Beispiel #1
        public void StressTestInlineCSS()
            initialHTML = "<html><head><title>TITLE</title><style>{0}</style></head>"
                          + Environment.NewLine
                          + "<body>"
                          + Environment.NewLine
                          + "<div>{1}</div>"
                          + "</body></html>";
            initialHTML = String.Format(initialHTML, GenerateStressTestStyle(), GenerateInitialElementsForStressTest());

            initialXmlDoc = new XmlDocument();

            long startTicks = DateTime.Now.Ticks;

            CSSUtil.InlineCSS(ref initialXmlDoc);
            long stopTicks = DateTime.Now.Ticks;

            //inline operation duration, in miliseconds
            double inlineTimeMS = (1.0 * stopTicks - startTicks) / 10000;

            //inline operation should take less than 500 miliseconds
            Assert.IsTrue(inlineTimeMS < 500.00);
Beispiel #2
        public void TestInlineCSSNoStyleNodes()
            initialXmlDoc  = new XmlDocument();
            expectedXmlDoc = new XmlDocument();

            initialHTML = "<html><head><title>TITLE</title>"
                          + "<style type=\"text/css\">"
                          + Environment.NewLine
                          + ".oneClass {font-family:sans-serif;font-size:90%;}"
                          + "#oneId {color:red;}"
                          + Environment.NewLine
                          + "</style></head><body><h1>HEADER 1</h1>"
                          + "<p class=\"oneClass\">Text 1</p>"
                          + "<p><span id=\"oneId\">Text 2</span></p>"
                          + "<p>Text 3 <span class=\"oneClass\" id=\"oneId\">Text 4</span> Text 5</p>"
                          + "</body></html>";

            expectedHTML = "<html><head><title>TITLE</title>"
                           + "</head><body><h1>HEADER 1</h1>"
                           + "<p style=\"font-family:sans-serif;font-size:90%;\">Text 1</p>"
                           + "<p><span id=\"oneId\" style=\"color:red;\">Text 2</span></p>"
                           + "<p>Text 3 <span id=\"oneId\" style=\"font-family:sans-serif;font-size:90%;color:red;\">Text 4</span> Text 5</p>"
                           + "</body></html>";


            CSSUtil.InlineCSS(ref initialXmlDoc);
            Assert.IsTrue(XmlDocComparator.AreIdentical(initialXmlDoc, expectedXmlDoc));
Beispiel #3
        public void TestInlineCSSMoreRules()
            initialXmlDoc  = new XmlDocument();
            expectedXmlDoc = new XmlDocument();

            initialHTML = "<html><head><title>TITLE</title>"
                          + "<style>"
                          + ".aClass {font-family:sans-serif;}"
                          + "p {font-size:100%;}"
                          + ".aClass {color:#2020FF;}"
                          + "p, .aClass {padding:3px;}"
                          + "</style>"
                          + "</head>"
                          + "<body>"
                          + "<p class=\"aClass\">Some text</p>"
                          + "</body></html>";

            expectedHTML = "<html><head><title>TITLE</title>"
                           + "<style>"
                           + "p {font-size:100%;}"
                           + "p, .aClass {padding:3px;}"
                           + "</style>"
                           + "</head>"
                           + "<body>"
                           + "<p style=\"font-family:sans-serif;color:#2020FF;padding:3px;\">Some text</p>"
                           + "</body></html>";


            CSSUtil.InlineCSS(ref initialXmlDoc);
            Assert.IsTrue(XmlDocComparator.AreIdentical(initialXmlDoc, expectedXmlDoc));
 void ProcCSS()
     foreach (TextItem item in css)
         CSSUtil.EditInSegment(ref, ".ae_center{text-indent:0!important;text-align:center!important;}", ToString());
         Log.log("[Info ]Added style to " + item.fullName);
Beispiel #5
 void ProcCSS()
     foreach (TextItem item in css)
         CSSUtil.EditInSegment(ref, ".ae_draw_out{text-indent:1.5em;}", ToString());
         Log.log("[Info ]Added style to " + item.fullName);
        public void Filter(ref XmlDocument xmlDoc)
            XmlNode styleNode  = GetStyleNode(ref xmlDoc);
            string  cssContent = ExtractCSSFromStyleSheetExtensions();

            styleNode.InnerText = cssContent;

