public datacontract.municipality getMunicipalitiy(int NIScode, CRS srs, capakeyGeometryType geomType) { qryValues.Add("srs", Convert.ToString((int)srs)); if (geomType == { qryValues.Add("geometry", "no"); } else if (geomType == capakeyGeometryType.bbox) { qryValues.Add("geometry", "bbox"); } else if (geomType == capakeyGeometryType.full) { qryValues.Add("geometry", "full"); } client.QueryString = qryValues; Uri gipodUri = new Uri(baseUri + "Municipality/" + NIScode.ToString()); string json = client.DownloadString(gipodUri); datacontract.municipality response = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <datacontract.municipality>(json); client.QueryString.Clear(); return(response); }
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in C#: //ORIGINAL LINE: private void verifyCRSStructure(org.neo4j.graphdb.spatial.CRS crs) throws private void VerifyCRSStructure(CRS crs) { // When _jsonCodec.writeValue(_jsonGenerator, crs); // Then verify in order InOrder inOrder = Mockito.inOrder(_jsonGenerator); // Start CRS object inOrder.verify(_jsonGenerator).writeStartObject(); // Code inOrder.verify(_jsonGenerator).writeFieldName("srid"); inOrder.verify(_jsonGenerator).writeNumber(crs.Code); // Name inOrder.verify(_jsonGenerator).writeFieldName("name"); inOrder.verify(_jsonGenerator).writeString(crs.Type); // Type inOrder.verify(_jsonGenerator).writeFieldName("type"); inOrder.verify(_jsonGenerator).writeString("link"); // Properties inOrder.verify(_jsonGenerator).writeFieldName("properties"); // Properties object inOrder.verify(_jsonGenerator).writeStartObject(); inOrder.verify(_jsonGenerator).writeFieldName("href"); inOrder.verify(_jsonGenerator).writeString(startsWith(crs.Href)); inOrder.verify(_jsonGenerator).writeFieldName("type"); inOrder.verify(_jsonGenerator).writeString("ogcwkt"); // Close both properties and CRS objects inOrder.verify(_jsonGenerator, times(2)).writeEndObject(); }
/// <summary> /// Returns the compressed row storage (CRS) representation of the sparse matrix. /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="K">The type of keys.</typeparam> /// <typeparam name="T">The type of entry values.</typeparam> /// <param name="sparseMatrix">The sparse matrix to compress.</param> /// <returns>The compressed row storage (CRS) representation of the sparse matrix.</returns> public static CRS <T> ToCRS <K, T>(this DOKSparseMatrixBase <K, T> sparseMatrix) { CRS <T> crs = new CRS <T>(sparseMatrix.Size); crs.Compress(sparseMatrix); return(crs); }
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: 'final' parameters are ignored unless the option to convert to C# 7.2 'in' parameters is selected: //ORIGINAL LINE: private static org.neo4j.graphdb.spatial.Geometry makeFakePointAsGeometry(double x, double y, final org.neo4j.graphdb.spatial.CRS crs) private static Geometry MakeFakePointAsGeometry(double x, double y, CRS crs) { //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: The original Java variable was marked 'final': //ORIGINAL LINE: final org.neo4j.graphdb.spatial.Coordinate coord = new org.neo4j.graphdb.spatial.Coordinate(x, y); Coordinate coord = new Coordinate(x, y); return(new GeometryAnonymousInnerClass(crs, coord)); }
private void CRS_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (loadStructures() != 0) { return; } string mat = new CRS(matrix).serialize(); resultsTextBox.Text = "CRS format:" + Environment.NewLine + mat; }
/// <summary> /// Returns a hash code for this instance. /// </summary> /// <returns> /// A hash code for this instance, suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table. /// </returns> public override int GetHashCode() { unchecked { var hashCode = (_envelope != null ? _envelope.GetHashCode() : 0); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (CRS != null ? CRS.GetHashCode() : 0); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (int)Type; return(hashCode); } }
