Beispiel #1
        private static GuiApplication getSAPGuiApp(CSapROTWrapper sapROTWrapper, int secondsOfTimeout)
            object SapGuilRot = sapROTWrapper.GetROTEntry("SAPGUI");

            if (secondsOfTimeout < 0)
                throw new TimeoutException(string.Format("Can get sap script engine in {0} seconds", secondsOfTimeout));
                if (SapGuilRot == null)
                    if (secondsOfTimeout > 0)
                        return(getSAPGuiApp(sapROTWrapper, secondsOfTimeout - 1));
                    object engine = SapGuilRot.GetType().InvokeMember("GetSCriptingEngine", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, SapGuilRot, null);
                    if (engine == null)
                        throw new NullReferenceException("No SAP GUI application found");
                    return(engine as GuiApplication);
Beispiel #2
        public static GuiConnection CreateConnection(string description, string user, string password, string language)
            CSapROTWrapper sapROTWrapper = new CSapROTWrapper();
            object         SapGuilRot    = sapROTWrapper.GetROTEntry("SAPGUI");
            object         engine        = SapGuilRot.GetType().InvokeMember("GetSCriptingEngine", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.InvokeMethod,
                                                                             null, SapGuilRot, null);

            GuiApplication app = (GuiApplication)engine;
            GuiConnection  conn;

            if (app.Connections.Count == 0)
                conn = app.OpenConnection(description);
                GuiSession       session     = conn.Children.ElementAt(0) as GuiSession;
                GuiTextField     name        = (GuiTextField)session.FindById("wnd[0]/usr/txtRSYST-BNAME");
                GuiPasswordField pass        = (GuiPasswordField)session.FindById("wnd[0]/usr/pwdRSYST-BCODE");
                GuiTextField     lang        = (GuiTextField)session.FindById("wnd[0]/usr/txtRSYST-LANGU");
                GuiMainWindow    mainWindows = (GuiMainWindow)session.FindById("wnd[0]");

                name.Text = user;
                pass.Text = password;
                lang.Text = language;
                conn = (GuiConnection)app.Connections.ElementAt(0);

 private GuiApplication GetApplication()
     if (application == null)
         CSapROTWrapper sapRotWrapper = new CSapROTWrapper();
         object         sapGuilRot    = sapRotWrapper.GetROTEntry("SAPGUI");
         if (sapGuilRot == null)
             throw new NoSapGuiFoundException("No ROT object found - is SAP GUI running?");
         object engine = sapGuilRot.GetType().InvokeMember(
         if (engine == null)
             throw new NoSapGuiFoundException("No engine - is SAP GUI Scripting enabled?");
         application = (GuiApplication)engine;
        public GuiSession GetSession()
            CSapROTWrapper sapRotWrapper = new CSapROTWrapper();
            object         sapGuilRot    = sapRotWrapper.GetROTEntry("SAPGUI");

            if (sapGuilRot == null)
                throw new NoSapGuiFoundException("No rot object found - is Sap Gui running?");
            object engine = sapGuilRot.GetType().InvokeMember(

            if (engine == null)
                throw new NoSapGuiFoundException("no engine - wie kann das sein?");
            GuiApplication sapGuiApp = engine as GuiApplication;

            GuiConnection connection = sapGuiApp?.Children.Cast <GuiConnection>().ElementAt(index);

            if (connection == null)
                throw new NoSapGuiFoundException("no connection - Are you logged into any system?");
            foreach (SAPFEWSELib.GuiSession session in connection.Sessions)
                return(new SapGuiSession(session));
Beispiel #5
        /// <summary>Return an already opened sap session</summary>
        public static GuiSession GetActiveSession()
            var rot = new CSapROTWrapper().GetROTEntry("SAPGUI");

            if (rot == null)
                const string Message = "The application can no connect to SAP. Make sure SAP is up and running, and then try again.";
                Logger.Instance.Fatal("The application can no connect to SAP");

                throw new InvalidComObjectException(Message);

            var app = (GuiApplication)rot.GetType().InvokeMember("GetScriptingEngine", BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, rot, null);
            var connectedSession = app.Connections.Cast <GuiConnection>()
                                   .SelectMany(x => x.Children.Cast <GuiSession>())
                                   .Where(x => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.Info.User))

            if (connectedSession == null)
                const string Message = "Could not find an opened SAP session. Make sure you are logged in, and then try again.";
                Logger.Instance.Fatal("Could not find an opened SAP session");

                throw new InvalidComObjectException(Message);

