Beispiel #1
        static void poolProcesses()
            int[] waits = new int[] { 3, 9, 2, 1, 12, 14, 3, 5 };

            string shellArgs = "python ";

            System.Diagnostics.Process[] processes = new System.Diagnostics.Process[waits.Length];

            string         workingDir = Application.dataPath + "/LKHProbs~";
            CMDProcessPool pool       = new CMDProcessPool(3);

            print("add jobs");
            for (int i = 0; i < waits.Length; ++i)
                string arg = shellArgs + waits[i];
                pool.Add(new ProcessSettings {
                    workingDirectory = workingDir, args = arg

            print("will run");


            print("done with pool");
        public override IEnumerable <PenDrawingPath> generate()
            CMDProcessPool pool = new CMDProcessPool(generatorConfig.MaxTSPThreads);

            TSPLibProblem[] tsps = new TSPLibProblem[pointSets.Count];

            // foreach list of points
            // make a tsp problem.
            // add it to the LKH job pool if no output file exists
            for (int i = 0; i < pointSets.Count; ++i)
                TSPLibProblem tsp = TSPLibProblem.FromPoints(pointSets[i].GetEnumerator(), BaseFileName + "." + i);
                if (!tsp.OutputFileExists())
                tsps[i] = tsp;


            // Output files should now exists for all tsp problems
            // create pen drawing paths from each of them
            for (int i = 0; i < pointSets.Count; ++i)
                yield return(fromTSP(tsps[i], pointSets[i]));
        void SolveTriTree(PenDrawingPath pdPath)
            //CONSIDER: two passes
            // 1.) Dark very detailed
            // 2.) mid to light don't sweat the details as much

            //split tri tree leaves if not sufficiently populated
            if (generatorConfig.ShouldSplitUnderFilledTris)
                triTree.root.SplitUnderPopulatedLeaves(generatorConfig.TriFilledThreshold, generatorConfig.MaxSplitToFillRecursionDepth);


            List <IsoTriangle <PixelTriData> > subTrees;

            // split tree into max cities sub trees
            subTrees = triTree.root.NonEmptyChildrenWithMaxLeaves(generatorConfig.MaxTSPTriangleCities);

            var meshGO = MeshUtil.MakeGameObject(triTree.getMesh(), "CrosshatchTriTree");

            var pool      = new CMDProcessPool(generatorConfig.MaxTSPThreads);
            var subLeaves = new List <IsoTriangle <PixelTriData> > [subTrees.Count];
            var tsps      = new TSPLibProblem[subTrees.Count];

            //DEBUG delete any previously generated files
            TSPLibProblem.GetDeleteAllCommand(BaseFileName + "*").ToCMDProcess().run();

            for (int i = 0; i < subTrees.Count; ++i)
                var tree = subTrees[i];

                //get leaf centers
                var leaves = tree.GetLeaves(true);

                var centers = new List <Vector2f>(leaves.Count);

                for (int j = 0; j < leaves.Count; ++j)

                // solve each sub tree
                var tsp = TSPLibProblem.FromPoints(centers.GetEnumerator(), BaseFileName + ".tri." + i);
                if (!tsp.OutputFileExists())

                subLeaves[i] = leaves;
                tsps[i]      = tsp;

            for (int i = 0; i < subTrees.Count; ++i)
                // crosshatch sub trees
                var tsp = tsps[i];
                if (!tsp.setIndicesFromOutputFile())
                    Debug.LogWarning("no tsp indices");
                    continue; //TODO: handle more gracefully
                var leaves = subLeaves[i];

                TriCrosshatch <PixelTriData> tch = null, last = null;

                for (int j = 0; j < leaves.Count; ++j)
                    tch      = new TriCrosshatch <PixelTriData>(this, leaves[tsp.indexAt(j)]);
                    tch.last = last;
           = j == leaves.Count - 1 ? null : new TriCrosshatch <PixelTriData>(this, leaves[tsp.indexAt(j + 1)]);

                    tch.AddDrawPoints(pdPath, viewBoxToPaperScale, (float)machineConfig.toolDiameterMM);

                    last = tch;