/// <summary> /// Returns a hash code for this instance. /// </summary> /// <returns> /// A hash code for this instance, suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table. /// </returns> public override int GetHashCode() { unchecked { var hashCode = (BoundingBoxes != null ? BoundingBoxes.GetHashCode() : 0); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (CRS != null ? CRS.GetHashCode() : 0); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (int)Type; return(hashCode); } }
/// <summary> /// Checks MODULE for correct format. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> private bool CheckModule() { //Currently check only CRS if (m_strEquation.Substring(7, 3) == "CRS") { List <String> listAttributesEquation = Global.ParseAttribute(m_strEquation); // See if listAttributeEquations is included in dgvDefault if (listAttributesEquation.Count != 6) { return(false); } CRS crs = new CRS(); String strType = GetCheckString(listAttributesEquation[0].ToString()); double dCRSOld = GetCheckValue(listAttributesEquation[1].ToString()); double dThick = GetCheckValue(listAttributesEquation[2].ToString()); double dESAL = GetCheckValue(listAttributesEquation[3].ToString()); double dESALGrowth = GetCheckValue(listAttributesEquation[4].ToString()); double dAge = GetCheckValue(listAttributesEquation[5].ToString()); double dBenefit = 0; double dRSL = 0; double dMaximum; double dMinimum; dgvPerformance.Rows.Clear(); dgvPerformance.Rows.Add(0, dCRSOld); for (int i = 1; i < 99; i++) { dAge = (double)i; double dValue = crs.CalculateCRSBenefit(false, strType, dCRSOld, dThick, dESAL, dESALGrowth, 1, dAge, 3, out dBenefit, out dRSL); if (Global.GetAttributeMaximum(m_strAttribute, out dMaximum)) { if (dValue > dMaximum) { dValue = dMaximum; } } if (Global.GetAttributeMinimum(m_strAttribute, out dMinimum)) { if (dValue < dMinimum) { dValue = dMinimum; } } dgvPerformance.Rows.Add(i.ToString(), dValue.ToString("f2")); } return(true); } else if (m_strEquation.Substring(7, 3) == "OCI") { return(true); } return(false); }
public datacontract.poiMinResponse getMinmodel(string q = null, bool Clustering=false, string theme = null, string category = null, string POItype = null, CRS srs = CRS.WGS84, int? id = null, string niscode = null, boundingBox bbox = null) { setQueryValues(q, 1024, Clustering, false, theme, category, POItype, srs, id, niscode, bbox ); client.QueryString = qryValues; string json = client.DownloadString(baseUrl); datacontract.poiMinResponse poiResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<datacontract.poiMinResponse>(json); client.QueryString.Clear(); return poiResponse; }
public datacontract.poiMinResponse getMinmodel(string q = null, bool Clustering = false, string theme = null, string category = null, string POItype = null, CRS srs = CRS.WGS84, int?id = null, string niscode = null, boundingBox bbox = null) { setQueryValues(q, 1024, Clustering, false, theme, category, POItype, srs, id, niscode, bbox); client.QueryString = qryValues; string json = client.DownloadString(baseUrl); datacontract.poiMinResponse poiResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <datacontract.poiMinResponse>(json); client.QueryString.Clear(); return(poiResponse); }
public datacontract.municipality getMunicipalitiy(int NIScode, CRS srs, capakeyGeometryType geomType) { qryValues.Add("srs", Convert.ToString((int)srs)); if (geomType == qryValues.Add("geometry", "no"); else if (geomType == capakeyGeometryType.bbox) qryValues.Add("geometry", "bbox"); else if (geomType == capakeyGeometryType.full) qryValues.Add("geometry", "full"); client.QueryString = qryValues; Uri gipodUri = new Uri(baseUri + "Municipality/" + NIScode.ToString() ); string json = client.DownloadString(gipodUri); datacontract.municipality response = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<datacontract.municipality>(json); client.QueryString.Clear(); return response; }
