, binHeight), colColor);
                outputImage.DrawRectangle(new Rectangle(bin * binWidth, imageHeight - binHeight, binWidth - 1, binHeight), colMarker);
                outputImage.DrawRectangle(new Rectangle(bin * binWidth, imageHeight - binHeight, 1, binHeight), colMarker);

            window.Image = outputImage.ToBitmap();
Beispiel #2
 private void ParseBuffer()
     //This is the tricky code that stores all data received
     //parses and stores it in a List of command value pairs
     try {
         if (serialPort1.IsOpen)
             //Read everything the Arduino has sent so far
             incomeBuffer += serialPort1.ReadExisting();
         //Split string into c-v pairs
         //For example: "digital-HIGH&analog-512&led-HIGH&"
         //will be split in { "digital-HIGH", "analog-512", "led-HIGH", ""}
         string[] cvPairs = incomeBuffer.Split('&');
         incomeBuffer = cvPairs[cvPairs.Length - 1];
         for (int i = 0; i < (cvPairs.Length - 1); i++)
             string[] cvPair = cvPairs[i].Split('-');
             if (cvPair.Length == 2)
                 //If the pair has not exactly 2 elements
                 //a command and a value, discard it
                 CVPair pair = new CVPair();
                 pair.Command = cvPair[0];
                 pair.Value   = cvPair[1];
                 Console.WriteLine("Command Enqued: " + cvPairs[i]);
                 Console.WriteLine("Command Discarded: " + cvPairs[i]);
     } catch (Exception ex) {
         timer1.Enabled = false;
         MessageBox.Show("Error reading data from the Arduino");
Beispiel #3
 public CVHistogram(int[] binSizes, CVPair[] binRanges)
     CreateHist(binSizes, binRanges);
Beispiel #4
        protected void CreateHist(int[] binSizes, CVPair[] binRanges)
            this._binSizes = binSizes;
            this._binRanges = binRanges;

            float[][] ranges = new float[binRanges.Length][];

            // make sure ranges & sizes are of the same dimention.
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(binSizes.Length == binRanges.Length, "Ranges & sizes must be of the same dimention");

            // create ranges array.
            for (int i = 0; i < binRanges.Length; ++i)
                float[] range = new float[2];
                range[0] = binRanges[i].First;
                range[1] = binRanges[i].Second;
                ranges[i] = range;

            this.Internal = PInvoke.cvCreateHist(this._binSizes, (int)CVHistogramType.Array, ranges, true);
Beispiel #5
        public CVHistogram CalcHistogram(int[] binSizes, CVPair[] binRanges, CVImage mask)
            CVHistogram h = new CVHistogram(binSizes, binRanges);

            __IplImagePtr[] images = new __IplImagePtr[this.Channels];
            if (this.Channels == 1)
                images[0] = this.Internal;
                CVImage[] planes = this.Split();
                for (int i = 0; i < planes.Length; ++i)
                    images[i] = planes[i].Internal;

            __CvArrPtr maskArr = IntPtr.Zero;
            if (mask != null) maskArr = mask.Array;

            PInvoke.cvCalcHist(images, h.Internal, 0, maskArr);
            return h;
Beispiel #6
 public CVHistogram CalcHistogram(int[] binSizes, CVPair[] binRanges)
     return CalcHistogram(binSizes, binRanges, null);
Beispiel #7
        public CVHistogram CalcHistogram(int binsSize, CVImage mask)
            Int32[] binSizes = new Int32[3];
            CVPair[] binRanges = new CVPair[3];

            binSizes[0] = binSizes[1] = binSizes[2] = binsSize;
            binRanges[0] = binRanges[1] = binRanges[2] = new CVPair(0, 255);

            return CalcHistogram(binSizes, binRanges, mask);