Beispiel #1
        public override string getForm(CPBaseClass cp, int dstFormId, string rqs, DateTime rightNow, applicationClass application)
            string returnHtml = "";
                CPBlockBaseClass layout = cp.BlockNew();
                CPCSBaseClass cs = cp.CSNew();
                string body;

                layout.OpenLayout("MultiFormAjaxSample - Form 3");

                // manuiplate the html, pre-populating fields, hiding parts not needed, etc.
                // get the resulting form from the layout object
                // add the srcFormId as a hidden
                // wrap it in a form for the javascript to use during submit

                body = layout.GetHtml();
                body += cp.Html.Hidden(commonModule.rnSrcFormId, dstFormId.ToString());
                returnHtml = cp.Html.Form(body, "", "", "mfaForm3", rqs);

            catch (Exception ex)
                cp.Site.ErrorReport(ex, "getForm");
            return returnHtml;
        public override string getForm(CPBaseClass cp, int dstFormId, string rqs, DateTime rightNow, applicationClass application)
            string returnHtml = "";

                CPBlockBaseClass layout = cp.BlockNew();
                CPCSBaseClass    cs     = cp.CSNew();
                string           body;

                layout.OpenLayout("MultiFormAjaxSample - Form 3");

                // manuiplate the html, pre-populating fields, hiding parts not needed, etc.
                // get the resulting form from the layout object
                // add the srcFormId as a hidden
                // wrap it in a form for the javascript to use during submit

                body       = layout.GetHtml();
                body      += cp.Html.Hidden(commonModule.rnSrcFormId, dstFormId.ToString());
                returnHtml = cp.Html.Form(body, "", "", "mfaForm3", rqs);
            catch (Exception ex)
                cp.Site.ErrorReport(ex, "getForm");
 // ===============================================================================
 // get Form
 // ===============================================================================
 public string getForm(CPBaseClass cp, int dstFormId, string rqs, DateTime rightNow, ref int appId)
     string returnHtml = "";
         string form = "";
         CPBlockBaseClass layout = cp.BlockNew();
         string returnJs = "";
         CPCSBaseClass cs = cp.CSNew();
         // open layout, grab form, add hiddens, replace back into layout
         layout.OpenLayout("sample layout");
         if (layout.GetHtml() == "")
             cs.SetField("name", "sample layout");
             cs.SetField("layout", layout.GetHtml());
         form = layout.GetInner("#myForm");
         form += cp.Html.Hidden(statics.rnSrcFormId, dstFormId.ToString(), "", "");
         form += cp.Html.Hidden(statics.rnAppId, appId.ToString(), "", "");
         if (!cp.UserError.OK())
             form = cp.Html.div(cp.UserError.GetList(), "", "", "") + form;
         form = cp.Html.Form(form, "", "", "", "", "");
         layout.SetOuter("#myForm", form);
         // Populate the layout
         // attempt to open the application record. It is created in the process so this may fail.
         //      if not cs.OK(), the getFormField will return blank.
         cs.Open("people", "id=" + cp.User.Id.ToString(), "", true, "", 1, 1);
         if (true)
             // either server-side
             layout.SetOuter(".myInputRow input", cp.Html.InputText("name", statics.getFormField(cp, cs, "name"), "", "", false, "", ""));
             // or client-side
             returnJs += + "jQuery('.myInputRow myLabel').html('" + statics.getFormField(cp, cs, "name") + "')";
         // apply any javascript to doc
         if (returnJs != "")
             cp.Doc.AddHeadJavascript("jQuery(document).ready(function(){" + returnJs + + "});");
         // return converted layout
         returnHtml = layout.GetHtml();
     catch (Exception ex)
         errorReport(cp, ex, "getForm");
     return returnHtml;
Beispiel #4
 // ===============================================================================================
 // get New Post
 // ===============================================================================================
 private string getNewPost(CPBaseClass cp, int threadId)
     string s = "";
     string forumName = "";
     //string forumCopy = "";
     string qs;
     string rqs = cp.Doc.RefreshQueryString;
     string zs = "";
     CPCSBaseClass cs = cp.CSNew();
     //string company = "";
     string sql;
     string copy;
     int forumId = 0;
     string threadName = "";
     string threadCopy = "";
     Random random = new Random();
     rqs = cp.Utils.ModifyQueryString(rqs, rnFormId, "", false);
     rqs = cp.Utils.ModifyQueryString(rqs, rnForumId, "", false);
     rqs = cp.Utils.ModifyQueryString(rqs, rnThreadId, "", false);
     rqs = cp.Utils.ModifyQueryString(rqs, rnIntercept, "", false);
         CPBlockBaseClass block = cp.BlockNew();
         sql = "select as forumId, as forumName, as threadName, t.copy as threadCopy from ccforumThreads t left join ccForums f on where" + threadId;
         cs.OpenSQL( sql );
         if (cs.OK())
             forumName = cs.GetText("forumName");
             forumId = cs.GetInteger("forumId");
             threadName = cs.GetText("threadName");
             threadCopy = cs.GetText("threadCopy");
         block.OpenLayout("forums - new post view");
         qs = rqs;
         copy = "<a href=\"?" + qs + "\">Forums</a>";
         qs = cp.Utils.ModifyQueryString(qs, rnForumId, forumId.ToString(), true);
         copy += "&nbsp;�&nbsp;<a href=\"?" + qs + "\">" + forumName + "</a>";
         qs = cp.Utils.ModifyQueryString(qs, rnForumId, "", true);
         qs = cp.Utils.ModifyQueryString(qs, rnThreadId, threadId.ToString(), true);
         copy += "&nbsp;�&nbsp;<a href=\"?" + qs + "\">" + threadName + "</a>";
         block.SetInner(".foBreadCrumb", copy );
         block.SetInner(".foThreadTitle", threadName);
         block.SetInner(".foThreadCopy", threadCopy);
         block.SetInner(".foHeadThreadName", threadName);
         block.SetInner(".foBodyTitleThreadName", threadName);
         block.SetInner(".foInputName", cp.User.Name);
         string testString = cp.Doc.GetProperty("foTextAreaPost", zs);
         testString = encodeHtml(cp,testString);
         // - for CP that returns null if source is empty -- testString = cp.Utils.encodeHtml(testString);
         block.SetInner(".foTextAreaPost", testString);
         block.SetInner(".foInputFile", "<input type=\"file\" name=\"foInputFile\">");
         block.SetOuter(".foSourceForm", cp.Html.Hidden(rnSourceForm, formIdNewPost.ToString(), "", ""));
         int createKey = random.Next(0, 2147483647);
         block.SetOuter(".foCreateKey", cp.Html.Hidden(rnCreateKey, createKey.ToString(), "", ""));
         s = block.GetHtml();
         qs = rqs;
         qs = cp.Utils.ModifyQueryString(qs, rnThreadId, threadId.ToString(), true);
         s = s.Replace("$formAction$", "?" + qs + "&requestBinary=1");
     catch (Exception e)
         cp.Site.ErrorReport(e, "getPostList Trap");
     return s;
Beispiel #5
 // ===============================================================================================
 // get New Thread
 // ===============================================================================================
 private string getNewThread(CPBaseClass cp, int forumId )
     string s = "";
     string forumName = "";
     string forumCopy = "";
     string qs;
     string rqs = cp.Doc.RefreshQueryString;
     string zs = "";
     CPCSBaseClass cs = cp.CSNew();
     string company = "";
     Random random = new Random();
     rqs = cp.Utils.ModifyQueryString(rqs, rnFormId, "", false);
     rqs = cp.Utils.ModifyQueryString(rqs, rnForumId, "", false);
     rqs = cp.Utils.ModifyQueryString(rqs, rnThreadId, "", false);
     rqs = cp.Utils.ModifyQueryString(rqs, rnIntercept, "", false);
         CPBlockBaseClass block = cp.BlockNew();
         cs.Open( "Forums", "id=" + forumId,"",true,"",1,1 );
         if ( cs.OK() )
             forumName = cs.GetText("name");
             forumCopy = cs.GetText("forumCopy");
             if (forumCopy.Length < 20)
                 forumCopy = cs.GetText("forumOverview");
         if (cp.Doc.GetProperty(rnSourceForm,zs)!=formIdNewThread.ToString())
             // prepopulate the form from the person's member record
             cs.Open("people", "id=" + cp.User.Id,"",true,"",1,1);
             company = cs.GetText( "organizationId" );
             if ( company=="")
                 company = cs.GetText( "company" );
         block.OpenLayout("forums - new thread view");
         qs = rqs;
         qs = cp.Utils.ModifyQueryString(qs, rnFormId, "", true);
         qs = cp.Utils.ModifyQueryString(qs, rnForumId, "", true);
         block.SetInner(".foBreadCrumb", "<a href=\"?" + qs + "\">Forums</a>&nbsp;�&nbsp;" + forumName );
         block.SetInner(".foForumTitle", forumName);
         block.SetInner(".foHeadForumName", forumName);
         block.SetInner(".foBodyTitleForumName", forumName);