//manifestation public List <datacontract.gipodResponse> getManifestation( DateTime?startdate = null, DateTime?enddate = null, string city = "", string province = "", string owner = "", string eventtype = "", CRS CRS = CRS.WGS84, int c = 50, int offset = 0, boundingBox bbox = null) { setQueryValues(startdate, enddate, city, province, owner, eventtype, CRS, c, offset, bbox); client.QueryString = qryValues; Uri gipodUri = new Uri(""); string json = client.DownloadString(gipodUri); List <datacontract.gipodResponse> gipodRespons = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <datacontract.gipodResponse> >(json); client.QueryString.Clear(); return(gipodRespons); }
public List<List<double>> getDataAlongLine( datacontract.geojsonLine profileLine, int nrSamples = 30, CRS srs = CRS.WGS84) { client.Headers[HttpRequestHeader.ContentType] = "application/json"; Uri dhmUri = new Uri(baseUri + "DHMVMIXED/request/"); datacontract.dhmRequest dhmMsg = new datacontract.dhmRequest() { Samples = nrSamples, LineString = profileLine, SrsIn= (int)srs , SrsOut= (int)srs }; string postData = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dhmMsg); byte[] byteArray = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(postData); byte[] byteResult = client.UploadData(dhmUri, "POST", byteArray); string json = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(byteResult); List<List<double>> response = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<List<double>>>(json); return response; }
//manifestation public List<datacontract.gipodResponse> getManifestation( DateTime? startdate = null, DateTime? enddate = null, string city = "", string province = "", string owner = "", string eventtype = "", CRS CRS = CRS.WGS84, int c = 50, int offset = 0, boundingBox bbox = null ) { setQueryValues(startdate, enddate, city, province, owner, eventtype, CRS, c, offset, bbox); client.QueryString = qryValues; Uri gipodUri = new Uri(""); string json = client.DownloadString(gipodUri); List<datacontract.gipodResponse> gipodRespons = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<datacontract.gipodResponse>>(json); client.QueryString.Clear(); return gipodRespons; }
private void Add(string json, CRS crs) { var request = new RestRequest(); request.Resource = "layers/{id}/data"; request.Method = Method.POST; request.AddUrlSegment("id",; request.AddQueryParameter("op", "create"); request.AddParameter("data", json); if (crs != null) { request.AddParameter("crs", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(crs)); } this.Execute(request); }
public List<datacontract.gipodResponse> allWorkassignments(DateTime? startdate = null, DateTime? enddate = null, string city = "", string province = "", string owner = "", CRS CRS = CRS.WGS84, boundingBox bbox = null) { List<datacontract.gipodResponse> allWA = new List<datacontract.gipodResponse>(); List<datacontract.gipodResponse> WA = getWorkassignment(startdate, enddate, city, province, owner, CRS, 500, 0, bbox); allWA.AddRange(WA); int counter = 0; while (WA.Count == 500) { counter += 500; WA = getWorkassignment(startdate, enddate, city, province, owner, CRS, 500, counter); allWA.AddRange(WA); } return allWA; }
public void Update(string condition, Feature feature, CRS crs) { var request = new RestRequest(); request.Resource = "layers/{id}/data"; request.Method = Method.POST; request.AddUrlSegment("id",; request.AddQueryParameter("op", "update"); request.AddParameter("data", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(feature)); if (crs != null) { request.AddParameter("crs", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(crs)); } request.AddParameter("condition", condition); this.Execute(request); }