            CSSUtil.InlineCSS(ref xmlDoc);
Beispiel #7
        public void TestGroupCSSSelectors()
            Hashtable initialCSSClasses   = new Hashtable();
            Hashtable optimizedCSSClasses = new Hashtable();

            //same initial CSS properties
            string props1 = "font-family:sans-serif;font-size:100%;color:red;";
            string props2 = "color:red;font-size:100%;font-family:sans-serif;";

            //the expected properties (ordered alphabetically)
            string expectedProp = "color:red;font-family:sans-serif;font-size:100%";

            //initial CSS selectors
            string[] classes1 = { ".xoffice0", ".xoffice1", ".xoffice2", "textarea" };
            string[] classes2 = { ".xoffice3", ".xoffice4", ".myCssClass", "#one", "p#two" };

            for (int i = 0; i < classes1.Length; i++)
                initialCSSClasses.Add(classes1[i], props1);

            for (int i = 0; i < classes2.Length; i++)
                initialCSSClasses.Add(classes2[i], props2);

            optimizedCSSClasses = CSSUtil.GroupCSSSelectors(initialCSSClasses);

            ICollection optimizedKeys = optimizedCSSClasses.Keys;

            //all the selectors should be grouped
            Assert.IsTrue(optimizedKeys.Count == 1);

            foreach (string key in optimizedKeys)
                string val = optimizedCSSClasses[key].ToString();

                //in the new key there must be all initial CSS selectors
                foreach (string cssClass in classes1)
                    Assert.IsTrue(key.IndexOf(cssClass) >= 0);
                foreach (string cssClass in classes2)
                    Assert.IsTrue(key.IndexOf(cssClass) >= 0);

                //expected properties are the same, but ordered alphabetically
                Assert.IsTrue(val.IndexOf(expectedProp) >= 0);
Beispiel #8
        public ProcCSS(TextItem css, FootnoteAdaptOption option)
            switch (option)
            case FootnoteAdaptOption.Main:
                string c = "@media amzn-kf8{\naside{display:none;}\n.ae_note_inside{page-break-after:always;}\n}\n.ae_note_inside{text-indent:0;}";
                CSSUtil.EditInSegment(ref, c, "AeroEpubProcesser.FootnoteAdapter");

            case FootnoteAdaptOption.Main_Duokan:
                string c = "@media amzn-kf8{\naside{display:none;}\n.duokan-footnote-item{page-break-after:always;}\n}";
                CSSUtil.EditInSegment(ref, c, "AeroEpubProcesser.FootnoteAdapter");
            Log.log("[Info ]Added style to " + css.fullName);
Beispiel #9
        public void TestInlineCSSOneStyleNode()
            initialXmlDoc  = new XmlDocument();
            expectedXmlDoc = new XmlDocument();

            initialHTML = "<html><head><title>TITLE</title>"
                          + "<style>"
                          + "p,div, span {font-family:sans-serif;}"
                          + ".normal {font-family:sans-serif;}"
                          + "</style>"
                          + "<style>"
                          + ".code {font-family:monospace;}"
                          + "#errmsg {color:red;}"
                          + "</style>"
                          + "</head>"
                          + "<body>"
                          + "<p class=\"normal\">Normal text</p>"
                          + "<p class=\"code\">return 0;</p>"
                          + "<p><span class=\"code\" id=\"errmsg\">Error message</span></p>"
                          + "</body></html>";

            expectedHTML = "<html><head><title>TITLE</title>"
                           + "<style>"
                           + "p,div, span {font-family:sans-serif;}"
                           + "</style>"
                           + "</head>"
                           + "<body>"
                           + "<p style=\"font-family:sans-serif;\">Normal text</p>"
                           + "<p style=\"font-family:monospace;\">return 0;</p>"
                           + "<p><span id=\"errmsg\" style=\"font-family:monospace;color:red;\">Error message</span></p>"
                           + "</body></html>";


