private void GetInfo_Click()
            const int     nChars = 128;
            StringBuilder Buff   = new StringBuilder(nChars);

            ComputerInfo.GetWindowsDirectory(Buff, nChars);
            string Windows路径 = "Windows路径:" + Buff.ToString();

            ComputerInfo.GetSystemDirectory(Buff, nChars);
            string 系统路径 = "系统路径:" + Buff.ToString();
            CPU_INFO CpuInfo;

            CpuInfo = new CPU_INFO();
            ComputerInfo.GetSystemInfo(ref CpuInfo);
            string CPU数量 =
                "本计算机中有" + CpuInfo.dwNumberOfProcessors.ToString() + "个CPU";
            string CPU的类型 = "CPU的类型为" + CpuInfo.dwProcessorType.ToString();

            string CPU等级 =
                "CPU等级为" + CpuInfo.dwProcessorLevel.ToString();
            string CPU的OEM = "CPU的OEM  ID为" + CpuInfo.dwOemId.ToString();
            string CPU中的页面 = "CPU中的页面大小为" + CpuInfo.dwPageSize.ToString();
            MEMORY_INFO MemInfo;

            MemInfo = new MEMORY_INFO();
            ComputerInfo.GlobalMemoryStatus(ref MemInfo);
            string 内存正在使用   = MemInfo.dwMemoryLoad.ToString() + "%的内存正在使用";
            string 物理内存     = "物理内存共有" + MemInfo.ullTotalPhys.ToString() + "字节";
            string 可使用的物理内存 = "可使用的物理内存有" + MemInfo.ullAvailPhys.ToString() + "字节";

            string 交换文件总大小 =
                "交换文件总大小为" + MemInfo.ullTotalPageFile.ToString() + "字节";
            string 尚可交换文件大小 =
                "尚可交换文件大小为" + MemInfo.ullAvailPageFile.ToString() + "字节";
            string 总虚拟内存 =
                "总虚拟内存有" + MemInfo.ullTotalVirtual.ToString() + "字节";
            string 未用虚拟内存 =
                "未用虚拟内存有" + MemInfo.ullAvailVirtual.ToString() + "字节";
            SYSTEMTIME_INFO StInfo;

            StInfo = new SYSTEMTIME_INFO();
            ComputerInfo.GetSystemTime(ref StInfo);
            string 时间 =
                StInfo.wYear.ToString() + "年" + StInfo.wMonth.ToString() + "月" + StInfo.wDay.ToString() + "日";

            string 时间2 =
                (StInfo.wHour + 8).ToString() + "点" + StInfo.wMinute.ToString() + "分" + StInfo.wSecond.ToString() + "秒";
Beispiel #2
        public static int GteCpuCount()
            CPU_INFO CpuInfo;

            CpuInfo = new CPU_INFO();
            GetSystemInfo(ref CpuInfo);
            catch (Exception ex)
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// 调用API获取系统相关信息
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string initAPIData()
            string info = "";
            const int     nChars = 128;
            StringBuilder buff   = new StringBuilder(nChars);

            GetWindowsDirectory(buff, nChars);
            info = string.Format("Windows路径:{0}\n", buff.ToString());

            GetSystemDirectory(buff, nChars);
            info += string.Format("系统路径:{0}\n", buff.ToString());

            CPU_INFO cpuInfo = new CPU_INFO();

            GetSystemInfo(ref cpuInfo);
            info += string.Format(
                "\n本机中有{0}个CPU\nCPU类型为:{1}\nCPU等级为:{2}\nCPU的OEM ID为:{3}CPU的页面大小为:{4}\n",
                cpuInfo.dwNumOFProcessors.ToString(), cpuInfo.dwProcessorType.ToString(),
                cpuInfo.dwProcessorLevel.ToString(), cpuInfo.dwOemId.ToString(), cpuInfo.dwPageSize.ToString());

            MEMORY_INFO memInfo = new MEMORY_INFO();

            GlobalMemoryStatus(ref memInfo);
            info += string.Format("内存正在使用{0}K\n", Math.Round(memInfo.dwMemoryLoad / (1.0 * 1024), 2).ToString());
            info += string.Format("物理内存共有{0}M\n", Math.Round(memInfo.dwTotalPhys / (1.0 * 1024 * 1024), 2).ToString());
            info += string.Format("可使用的物理内存共有{0}M\n", Math.Round(memInfo.dwAvailPhys / (1.0 * 1024 * 1024), 2).ToString());
            info += string.Format("交换文件总大小为{0}M\n", Math.Round(memInfo.dwTotalPageFile / (1.0 * 1024 * 1024), 2).ToString());
            info += string.Format("尚可交换文件大小为{0}M\n", Math.Round(memInfo.dwAvailPageFile / (1.0 * 1024 * 1024), 2).ToString());
            info += string.Format("总虚拟内存为{0}M\n", Math.Round(memInfo.dwTotalVirtual / (1.0 * 1024 * 1024), 2).ToString());
            info += string.Format("未用虚拟内存为{0}M\n", Math.Round(memInfo.dwAvailVirtual / (1.0 * 1024 * 1024), 2).ToString());