private void CRSx_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (loadStructures() != 0) { return; } resultsTextBox.Text = "CRS Matrix Multiplication:" + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine; resultsTextBox.Text += "M =" + Environment.NewLine; CRS mat = new CRS(matrix); resultsTextBox.Text += mat.serialize(); resultsTextBox.Text += Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine; resultsTextBox.Text += "V =" + Environment.NewLine; resultsTextBox.Text += String.Join(" ", vector.Select(x => x.ToString()).ToArray()); resultsTextBox.Text += Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine; resultsTextBox.Text += "M*V =" + Environment.NewLine; double[] res = mat.vectorMultiply(vector); resultsTextBox.Text += String.Join(" ", res.Select(x => x.ToString()).ToArray()); }
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void shouldNotReturnInternalCartesianPointType() public virtual void ShouldNotReturnInternalCartesianPointType() { // when Result execute = GraphDb.execute("RETURN point({x: 13.37, y: 13.37, crs:'cartesian'}) AS p"); // then //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Java iterators are only converted within the context of 'while' and 'for' loops: object obj = execute.Next()["p"]; assertThat(obj, Matchers.instanceOf(typeof(Point))); Point point = ( Point )obj; assertThat(point.Coordinate, equalTo(new Coordinate(13.37, 13.37))); CRS crs = point.CRS; assertThat(crs.Code, equalTo(7203)); assertThat(crs.Type, equalTo("cartesian")); assertThat(crs.Href, equalTo("")); }
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void shouldNotReturnInternalGeographicPointType() public virtual void ShouldNotReturnInternalGeographicPointType() { // when Result execute = GraphDb.execute("RETURN point({longitude: 144.317718, latitude: -37.031738}) AS p"); // then //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Java iterators are only converted within the context of 'while' and 'for' loops: object obj = execute.Next()["p"]; assertThat(obj, Matchers.instanceOf(typeof(Point))); Point point = ( Point )obj; assertThat(point.Coordinate.Coordinate[0], equalTo(144.317718)); assertThat(point.Coordinate.Coordinate[1], equalTo(-37.031738)); CRS crs = point.CRS; assertThat(crs.Code, equalTo(4326)); assertThat(crs.Type, equalTo("wgs-84")); assertThat(crs.Href, equalTo("")); }
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: 'final' parameters are ignored unless the option to convert to C# 7.2 'in' parameters is selected: //ORIGINAL LINE: private MockGeometry(String geometryType, final java.util.List<org.neo4j.graphdb.spatial.Coordinate> coordinates, final org.neo4j.graphdb.spatial.CRS crs) internal MockGeometry(string geometryType, IList <Coordinate> coordinates, CRS crs) { this.GeometryTypeConflict = geometryType; this.CoordinatesConflict = coordinates; this.Crs = crs; }
public static MockPoint3D MockPoint(double x, double y, double z, CRS crs) { return(new MockPoint3D(x, y, z, crs)); }
public static CoordinateReferenceSystem Get(CRS crs) { Objects.requireNonNull(crs); return(Get(crs.Href)); }
public GeometryAnonymousInnerClass(CRS crs, Coordinate coord) { this._crs = crs; this._coord = coord; }
private void setQueryValues(string q = "", int c = 30, bool Clustering = false, bool maxModel = false, string theme = null, string category = null, string POItype = null, CRS srs = CRS.WGS84, int?id = null, string niscode = null, boundingBox bbox = null) { qryValues.Clear(); if (q != null || q != "") { qryValues.Add("keyword", q); } if (Clustering && !maxModel) { qryValues.Add("Clustering", "true"); } else { qryValues.Add("Clustering", "false"); } //srs qryValues.Add("srsIn", Convert.ToString((int)srs)); qryValues.Add("srsOut", Convert.ToString((int)srs)); //string lists if (id != null) { qryValues.Add("id", id.ToString()); } if (niscode != null || niscode != "") { qryValues.Add("region", niscode); } if (theme != null || theme != "") { qryValues.Add("theme", theme); } if (category != null || category != "") { qryValues.Add("category", category); } if (POItype != null || POItype != "") { qryValues.Add("POItype", POItype); } qryValues.Add("maxcount", c.ToString()); if (maxModel) { qryValues.Add("maxmodel", "true"); } else { qryValues.Add("maxmodel", "false"); } if (bbox != null) { qryValues.Add("bbox", bbox.ToBboxString("|", "|")); } }