         block.SetInner(".foForumCopy", forumCopy);
         block.SetInner(".foInputThreadTitle", "<input type=\"text\" name=\"foInputThreadTitle\" value=\"" + cp.Doc.GetProperty("foInputThreadTitle",zs) + "\">");
         block.SetInner(".foInputName", "<input type=\"text\" name=\"foInputName\" value=\"" + cp.Doc.GetProperty("foInputName", zs) + "\">");
         block.SetInner(".foInputTitle", "<input type=\"text\" name=\"foInputTitle\" value=\"" + cp.Doc.GetProperty("foInputTitle", zs) + "\">");
         block.SetInner(".foInputOrg", "<input type=\"text\" name=\"foInputOrg\" value=\"" + cp.Doc.GetProperty("foInputOrg", zs) + "\">");
         block.SetInner(".foTextAreaPost", encodeHtml(cp,cp.Doc.GetProperty("foTextAreaPost", zs)));
         block.SetInner(".foInputFile", "<input type=\"file\" name=\"foInputFile\">");
         block.SetOuter(".foSourceForm", cp.Html.Hidden(rnSourceForm, formIdNewThread.ToString(), "", ""));
         int createKey = random.Next(0, 2147483647);
         block.SetOuter(".foCreateKey", cp.Html.Hidden(rnCreateKey, createKey.ToString(), "", ""));
         s = block.GetHtml();
         qs = rqs;
         qs = cp.Utils.ModifyQueryString(qs, rnFormId, formIdNewThread.ToString(), true);
         qs = cp.Utils.ModifyQueryString(qs, rnForumId, forumId.ToString(), true);
         s = s.Replace("$formAction$", "?" + qs + "&requestBinary=1");
     catch (Exception e)
         cp.Site.ErrorReport(e ,"getPostList Trap");
     return s;
Beispiel #6
        // ===============================================================================================
        // get Login
        // ===============================================================================================
        private string getLogin(CPBaseClass cp, int formId, int forumId, int threadId )
            //string copy = "";
            string qs = "";
            string rqs = cp.Doc.RefreshQueryString;
            string s = "<p>Login Form</p>";
            int loginAddonId;
            string loginForm;
            rqs = cp.Utils.ModifyQueryString(rqs, rnFormId, "", false);
            rqs = cp.Utils.ModifyQueryString(rqs, rnForumId, "", false);
            rqs = cp.Utils.ModifyQueryString(rqs, rnThreadId, "", false);
            rqs = cp.Utils.ModifyQueryString(rqs, rnIntercept, "", false);
                if (cp.Utils.EncodeBoolean(cp.Doc.GetProperty("register", "")))
                    s = getRegister(cp, formIdThreadList, forumId, 0);

                    CPBlockBaseClass block = cp.BlockNew();
                    block.OpenLayout("forums - login view");
                    //copy = "<a href=\"?" + qs + "\">Forums</a>";
                    //qs = cp.Utils.ModifyQueryString(qs, rnForumId, forumId.ToString(), true);
                    //copy += "&nbsp;�&nbsp;<a href=\"?" + qs + "\">" + forumName + "</a>";
                    //qs = cp.Utils.ModifyQueryString(qs, rnForumId, "", true);
                    //qs = cp.Utils.ModifyQueryString(qs, rnThreadId, threadId.ToString(), true);
                    //copy += "&nbsp;�&nbsp;<a href=\"?" + qs + "\">" + threadName + "</a>";
                    ////block.SetInner(".foBreadCrumb", copy);
                    // if the send password for was submitted, replace the message
                    if (cp.Doc.GetProperty(rnIntercept, "") == "password")
                        block.SetInner(".foLoginMessage", cp.UserError.GetList());
                        //if (cp.UserError.OK())
                        //    block.SetInner(".foLoginMessage", "<p>Your username and passwordTo contribute to the forum you must log in. If you do not have an account, please use the register link below.</p>");
                    loginAddonId = cp.Site.GetInteger("LOGIN PAGE ADDONID", "0");
                    if (loginAddonId != 0)
                        loginForm = cp.Utils.ExecuteAddon(loginAddonId.ToString());
                        if (loginForm == "")
                            cp.Response.Redirect("?" + cp.Doc.RefreshQueryString + "#");
                            block.SetInner("#foLoginPasswordCell", loginForm);
                    qs = rqs;
                    qs = cp.Utils.ModifyQueryString(qs, rnFormId, formIdForumList.ToString(), true);
                    qs = cp.Utils.ModifyQueryString(qs, rnForumId, "", false);
                    block.SetOuter(".foCancelButton", "<a href=\"?" + qs + "\">Cancel</a>");
                    s = block.GetHtml();
                    qs = rqs;
                    qs = cp.Utils.ModifyQueryString(qs, rnFormId, formId.ToString(), true);
                    qs = cp.Utils.ModifyQueryString(qs, rnThreadId, threadId.ToString(), true);
                    qs = cp.Utils.ModifyQueryString(qs, rnForumId, forumId.ToString(), true);
                    s = s.Replace("$formAction$", "?" + qs + "&requestBinary=1");
                    qs = cp.Utils.ModifyQueryString(qs, "register", "true", true);
                    s = s.Replace("$registerLink$", "?" + qs);
            catch (Exception e)
                cp.Site.ErrorReport(e, "method Trap");
            return s;
Beispiel #7
 // ===============================================================================================
 // ===============================================================================================
 private string getNewForum(CPBaseClass cp)
     //const string foPrepopulateFlag = "foPrepopulateFlag";
     string s = "";
     //string forumName = "";
     //string forumCopy = "";
     string qs;
     string rqs = cp.Doc.RefreshQueryString;
     string zs = "";
     CPCSBaseClass cs = cp.CSNew();
     //string company = "";
     CPBlockBaseClass block = cp.BlockNew();
     CPBlockBaseClass li = cp.BlockNew();
     string list = "";
     int ptr = 0;
     //int groupId;
     string groupCaption = "";
     string copy = "";
     Random random = new Random();
         block.OpenLayout("forums - new forum view");
         qs = rqs;
         qs = cp.Utils.ModifyQueryString(qs, rnFormId, "", true);
         qs = cp.Utils.ModifyQueryString(qs, rnForumId, "", true);
         qs = cp.Utils.ModifyQueryString(qs, rnThreadId, "", true);
         block.SetInner(".foBreadCrumb", "<a href=\"?" + qs + "\">Forums</a>");
         block.SetInner(".foInputTitle", "<input type=\"text\" name=\"foInputTitle\" value=\"" + cp.Doc.GetProperty("foInputTitle", zs) + "\">");
         block.SetInner(".foInputDescription", encodeHtml(cp,cp.Doc.GetProperty("foInputDescription", zs)));
         block.SetOuter(".foInputModerator", cp.Html.SelectContent("foModeratorGroupid", cp.Doc.GetProperty("foModeratorGroupid", zs), "groups", "", "No Moderator Group", "", ""));
         block.SetOuter(".foInputBlock", cp.Html.CheckBox("foInputBlock", cp.Utils.EncodeBoolean(cp.Doc.GetProperty("foInputBlock", "")), "", "foInputBlock"));
         block.SetOuter(".foSourceForm", cp.Html.Hidden(rnSourceForm, formIdNewForum.ToString(), "", ""));
         li.Load( block.GetOuter(".foInputAllowGroupsItem"));
         if ( !cs.Open( "groups","","caption",true,"caption,name,id",100,1 ) )
             block.SetOuter("foInputAllowGroupsList", "");
             while ( cs.OK())
                 groupCaption = "";
                 groupCaption = cs.GetText( "caption" );
                 if ( groupCaption=="")
                     groupCaption = cs.GetText( "name" );
                 li.SetInner(".foCaption", groupCaption);
                 copy = ""
                     + cp.Html.CheckBox("foGroup" + ptr, true, "", "")
                     + cp.Html.Hidden("foGroupId" + ptr, cs.GetInteger("id").ToString(), "", "")
                     + "";
                 li.SetInner(".foGroupInput", copy);
                 list += li.GetHtml();
                 ptr += 1;
             list += cp.Html.Hidden("foGroupCnt", ptr.ToString(), "", "");
             block.SetInner(".foInputAllowGroupsList", list);
         int createKey = random.Next(0, 2147483647);
         block.SetOuter(".foCreateKey", cp.Html.Hidden(rnCreateKey, createKey.ToString(), "", ""));
         s = block.GetHtml();
         qs = rqs;
         qs = cp.Utils.ModifyQueryString(qs, rnFormId, formIdNewForum.ToString(), true);
         qs = cp.Utils.ModifyQueryString(qs, rnForumId, "", true);
         qs = cp.Utils.ModifyQueryString(qs, rnThreadId, "", true);
         qs = cp.Utils.ModifyQueryString(qs, rnIntercept, "", true);
         s = s.Replace("$formAction$", "?" + qs + "&requestBinary=1");
     catch (Exception e)
         cp.Site.ErrorReport(e, "getPostList Trap");
     return s;
Beispiel #8
        // ===============================================================================================
        // get Forum List
        // ===============================================================================================
        private string getThreadList(CPBaseClass cp, int forumId, bool isEditing)
            string s = "";
                CPBlockBaseClass block = cp.BlockNew();
                CPBlockBaseClass listItemOdd = cp.BlockNew();
                CPBlockBaseClass listItemEven = cp.BlockNew();
                CPBlockBaseClass listItem;
                CPCSBaseClass cs = cp.CSNew();
