Beispiel #1
        public OpenXmlDocumentModel(Stream output, WordOpenXmlWriter.CreateXmlStream createXmlStream, ScalabilityCache scalabilityCache)
            _createXmlStream  = createXmlStream;
            _zipPackage       = Package.Open(output, FileMode.Create);
            _documentPart     = (_currentPart = new PartInfo());
            _currentPart.Part = new DocumentPart();
            _manager          = new PartManager(ZipPackage);
            Relationship relationship = _manager.AddStreamingRootPartToTree("application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document.main+xml", "", "word/document.xml");

            _currentPart.PartName          = relationship.RelatedPart;
            _currentPart.Stream            = _createXmlStream("document");
            _currentPart.Writer            = new InterleavingWriter(_currentPart.Stream, scalabilityCache);
            _currentHeaderFooterReferences = default(TemporaryHeaderFooterReferences);
            _tags = new Stack <OoxmlComplexType>();
            CT_Document cT_Document = new CT_Document();

            cT_Document.WriteOpenTag(_currentPart.Writer.TextWriter, _currentPart.Part.Tag, _currentPart.Part.Namespaces);
            CT_Body ctObject = new CT_Body();

            WriteStartTag(ctObject, CT_Document.BodyElementName);
            _currentPart.TableContext = new TableContext(_currentPart.Writer, inHeaderFooter: false);
            _listManager       = new OpenXmlListNumberingManager();
            _sectionProperties = new OpenXmlSectionPropertiesModel();
Beispiel #2
         * MB 24 May 2010. Created this overloaded buildHdrFtr() method because testing demonstrated
         * that the XWPFFooter or XWPFHeader object returned by calls to the CreateHeader(int, XWPFParagraph[])
         * and CreateFooter(int, XWPFParagraph[]) methods or the GetXXXXXHeader/Footer methods where
         * headers or footers had been Added to a document since it had been Created/opened, returned
         * an object that Contained no XWPFParagraph objects even if the header/footer itself did contain
         * text. The reason was that this line of code; CTHdrFtr ftr = CTHdrFtr.Factory.NewInstance();
         * Created a brand new instance of the CTHDRFtr class which was then populated with data when
         * it should have recovered the CTHdrFtr object encapsulated within the XWPFHeaderFooter object
         * that had previoulsy been instantiated in the CreateHeader(int, XWPFParagraph[]) or
         * CreateFooter(int, XWPFParagraph[]) methods.
        private CT_HdrFtr buildHdrFtr(String pStyle, XWPFParagraph[] paragraphs, XWPFHeaderFooter wrapper)
            CT_HdrFtr ftr = wrapper._getHdrFtr();

            if (paragraphs != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < paragraphs.Length; i++)
                    CT_P p = ftr.AddNewP();
                    ftr.SetPArray(i, paragraphs[i].GetCTP());
                CT_P    p    = ftr.AddNewP();
                CT_Body body = doc.Document.body;
                if (body.SizeOfPArray() > 0)
                    CT_P p0 = body.GetPArray(0);
                    if (p0.IsSetRsidR())
                        byte[] rsidr        = p0.rsidR;
                        byte[] rsidrdefault = p0.rsidRDefault;
                        p.rsidP        = rsidr;
                        p.rsidRDefault = rsidrdefault;
                CT_PPr pPr             = p.AddNewPPr();
                pPr.AddNewPStyle().val = (pStyle);