public static MockGeometry MockGeometry(string geometryType, IList <Coordinate> coordinates, CRS crs) { return(new MockGeometry(geometryType, coordinates, crs)); }
private void setQueryValues(string q = "", int c = 30, bool Clustering = false, bool maxModel = false, string theme = null, string category = null, string POItype = null, CRS srs = CRS.WGS84, int? id = null, string niscode = null, boundingBox bbox = null) { qryValues.Clear(); if (q != null || q != "") qryValues.Add("keyword", q); if (Clustering && !maxModel ) qryValues.Add("Clustering", "true"); else qryValues.Add("Clustering", "false"); //srs qryValues.Add("srsIn", Convert.ToString((int)srs)); qryValues.Add("srsOut", Convert.ToString((int)srs)); //string lists if (id != null ) qryValues.Add("id", id.ToString()); if (niscode != null || niscode != "") qryValues.Add("region", niscode); if (theme != null || theme != "" ) qryValues.Add("theme", theme); if (category != null || category != "" ) qryValues.Add("category", category); if (POItype != null || POItype != "" ) qryValues.Add("POItype", POItype); qryValues.Add("maxcount", c.ToString()); if (maxModel) { qryValues.Add("maxmodel", "true"); } else { qryValues.Add("maxmodel", "false"); } if (bbox != null) qryValues.Add("bbox", bbox.ToBboxString("|", "|")); }
private void setQueryValues(DateTime? startdate, DateTime? enddate, string city, string province, string owner, string eventtype, CRS sRS, int c, int offset, boundingBox bbox = null) { //counters qryValues.Add("offset", offset.ToString()); qryValues.Add("limit", c.ToString()); //string lists if (city != "" || city != null) qryValues.Add("city", city); if (province != "" || province != null) qryValues.Add("province", province); if (owner != "" || owner != null) qryValues.Add("owner", owner); if (eventtype != "" || eventtype != null) qryValues.Add("eventtype", eventtype); //CRS qryValues.Add("CRS", Convert.ToString((int)sRS)); //Time if (startdate != null) qryValues.Add("startdate", startdate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")); if (enddate != null) qryValues.Add("enddate", enddate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")); //bbox if (bbox != null) qryValues.Add("bbox", bbox.ToBboxString(",", "|") ); }
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: 'final' parameters are ignored unless the option to convert to C# 7.2 'in' parameters is selected: //ORIGINAL LINE: private MockPoint3D(final double x, final double y, double z, final org.neo4j.graphdb.spatial.CRS crs) internal MockPoint3D(double x, double y, double z, CRS crs) : base("Point", new List <Coordinate>(), crs) { this.Coordinate = new Coordinate(x, y, z); this.CoordinatesConflict.Add(this.Coordinate); }
public List <List <double> > getDataAlongLine(datacontract.geojsonLine profileLine, int nrSamples = 30, CRS srs = CRS.WGS84) { client.Headers[HttpRequestHeader.ContentType] = "application/json"; Uri dhmUri = new Uri(baseUri + "DHMVMIXED/request/"); datacontract.dhmRequest dhmMsg = new datacontract.dhmRequest() { Samples = nrSamples, LineString = profileLine, SrsIn = (int)srs, SrsOut = (int)srs }; string postData = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dhmMsg); byte[] byteArray = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(postData); byte[] byteResult = client.UploadData(dhmUri, "POST", byteArray); string json = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(byteResult); List <List <double> > response = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <List <double> > >(json); return(response); }