                CPCSBaseClass csThread = cp.CSNew();
                string imageUrl = "";
                string list = "";
                int ptr = 0;
                string copy = "";
                string sql = "";
                string threadATag = "";
                //string postATag = "";
                string qs = "";
                string rqs = "";
                int threadId;
                DateTime lastDate;
                string startedByName = "";
                //string breadCrumb = "";
                string threadCopy = "";
                string threadName = "";
                string threadEditLink = "";
                string threadDateAddedText = "";
                string lastPostName = "";
                string forumName = "";
                string forumOverview = "";
                string forumCopy = "";
                if (!userHasAccess(cp, forumId))
                    s = getLogin( cp, formIdThreadList, forumId, 0);
                    //if ( cp.Utils.EncodeBoolean( cp.Doc.GetProperty( "register", "" )))
                    //   s = getRegister( cp, formIdThreadList, forumId, 0);
                    //   s = getLogin( cp, formIdThreadList, forumId, 0);
                    if (cs.Open("forums", "id=" + forumId.ToString(),"",true,"",1,1))
                        forumName = cs.GetText("name");
                        forumOverview = cs.GetText("overview");
                        forumCopy = cs.GetText("copy");

                    block.OpenLayout("forums - thread list view");
                    list = block.GetOuter(".foHead");
                    rqs = cp.Doc.RefreshQueryString;
                    rqs = cp.Utils.ModifyQueryString(rqs, rnFormId, "", false);
                    rqs = cp.Utils.ModifyQueryString(rqs, rnForumId, "", false);
                    rqs = cp.Utils.ModifyQueryString(rqs, rnThreadId, "", false);
                    rqs = cp.Utils.ModifyQueryString(rqs, rnIntercept, "", false);
                    sql = ""
                        + "select,t.viewCnt,t.replyCnt"
                        + " , as forumId"
                        + " , as postId,p.dateAdded as dateLastReply"
                        + " , as startedByName"
                        + " ,mt.nickname as startedByNickname"
                        + " , as lastPostName"
                        + " ,mp.nickname as lastPostNickname"
                        + "  from ((((ccforums f"
                        + "  left join ccforumThreads t on"
                        + "  left join ccforumPosts p on"
                        + "  left join ccmembers mt on"
                        + "  left join ccmembers mp on"
                        + "  where ((<>0)or( is null))and(f.Id=" + forumId.ToString() + ")"
                        + "  group by "
                        + ",t.viewCnt,t.replyCnt"
                        + " ,,p.dateAdded"
                        + " ,,mt.nickname"
                        + " ,,mp.nickname"
                        + " ,"
                        + "  order by desc";
                    //+ "select,,t.copy as threadCopy,t.createdBy,t.dateAdded as dateThreadAdded,t.viewCnt,t.replyCnt,t.imageFilename,t.lastpostid,t.contentControlId"
                    cs.OpenSQL2(sql, "", 10, 1);
                    ptr = 0;
                    if (!cs.OK())
                        list = "";
                        qs = rqs;
                        qs = cp.Utils.ModifyQueryString(qs, rnFormId, "", true);
                        qs = cp.Utils.ModifyQueryString(qs, rnForumId, "", true);
                        block.Append("<p>The Forum you requested could not be found. Please return to the <a href=\"?" + qs + "\">Forum list</a>.</p>");
                        // title over thread list
                        qs = rqs;
                        qs = cp.Utils.ModifyQueryString(qs, rnFormId, "", true);
                        qs = cp.Utils.ModifyQueryString(qs, rnForumId, "", true);
                        copy = forumName;
                        block.SetInner(".foForumTitle", copy);
                        copy = forumCopy;
                        if (copy.Length < 20)
                            copy = forumOverview;
                        block.SetInner(".foForumCopy", copy);
                        block.SetInner(".foBreadCrumb", "<a href=\"?" + qs + "\">Forums</a>&nbsp;�&nbsp;" + encodeHtml( cp, forumName));
                        copy = "<a";
                        if (!cp.User.IsAuthenticated)
                            copy += " class=\"loginLightbox\"";
                        qs = rqs;
                        qs = cp.Utils.ModifyQueryString(qs, rnFormId, formIdNewThread.ToString(), true);
                        qs = cp.Utils.ModifyQueryString(qs, rnForumId, forumId.ToString(), true);
                        copy += " href=\"?" + qs + "\">Start Thread</a>";
                        block.SetOuter(".foAddThreadButton", copy);
                        // thread list
                        while (cs.OK())
                            if ((ptr % 2) == 0)
                                listItem = listItemEven;
                                listItem = listItemOdd;
                            threadId = cs.GetInteger("id");
                            if (threadId == 0)
                                // no threads found
                                listItem.SetInner(".foOverviewImage", "<img src=\"/aoForums/defaultThreadIcon.png\" width=\"80\" height=\"80\">");
                                listItem.SetInner(".foOverviewCopy", "This forum has no threads");
                                listItem.SetInner(".foReplies", "0");
                                listItem.SetInner(".foViews", "0");
                                listItem.SetInner(".foLastAuthor", "");
                                listItem.SetInner(".foLastDate", "");
                                // list threads
                                if (csThread.Open("forum threads", "id=" + threadId, "", true, "", 1, 1))
                                    imageUrl = csThread.GetText("imageFilename");
                                    threadName = csThread.GetText("name");
                                    if (threadName == "")
                                        threadName = "Thread " + threadId.ToString();
                                    threadCopy = csThread.GetText("copy");
                                    threadEditLink = "";
                                    if (isEditing)
                                        threadEditLink = csThread.GetEditLink(false);
                                    threadDateAddedText = csThread.GetDate("dateAdded").ToShortDateString();
                                qs = cp.Utils.ModifyQueryString(rqs, rnThreadId, threadId.ToString(), true);
                                threadATag = "<a href=\"?" + qs + "\">";
                                if (imageUrl == "")
                                    imageUrl = "/aoForums/defaultThreadIcon.png";
                                    imageUrl = cp.Site.FilePath + imageUrl;
                                listItem.SetInner(".foOverviewImage", threadATag + "<img src=\"" + imageUrl + "\" width=\"80\" height=\"80\"></a>");
                                copy = "<b>" + threadName + "</b>";
                                startedByName = cs.GetText("startedByNickname");
                                if (startedByName == "")
                                    startedByName = cs.GetText("startedByName");
                                if (startedByName != "")
                                    copy += " - Started By " + startedByName;
                                copy = "<div>" + copy + "</div>";
                                if (threadCopy != "")
                                    copy += "<p>" + threadCopy + "</p>";
                                copy = threadEditLink + threadATag + copy + "</a>";
                                listItem.SetInner(".foOverviewCopy", copy);
                                listItem.SetInner(".foReplies", cp.Utils.EncodeText(cs.GetInteger("replyCnt")));
                                listItem.SetInner(".foViews", cp.Utils.EncodeText(cs.GetInteger("viewCnt")));
                                lastDate = cs.GetDate("dateLastReply");
                                if (cs.GetInteger("postId") == 0)
                                    // no replies, list inital thread post
                                    listItem.SetInner(".foAuthorName", startedByName);
                                    listItem.SetInner(".foLastDate", threadDateAddedText);
                                    lastPostName = cs.GetText("lastPostNickname");
                                    if (lastPostName == "")
                                        lastPostName = cs.GetText("lastPostName");
                                    listItem.SetInner(".foAuthorName", lastPostName);
                                    listItem.SetInner(".foLastDate", lastDate.ToShortDateString());
                            list += listItem.GetHtml();
                            ptr += 1;