            SYSTEMTIME_INFO stInfo = new SYSTEMTIME_INFO();

            GetSystemTime(ref stInfo);
            info += string.Format("\n系统时间:{0}年{1}月{2}日 星期{6} {3}时{4}分{5}秒",
                                  stInfo.wYear, stInfo.wMonth, stInfo.wDay, stInfo.wDayOfWeek,
                                  stInfo.wHour, stInfo.wMinute, stInfo.wMilliseconds);

Beispiel #4
    public bool PosTest1()
        bool retVal = true;

        TestLibrary.TestFramework.BeginScenario("PosTest1:Verify return-value is whether or not equal to value from OS API");

            if (TestLibrary.Utilities.IsWindows)
                CPU_INFO cpuInfo;
                cpuInfo = new CPU_INFO();
                GetSystemInfo(ref cpuInfo);

                if (cpuInfo.dwNumberOfProcessors != GetProcessorCount())
                    TestLibrary.TestFramework.LogError("001", "The ProcessorCount is wrong!");
                    TestLibrary.TestFramework.LogError("001", " [LOCAL VARIABLES] ProcessorCount(expected value) = " + System.Environment.ProcessorCount);
                    TestLibrary.TestFramework.LogError("001", " [LOCAL VARIABLES] dwNumberOfProcessors(actual value) = " + cpuInfo.dwNumberOfProcessors);

                    retVal = false;
                if (0 >= System.Environment.ProcessorCount)
                    TestLibrary.TestFramework.LogError("001", "The ProcessorCount is wrong! " + System.Environment.ProcessorCount);
                    retVal = false;
        catch (Exception e)
            TestLibrary.TestFramework.LogError("002", "Unexpected exception: " + e);
            retVal = false;

Beispiel #5
        /// <summary>
        /// 调用API获取系统相关信息
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string initAPIData()
            string info = "";
            const int nChars = 128;
            StringBuilder buff = new StringBuilder(nChars);
            GetWindowsDirectory(buff, nChars);
            info = string.Format("Windows路径:{0}\n", buff.ToString());

            GetSystemDirectory(buff, nChars);
            info += string.Format("系统路径:{0}\n", buff.ToString());

            CPU_INFO cpuInfo = new CPU_INFO();
            GetSystemInfo(ref cpuInfo);
            info += string.Format(
                "\n本机中有{0}个CPU\nCPU类型为:{1}\nCPU等级为:{2}\nCPU的OEM ID为:{3}CPU的页面大小为:{4}\n",
                cpuInfo.dwNumOFProcessors.ToString(), cpuInfo.dwProcessorType.ToString(),
                cpuInfo.dwProcessorLevel.ToString(), cpuInfo.dwOemId.ToString(), cpuInfo.dwPageSize.ToString());

            MEMORY_INFO memInfo = new MEMORY_INFO();
            GlobalMemoryStatus(ref memInfo);
            info += string.Format("内存正在使用{0}K\n",Math.Round(memInfo.dwMemoryLoad / (1.0*1024),2).ToString());
            info += string.Format("物理内存共有{0}M\n", Math.Round(memInfo.dwTotalPhys / (1.0 * 1024 * 1024), 2).ToString());
            info += string.Format("可使用的物理内存共有{0}M\n", Math.Round(memInfo.dwAvailPhys / (1.0 * 1024 * 1024), 2).ToString());
            info += string.Format("交换文件总大小为{0}M\n", Math.Round(memInfo.dwTotalPageFile / (1.0 * 1024 * 1024), 2).ToString());
            info += string.Format("尚可交换文件大小为{0}M\n", Math.Round(memInfo.dwAvailPageFile / (1.0 * 1024 * 1024), 2).ToString());
            info += string.Format("总虚拟内存为{0}M\n", Math.Round(memInfo.dwTotalVirtual / (1.0 * 1024 * 1024), 2).ToString());
            info += string.Format("未用虚拟内存为{0}M\n", Math.Round(memInfo.dwAvailVirtual / (1.0 * 1024 * 1024), 2).ToString());