public List <datacontract.gipodResponse> allManifestations(DateTime?startdate = null, DateTime?enddate = null, string city = "", string province = "", string owner = "", string eventtype = "", CRS CRS = CRS.WGS84, boundingBox bbox = null) { List <datacontract.gipodResponse> allWA = new List <datacontract.gipodResponse>(); List <datacontract.gipodResponse> WA = getManifestation(startdate, enddate, city, province, owner, eventtype, CRS, 500, 0, bbox); allWA.AddRange(WA); int counter = 0; while (WA.Count == 500) { counter += 500; WA = getManifestation(startdate, enddate, city, province, owner, eventtype, CRS, 500, counter); allWA.AddRange(WA); } return(allWA); }
private void setQueryValues(DateTime?startdate, DateTime?enddate, string city, string province, string owner, string eventtype, CRS sRS, int c, int offset, boundingBox bbox = null) { //counters qryValues.Add("offset", offset.ToString()); qryValues.Add("limit", c.ToString()); //string lists if (city != "" || city != null) { qryValues.Add("city", city); } if (province != "" || province != null) { qryValues.Add("province", province); } if (owner != "" || owner != null) { qryValues.Add("owner", owner); } if (eventtype != "" || eventtype != null) { qryValues.Add("eventtype", eventtype); } //CRS qryValues.Add("CRS", Convert.ToString((int)sRS)); //Time if (startdate != null) { qryValues.Add("startdate", startdate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")); } if (enddate != null) { qryValues.Add("enddate", enddate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")); } //bbox if (bbox != null) { qryValues.Add("bbox", bbox.ToBboxString(",", "|")); } }
public static MockPoint MockPoint(double x, double y, CRS crs) { return(new MockPoint(x, y, crs)); }
public datacontract.parcel getParcel(int NIScode, int departmentCode, string sectie, string perceelsNr, CRS srs, capakeyGeometryType geomType) { qryValues.Add("srs", Convert.ToString((int)srs)); if (geomType == { qryValues.Add("geometry", "no"); } else if (geomType == capakeyGeometryType.bbox) { qryValues.Add("geometry", "bbox"); } else if (geomType == capakeyGeometryType.full) { qryValues.Add("geometry", "full"); } client.QueryString = qryValues; Uri gipodUri = new Uri(baseUri + "Municipality/" + NIScode.ToString() + "/department/" + departmentCode.ToString() + "/section/" + sectie + "/parcel/" + perceelsNr); string json = client.DownloadString(gipodUri); datacontract.parcel response = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <datacontract.parcel>(json); client.QueryString.Clear(); return(response); }
/// <summary> /// 插入多个要素数据 /// </summary> /// <param name="features">要素数据列表</param> /// <param name="crs">数据的坐标参考系</param> public void Add(List <Feature> features, CRS crs = null) { var data = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(features); this.Add(data, crs); }
public static CoordinateReferenceSystem Crs(CRS crs) { return(CoordinateReferenceSystem.Get(crs)); }
/// <summary> /// 插入要素数据 /// </summary> /// <param name="feature">要素数据,GeoJSON编码格式</param> /// <param name="crs">数据的坐标参考系</param> public void Add(Feature feature, CRS crs = null) { var data = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(feature); this.Add(data, crs); }
public datacontract.parcel getParcel(int NIScode, int departmentCode, string sectie, string perceelsNr, CRS srs, capakeyGeometryType geomType) { qryValues.Add("srs", Convert.ToString((int)srs)); if (geomType == qryValues.Add("geometry", "no"); else if (geomType == capakeyGeometryType.bbox) qryValues.Add("geometry", "bbox"); else if (geomType == capakeyGeometryType.full) qryValues.Add("geometry", "full"); client.QueryString = qryValues; Uri gipodUri = new Uri(baseUri + "Municipality/" + NIScode.ToString() + "/department/" + departmentCode.ToString() + "/section/" + sectie + "/parcel/"+ perceelsNr); string json = client.DownloadString(gipodUri); datacontract.parcel response = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<datacontract.parcel>(json); client.QueryString.Clear(); return response; }