                    if (list != "")
                        block.SetInner(".foThreads", list);
                    s = block.GetHtml();
            catch (Exception e)
                cp.Site.ErrorReport(e ,"getThreadList Trap");
               return s;
Beispiel #9
        // ===============================================================================================
        // get Forum List
        // ===============================================================================================
        private string getForumList(CPBaseClass cp, bool isEditing)
            const string copyRecordName = "forums - Forum Intro";
            CPBlockBaseClass block = cp.BlockNew();
            CPBlockBaseClass blockPublic = cp.BlockNew();
            CPBlockBaseClass blockPrivate = cp.BlockNew();
            CPBlockBaseClass listItemOdd = cp.BlockNew();
            CPBlockBaseClass listItemEven = cp.BlockNew();
            CPBlockBaseClass listItem;
            CPCSBaseClass cs = cp.CSNew();
            string imageUrl = "";
            string listPublic = "";
            string listPrivate = "";
            int ptr = 0;
            string copy = "";
            string sql = "";
            string forumATag = "";
            //string postATag = "";
            string qs = "";
            string rqs = "";
            DateTime lastDate;
            string forumName;
            string forumDescription;
            int forumId;
            bool segregatePrivate = cp.Utils.EncodeBoolean(cp.Site.GetProperty("Forums - Segregate Private Forums","0"));
            string forumLayout = "";
            int listPrivateCnt = 0;
            int listPublicCnt = 0;
            bool isAuthenticated = cp.User.IsAuthenticated;
            bool forumBlocked = true;
            block.OpenLayout("forums - forum list view");
            listPublic = block.GetOuter(".foHead");
            listPrivate = listPublic;
            rqs = cp.Doc.RefreshQueryString;
            rqs = cp.Utils.ModifyQueryString(rqs, rnFormId, "", false);
            rqs = cp.Utils.ModifyQueryString(rqs, rnForumId, "", false);
            rqs = cp.Utils.ModifyQueryString(rqs, rnThreadId, "", false);
            rqs = cp.Utils.ModifyQueryString(rqs, rnIntercept, "", false);
            copy = cp.Content.GetCopy(copyRecordName, "<p>Welcome to our forums.</p>");
            //if (isEditing)
            //    copyRecordId = cp.Content.GetRecordID("copy content", copyRecordName);
            //    copy = cp.Content.GetEditLink("copy content", copyRecordId.ToString(), false, copyRecordName, true) + copy;
            block.SetInner(".foForumIntro", copy);
            if (!cp.User.IsAuthenticated)
                // not authenticated - block anything marked block
                //qs = rqs;
                //qs = cp.Utils.ModifyQueryString(qs, "forceInterceptForm", "login", true);
                //copy = "<a href=\"?" + qs + "\">Login</a>";
                //block.SetOuter(".foButtonLogin", copy);
                //qs = cp.Utils.ModifyQueryString(qs, "forceInterceptForm", "register", true);
                //copy = "<a href=\"?" + qs + "\">Register</a>";
                //block.SetOuter(".foButtonRegister", copy);
                block.SetOuter(".foButtonNewForum", "");
                //block.SetOuter(".foButtonLogout", "");
                //sql = ""
                //    + "select"
                //    + ",f.block"
                //    + ","
                //    + ",f.overview"
                //    + ",f.threads"
                //    + ",f.posts"
                //    + ", as lastTitle"
                //    + ",p.dateAdded as lastDate"
                //    + ", as authorName"
                //    + ",m.nickname as authorNickname"
                //    + ",f.imageFilename"
                //    + ",f.lastpostid "
                //    + ",f.contentControlId "
                //    + " from ((ccforums f"
                //    + " left join ccforumPosts p on"
                //    + " left join ccmembers m on"
                //    + " where (<>0)"
                //    + " and ((f.block is null)or(f.block=0))"
                //    + " order by p.dateAdded desc"
                //    + "";
            else if (cp.User.IsAdmin)
                // admin - allow new forum button and show all forums
                qs = rqs;
                qs = cp.Utils.ModifyQueryString(qs, rnFormId, formIdNewForum.ToString(), true);
                copy = "<a href=\"?" + qs + "\">New Forum</a>";
                block.SetOuter(".foButtonNewForum", copy);
                //qs = rqs;
                //qs = cp.Utils.ModifyQueryString(qs, rnIntercept, "logout", true);
                //copy = "<a href=\"?" + qs + "\">Logout</a>";
                //block.SetOuter(".foButtonLogout", copy);
                //block.SetOuter(".foButtonLogin", "");
                //block.SetOuter(".foButtonRegister", "");
                // block nothing
                //sql = ""
                //    + "select"
                //    + ",f.block"
                //    + ","
                //    + ",f.overview"
                //    + ",f.threads"
                //    + ",f.posts"
                //    + ", as lastTitle"
                //    + ",p.dateAdded as lastDate"
                //    + ", as authorName"
                //    + ",m.nickname as authorNickname"
                //    + ",f.imageFilename"
                //    + ",f.lastpostid "
                //    + ",f.contentControlId"
                //    + " from ((ccforums f"
                //    + " left join ccforumPosts p on"
                //    + " left join ccmembers m on"
                //    + " where (<>0)"
                //    + " order by p.dateAdded desc"
                //    + "";
                // authenticated but not admin - blocking
                block.SetOuter(".foButtonNewForum", "");
                //qs = rqs;
                //qs = cp.Utils.ModifyQueryString(qs, rnIntercept, "logout", true);
                //copy = "<a href=\"?" + qs + "\">Logout</a>";
                //block.SetOuter(".foButtonLogout", copy);
                //block.SetOuter(".foButtonLogin", "");
                //block.SetOuter(".foButtonRegister", "");
                //sql = ""
                //    + "select"
                //    + ",f.block"
                //    + ","
                //    + ",f.overview"
                //    + ",f.threads"
                //    + ",f.posts"
                //    + ", as lastTitle"
                //    + ",p.dateAdded as lastDate"
                //    + ", as authorName"
                //    + ",m.nickname as authorNickname"
                //    + ",f.imageFilename"
                //    + ",f.lastpostid "
                //    + ",f.contentControlId "
                //    + " from ((((ccforums f"
                //    + " left join ccforumPosts p on"
                //    + " left join ccmembers m on"
                //    + " left join ccforumGroupRules gr on"
                //    + " left join ccMemberRules mr on mr.groupId=gr.groupId)"
                //    + " where (<>0)"
                //    + " and ((mr.memberid=" + cp.User.Id + ")or(f.block is null)or(f.block=0))"
                //    + " group by,f.block,,f.overview,f.threads,f.posts, ,p.dateAdded,,m.nickname,f.imageFilename,f.lastpostid,f.contentControlId"
                //    + " order by p.dateAdded desc"
                //    + "";
            // new direction -- list all forums, but if blocked put login button over threads/posts
            sql = ""
                + "select"
                + ",f.block"
                + ","
                + ",f.overview"
                + ",f.threads"
                + ",f.posts"
                + ", as lastTitle"
                + ",p.dateAdded as lastDate"
                + ", as authorName"
                + ",m.nickname as authorNickname"
                + ",f.imageFilename"
                + ",f.lastpostid "
                + ",f.contentControlId"
                + " from ((ccforums f"
                + " left join ccforumPosts p on"
                + " left join ccmembers m on"
                + " where (<>0)"
                + " order by p.dateAdded desc"
                + "";
            cs.OpenSQL2(sql, "", 100, 1);
            ptr = 0;
            while ( cs.OK() ) {
                if ((ptr % 2) == 0)
                    listItem = listItemEven;
                    listItem = listItemOdd;
                forumId = cs.GetInteger( "id" );
                forumBlocked = (!isAuthenticated & cs.GetBoolean("block"));
                forumATag = "<a";
                if (forumBlocked)
                    forumATag += " class=\"loginLightbox\"";
                qs = cp.Utils.ModifyQueryString(rqs, rnForumId, cs.GetText("id"), true);
                forumATag += " href=\"?" + qs + "\">";
                qs = cp.Utils.ModifyQueryString(rqs, rnPostId, cs.GetText("lastpostid"), true);
                //postATag = "<a href=\"?" + qs + "\">";
                imageUrl = cs.GetText("imageFilename");
                if ( imageUrl == "" )
                    imageUrl = "/aoForums/defaultForumIcon.png";