            SYSTEMTIME_INFO stInfo = new SYSTEMTIME_INFO();
            GetSystemTime(ref stInfo);
            info += string.Format("\n系统时间:{0}年{1}月{2}日 星期{6} {3}时{4}分{5}秒",
                stInfo.wYear, stInfo.wMonth, stInfo.wDay, stInfo.wDayOfWeek,
                stInfo.wHour, stInfo.wMinute, stInfo.wMilliseconds);

            return info;
    public bool PosTest1()
        bool retVal = true;
        TestLibrary.TestFramework.BeginScenario("PosTest1:Verify return-value is whether or not equal to value from OS API");

            if (TestLibrary.Utilities.IsWindows)
                CPU_INFO cpuInfo;
                cpuInfo = new CPU_INFO();
                GetSystemInfo(ref cpuInfo);

                if (cpuInfo.dwNumberOfProcessors != GetProcessorCount())
                    TestLibrary.TestFramework.LogError("001", "The ProcessorCount is wrong!");                
                    TestLibrary.TestFramework.LogError("001", " [LOCAL VARIABLES] ProcessorCount(expected value) = " + System.Environment.ProcessorCount);
                    TestLibrary.TestFramework.LogError("001", " [LOCAL VARIABLES] dwNumberOfProcessors(actual value) = " + cpuInfo.dwNumberOfProcessors);

                    retVal = false;
                if (0 >= System.Environment.ProcessorCount)
                    TestLibrary.TestFramework.LogError("001", "The ProcessorCount is wrong! " + System.Environment.ProcessorCount);
                    retVal = false;
        catch (Exception e)
            TestLibrary.TestFramework.LogError("002", "Unexpected exception: " + e);
            retVal = false;

        return retVal;
Beispiel #7
 public static extern void GetSystemInfo(ref CPU_INFO cpuinfo);
Beispiel #8
 public static extern void GetSystemInfo(ref CPU_INFO cpuInfo);
Beispiel #9
        public static  string GetCPUType()
            CPU_INFO CpuInfo;
            CpuInfo = new CPU_INFO();
            GetSystemInfo(ref CpuInfo);

            return CpuInfo.dwProcessorType.ToString();
        public List<string> initAPIData()
            List<string> lstAPI = new List<string>();
            CPU_INFO CpuInfo;
            CpuInfo = new CPU_INFO();
            GetSystemInfo(ref CpuInfo);
                lstAPI.Add("CPU����:" + CpuInfo.dwNumberOfProcessors.ToString());
            catch { }

                lstAPI.Add("CPU����:" + CpuInfo.dwProcessorType.ToString());
            catch { }

                lstAPI.Add("CPU�ȼ�:" + CpuInfo.dwProcessorLevel.ToString());
            catch { }

                lstAPI.Add("CPU�е�ҳ���С:" + CpuInfo.dwPageSize.ToString());
            catch { }

            MEMORY_INFO MemInfo;
            MemInfo = new MEMORY_INFO();
            GlobalMemoryStatus(ref MemInfo);
                lstAPI.Add("����ʹ���ڴ�ռ���ڴ�ٷֱ�:" + MemInfo.dwMemoryLoad.ToString() + "%");
            catch { }

                long dwTotalPhys = MemInfo.dwTotalPhys;
                dwTotalPhys = dwTotalPhys / 1000000;
                lstAPI.Add("�����ڴ湲��:" + dwTotalPhys.ToString() + " ��");
            catch { }

                long dwAvailPhys = MemInfo.dwAvailPhys;
                dwAvailPhys = dwAvailPhys / 1000000;
                lstAPI.Add("��ʹ�õ������ڴ�:" + dwAvailPhys.ToString() + " ��");
            catch { }

                long dwTotalPageFile = MemInfo.dwTotalPageFile;
                dwTotalPageFile = dwTotalPageFile / 1000000;
                lstAPI.Add("�����ļ��ܴ�С:" + dwTotalPageFile.ToString() + " ��");
            catch { }

                long dwAvailPageFile = MemInfo.dwAvailPageFile;
                dwAvailPageFile = dwAvailPageFile / 1000000;
                lstAPI.Add("�пɽ����ļ���С:" + dwAvailPageFile.ToString() + " ��");
            catch { }

                long dwTotalVirtual = MemInfo.dwTotalVirtual;
                dwTotalVirtual = dwTotalVirtual / 1000000;
                lstAPI.Add("�������ڴ�:" + dwTotalVirtual.ToString() + " ��");
            catch { }

                long dwAvailVirtual = MemInfo.dwAvailVirtual;
                dwAvailVirtual = dwAvailVirtual / 1000000;
                lstAPI.Add("δ�������ڴ�:" + dwAvailVirtual.ToString() + " ��");
            catch { }

            SYSTEMTIME_INFO StInfo;
            StInfo = new SYSTEMTIME_INFO();
            GetSystemTime(ref StInfo);
            lstAPI.Add("������ʱ��:" + StInfo.wYear.ToString() + "��" + StInfo.wMonth.ToString() + "��" + StInfo.wDay.ToString() + "��" + (StInfo.wHour + 8).ToString() + "��" + StInfo.wMinute.ToString() + "��" + StInfo.wSecond.ToString() + "��");
            return lstAPI;