            CSSUtil.InlineCSS(ref initialXmlDoc);

            Assert.IsTrue(XmlDocComparator.AreIdentical(initialXmlDoc, expectedXmlDoc));
Beispiel #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Extracts the inline styles, optimizes CSS and adds CSS classes in the head section for current page
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="xmlDoc">A reference to a XmlDocument instance.</param>
        public void Filter(ref System.Xml.XmlDocument xmlDoc)
            XmlNode body = xmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("body")[0];
            XmlNode head = xmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("head")[0];

            if (head == null)
                head = xmlDoc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "head", xmlDoc.NamespaceURI);
                body.ParentNode.InsertBefore(head, body);

            //step1: inline CSS for existing CSS classes and ids, for better manipulation at step2 and step3
            CSSUtil.InlineCSS(ref xmlDoc);

            //step2: convert all inlined style to CSS classes
            //(including, but not limited to, those generated at step1)
            body = CSSUtil.ConvertInlineStylesToCssClasses(body, ref xmlDoc, ref counter, ref cssClasses);

            //step3: optimize CSS by grouping selectors with the same properties
            cssClasses = CSSUtil.GroupCSSSelectors(cssClasses);

            InsertCssClassesInHeader(ref head, ref xmlDoc);
Beispiel #11
        public void TestConvertInlineStylesToCssClasses()
            initialXmlDoc  = new XmlDocument();
            expectedXmlDoc = new XmlDocument();

            initialHTML = "<html><head><title>TITLE</title></head>"
                          + "<body>"
                          + "<div style=\"border:1px red solid;padding:3px;margin:3px;\">"
                          + "<p style=\"font-family:sans-serif;\">Text 1</p>"
                          + "<p style=\"font-family:sans-serif;\">Text 2</p>"
                          + "<p style=\"font-family:sans-serif;\">"
                          + "Text 3"
                          + "<span style=\"color:orange;\">Text 4</span>"
                          + "<span style=\"color:black;\">Text 5</span>"
                          + "</p>"
                          + "</div>"
                          + "</body></html>";


            expectedHTML = "<html><head><title>TITLE</title></head>"
                           + "<body>"
                           + "<div class=\"xoffice0\">"
                           + "<p class=\"xoffice1\">Text 1</p>"
                           + "<p class=\"xoffice2\">Text 2</p>"
                           + "<p class=\"xoffice3\">"
                           + "Text 3"
                           + "<span class=\"xoffice4\">Text 4</span>"
                           + "<span class=\"xoffice5\">Text 5</span>"
                           + "</p>"
                           + "</div>"
                           + "</body></html>";


            int       counter    = 0;
            Hashtable cssClasses = new Hashtable();
            XmlNode   node       = initialXmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("div")[0];

            CSSUtil.ConvertInlineStylesToCssClasses(node, ref initialXmlDoc, ref counter, ref cssClasses);

            string[] properties =
                "border:1px red solid;padding:3px;margin:3px;",

            //after conversion we should get the expected document
            Assert.IsTrue(XmlDocComparator.AreIdentical(expectedXmlDoc, initialXmlDoc));

            //6 key/value pairs in cssClasses hashtable
            Assert.IsTrue(cssClasses.Count == 6);

            //6 CSS classes from .xoffice0 to .xoffice5
            for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                Assert.IsTrue(cssClasses.ContainsKey(".xoffice" + i));

            //all the properties extracted from inline styles should be found in the cssClasses hashtable
            foreach (string cssProp in properties)
 void ProcCSS(TextItem item)
     CSSUtil.EditInSegment(ref, "p{line-height:1.5;margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0;}", ToString());
     Log.log("[Info ]Added style to " + item.fullName);