                } else {
                    imageUrl = cp.Site.FilePath + imageUrl;
                listItem.SetInner(".foOverviewImage", forumATag + "<img src=\"" + imageUrl + "\" width=\"80\" height=\"80\"></a>");
                copy = "";
                forumName = cs.GetText("name");
                if ( forumName=="")
                    forumName = "Forum " + forumId.ToString();
                forumName = forumATag + forumName + "</a>";
                if (isEditing)
                    forumName = cs.GetEditLink(false) + forumName;
                listItem.SetInner(".foOverviewName", forumName);
                forumDescription = cs.GetText("overview");
                if ( forumDescription!="")
                    forumDescription = forumATag + forumDescription + "</a>";
                listItem.SetInner(".foOverviewCopy", forumDescription);
                listItem.SetInner(".foThreads", cp.Utils.EncodeInteger( cs.GetText("threads")).ToString());
                listItem.SetInner(".foPosts", cp.Utils.EncodeInteger(  cs.GetText("posts")).ToString());
                lastDate = cs.GetDate("lastDate");
                if (lastDate < new DateTime(2000, 1, 1))
                    listItem.SetInner(".foLastPost", "");
                    //listItem.SetInner(".foLastTitle", "");
                    //listItem.SetInner(".foAuthorName", "");
                    //listItem.SetInner(".foLastDate", "");

                    //listItem.SetInner(".foLastTitle", postATag + cs.GetText("lastTitle") + "</a>");
                    copy = cs.GetText("authorNickname").Trim();
                    if (copy=="")
                        copy = cs.GetText("authorName");
                    listItem.SetInner(".foAuthorName", copy);
                    listItem.SetInner(".foLastDate", lastDate.ToShortDateString());
                if (segregatePrivate & cs.GetBoolean("block"))
                    listPrivate += listItem.GetHtml();
                    listPrivateCnt += 1;
                    listPublic += listItem.GetHtml();
                listPublicCnt += 1;
                listPublicCnt += 1;
                ptr += 1;
            if (segregatePrivate & (listPrivateCnt > 0))
                forumLayout = block.GetOuter(".foForums");
                blockPrivate.SetInner(".foForums", listPrivate );
                blockPrivate.SetInner(".foOverview", "Closed Forums");
                blockPublic.SetInner(".foForums", listPublic);
                blockPublic.SetInner(".foOverview", "Public Forums");
                block.SetOuter(".foForums", blockPublic.GetHtml() + blockPrivate.GetHtml());
                block.SetInner(".foForums", listPublic);
            return block.GetHtml();
Beispiel #10
 // ===============================================================================================
 // get Register
 // ===============================================================================================
 private string getRegister(CPBaseClass cp, int formId, int forumId, int threadId)
     //string copy = "";
     string qs = "";
     string rqs = cp.Doc.RefreshQueryString;
     string s = "<p>Login Form</p>";
     CPBlockBaseClass block = cp.BlockNew();
         rqs = cp.Utils.ModifyQueryString(rqs, rnFormId, "", false);
         rqs = cp.Utils.ModifyQueryString(rqs, rnForumId, "", false);
         rqs = cp.Utils.ModifyQueryString(rqs, rnThreadId, "", false);
         rqs = cp.Utils.ModifyQueryString(rqs, rnIntercept, "", false);
         block.OpenLayout("forums - register view");
         // posible error messages
         if (!cp.UserError.OK())
             block.SetInner(".foRegisterMessage", cp.UserError.GetList());
         block.SetInner(".foRegisterFirst .foInput", "<input type=\"text\" name=\"foInputFirst\" value=\"" + cp.Doc.GetProperty("foInputFirst", "") + "\">");
         block.SetInner(".foRegisterLast .foInput", "<input type=\"text\" name=\"foInputLast\" value=\"" + cp.Doc.GetProperty("foInputLast", "") + "\">");
         block.SetInner(".foRegisterTitle .foInput", "<input type=\"text\" name=\"foInputTitle\" value=\"" + cp.Doc.GetProperty("foInputTitle", "") + "\">");
         block.SetInner(".foRegisterCity .foInput", "<input type=\"text\" name=\"foInputCity\" value=\"" + cp.Doc.GetProperty("foInputCity", "") + "\">");
         block.SetInner(".foRegisterState .foInput", "<input type=\"text\" name=\"foInputState\" value=\"" + cp.Doc.GetProperty("foInputState", "") + "\">");
         block.SetInner(".foRegisterEmail .foInput", "<input type=\"text\" name=\"foInputEmail\" value=\"" + cp.Doc.GetProperty("foInputEmail", "") + "\">");
         block.SetInner(".foRegisterPassword .foInput", "<input type=\"password\" name=\"foInputPassword\" value=\"" + cp.Doc.GetProperty("foInputPassword", "") + "\">");
         block.SetInner(".foRegisterConfirm .foInput", "<input type=\"password\" name=\"foInputConfirm\" value=\"" + cp.Doc.GetProperty("foInputConfirm", "") + "\">");
         block.SetInner(".foRegisterNickname .foInput", "<input type=\"text\" name=\"foInputNickname\" value=\"" + cp.Doc.GetProperty("foInputNickname", "") + "\">");
         if ((cp.Site.Name == "aasa") | (cp.Site.Name == "staging-forum"))
             block.SetInner(".foRegisterDistrict .foInput", "<input type=\"text\" name=\"foInputDistrict\" value=\"" + cp.Doc.GetProperty("foInputDistrict", "") + "\">");
             block.SetOuter(".foRegisterDistrict", "");
         s = block.GetHtml();
         qs = rqs;
         qs = cp.Utils.ModifyQueryString(qs, rnFormId, formId.ToString(), true);
         qs = cp.Utils.ModifyQueryString(qs, rnThreadId, threadId.ToString(), true);
         qs = cp.Utils.ModifyQueryString(qs, rnForumId, forumId.ToString(), true);
         qs = cp.Utils.ModifyQueryString(qs, "register", "true", true);
         s = s.Replace("$formAction$", "?" + qs + "&requestBinary=1");
     catch (Exception e)
         cp.Site.ErrorReport(e, "getRegister Trap");
     return s;
Beispiel #11
        // ===============================================================================================
        // ===============================================================================================
        private string getProfile(CPBaseClass cp)
            string s = "";
            string qs;
            string rqs = cp.Doc.RefreshQueryString;
            CPCSBaseClass cs = cp.CSNew();
            CPBlockBaseClass block = cp.BlockNew();
            CPBlockBaseClass li = cp.BlockNew();
            string list = "";
            int ptr = 0;
            string forumName = "";
            string copy = "";
            Random random = new Random();
            string sql = "";
            //string form = "";
            string notificationForumIdList = "";
            int forumId = 0;
            bool isChecked = false;
            int blockGroupId = 0;
            //string bodyInstructions;
                block.OpenLayout("forums - profile view");
                qs = rqs;
                qs = cp.Utils.ModifyQueryString(qs, rnFormId, "", true);
                qs = cp.Utils.ModifyQueryString(qs, rnForumId, "", true);
                qs = cp.Utils.ModifyQueryString(qs, rnThreadId, "", true);
                block.SetInner(".foBreadCrumb", "<a href=\"?" + qs + "\">Forums</a>");
                block.SetInner("#foHeader", cp.Content.GetCopy("forums - profile instructions", profileInstructions));
                block.SetInner("#foFooter", cp.Content.GetCopy("forums - profile notification instructions", profileNotificationInstructions));
                if (cp.UserError.OK())
                    block.SetOuter(".foErrors", "");
                    block.SetOuter(".foErrors", cp.UserError.GetList());
                if (!cp.Site.GetBoolean("Forums - Allow Profile"))
                    // disallow profile
                    block.SetOuter(".foEditFields", "");
                    // disallow profile
                    if (cs.Open("people", "id=" + cp.User.Id, "", true, "", 1, 1))
                        blockGroupId = cp.Site.GetInteger("Forums - Profile Block Update Group");
                        if (cp.User.IsInGroupList(blockGroupId.ToString()))
                            // display profile read-only
                            block.SetInner(".foFormRowFirst .foInput", cs.GetText("firstName") );
                            block.SetInner(".foFormRowLast .foInput", cs.GetText("lastName") );
                            block.SetInner(".foFormRowTitle .foInput", cs.GetText("title") );
                            block.SetInner(".foFormRowCity .foInput", cs.GetText("city") );
                            block.SetInner(".foFormRowState .foInput", cs.GetText("state") );
                            block.SetInner(".foFormRowEmail .foInput",  cs.GetText("email") );
                            block.SetInner(".foFormRowNickname .foInput", cs.GetText("nickname") );
                            //block.SetInner(".foFormRowFirst .foInput", "<input readonly=\"readonly\" type=\"text\" name=\"foFirst\" value=\"" + cs.GetText("firstName") + "\">");
