Beispiel #1
        public JsonResult Get(int id)
            var apiResult = TryExecute(() =>
                var contact   = _crmContactRepository.Get(id, "ParentAccount,Person");
                var contactVm = new CRMContactModel(contact);
            }, "Contacts Fetched sucessfully");

            return(Json(apiResult, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Beispiel #2
        public ActionResult Update(CRMContactModel cRMContact)
            ApiResult <CRMContact> apiResult;

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                if (cRMContact.Id > 0)
                    apiResult = TryExecute(() =>
                        var person = _personRepository.GetBy(l => l.Id == cRMContact.PersonId);
                        if (person != null)
                            person.Id                   = cRMContact.PersonId;
                            person.FirstName            = cRMContact.FirstName;
                            person.LastName             = cRMContact.LastName;
                            person.Gender               = cRMContact.Gender;
                            person.Email                = cRMContact.Email;
                            person.Organization         = cRMContact.Organization;
                            person.Designation          = cRMContact.Designation;
                            person.PhoneNo              = cRMContact.PhoneNo;
                            person.SecondaryEmail       = cRMContact.SecondaryEmail;
                            person.OfficePhone          = cRMContact.OfficePhone;
                            person.Website              = cRMContact.Website;
                            person.Skype                = cRMContact.Skype;
                            person.Facebook             = cRMContact.Facebook;
                            person.Twitter              = cRMContact.Twitter;
                            person.GooglePlus           = cRMContact.GooglePlus;
                            person.LinkedIn             = cRMContact.LinkedIn;
                            person.City                 = cRMContact.City;
                            person.Country              = cRMContact.Country;
                            person.Address              = cRMContact.Address;
                            person.CommunicationAddress = cRMContact.CommunicationAddress;
                            person.DateOfBirth          = cRMContact.DateOfBirth;

                        var selectedContact = _crmContactRepository.GetBy(l => l.Id == cRMContact.Id);
                        if (selectedContact != null)
                            selectedContact.ParentAccountId = cRMContact.ParentAccountId;
                            selectedContact.Expertise       = cRMContact.Expertise;
                            selectedContact.Comments        = cRMContact.Comments;
                            selectedContact.UpdatedByUserId = WebUser.Id;

                    }, "Contact updated sucessfully");
                    apiResult = TryExecute(() =>
                        var newPerson = new Person
                            FirstName            = cRMContact.FirstName,
                            LastName             = cRMContact.LastName,
                            Gender               = cRMContact.Gender,
                            Email                = cRMContact.Email,
                            Organization         = cRMContact.Organization,
                            Designation          = cRMContact.Designation,
                            PhoneNo              = cRMContact.PhoneNo,
                            SecondaryEmail       = cRMContact.SecondaryEmail,
                            OfficePhone          = cRMContact.OfficePhone,
                            Website              = cRMContact.Website,
                            Skype                = cRMContact.Skype,
                            Facebook             = cRMContact.Facebook,
                            Twitter              = cRMContact.Twitter,
                            GooglePlus           = cRMContact.GooglePlus,
                            LinkedIn             = cRMContact.LinkedIn,
                            City                 = cRMContact.City,
                            Country              = cRMContact.Country,
                            Address              = cRMContact.Address,
                            CommunicationAddress = cRMContact.CommunicationAddress,
                            DateOfBirth          = cRMContact.DateOfBirth,
                        var person = _personRepository.Create(newPerson);

                        var newContact = new CRMContact
                            PersonId        = person.Id,
                            ParentAccountId = cRMContact.ParentAccountId,
                            Expertise       = cRMContact.Expertise,
                            Comments        = cRMContact.Comments,
                            CreatedByUserId = WebUser.Id
                        var contact = _crmContactRepository.Create(newContact);
                    }, "Contact created sucessfully");
                apiResult = ApiResultFromModelErrors <CRMContact>();

            return(Json(apiResult, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Beispiel #3
        public static int CRMSaveNewContactService(CRMContactModel theCnt)
            int rc = 0;