Beispiel #6
        private static GuiConnection GetConnection()
            CSapROTWrapper sapROTWrapper = new CSapROTWrapper();
            object         SapGuilRot    = sapROTWrapper.GetROTEntry("SAPGUI");
            object         engine        = SapGuilRot.GetType().InvokeMember("GetSCriptingEngine", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.InvokeMethod,
                                                                             null, SapGuilRot, null);

            return((engine as GuiApplication).Connections.ElementAt(0) as GuiConnection);
Beispiel #7
        public static GuiSession GetObjSessionById(string id)
            CSapROTWrapper sapROTWrapper = new CSapROTWrapper();
            object         SapGuilRot    = sapROTWrapper.GetROTEntry("SAPGUI");
            object         engine        = SapGuilRot.GetType().InvokeMember("GetSCriptingEngine", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.InvokeMethod,
                                                                             null, SapGuilRot, null);

            GuiConnection connection = (engine as GuiApplication).Connections.ElementAt(0) as GuiConnection;
            GuiSession    session    = connection.FindById(id) as GuiSession;

Beispiel #8
        private static void ActivateSap()
            //Get the Windows Running Object Table
            var sapROTWrapper = new CSapROTWrapper();
            //Get the ROT Entry for the SAP Gui to connect to the COM
            object SapGuilRot = sapROTWrapper.GetROTEntry("SAPGUI");
            //Get the reference to the Scripting Engine
            var engine = SapGuilRot.GetType()
                         .InvokeMember("GetScriptingEngine", BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, SapGuilRot, null);
            //Get the reference to the running SAP Application Window
            var GuiApp = (GuiApplication)engine;
            //Get the reference to the first open connection
            var connection = (GuiConnection)GuiApp.Connections.ElementAt(0);

            //get the first available session
            session = (GuiSession)connection.Children.ElementAt(0);
            //Get the reference to the main "Frame" in which to send virtual key commands
            //GuiFrameWindow frame = (GuiFrameWindow)session.FindById("wnd[0]");
        public static GuiSession GetActiveSession()
            var rot = new CSapROTWrapper().GetROTEntry("SAPGUI");

            if (rot == null)
                throw SapException.NotOpened();

            var app = (GuiApplication)rot.GetType().InvokeMember("GetScriptingEngine", BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, rot, null);
            var connectedSession = app.Connections.Cast <GuiConnection>()
                                   .SelectMany(x => x.Children.Cast <GuiSession>())
                                   .Where(x => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.Info.User))

            if (connectedSession == null)
                throw SapException.NotOpened();

        public string login_SSO(string servername)
            //Close the SAP if its opened, then open the new process

            //Set the Exe Path and SAP Window name
            string          strSAPLoginPadPath = @"C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP\FrontEnd\SapGui\saplogon.exe";
            FileVersionInfo fi2                = FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(strSAPLoginPadPath);
            string          strVersion         = fi2.ProductVersion.Substring(0, 3);
            String          strloginWindowName = "SAP Logon " + strVersion;

            //Start SAP Login Window

            //Wait for the window to be loaded.
            AutomationElement desktop = AutomationElement.RootElement;
            AutomationElement ele     = null;

            while (ele is null)
                    ele = desktop.FindFirst(TreeScope.Children, new PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.NameProperty, strloginWindowName));
                catch { }

            CSapROTWrapper sapROTWrapper = new CSapROTWrapper();
            object         rot           = sapROTWrapper.GetROTEntry("SAPGUI");
            object         engine        = rot.GetType().InvokeMember("GetScriptingEngine", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, rot, null);
            GuiConnection  connection    = (engine as GuiApplication).OpenConnection(servername);
            GuiSession     SapSession    = connection.Children.ElementAt(0) as GuiSession;