                            //block.SetInner(".foFormRowLast .foInput", "<input readonly=\"readonly\" type=\"text\" name=\"foLast\" value=\"" + cs.GetText("lastName") + "\">");
                            //block.SetInner(".foFormRowTitle .foInput", "<input readonly=\"readonly\" type=\"text\" name=\"foTitle\" value=\"" + cs.GetText("title") + "\">");
                            //block.SetInner(".foFormRowCity .foInput", "<input readonly=\"readonly\" type=\"text\" name=\"foCity\" value=\"" + cs.GetText("city") + "\">");
                            //block.SetInner(".foFormRowState .foInput", "<input readonly=\"readonly\" type=\"text\" name=\"foState\" value=\"" + cs.GetText("state") + "\">");
                            //block.SetInner(".foFormRowEmail .foInput", "<input readonly=\"readonly\" type=\"text\" name=\"foEmail\" value=\"" + cs.GetText("email") + "\">");
                            //block.SetInner(".foFormRowNickname .foInput", "<input readonly=\"readonly\" type=\"text\" name=\"foNickName\" value=\"" + cs.GetText("nickname") + "\">");
                            // edit profile
                            block.SetInner(".foFormRowFirst .foInput", "<input type=\"text\" name=\"foFirst\" value=\"" + cs.GetText("firstName") + "\">");
                            block.SetInner(".foFormRowLast .foInput", "<input type=\"text\" name=\"foLast\" value=\"" + cs.GetText("lastName") + "\">");
                            block.SetInner(".foFormRowTitle .foInput", "<input type=\"text\" name=\"foTitle\" value=\"" + cs.GetText("title") + "\">");
                            block.SetInner(".foFormRowCity .foInput", "<input type=\"text\" name=\"foCity\" value=\"" + cs.GetText("city") + "\">");
                            block.SetInner(".foFormRowState .foInput", "<input type=\"text\" name=\"foState\" value=\"" + cs.GetText("state") + "\">");
                            block.SetInner(".foFormRowEmail .foInput", "<input type=\"text\" name=\"foEmail\" value=\"" + cs.GetText("email") + "\">");
                            block.SetInner(".foFormRowNickname .foInput", "<input type=\"text\" name=\"foNickName\" value=\"" + cs.GetText("nickname") + "\">");
                if (!cp.Site.GetBoolean("Forums - Allow Notifications"))
                    // disallow notifications
                    block.SetOuter(".foNotificationFields", "");
                    // notifications
                    if (cs.OpenSQL("select forumId from ccForumNotificationRules where memberid=" + cp.User.Id))
                        while (cs.OK())
                            notificationForumIdList += "," + cs.GetText("forumId");
                        notificationForumIdList = notificationForumIdList + ",";
                    if (cp.User.IsAdmin)
                        sql = " select * from ccforums where (active<>0)";
                        sql = " select f.*"
                            + " from ((ccforums f"
                            + " left join ccforumGroupRules g on"
                            + " left join ccmemberrules m on m.groupId=g.groupId)"
                            + " where (m.memberId=" + cp.User.Id.ToString() + ")and(<>0)"
                            + " union"
                            + " select f.*"
                            + " from ccforums f"
                            + " where ((f.block is null)or(f.block=0))and(<>0)"
                            + "";
                    if (!cs.OpenSQL2( sql, "", 999, 1))
                        block.SetOuter(".foCheckList", "");
                        while (cs.OK())
                            forumId = cs.GetInteger("id");
                            isChecked = (notificationForumIdList.IndexOf(","+forumId.ToString()+",")>-1);
                            forumName = cs.GetText("name");
                            li.SetInner(".foCaption", forumName);
                            copy = ""
                                + cp.Html.CheckBox("foGroup" + ptr, isChecked, "", "")
                                + cp.Html.Hidden("foGroupId" + ptr, cs.GetInteger("id").ToString(), "", "")
                                + "";
                            li.SetInner(".foInput", copy);
                            list += li.GetHtml();
                            ptr += 1;
                        list += cp.Html.Hidden("foGroupCnt", ptr.ToString(), "", "");
                        block.SetInner(".foCheckList", list);
                qs = rqs;
                qs = cp.Utils.ModifyQueryString(qs, rnFormId, "", false);
                block.SetOuter("#foButtonCancel", "<a id=\"foButtonCancel\" href=\"?"+qs+"\">Cancel</a>");
                block.SetOuter(".foSourceForm", cp.Html.Hidden(rnSourceForm, formIdProfile.ToString(), "", ""));
                //form = block.GetInner("");

                s = block.GetHtml();
                qs = rqs;
                qs = cp.Utils.ModifyQueryString(qs, rnFormId, formIdProfile.ToString(), true);
                qs = cp.Utils.ModifyQueryString(qs, rnForumId, "", true);
                qs = cp.Utils.ModifyQueryString(qs, rnThreadId, "", true);
                qs = cp.Utils.ModifyQueryString(qs, rnIntercept, "", true);
                s = s.Replace("$formAction$", "?" + qs + "&requestBinary=1");
            catch (Exception e)
                cp.Site.ErrorReport(e, "getProfile Trap");
            return s;
Beispiel #12
        // ===============================================================================================
        // get Post List
        // ===============================================================================================
        private string getPostList(CPBaseClass cp, int threadId, bool isEditing)
            string s = "";
                CPBlockBaseClass block = cp.BlockNew();
                CPBlockBaseClass listItemOdd = cp.BlockNew();
                CPBlockBaseClass listItemEven = cp.BlockNew();
                CPBlockBaseClass listItemPost = cp.BlockNew();
                CPBlockBaseClass listItem = cp.BlockNew();
                CPBlockBaseClass fileListBlock = cp.BlockNew();
                //CPBlockBaseClass listItem;
                CPCSBaseClass cs = cp.CSNew();
                //string imageUrl = "";
                string list = "";
                int ptr = 0;
                string copy = "";
                string sql = "";
                //string threadATag = "";
                //string postATag = "";
                string qs = "";
                string rqs = "";
                string forumHyperLink;
                //DateTime lastDate;
                //string startedByName = "";
                //string breadCrumb = "";
                DateTime postDate;
                string postfileName = "";
                string postFileTitle = "";
                int pos = 0;
                string fileList = "";
                int postId = 0;
                string threadName;
                string membername = "";
                string posterName = "";
                block.OpenLayout("forums - post list view");
                rqs = cp.Doc.RefreshQueryString;
                rqs = cp.Utils.ModifyQueryString(rqs, rnFormId, "", false);
                rqs = cp.Utils.ModifyQueryString(rqs, rnForumId, "", false);
                rqs = cp.Utils.ModifyQueryString(rqs, rnThreadId, "", false);
                rqs = cp.Utils.ModifyQueryString(rqs, rnIntercept, "", false);
                // ------------------------
                //  post details
                // ------------------------
                sql = "select"
                    + ""
                    + " ,"
                    + " ,t.contentControlId"
                    + " ,t.copy as threadCopy"
                    + " ,t.dateAdded as dateAdded"
                    + " ,t.replyCnt as replyCnt"
                    + " , as memberId"
                    + " ,m.title as memberTitle"
                    + " ,m.nickname as MemberNickname"
                    + " , as MemberName"
                    + " , as MemberCompany"
                    + " , as OrgName"
                    + " , as forumId"
                    + " , as forumName"
                    + " , as postFileTitle"
                    + " ,ff.filename as postFileName"
                    + " from ((((ccForumThreads t"
                    + " left join ccMembers m on"
                    + " left join ccForums f on"
                    + " left join organizations o on"
                    + " left join ccForumFiles ff on"
                    + " where" + threadId
                    + "";
                cs.OpenSQL2(sql, "", 10, 1);
                //ptr = 0;
                if (!cs.OK())
                    list = "";
                    qs = rqs;
                    qs = cp.Utils.ModifyQueryString(qs, rnFormId, "", true);
                    qs = cp.Utils.ModifyQueryString(qs, rnForumId, "", true);
                    qs = cp.Utils.ModifyQueryString(qs, rnThreadId, "", true);
                    block.Append("<p>The Thread you requested could not be found. Please return to the <a href=\"?" + qs + "\">Forum list</a>.</p>");
                    // title over  list
                    threadName = cs.GetText("name");
