Beispiel #1
    public void EndShowing()
        //Disable buttons etc
        NotShown.interactable = false;
        Shown.interactable    = false;
        NoGuess.interactable  = false;


        Phase = CPhases.Calculate;
Beispiel #2
    public void StartGuessRound()
        if (Phase == CPhases.Guess)
            Submit.interactable = false;
            NewGuess            = new Guess(WeaponCard.Current, RoomCard.Current, SuspectCard.Current, CurrentPlayer);
            Phase = CPhases.ResultsOfGuess;

            ShowingPlayer = (CurrentPlayer + 1) % Players.Count;
            if (CurrentPlayer == 0)
                Turn.text = "If " + Players[ShowingPlayer].Name + " showed a card select it, else press 'No'.";
                Shown.interactable = true;
                Turn.text          = "Did " + Players[ShowingPlayer].Name + " show a card?";
            NotShown.interactable = true;
Beispiel #3
    public void Calculate()
        //		> If we know ALL the cards a player DOESN'T have, add the rest to what they DO have
        //		> A player DOESN'T have 2 of the cards in a guess that they answered, so they must have the third
        //		> A player has at least 1 of the cards in a guess, so we remove that guess, as no extra information can be gained with it
        //		> If a player only has one slot left for a card they DO have, if 2 guesses (they answered) only have 1 possible answer in common, that is in the solution
        //		> If a player has a card, remove it from UNKNOWN
        //		> If all players DON'T have a card, add it to SOLUTION
        //		> If there is only 1 UNKNOWN left for a category (and it's not in the solution) add it to the solution
        //- Check any guesses that no-one answered, if we know all the cards of the asker, then add cards they don't own to the solution (and highlight these cards on the grid either way)
        //- If a player is still asking about a card we assume they have seen, assume that the player who showed them had 2 in that guess, and display (but do not apply) the other possibility

        foreach (Player P in Players)
            //If we know all of this players cards, add the rest to 'Doesn't Have'.
            if (P.DoesHave.Count == P.NumberOfCards)
                if (P.NotHave.Count < AllCardsCount - P.NumberOfCards)
                    foreach (string s in All)
                        if (!P.NotHave.Contains(s) && !P.DoesHave.Contains(s))

            //If we know ALL the cards a player DOESN'T have, add the rest to what they DO have
            if (P.NotHave.Count == AllCardsCount - P.NumberOfCards)
                if (P.DoesHave.Count < P.NumberOfCards)
                    foreach (string s in All)
                        if (!P.NotHave.Contains(s) && !P.DoesHave.Contains(s))

            //Create a list of guesses that were answered by this player.
            List <Guess> RelevantGuesses = new List <Guess> ();
            foreach (Guess G in UnSolvedGuesses)
                if (G.ShownBy == P.Index)

            //Find guesses where the player could only have answered with one card.
            foreach (Guess G in RelevantGuesses)
                //Don't have 2 of the cards in the guess
                if (P.CountNOT(G) == 2)
                    //Add the remaining card to that players 'Does Have' list, and the other players 'Not Have' lists, and update Known and Unknown
                    string DiscoveredCard = P.AddOwnedCard(G);
                    AddDiscoveredToNotHaves(DiscoveredCard, P.Index);
                    //Unknown.Remove (DiscoveredCard);
                    //Known.Add (DiscoveredCard);

            //Remove obsolete guesses
            foreach (Guess G in RelevantGuesses)
                //If no obvious information can be gained from this guess (we know one of the owned cards)
                if (P.CountHAS(G) > 0)
                    //Remove it from UNsolved, add it to the cards the other player has seen, and add it to solved (AKA history)
                    int Card = P.FindOwnedCard(G);
                    Players [G.ShownTo].HasSeenAll.Add(G.Cards [Card]);
                    SolvedGuesses.Add(new CompletedGuess(G, Card));

            //NEW METHOD FOR \/:
            //Create a list of all the cards they COULD have.
            //For each guess, if it DOESN'T contain one of those cards, the must not have it, so REMOVE it from the list.
            //If the list contains only ONE card at the end, that must be the card they have.
            //If 0, show an error.
            List <string> CouldHave = new List <string> ();
            //Remove when debugging is finished.
            foreach (string u in Unknown)
                if (P.NotHave.Contains(u) && P.DoesHave.Contains(u))
                    Debug.LogError("Unknown is not accurate");

            foreach (Guess G in UnSolvedGuesses)
                List <string> ToRemove = new List <string> ();
                foreach (string s in CouldHave)
                    if (!G.Contains(s))
                foreach (string s in ToRemove)

            if (CouldHave.Count == P.NumberOfCards - P.DoesHave.Count)
                foreach (string s in CouldHave)

            //If a player has only one card that is unknown to us: if any two guesses have only one (possible) card in common, add it to DoesHave
            //Is inefficient, checks each guess combination twice (G2 should start at G1's index + 1).

