Beispiel #1
 private int traceCreatedID(int seq)
     for (int i = 0; i < traces.Count; i++)
         CTrace cTrace = (CTrace)traces[i];
         if (cTrace.seq == seq)
     Debug.LogError("(traceCreatedID) not found: " + seq);
Beispiel #2
 private bool CheckTraces(int seq, int template)
     if (template != 135 && template != 136)
     for (int i = 0; i < traces.Count; i++)
         CTrace cTrace = (CTrace)traces[i];
         if (cTrace.seq == seq)
     if (template == 136)
         bLastTarget = true;
Beispiel #3
    private void EraseTrace(int eraseId)
        int num = -1;

        for (int i = 0; i < traces.Count; i++)
            CTrace cTrace = (CTrace)traces[i];
            if ( == eraseId)
                num = i;
        if (num >= 0)
            Debug.LogError("(EraseTrace) not found: " + eraseId);
Beispiel #4
        public static void ProcessCounterexamplesWOSymbolicOut(SDiffCounterexamples errors, List <Variable> globals, List <Variable> eqLocVars,
                                                               Implementation vtLeftProcImpl, Implementation vtRightProcImpl, List <Declaration> consts, List <Model> errModelList,
                                                               string v1Name, string v2Name)
            List <Expr>  constraintExprs = new List <Expr>();
            List <Block> listBlocksV1    = new List <Block>();
            List <Block> listBlocksV2    = new List <Block>();

            Model[] errModelArray = errModelList.ToArray();

            var label = new GotoCmd(Token.NoToken, new List <String>()

            label.labelNames = new List <string>(); // label.labelTargets = new List<Block>();
            label.labelNames.Add("DONE");           //label.labelTargets.Add("DONE");

            // First block
            var labels = new List <String>();

            for (int j = 0; j < errors.Count; j++)
                labels.Add("Cex" + j);

            var labelEntry = new GotoCmd(Token.NoToken, labels);

            labelEntry.labelTargets = new List <Block>();

            for (int j = 0; j < errors.Count; j++)
                labelEntry.labelNames.Add("Cex" + j);//labelEntry.labelTargets.Add("Cex" + j);

            for (int i = 0; i < errors.Count; i++)
                var impl  = errors[i].Impl;
                var trace = errors[i].Trace;

                //Log.Out(Log.Normal, "Attempting symbolic execution of [" + i + "] $ " + impl.Name);

                if (Options.GenerateCTrace)
                    Log.Out(Log.Normal, "Constructing metatrace from location annotations");
                    var extractor = new SDiff.SymEx.TraceExtractor();
                    //Log.Out(Log.CTrace, CTrace.Make(extractor.metaTrace));
                    var cTrace = CTrace.Make(extractor.metaTrace, consts, errModelArray[i], v1Name, v2Name);
                    //var cTrace = "";
                    if (cTrace.Trim() != "")
                        //note that the index for cex on the output shows 1,2,..., instead of 0,1,2....
                        var fname  = impl.Name + "_cex_" + (i + 1) + "_out.c";
                        var cexOut = new TokenTextWriter(impl.Name + "_cex_" + (i + 1) + "_out.c", true);
                        Log.Out(Log.CTrace, "n:" + (i + 1) + ":" + fname);
                        Log.Out(Log.CTrace, "w:" + fname);

                Log.Out(Log.Normal, "Desugaring calls");
                //HACK!!!: changes havoc x; assume (x= uf(..)); --> x := uf(...)
                var deCall = new SDiff.SymEx.DesugarCallCmds();
                trace = deCall.VisitTrace(trace);

                //symbolic constants
                var symInParams = new List <Variable>(impl.InParams);
                foreach (var g in globals)

                Log.Out(Log.Normal, "Executing trace downward");
                //symbolic stores (look at symex.cs for the datastructure)
                // var sTrace = SDiff.SymEx.Cexecutor.ExecDown(trace, symInParams);
                Log.Out(Log.Normal, "Executing trace upward");
                //looks at each assume to create the path constants
                //clean up the duplication of assignments

                Log.Out(Log.Normal, "Grabbing final execution values");
                // var lastStore = sTrace.LastSCmd().Gammas.Last();
                // var firstCons = sTrace.FirstSCmd().Cons;

                // constraintExprs.Add(firstCons.Conjoin());

                //#hemr - generating new strategy right here with inlining counterexamples!