                    block.SetInner(".foThreadTitle", threadName);
                    copy = "";
                    qs = rqs;
                    qs = cp.Utils.ModifyQueryString(qs, rnFormId, "", true);
                    qs = cp.Utils.ModifyQueryString(qs, rnForumId, "", true);
                    copy += "<a href=\"?" + qs + "\">Forums</a>";
                    qs = cp.Utils.ModifyQueryString(qs, rnForumId, cs.GetText("forumId"), true);
                    forumHyperLink = "<a href=\"?" + qs + "\">" + encodeHtml(cp,cs.GetText("forumName")) + "</a>";
                    copy += "&nbsp;�&nbsp;" + forumHyperLink;
                    block.SetInner(".foForumTitle", forumHyperLink);
                    copy += "&nbsp;�&nbsp;" + encodeHtml(cp, threadName) + "";
                    block.SetInner(".foBreadCrumb", copy);
                    // post row
                    membername = cs.GetText("memberNickname");
                    if (membername == "")
                        membername = cs.GetText("memberName");
                    block.SetInner(".foPosterName", membername);
                    block.SetInner(".foPosterTitle", cs.GetText("memberTitle"));
                    copy = cs.GetText("orgName");
                    if (copy == "")
                        copy = cs.GetText("memberCompany");
                    block.SetInner(".foPosterCompany", copy);
                    block.SetInner(".foPosterDate", cs.GetDate("dateAdded").ToShortDateString());
                    copy = threadName;
                    if (isEditing)
                        copy = cs.GetEditLink(false) + copy;
                    block.SetInner(".foPostTitle", copy);
                    block.SetInner(".foPostBody", cs.GetText("threadCopy"));
                    copy = "<a";
                    if (!cp.User.IsAuthenticated)
                        copy += " class=\"loginLightbox\"";
                    qs = rqs;
                    qs = cp.Utils.ModifyQueryString(qs, rnFormId, formIdNewPost.ToString(), true);
                    qs = cp.Utils.ModifyQueryString(qs, rnThreadId, threadId.ToString(), true);
                    copy += " href=\"?" + qs + "\">Add Reply</a>";
                    block.SetInner(".foPostReplyButton", copy);
                    block.SetInner(".foReplyCnt", cs.GetInteger("replyCnt").ToString());
                    // list all the uploaded files for this thread
                    postfileName = cs.GetText("postFileName");
                    if (postfileName == "")
                        block.SetOuter( ".foPosterFileList", "" );
                        fileList = "";
                        while (postfileName != "")
                            postFileTitle = cs.GetText("postFileTitle");
                            if (postFileTitle == "")
                                postFileTitle = postfileName;
                                pos = postFileTitle.LastIndexOf("/");
                                if (pos != 0)
                                    postFileTitle = postFileTitle.Substring(pos + 1);
                            copy = "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"" + cp.Site.FilePath + postfileName + "\">" + encodeHtml(cp,postFileTitle) + "</a>";
                            fileListBlock.SetInner(".foPosterFile", copy);
                            fileList += fileListBlock.GetHtml();
                            postfileName = "";
                            if (cs.OK())
                                postfileName = cs.GetText("postFileName");
                        block.SetInner(".foPosterFileList", fileList);
                // Build list as replacement for UL items
                list = "";
                list += block.GetOuter(".foHead");
                list += block.GetOuter(".foPostRow");
                list += block.GetOuter(".foRepliesRow");
                // ------------------------
                //  list of replies
                // ------------------------
                sql = "select"
                    + ""
                    + ",p.contentControlId"
                    + ","
                    + ",p.copy as postBody"
                    + ", as postId"
                    + ",p.dateAdded as postDate"
                    + ", as posterId"
                    + ",m.title as posterTitle"
                    + ", as posterName"
                    + ",m.nickname as posterNickname"
                    + ", as posterCompany"
                    + ", as posterOrgName"
                    + ", as postFileTitle"
                    + ",f.filename as postFilename"
                    + " from (((ccforumposts p"
                    + " left join ccmembers m on"
                    + " left join organizations o on"
                    + " left join ccForumFiles f on"
                    + " where p.threadid=" + threadId
                    + "";
                cs.OpenSQL2(sql, "", 10, 1);
                while (cs.OK())
                    postId = cs.GetInteger("postId");
                    if ((ptr % 2) == 0)
                        listItem = listItemEven;
                        listItem = listItemOdd;
                    posterName = cs.GetText("posterNickname");
                    if (posterName == "")
                        posterName = cs.GetText("posterName");
                    listItem.SetInner(".foPosterName", posterName);
                    listItem.SetInner(".foPosterTitle", cs.GetText("posterTitle"));
                    copy = cs.GetText("posterOrgName");
                    if (copy == "")
                        copy = cs.GetText("posterCompany");
                    listItem.SetInner(".foPosterCompany", copy);
                    postDate = cs.GetDate("postDate");
                    if (postDate == DateTime.MinValue)
                        listItem.SetInner(".foPostDate", "");
                        listItem.SetInner(".foPostDate", postDate.ToShortDateString());
                    //listItem.SetInner(".foPostTitle", cs.GetText("postTitle"));
                    postfileName = cs.GetText("postFilename");
                    copy = cp.Utils.ConvertText2HTML(  cs.GetText("postBody"));
                    if (isEditing)
                        copy = cs.GetEditLink(false) + copy;

                    listItem.SetInner(".foPostBody", copy);
                    // list all the uploaded files for this thread
                    postfileName = cs.GetText("postFileName");
                    postFileTitle = cs.GetText("postFileTitle");
                    if (postfileName == "")
                        listItem.SetOuter(".foPostFileList", "");
                        fileList = "";
                        while (postfileName != "")
                            if (postFileTitle == "")
                                postFileTitle = postfileName;
                                pos = postFileTitle.LastIndexOf("/");
                                if (pos != 0)
                                    postFileTitle = postFileTitle.Substring(pos + 1);
                            copy = "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"" + cp.Site.FilePath + postfileName + "\">" + encodeHtml(cp,postFileTitle) + "</a>";
                            fileListBlock.SetInner(".foPostFile", copy);
                            fileList += fileListBlock.GetHtml();
                            postfileName = "";
                            if (cs.OK())
                                if ( postId == cs.GetInteger( "postId" ))
                                    postfileName = cs.GetText("postFileName");
                                    postFileTitle = cs.GetText("postFileTitle");
                        listItem.SetInner(".foPostFileList", fileList);
                    list += listItem.GetHtml();
                    ptr += 1;
                // ------------------------
                if (list != "")
                    block.SetInner(".foPosts", list);
                s = block.GetHtml();
                // update views
                sql = "update ccforumThreads set viewCnt=viewCnt+1 where id=" + threadId;
                cp.Db.ExecuteSQL( sql ,"", "1", "1","1");
            catch (Exception e)
                cp.Site.ErrorReport(e, "getPostList Trap");
            return s;
 /// <summary>
 /// get the portal html provided the Sql select criteria for portal. Blank returns the first order by id.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="CP"></param>
 /// <param name="portalSelectSqlCriteria"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public string getHtml(CPBaseClass CP, string portalSelectSqlCriteria)
     string returnHtml = "";
     try {
         if (!CP.User.IsAdmin) {
             returnHtml = blockedMessage;
         } else {
             CPBlockBaseClass form = CP.BlockNew();
             string frameRqs = CP.Doc.RefreshQueryString;
             adminFramework.pageWithNavClass innerForm = new adminFramework.pageWithNavClass();
             string body = "";
             CPCSBaseClass cs = CP.CSNew();
             string dstFeatureGuid = CP.Doc.GetText(rnDstFeatureGuid);
             portalFeatureDataClass feature;
