Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Assuming that the member is already "legal", now check its parameters.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="_method">The method information that needs to be checked.</param>
        /// <param name="_isDeserializer">If TRUE, then check the member to see if it has an "CWorkingObject" parameter.</param>
        /// <returns>The surrogate information IF the member is a valid surrogate.</returns>
        private CImplicitSurrogate CreateImplicitSurrogate(MethodInfo _method, bool _isDeserializer)
            var parms = _method.GetParameters();
            var imp   = new CImplicitSurrogate(_method, parms.Length);

            for (var i = 0; i < imp.m_parameterCount; i++)
                var pi = parms[i];

                if (_isDeserializer)
                    if (ProcessParameterType(pi, typeof(CWorkingObject), _method, ref imp.m_indexObject))
                if (ProcessParameterType(pi, typeof(XmlNode), _method, ref imp.m_indexXml))
                if (ProcessParameterType(pi, typeof(CFramework), _method, ref imp.m_indexFramework))

                throw new XInvalidImplicitSerializer(m_type,
                                                     "an implicit (de)serializer may not have a parameter of type: " +
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Given a class member that has already been established as having a <see cref="AImplicitDeserializer"/>
        /// attribute, figure out if its a legitimate memeber to have that attribute. If it is, set the
        /// Implicit Deserializer property of this object to this member. If it is not, throw an exception.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="_member">The member of the type to examine</param>
        private void EstablishImplicitDeserializer(MemberInfo _member)
            if (m_implicitDeserializer != null)
                throw new XInvalidImplicitSerializer(m_type,
                                                     "a class can only have one implicit deserializer, and " +
                                                     m_implicitDeserializer.m_method.Name +
                                                     " has already been registered.");

            var mi = _member as MethodInfo;

            if (mi == null)
                throw new XInvalidImplicitSerializer(m_type,
                                                     "Implicit Deserializers must be Methods, not " +

            if (!mi.IsStatic)
                throw new XInvalidImplicitSerializer(m_type, _member, "Implicit Deserializers must be static.");

            if (mi.ReturnType != typeof(bool) && mi.ReturnType != typeof(void))
                throw new XInvalidImplicitSerializer(m_type,
                                                     "Implicit Deserializers must return VOID or BOOL.");

            var surrogate = CreateImplicitSurrogate(mi, true);

            if (surrogate.m_indexObject == -1)
                throw new XInvalidImplicitSerializer(m_type,
                                                     "There must exist a 'CWorkingObject' parameter to be a deserializer");
            if (surrogate.m_indexXml == -1)
                throw new XInvalidImplicitSerializer(m_type,
                                                     "There must exist an 'XmlNode' parameter to be a deserializer");

            m_implicitDeserializer = surrogate;
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Given a class member that has already been established as having a <see cref="AImplicitSerializer"/>
        /// attribute, figure out if its a legitimate member to have that attribute. If it is, set the
        /// Implicit Serializer property of this object to the member. If it is not, throw an exception.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="_member">The member of the type in question</param>
        private void EstablishImplicitSerializer(MemberInfo _member)
            if (m_implicitSerializer != null)
                throw new XInvalidImplicitSerializer(m_type,
                                                     "A class can only have one implicit serializer, and " +
                                                     m_implicitSerializer.m_method.Name +
                                                     " has already been established.");

            var mi = _member as MethodInfo;

            if (mi == null)
                throw new XInvalidImplicitSerializer(m_type,
                                                     "Implicit Serializers must be Methods, not " +

            if (mi.IsStatic)
                throw new XInvalidImplicitSerializer(m_type, _member, "Implicit Serializers may not be static.");

            if (mi.IsAbstract)
                throw new XInvalidImplicitSerializer(m_type, _member, "Implicit Serializers may not be abstract.");

            if (mi.ReturnType != typeof(bool) && mi.ReturnType != typeof(void))
                throw new XInvalidImplicitSerializer(m_type, _member, "Implicit Serializers must return VOID or BOOL.");

            var surrogate = CreateImplicitSurrogate(mi, false);

            if (surrogate.m_indexXml == -1)
                throw new XInvalidImplicitSerializer(m_type,
                                                     "There must exist an 'XmlElement' parameter to be a Serializer");

            m_implicitSerializer = surrogate;
Beispiel #4
        // The rest of the file contains the code to actually serialize or deserialize using the data constructed above. //

        /// <summary>
        /// Create the parameter array for an implicit surrogate using the data created by the rest of this class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="_implicit">The implicit surrogate</param>
        /// <param name="_xmlToSerializeTo">The XML that the object will serialize itself to</param>
        /// <param name="_framework">The Context that the object will use (optionally) to serialize the data.</param>
        /// <param name="_object">The "Working Object" useful to a deserializer</param>
        /// <returns>an object[] containing the parameter data as dictated by the implicitSurrogate object</returns>
        private static object[] BuildParamArray(CImplicitSurrogate _implicit,
                                                XmlElement _xmlToSerializeTo,
                                                CFramework _framework,
                                                CWorkingObject _object)
            var arr = new object[_implicit.m_parameterCount];

            arr[_implicit.m_indexXml] = _xmlToSerializeTo;

            if (_implicit.m_indexFramework != -1)
                arr[_implicit.m_indexFramework] = _framework;

            if (_implicit.m_indexObject != -1)
                arr[_implicit.m_indexObject] = _object;
