public ProjectDocumentImporter(string folder, string templateFolder)
     this._rootFolder     = folder;
     this._templateFolder = templateFolder;
     ProcessFolder(folder, null, string.Empty);
     CLLogger.LogVerbose(string.Format("The total size of the folder '{0}' is '{1}' mb", folder, totalSize));
Beispiel #2
        protected static void Synchronize(object stateInfo)
                var startingTime = DateTime.Now;
                //new ProjectDocumentImporter(@"P:\Ingenierie\PART DOCUMENTS\PRODUCTION PART\", @"Amélioration continue\À classer");


                CLLogger.LogVerbose("The upload takes " + DateTime.Now.Subtract(startingTime).TotalMinutes.ToString() + " minutes.");
            catch (Exception ex)
        private void UpdateProjectProgram(Guid projectId, string programName)
            var projectNeedsToBeUpdated = false;
            var programId = Cache.GetProjectProgramId(programName);

            using (var context = FactoryDbContext.Create())
                projectNeedsToBeUpdated = context.Projects.Any(x => x.Id == projectId && x.ProgramId != programId);

            if (projectNeedsToBeUpdated)
                var project = Project.Get(projectId);

                project.ProgramId          = programId;
                project.CurrentUserId      = Constants.User.Admin;
                project.IsModifiedByImport = true;
                CLLogger.LogVerbose(string.Format("The project '{0}' program as been updated to '{1}'", project.Name, programName));
                project = null;
        private void ProcessFile(FileInfo file, Guid projectId, string comboxPath)
            CLLogger.LogVerbose(string.Format("The file '{0}' --> '{2}' will be associated to project '{1}'", file.FullName.Substring(_rootFolder.Length), Cache.GetProjectName(projectId), comboxPath));
            totalSize += (file.Length * 1d) / 1024 / 1024;

            var  cleanPath = comboxPath.TrimEnd('\\').Split('\\');
            Guid?folderId  = null;

            using (var context = FactoryDbContext.Create())
                for (var i = 0; i < cleanPath.Length; i++)
                    var currentFolder    = CleanStringForWeb(cleanPath[i]);
                    var existingFolderId = context.EntityFolders.Where(x => x.ReferenceId == projectId && x.ParentId == folderId && x.Name == currentFolder).Select(x => x.Id).FirstOrDefault();

                    if (existingFolderId == Guid.Empty)
                        var folder = EntityFolder.New();
                        folder.CurrentUserId = Constants.User.Admin;
                        folder.Id            = Guid.NewGuid();
                        folder.EntityId      = Constants.EntityType.Project;
                        folder.ReferenceId   = projectId;
                        folder.ParentId      = folderId;
                        folder.Name          = currentFolder;

                        folderId = folder.Id;
                        folderId = existingFolderId;

            var document = Document.New();

            document.ReferenceId     = projectId;
            document.EntityId        = Constants.EntityType.Project;
            document.CurrentUserId   = Constants.User.Admin;
            document.CreatedOn       = DateTime.Now;
            document.LastUpdatedOn   = DateTime.Now;
            document.CreatedById     = Constants.User.Admin;
            document.LastUpdatedById = Constants.User.Admin;
            document.Id              = Guid.NewGuid();
            document.FolderId        = folderId;
            document.DocumentTypeId  = LookupServices.GetLookupItemIdFromTag("LST_DOCUMENT_TYPE_NOT_CLASSIFIED");
            document.Filename        = CleanStringForWeb(file.Name).Replace("..", ".");
            document.FileExtension   = file.Extension;
            document.FileContentType = ContentTypes.GetContentTypeFromFileExtension(document.FileExtension);