             int portalid = CP.Doc.GetInteger(rnPortalId);
             string activeNavHeading = "";
             // build portal
             portalDataClass portal = loadPortalFromDb(CP, portalSelectSqlCriteria);
             frameRqs = CP.Utils.ModifyQueryString(frameRqs, rnSetPortalId,, true);
             // portal interface - add tabs
             foreach (KeyValuePair<string, portalFeatureDataClass> kvp in portal.featureList) {
                 feature = kvp.Value;
                 if (feature.parentFeatureId == 0)
                     innerForm.navCaption = feature.heading;
                     innerForm.navLink = "?" + CP.Utils.ModifyQueryString(frameRqs, rnDstFeatureGuid, feature.guid);
             // add developer tab
             if (CP.User.IsDeveloper)
                 if (portal.featureList.ContainsKey(devToolGuid))
                     CP.Site.ErrorReport("loadPortalFromDb, the portal [" + + "] appears to have the devTool feature saved in either the Db features or the defaultConfig. This is not allowed.");
                     innerForm.navCaption = "Developer Tool";
                     innerForm.navLink = "?" + CP.Utils.ModifyQueryString(frameRqs, rnDstFeatureGuid, devToolGuid);
             // add linked features
             if (portal.linkedPortals.Count > 0)
                 foreach(portalDataClass linkedPortal in portal.linkedPortals)
                     innerForm.navCaption =;
                     innerForm.navLink = "?" + CP.Utils.ModifyQueryString(frameRqs, rnSetPortalId, );
             //   execute feature, if it returns empty, display default feature
             if (dstFeatureGuid == devToolGuid)
                 // execute developer tools
                 CP.Doc.AddRefreshQueryString(rnDstFeatureGuid, devToolGuid);
                 body = getDevTool(CP, portal, frameRqs );
                 activeNavHeading = "Developer Tool";
                 if (portal.featureList.ContainsKey(dstFeatureGuid))
                     // add feature guid to frameRqs so if the feature uses ajax, the featureGuid will be part of it
                     // add feature guid to rqs so if an addon is used that does not support frameRqs it will work
                     feature = portal.featureList[dstFeatureGuid];
                     frameRqs = CP.Utils.ModifyQueryString(frameRqs, rnDstFeatureGuid, feature.guid);
                     if (feature.addonId != 0)
                         // feature is an addon, execute it
                         CP.Doc.SetProperty(rnFrameRqs, frameRqs);
                         CP.Doc.AddRefreshQueryString(rnDstFeatureGuid, feature.guid);
                         body = CP.Utils.ExecuteAddon(feature.addonId.ToString());
                         //if (feature.parentFeatureId == 0)
                         //    activeNavHeading = feature.heading;
                         //    foreach (KeyValuePair<string, portalFeatureDataClass> kvp in portal.featureList)
                         //    {
                         //        portalFeatureDataClass parentFeature = kvp.Value;
                         //        if ( == feature.parentFeatureId)
                         //        {
                         //            activeNavHeading = parentFeature.heading;
                         //            //
                         //            // if feature returned empty and it is in a feature list, execute the feature list
                         //            //
                         //            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(body))
                         //            {
                         //                body = getFeatureList(CP, portal, parentFeature, frameRqs);
                         //            }
                         //        }
                         //    }
                     else if (feature.dataContentId != 0)
                         // this is a data content feature -- should not be here, link should have taken them to the content
                         CP.Response.Redirect("?cid=" + feature.dataContentId.ToString());
                         formSimpleClass content = new formSimpleClass();
                         content.title = feature.heading;
                         content.body = "Redirecting to content";
                         body = content.getHtml(CP);
                         // this is a feature list, display the feature list
                         body = getFeatureList(CP, portal, feature, frameRqs);
                     // set active heading
                     if (feature.parentFeatureId == 0)
                         activeNavHeading = feature.heading;
                         foreach (KeyValuePair<string, portalFeatureDataClass> kvp in portal.featureList)
                             portalFeatureDataClass parentFeature = kvp.Value;
                             if ( == feature.parentFeatureId)
                                 activeNavHeading = parentFeature.heading;
                                 // if feature returned empty and it is in a feature list, execute the feature list
                                 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(body))
                                     body = getFeatureList(CP, portal, parentFeature, frameRqs);
                     if (feature.addPadding)
                         body = CP.Html.div(body, "", "afwBodyPad", "");
             if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(body)) {
                 // if the feature turns blank, run the default feature
                 if (portal.defaultFeature!=null)
                     feature = portal.defaultFeature;
                     activeNavHeading = feature.heading;
                     frameRqs = CP.Utils.ModifyQueryString(frameRqs, rnDstFeatureGuid, feature.guid);
                     CP.Doc.SetProperty(rnFrameRqs, frameRqs);
                     CP.Doc.AddRefreshQueryString(rnDstFeatureGuid, feature.guid);
                     body = CP.Utils.ExecuteAddon(feature.addonId.ToString());
                     if (feature.addPadding)
                         body = CP.Html.div(body, "", "afwBodyPad", "");
                     formSimpleClass simple = new formSimpleClass();
                     simple.body = "This portal feature has no content.";
                     body = simple.getHtml(CP);
             innerForm.body = CP.Html.div(body, "" ,"" , "afwBodyFrame");
             innerForm.title =;
             innerForm.isOuterContainer = true;
             returnHtml = innerForm.getHtml(CP);
             // assemble body
             CP.Doc.AddHeadJavascript("var afwFrameRqs='" + frameRqs + "';");
     } catch (Exception ex) {
         CP.Site.ErrorReport(ex, "error in Contensive.Addons.aoAccountBilling.adminClass.execute");
     return returnHtml;
Beispiel #14
        // ===============================================================================
        // get Form
        // ===============================================================================
        public string getForm(CPBaseClass cp, int dstFormId, string rqs, DateTime rightNow, ref int appId)
            string returnHtml = "";

                string           form     = "";
                CPBlockBaseClass layout   = cp.BlockNew();
                string           returnJs = "";
                CPCSBaseClass    cs       = cp.CSNew();
                // open layout, grab form, add hiddens, replace back into layout
                layout.OpenLayout("sample layout");
                if (layout.GetHtml() == "")
                    cs.SetField("name", "sample layout");
                    cs.SetField("layout", layout.GetHtml());
                form  = layout.GetInner("#myForm");
                form += cp.Html.Hidden(constants.rnSrcFormId, dstFormId.ToString(), "", "");
                form += cp.Html.Hidden(constants.rnAppId, appId.ToString(), "", "");
                if (!cp.UserError.OK())
                    form = cp.Html.div(cp.UserError.GetList(), "", "", "") + form;
                form = cp.Html.Form(form, "", "", "", "", "");
                layout.SetOuter("#myForm", form);
                // Populate the layout
                // attempt to open the application record. It is created in the process so this may fail.
                //      if not cs.OK(), the getFormField will return blank.
                cs.Open("people", "id=" + cp.User.Id.ToString(), "", true, "", 1, 1);
                if (true)
                    // either server-side
                    layout.SetOuter(".myInputRow input", cp.Html.InputText("name", constants.getFormField(cp, cs, "name"), "", "", false, "", ""));
                    // or client-side
                    returnJs += + "jQuery('.myInputRow myLabel').html('" + constants.getFormField(cp, cs, "name") + "')";
                // apply any javascript to doc
                if (returnJs != "")
                    cp.Doc.AddHeadJavascript("jQuery(document).ready(function(){" + returnJs + + "});");
                // return converted layout
                returnHtml = layout.GetHtml();
            catch (Exception ex)
                errorReport(cp, ex, "getForm");