                // Second block
                List <Cmd> cmdsV1_Diff_inline = new List <Cmd>();
                List <Cmd> cmdsV2_Diff_inline = new List <Cmd>();

                Substitution replaceScopeV1 = delegate(Variable x)
                    return(replaceScopeGeneric(vtLeftProcImpl, x));

                Substitution replaceScopeV2 = delegate(Variable x)
                    return(replaceScopeGeneric(vtRightProcImpl, x));

                foreach (Block currentBlock in trace)
                    if (currentBlock.ToString().Contains("inline$" + v1Name))
                        foreach (Cmd currentCmd in currentBlock.Cmds)
                            Cmd newCmd = Substituter.Apply(replaceScopeV1, currentCmd);
                    else if (currentBlock.ToString().Contains("inline$" + v2Name))
                        foreach (Cmd currentCmd in currentBlock.Cmds)
                            Cmd newCmd = Substituter.Apply(replaceScopeV2, currentCmd);

                Block blockV1 = new Block(Token.NoToken, "Cex" + i, cmdsV1_Diff_inline, label);
                Block blockV2 = new Block(Token.NoToken, "Cex" + i, cmdsV2_Diff_inline, label);


                //#hemr - displaying values related to error model (at console level)

                Model currentModel = errModelArray[i];

                //var keys = currentModel.identifierToPartition.Keys;
                var keys = currentModel.Functions.Where(f => f.Arity == 0).Select(f => f.GetConstant());

            Expr disjunctionDiffCond = Expr.False;

            foreach (Expr currentExpr in constraintExprs)
                disjunctionDiffCond = Expr.Or(disjunctionDiffCond, currentExpr);

            ProcessCounterexampleForDiffInliningWOSymbolicOut(eqLocVars, vtLeftProcImpl, vtRightProcImpl, v1Name, v2Name, listBlocksV1, listBlocksV2, labelEntry);
Beispiel #5
        public static void ProcessCounterexamples(SDiffCounterexamples errors, List <Variable> globals, List <Variable> outputVars, Program prog, Implementation vtLeftProcImpl, Implementation vtRightProcImpl)
            List <Expr> constraintExprs = new List <Expr>();

            for (int i = 0; i < errors.Count; i++)
                var impl  = errors[i].Impl;
                var trace = errors[i].Trace;

                Log.Out(Log.Normal, "Attempting symbolic execution of [" + (i + 1) + "] $ " + impl.Name);

                if (Options.GenerateCTrace)
                    Log.Out(Log.Normal, "Constructing metatrace from location annotations");
                    var extractor = new SDiff.SymEx.TraceExtractor();
                    //Log.Out(Log.CTrace, CTrace.Make(extractor.metaTrace));
                    var cTrace = CTrace.Make(extractor.metaTrace, null, null, "", "");
                    //var cTrace = "";
                    if (cTrace.Trim() != "")
                        var fname  = impl.Name + "_cex_" + (i + 1) + "_out.c";
                        var cexOut = new TokenTextWriter(impl.Name + "_cex_" + (i + 1) + "_out.c", true);
                        Log.Out(Log.CTrace, "n:" + (i + 1) + ":" + fname);
                        Log.Out(Log.CTrace, "w:" + fname);

                Log.Out(Log.Normal, "Desugaring calls");
                //HACK!!!: changes havoc x; assume (x= uf(..)); --> x := uf(...)
                var deCall = new SDiff.SymEx.DesugarCallCmds();
                trace = deCall.VisitTrace(trace);