             * if (P.DoesHave.Count == P.NumberOfCards - 1) {
             *      foreach (Guess G1 in UnSolvedGuesses) {
             *              bool Found = false;
             *              foreach (Guess G2 in UnSolvedGuesses) {
             *                      if (G1 == G2)
             *                              continue;
             *                      int Same = 0;
             *                      string PossibleCard = new string ();
             *                      for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
             *                              if (G1.Cards [i] == G2.Cards [i]) {
             *                                      if (!P.NotHave.Contains (G1.Cards [i])) {
             *                                              Same += 1;
             *                                              PossibleCard = G1.Cards [i];
             *                                      }
             *                              }
             *                      }
             *                      if (Same == 1) {
             *                              P.DoesHave.Add (PossibleCard);
             *                              Unknown.Remove (PossibleCard);
             *                              DiscoveredCardsToNotHave ();
             *                              Found = true;
             *                              break;
             *                      }
             *              }
             *              if (Found)
             *                      break;
             *      }
             * }
             * //[Could do /\ for 2 cards - eg three guesses only have one in common - but it is exponentially more intensive]
        //Check if ALL players don't have a card. Add to Solution if they don't.
        List <string> ToRemove2 = new List <string> ();

        foreach (string s in Unknown)
            bool OwnedByNoOne = true;
            foreach (Player P in Players)
                if (!P.NotHave.Contains(s))
                    OwnedByNoOne = false;
            if (OwnedByNoOne)
                Solution [CategoryIndex(s)] = s;
        foreach (string s in ToRemove2)

        //For each category, if the solution hasn't been found, and there is only 1 unknown left in that category, add it to the solution.
        for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
            if (Solution [i] == "")
                int    NumberOfUnknowns = 0;
                string PossibleSolution = "";
                foreach (string s in Unknown)
                    if (CategoryIndex(s) == i)
                        NumberOfUnknowns += 1;
                        if (NumberOfUnknowns > 1)
                            PossibleSolution = s;
                if (NumberOfUnknowns == 1)
                    Solution [i] = PossibleSolution;

        Phase         = CPhases.Guess;
        CurrentPlayer = (CurrentPlayer + 1) % Players.Count;
        Turn.text     = "Enter " + Players [CurrentPlayer].Name + "'s guess then press Submit, or press No Guess";
        if (CurrentPlayer == 0)
            Turn.text = "Enter your guess then press Submit, or press No Guess";
        Submit.interactable  = true;
        NoGuess.interactable = true;

Beispiel #4
    public void CardPressed(int Category)
        if (Phase == CPhases.StartingCards)
            if (Players [0].DoesHave.Count == Players [0].NumberOfCards)

                foreach (string s in All)
                    if (!Players [0].DoesHave.Contains(s))
                        Players [0].NotHave.Add(s);