            //Validate whether the login successfull or Not
            //If the error is "Already logged in by the same user, then click
            GuiStatusbar statusBar  = (GuiStatusbar)SapSession.FindById("wnd[0]/sbar");
            string       strMsg     = statusBar.Text;
            string       strMsgType = statusBar.MessageType;

            if (strMsg.Contains("User already logged on at another terminal") == true || strMsg.Contains("用户已经登录到其它终端") == true)//(strMsg == "W" || strMsgType == "E" ) //'Warning or Error
                //Check whether is it showing the same terminal or different terminal
                string strWinText = ((GuiFrameWindow)SapSession.FindById("wnd[1]")).Text;
                strWinText = Environment.MachineName;
                if (strWinText.Contains(Environment.MachineName) == true)
                    //This represents, the login in the same machine, then click continue with current login option
                    throw new Exception("SAP Error while logging in the SAP system, Error:\n" + strMsg);
            else if (strMsg.Length > 0 && strMsgType == "E")
                throw new Exception("SAP Error while logging in the SAP system, Error:\n" + strMsg);

        public GuiSession getCurrentSession(String MainWindowName = "")
            ////GuiApplication appSAP = new GuiApplication();
            //GuiApplication appSAP = (GuiApplication)Marshal.GetActiveObject("SAPGUISERVER");
            //return appSAP.ActiveSession;
            String         strLog;
            object         rot;
            object         engine;
            CSapROTWrapper sapROTWrapper;

            strLog = "GOING TO GET SAPGUI";
                sapROTWrapper = new CSapROTWrapper();
                rot           = sapROTWrapper.GetROTEntry("SAPGUI");
                strLog        = strLog + Environment.NewLine + "GOING TO GET SCRIPT ENGINE";
                engine        = rot.GetType().InvokeMember("GetScriptingEngine", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, rot, null);
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new Exception(strLog + Environment.NewLine + e.Message + e.StackTrace); throw;
            GuiConnection SapconnSession;

            //validate whether GuiApplication has chidren or not "Engine"

            if (engine is null)
                throw new Exception("SAP GUI Application is null");
                strLog = strLog + Environment.NewLine + "SAP GUI Application is not null";
                if ((engine as GuiApplication).Children is null)
                    strLog = strLog + Environment.NewLine + "SAP GUI Application children GUI Application is null";
                    strLog = strLog + Environment.NewLine + "SAP GUI Application has :" + (engine as GuiApplication).Children.Count + " children";

                SapconnSession = (engine as GuiApplication).Children.Item(0) as GuiConnection;
            catch (Exception)
                    SapconnSession = (engine as GuiApplication).Children.Item(1) as GuiConnection;
                catch (Exception e)
                    throw new Exception(strLog + Environment.NewLine + e.Message + e.StackTrace);

            GuiSession SapSession = null;

            strLog = strLog + Environment.NewLine + "Get SAP Connection session";

                strLog = strLog + Environment.NewLine + "SAP Connection Session has :" + SapconnSession.Children + " children";

                if (MainWindowName != "")
                    for (int i = 0; i < SapconnSession.Children.Count; i++)
                        string strWindowName = ((SapconnSession.Children.Item(i) as GuiSession).Children.Item(0) as GuiMainWindow).Text;
                        //Debug.Print("Main Window Name:" +  strWindowName);
                        if (strWindowName == MainWindowName)
                            SapSession = SapconnSession.Children.Item(i) as GuiSession;
                        //Debug.Print((SapconnSession.Children.Item(i) as GuiSession).ActiveWindow.Text);
                    if (SapSession == null)
                        throw new Exception("Could not find the window name in the available session");
                        strLog     = strLog + Environment.NewLine + "Going to get First children as GuiSession";
                        SapSession = SapconnSession.Children.Item(0) as GuiSession;
                    catch (Exception)
                        strLog     = strLog + Environment.NewLine + "Going to get Second children as GuiSession since first failed";
                        SapSession = SapconnSession.Children.Item(1) as GuiSession;
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new Exception(strLog + Environment.NewLine + e.Message + e.StackTrace);

            //GuiSession SapSession = (rot as GuiApplication).Connections.ElementAt(0) as GuiSession;
        /// <summary>
        /// This function will login into the SAP with provided credentials(same as manual login)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="SapSession"></param>
        /// <param name="myclient"></param>
        /// <param name="mylogin"></param>
        /// <param name="mypass"></param>
        /// <param name="mylang"></param>
        public string login(string servername, string myclient, string mylogin, System.Security.SecureString mypass, string mylang)
            //GuiApplication appSAP = (GuiApplication)Marshal.GetActiveObject("SAPGUI");
            //GuiConnection connSAP = appSAP.OpenConnection(server, Sync: true);
            //GuiSession SapSession = (GuiSession)connSAP.Sessions.Item(0);