                //symbolic constants
                var symInParams = new List <Variable>(impl.InParams);
                foreach (var g in globals)

                Log.Out(Log.Normal, "Executing trace downward");
                //symbolic stores (look at symex.cs for the datastructure)
                var sTrace = SDiff.SymEx.Cexecutor.ExecDown(trace, symInParams);
                Log.Out(Log.Normal, "Executing trace upward");
                //looks at each assume to create the path constants
                //clean up the duplication of assignments

                if (Options.DumpSymTrace)

                //printing the symbolic stores at exit
                //still in SSA form
                Log.Out(Log.Normal, "Grabbing final execution values");
                var lastStore = sTrace.LastSCmd().Gammas.Last();
                var firstCons = sTrace.FirstSCmd().Cons;

                //resolves the outputs to be expressions over uif and symbolic constants only
                Log.Out(Log.Normal, "Resolving result expressions");
                var outSymExprs = new List <Expr>();
                foreach (var v in outputVars)
                    outSymExprs.Add(SymEx.ResolveSymExpr.Resolve(v, lastStore));

                Log.Out(Log.SymEx, "SymEx Results===================================");

                Log.Out(Log.SymEx, "Input constraint");
                if (Options.EraseUFArgumentsOnPrintout) // f(..)
                    var eraser   = new ArgumentParameterEraser();
                    var duper    = new Duplicator();
                    var dupConst = new SDiff.SymEx.Constraint(firstCons, true);
                    foreach (var e in dupConst.Conjuncts)
                    Log.LogEmit(Log.SymEx, 1, dupConst.Emit);
                    Log.LogEmit(Log.SymEx, 1, firstCons.Emit);



                Log.Out(Log.SymEx, "Symbolic output values");

                var outSymExprsPrintable = outSymExprs;
                if (Options.EraseUFArgumentsOnPrintout) // f(..)
                    outSymExprsPrintable = new List <Expr>();
                    var eraser = new ArgumentParameterEraser();
                    var duper  = new Duplicator();
                    foreach (Expr e in outSymExprs)
                        var ex = duper.VisitExpr(e);

                //if the output variables aren't paired, iterate through normally
                if (outputVars.Count % 2 != 0)
                    for (int j = 0; j < outputVars.Count; j++)
                        Log.Out(Log.SymEx, "\t" + outputVars[j].ToString() + ": ");
                        Log.LogEmit(Log.SymEx, 2, outSymExprsPrintable[j].Emit);
                        Log.Out(Log.Normal, "");
                //otherwise don't print a pair if it's syntactically equal
                    for (int j = 0; j < outputVars.Count; j += 2)
                        if (!outSymExprs[j].StringEquals(outSymExprs[j + 1]))
                            Log.Out(Log.SymEx, "\t" + outputVars[j].ToString() + ": ");
                            Log.LogEmit(Log.SymEx, 2, outSymExprsPrintable[j].Emit);
                            Log.Out(Log.Normal, "");
                            Log.Out(Log.SymEx, "\t" + outputVars[j + 1].ToString() + ": ");
                            Log.LogEmit(Log.SymEx, 2, outSymExprsPrintable[j + 1].Emit);
                            Log.Out(Log.Normal, "");
            Expr disjunctionDiffCond = Expr.False;

            if (Options.PropagateSingleDifference && errors.Count > 1)
                var t = constraintExprs.First();
                disjunctionDiffCond = Expr.Or(disjunctionDiffCond, constraintExprs.First());
                foreach (Expr currentExpr in constraintExprs)
                    disjunctionDiffCond = Expr.Or(disjunctionDiffCond, currentExpr);

            ProcessCounterexampleForDiffInline(errors, vtLeftProcImpl, vtRightProcImpl, disjunctionDiffCond);