                CrmServiceClient conn = new CrmServiceClient(DatabaseServices.GetCRMDBConnectionString());

                IOrganizationService _orgService;
                _orgService = (IOrganizationService)conn.OrganizationWebProxyClient != null ? (IOrganizationService)conn.OrganizationWebProxyClient : (IOrganizationService)conn.OrganizationServiceProxy;

                Entity contact = new Entity("contact");
                contact["fullname"]  = theCnt.ContactName;
                contact["firstname"] = theCnt.FirstName;
                contact["lastname"]  = theCnt.LastName;

                contact["new_specialty"] = new OptionSetValue(Convert.ToInt32(theCnt.SpecialtyID));
                contact["new_npi"]       = theCnt.NPI;
                contact["emailaddress1"] = theCnt.EMAIL;

                Guid objGuid = Guid.Empty;
                if (Guid.TryParse(theCnt.StateID, out objGuid))
                    // string can be converted to GUID
                    contact["new_state"] = new EntityReference("new_state", objGuid);
                    // can not parse state into a guid
                    rc = 100;           // bad state guid

                // try to convert Account ID as a string into GUID
                Guid acctGuid = Guid.Empty;
                if (Guid.TryParse(theCnt.AccountID, out acctGuid))
                    // success--not immediate action needed
                    // can not parse
                    rc = 200;           // bad Account ID

                // only execute if no conversion errors
                if (rc == 0)
                    // create the contact record
                    // returns ID of new record
                    Guid contactID = _orgService.Create(contact);

                    // Next create the relationship record with the Account entity
                    Entity relationship = new Entity("new_relationship");
                    relationship["new_contact"]   = new EntityReference("contact", contactID);
                    relationship["statuscode"]    = 1;
                    relationship["new_account"]   = new EntityReference("account", acctGuid);
                    relationship["new_firstname"] = theCnt.FirstName;
                    relationship["new_lastname"]  = theCnt.LastName;
                    relationship["new_name"]      = theCnt.ContactName;

                    Guid relationshipID = _orgService.Create(relationship);
            catch (FaultException <Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OrganizationServiceFault> ex)
                rc = 300;       // try-catch exception

Beispiel #4
        public static List <CRMContactModel> GetCRMContactsForRelationshipService(string relationshipID)
            List <CRMContactModel> theContacts = new List <CRMContactModel>();

                CrmServiceClient conn = new CrmServiceClient(DatabaseServices.GetCRMDBConnectionString());

                IOrganizationService _orgService;
                _orgService = (IOrganizationService)conn.OrganizationWebProxyClient != null ? (IOrganizationService)conn.OrganizationWebProxyClient : (IOrganizationService)conn.OrganizationServiceProxy;

                QueryExpression query = new QueryExpression
                    EntityName = "contact",
                    ColumnSet  = new ColumnSet("contactid", "fullname"),
                    Criteria   =
                        Filters                =
                            new FilterExpression
                                FilterOperator = LogicalOperator.And,
                                Conditions     =
                                    new ConditionExpression("contactid", ConditionOperator.Equal, relationshipID.Trim())

                EntityCollection entityRecords = _orgService.RetrieveMultiple(query);

                // see if data returned
                if (entityRecords != null && entityRecords.Entities.Count > 0)
                    CRMContactModel entityModel;
                    for (int i = 0; i < entityRecords.Entities.Count; i++)
                        // new blank copy of the C# model
                        entityModel = new CRMContactModel();

                        if (entityRecords[i].Contains("contactid") && entityRecords[i]["contactid"] != null)
                            entityModel.Id = entityRecords[i]["contactid"].ToString();
                        if (entityRecords[i].Contains("fullname") && entityRecords[i]["fullname"] != null)
                            entityModel.ContactName = CRMUtilityServices.GetTitleCaseService(entityRecords[i]["fullname"].ToString());

                        // add row to collection
            catch (Exception ex)