                GameObject TM = Resources.Load <GameObject> ("Prefabs/Cluedo/CluedoMessage");
                ScrollView.GetComponent <RectTransform> ().sizeDelta += new Vector2(60 * Players.Count - 90, 0);
                GameObject GO = Instantiate(TM, ScrollView.transform);
                GO.transform.localPosition = new Vector3();
                GO.transform.Translate(210, -300, 0);
                GO.GetComponent <Text> ().fontSize = 20;
                string AllItems = "";
                foreach (string s in All)
                    AllItems += s + " - \n";
                GO.GetComponent <TemporaryMessage> ().SetText(AllItems);
                GO.GetComponent <TemporaryMessage> ().Delay = -1;
                for (int P = 0; P < Players.Count; ++P)
                GO = Instantiate(TM, ScrollView.transform);
                GO.transform.localPosition = new Vector3();
                GO.transform.Translate(350 + (Players.Count * 80), -80, 0);
                GO.transform.Rotate(0, 0, -20);
                GO.GetComponent <TemporaryMessage> ().SetText("Solution");
                GO.GetComponent <TemporaryMessage> ().Delay = -1;
                //Solution Grid
                GO = Instantiate(TM, ScrollView.transform);
                GO.transform.localPosition = new Vector3();
                GO.transform.Translate(380 + (Players.Count * 80), -300, 0);
                GO.GetComponent <Text> ().fontSize = 20;
                //Generate grid for Solution
                string LongString = "";
                foreach (string s in All)
                    if (Solution [0] == s || Solution [1] == s || Solution [2] == s)
                        LongString += " X \n";
                    else if (Known.Contains(s))
                        LongString += " <> \n";                         //Know where it is
                        LongString += "   \n";                         //DON'T know
                GO.GetComponent <TemporaryMessage> ().SetText(LongString);
                GO.GetComponent <TemporaryMessage> ().Delay = -1;
                SolutionGrid = GO.GetComponent <TemporaryMessage> ();
                Phase        = CPhases.Guess;
                Turn.text    = "Enter " + Players [CurrentPlayer].Name + "'s guess then press Submit, or press No Guess";
                if (CurrentPlayer == 0)
                    Turn.text = "Enter your guess then press Submit, or press No Guess";
                Submit.interactable  = true;
                NoGuess.interactable = true;
                //EnableAllCards ();
        else if (Phase == CPhases.ResultsOfGuess)
            string DiscoveredCard = NewGuess.Cards [Category];
            Players [ShowingPlayer].DoesHave.Add(DiscoveredCard);
Beispiel #5
    public void SubmitName(GameObject TextObject)
        if (Phase == CPhases.Names)
            if (TextObject.GetComponentsInChildren <Text> () [1].text == "")
                if (Players.Count >= MinimumPlayers)
                    Phase = CPhases.FirstPlayer;
                    Turn.text = "You need at least " + MinimumPlayers + "\nplayers.";
                Players.Add(new Player(TextObject.GetComponentsInChildren <Text> () [1].text, MultiCounter));
                MultiCounter += 1;
                Debug.Log("Added: " + TextObject.GetComponentsInChildren <Text> () [1].text + " as player " + (Players.Count));
                TextObject.GetComponent <InputField> ().text = "";                //Clear text in input field.
                if (Players.Count >= MinimumPlayers)
                    Turn.text = "Enter player " + (Players.Count + 1) + "'s name:\nOr submit nothing if last player.";
                    Turn.text = "Enter player " + (Players.Count + 1) + "'s name:";
        else if (Phase == CPhases.FirstPlayer)
            int i = 0;
            foreach (Player P in Players)
                if (P.Name == TextObject.GetComponentsInChildren <Text> () [1].text)
                    CurrentPlayer = i;
                i += 1;
            Phase = CPhases.NumCards;
            //Calculate the number of cards for each player here.
            int RemainingCards = AllCardsCount - 3;
            int Counter        = 0;
            for (int C = 0; C < Players.Count; ++C)
                Players[((C + CurrentPlayer) % Players.Count)].NumberOfCards = Mathf.FloorToInt(RemainingCards / (Players.Count - Counter));
                RemainingCards -= Mathf.FloorToInt(RemainingCards / (Players.Count - Counter));
                Debug.Log(Players[((C + CurrentPlayer) % Players.Count)].NumberOfCards + " cards for " + Players[((C + CurrentPlayer) % Players.Count)].Name);
                Counter += 1;

             * foreach (Player P in Players) {
             *      P.NumberOfCards = Mathf.FloorToInt (RemainingCards / (Players.Count - Counter));
             *      RemainingCards -= Mathf.FloorToInt (RemainingCards / (Players.Count - Counter));
             *      Counter += 1;
             *      Debug.Log (P.NumberOfCards);
             * }
            Turn.text           = "Select the cards in your hand.\n(Click a card to submit it)";
            WeaponCard.Text     = "Press Arrows";
            RoomCard.Text       = "Press Arrows";
            SuspectCard.Text    = "Press Arrows";
            WeaponCard.Current  = "ZZZZZ";
            RoomCard.Current    = "ZZZZZ";
            SuspectCard.Current = "ZZZZZ";
            WeaponCard.GetComponent <Button> ().interactable  = true;
            RoomCard.GetComponent <Button> ().interactable    = true;
            SuspectCard.GetComponent <Button> ().interactable = true;
            Phase = CPhases.StartingCards;