            //    System.IO.StreamWriter m_fswLogFile;
            //DateTime m_dtLastTimeLog = DateTime.MinValue;
            //int m_intTimeLogInterVal;

            //String strFilePath = "D:\\AA_Log_SAPAUto_Metabot.txt";

            //if (!System.IO.File.Exists(strFilePath)) {
            //    System.IO.File.Create(strFilePath).Close();
            ////Open the log file
            //m_fswLogFile = new System.IO.StreamWriter(strFilePath, true);
            //m_fswLogFile.AutoFlush = true;
            //m_fswLogFile = null;

            //Close the SAP if its opened, then open the new process

            //Set the Exe Path and SAP Window name
            string          strSAPLoginPadPath = @"C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP\FrontEnd\SapGui\saplogon.exe";
            FileVersionInfo fi2                = FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(strSAPLoginPadPath);
            string          strVersion         = fi2.ProductVersion.Substring(0, 3);
            String          strloginWindowName = "SAP Logon " + strVersion;

            //Open the SAP Logon Window

            //Wait for the window to be loaded.
            AutomationElement desktop = AutomationElement.RootElement;
            AutomationElement ele     = null;

            while (ele is null)
                    ele = desktop.FindFirst(TreeScope.Children, new PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.NameProperty, strloginWindowName));
                catch { }

            CSapROTWrapper sapROTWrapper = new CSapROTWrapper();
            object         rot           = sapROTWrapper.GetROTEntry("SAPGUI");
            object         engine        = rot.GetType().InvokeMember("GetScriptingEngine", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, rot, null);
            GuiConnection  connection    = (engine as GuiApplication).OpenConnection(servername);
            GuiSession     SapSession    = connection.Children.ElementAt(0) as GuiSession;

            //m_fswLogFile = new System.IO.StreamWriter(strFilePath, true);
            //m_fswLogFile.AutoFlush = true;
            //m_fswLogFile.WriteLine("Going to get the controls for login");

            //m_fswLogFile = null;

            GuiTextField client   = (GuiTextField)SapSession.ActiveWindow.FindByName("RSYST-MANDT", "GuiTextField");
            GuiTextField login    = (GuiTextField)SapSession.ActiveWindow.FindByName("RSYST-BNAME", "GuiTextField");
            GuiTextField pass     = (GuiTextField)SapSession.ActiveWindow.FindByName("RSYST-BCODE", "GuiPasswordField");
            GuiTextField language = (GuiTextField)SapSession.ActiveWindow.FindByName("RSYST-LANGU", "GuiTextField");

            //m_fswLogFile = new System.IO.StreamWriter(strFilePath, true);
            //m_fswLogFile.AutoFlush = true;
            //m_fswLogFile.WriteLine("Enter credentials for login");

            //m_fswLogFile = null;
            client.Text = myclient;
            login.Text = mylogin;
            pass.Text = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(string.Empty, mypass).Password;
            language.Text = mylang;

            //m_fswLogFile = new System.IO.StreamWriter(strFilePath, true);
            //m_fswLogFile.AutoFlush = true;
            //m_fswLogFile.WriteLine("click login");

            //m_fswLogFile = null;
            //Press the green checkmark button which is about the same as the enter key
            GuiButton btn = (GuiButton)SapSession.FindById("/app/con[0]/ses[0]/wnd[0]/tbar[0]/btn[0]");


            //Validate whether the login successfull or Not
            //If the error is "Already logged in by the same user, then click
            GuiStatusbar statusBar  = (GuiStatusbar)SapSession.FindById("wnd[0]/sbar");
            string       strMsg     = statusBar.Text;
            string       strMsgType = statusBar.MessageType;

            if (strMsg.Contains("User already logged on at another terminal") == true || strMsg.Contains("用户已经登录到其它终端") == true)//(strMsg == "W" || strMsgType == "E" ) //'Warning or Error
                //Check whether is it showing the same terminal or different terminal
                string strWinText = ((GuiFrameWindow)SapSession.FindById("wnd[1]")).Text;
                strWinText = Environment.MachineName;
                if (strWinText.Contains(Environment.MachineName) == true)
                    //This represents, the login in the same machine, then click continue with current login option
                    return("SAP Error while logging in the SAP system, Error:\n" + strMsg);
            else if (strMsg.Length > 0 && strMsgType == "E")
                return("SAP Error while logging in the SAP system, Error:\n" + strMsg);