                using (var stream = file.OpenRead())
                    document.Insert <JMSL.Framework.DAL.Entities.Document, Document>(DocumentManagerProvider.Get(),
                                                                                     new TransferDocument()
                        FileName       = document.Filename,
                        FileLength     = file.Length,
                        FileByteStream = stream
            catch (Exception ex)
        private void ProcessFolder(string folder, Guid?parentProjectId, string comboxPath)
            if (Directory.Exists(folder))
                foreach (var folderInfo in new DirectoryInfo(folder).GetDirectories())
                    var projectId          = Cache.GetProjectId(folderInfo.Name, folderInfo.FullName);
                    var originalComboxPath = comboxPath;
                    if (projectId == null)
                        projectId = parentProjectId;

                    if (parentProjectId == null || projectId != parentProjectId)
                        comboxPath = this._templateFolder + @"\";
                    if (projectId == Guid.Empty)
                        //CLLogger.LogVerbose(string.Format("The folder is excluded: '{0}'", folderInfo.FullName));
                    else if (projectId != null)
                      * var acceptedProject = new List<string>() {
                      *     "1006M3205C001",
                      *     "1006M3300C001"
                      *      };
                      * if (acceptedProject.Contains(Cache.GetProjectName(projectId.Value)))
                      * {
                      *     if (_projectProgram.ContainsKey(folderInfo.Name))
                      *     {
                      *         UpdateProjectProgram(projectId.Value, _projectProgram[folderInfo.Name]);
                      *     }
                      *     else if (_projectProgram.ContainsKey(Cache.GetProjectName(projectId.Value)))
                      *     {
                      *         UpdateProjectProgram(projectId.Value, _projectProgram[Cache.GetProjectName(projectId.Value)]);
                      *         if (!folderInfo.Name.ToUpper().Contains("COMMERCIAL") && !folderInfo.Name.ToUpper().Contains("MILITAIRE"))
                      *         {
                      *             comboxPath += folderInfo.Name + @"\";
                      *         }
                      *     }
                      *     else if (folderInfo.Name.ToUpper().Contains("COMMERCIAL"))
                      *     {
                      *         UpdateProjectProgram(projectId.Value, "Commercial");
                      *     }
                      *     else if (folderInfo.Name.ToUpper().Contains("MILITAIRE"))
                      *     {
                      *         UpdateProjectProgram(projectId.Value, "Militaire");
                      *     }
                      *     else if (projectId == parentProjectId)
                      *     {
                      *         comboxPath += folderInfo.Name + @"\";
                      *     }
                      *     if (_folderMapping.ContainsKey(folderInfo.Name.ToUpper()))
                      *     {
                      *         comboxPath = _folderMapping[folderInfo.Name.ToUpper()] + @"\";
                      *     }
                      *     ProcessFolder(folderInfo.FullName, projectId, comboxPath);
                      *     foreach (var fileInfo in folderInfo.GetFiles())
                      *     {
                      *         if (!fileInfo.Name.StartsWith("~") && !_excludedEndFiles.Any(x => fileInfo.Name.Trim().EndsWith(x, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)))
                      *         {
                      *             if (!_excludedFileExtensions.Any(x => x.Equals(fileInfo.Extension.Trim(), StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) ||
                      *                                                   ("." + x).Equals(fileInfo.Extension.Trim(), StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)))
                      *             {
                      *                 ProcessFile(fileInfo, projectId.Value, comboxPath);
                      *             }
                      *             else
                      *             {
                      *                 CLLogger.LogVerbose(string.Format("The file '{0}' with extension '{1}' will be excluded for project '{2}'", fileInfo.FullName, fileInfo.Extension, Cache.GetProjectName(projectId.Value)));
                      *             }
                      *         }
                      *         else
                      *         {
                      *             CLLogger.LogVerbose(string.Format("The file '{0}' will be excluded for project '{1}'", fileInfo.FullName, Cache.GetProjectName(projectId.Value)));
                      *         }
                      *     }
                      * }
                        CLLogger.LogVerbose(string.Format("The folder was not imported: '{0}'", folderInfo.FullName));
                        //ProcessFolder(folderInfo.FullName, null, string.Empty);
                    comboxPath = originalComboxPath;
                CLLogger.LogVerbose(string.Format("The following path was not found : '{0}'", folder));